Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

465 lines
21 KiB

""" Main webapp handlers. """
import os
import threading
import concurrent
import socket
import json
import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
import logging
from flask import request, render_template, jsonify, send_file, redirect, url_for, abort
from vasl_templates.webapp import app, shutdown_event
from vasl_templates.webapp.vassal import VassalShim
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import MsgStore, get_java_path, get_java_version, parse_int
import vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants
from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import BASE_DIR, DATA_DIR, IS_FROZEN
from vasl_templates.webapp import globvars
from vasl_templates.utils import get_build_info, get_build_git_info
# NOTE: This is used to stop multiple instances of the program from running (see in the desktop app).
INSTANCE_ID = uuid.uuid4().hex
startup_msg_store = MsgStore() # store messages generated during startup
_check_versions = True
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/" )
def main():
"""Return the main page."""
return render_template( "index.html" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/startup-msgs" )
def get_startup_msgs():
"""Return any messages generated during startup."""
global _check_versions
if _check_versions:
_check_versions = False
# check the VASSAL version
VassalShim.check_vassal_version( startup_msg_store )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
msg = "Can't get the VASSAL version: {}".format( ex )
logging.error( "%s", msg )
startup_msg_store.error( msg )
# collect all the startup messages
startup_msgs = {}
for msg_type in ("info","warning","error"):
msgs = startup_msg_store.get_msgs( msg_type )
if msgs:
startup_msgs[ msg_type ] = msgs
5 years ago
# NOTE: Because we don't clear the collected messages here, if the web page is refreshed, or loaded
# via another browser instance, the user will see the same messages again, which, depending on
# the exact nature of those messages, could look odd, but is probably what we want.
return jsonify( startup_msgs )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
_APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { # Bodhgaya, India (APR/19)
"THEATERS": [ "ETO", "DTO", "PTO", "Korea", "Burma", "other" ],
# NOTE: We use HTTP for static images, since VASSAL is already insanely slow loading images (done in serial?),
# so I don't even want to think about what it might be doing during a TLS handshake... :-/
# NOTE: We would rather use in the template,
# but VASSAL is already so slow to load images, and doing everything twice would make it that much worse :-/
"ONLINE_COUNTER_IMAGES_URL_TEMPLATE": "{{PATH}}", #pylint: disable=line-too-long
"ASA_UPLOAD_URL": "{ID}?user={USER}&token={TOKEN}",
"TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS": [ "#e0e0e0", "#c0c0c0" ],
@app.route( "/app-config" )
def get_app_config():
"""Get the application config."""
def get_json_val( key, default ):
"""Get a JSON value from the app config."""
val = app.config.get( key, default )
if isinstance( val, (dict,list) ):
return val
return json.loads( val )
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
msg = "Couldn't parse app config setting: {}".format( key )
logging.error( "%s", msg )
startup_msg_store.error( msg )
return default
# include the basic app config
vals = {
key: app.config.get( key, default )
for key,default in _APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.items()
if isinstance( vals["THEATERS"], str ):
vals["THEATERS"] = vals["THEATERS"].split()
if isinstance( vals["TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS"], str ):
vals[ key ] = getattr( vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants, key )
# include the ASL Scenario Archive config
vals[ key ] = app.config[ key ]
# include the dice hotness config
vals[ "LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_WEIGHTS" ] = get_json_val(
vals[ "LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_THRESHOLDS" ] = get_json_val(
# NOTE: We allow the front-end to generate snippets that point to an alternative webapp server (so that
# VASSAL can get images, etc. from a Docker container rather than the desktop app). However, since it's
# unlikely anyone else will want this option, we implement it as a debug setting, rather than exposing it
# as an option in the UI.
alt_webapp_base_url = app.config.get( "ALTERNATE_WEBAPP_BASE_URL" )
if alt_webapp_base_url:
vals[ "ALTERNATE_WEBAPP_BASE_URL" ] = alt_webapp_base_url
# include information about VASSAL and VASL
vals[ "VASSAL_VERSION" ] = VassalShim.get_version()
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
logging.error( "Can't check the VASSAL version: %s", str(ex) )
if globvars.vasl_mod:
vals["VASL_VERSION"] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_version
vals["VASL_REAL_VERSION"] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_real_version
# include information about VASL extensions
if globvars.vasl_mod and globvars.vasl_mod.extns:
vals["VASL_EXTENSIONS"] = {}
for extn in globvars.vasl_mod.extns:
extn_info = {}
for key in ("version","displayName","displayNameAbbrev"):
if key in extn[1]:
extn_info[ key ] = extn[1][ key ]
vals["VASL_EXTENSIONS"][ extn[1]["extensionId"] ] = extn_info
# include the ASL Scenario Archive config data
vals[ key ] = app.config[ key ]
vals[ key ] = app.config.get( key )
fname = os.path.join( DATA_DIR, "asl-scenario-archive.json" )
if os.path.isfile( fname ):
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
vals[ "SCENARIOS_CONFIG" ] = json.load( fp )
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
msg = "Couldn't load the ASL Scenario Archive config."
logging.error( "%s", msg )
startup_msg_store.error( msg )
# include the Trumbowyg config
# NOTE: We don't include the "insertImage" button because it doesn't seem to work when
# the Trumbowyg control is in a dialog, and given VASSAL's handling of images, we don't
# really want to be encouraging their use :-/
vals[ "trumbowyg" ] = {
# NOTE: Trumbowyg only allows tags to be black-listed, not attributes, but since we mostly
# do HTML sanitization using DOMPurify when loading/unloading the UI, what we configure here
# is only used to protect against the case where the user enters some malicious HTML into
# the editor i.e. the only risk is that they mess up their own session :-/
"tag-blacklist": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_TAG_BLACKLIST", [
"script", "iframe", "form", "link", "style", "meta", "object", "applet",
"audio", "base", "bgsound", "embed", "isindex", "keygen", "layer", "svg", "template", "video",
] ),
"format-options": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_FORMAT_OPTIONS", [
"h1", "h2", "h3",
] ),
"special-chars": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_SPECIAL_CHARS", [
"2264", "2265", "2260", "00d7", "00f7", None, # math
"00bd", "00bc", "00be", "215b", "215c", "215d", "215e", None, # fractions
"25b3", "24c7", "24b7", "24ba", "2605", "221e", "b0", "b7", None, # special
"e4", "eb", "ef", "f6", "fc", "c4", "cb", "cf", "d6", "dc", None, # umlaut
"e1", "e9", "ed", "f3", "fa", "c1", "c9", "cd", "d3", "da", None, # acute
"e0", "e8", "ec", "f2", "f9", "c0", "c8", "cc", "d2", "d9", None, # grave
"e2", "ea", "ee", "f4", "fb", "c2", "ca", "ce", "d4", "db", None, # circumflex
"1f850", "1f852", "1f851", "1f853", # arrows
] ),
"victory-conditions": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_BUTTONS_VICTORY_CONDITIONS", [
[ "strong", "em", "underline", "superscript", "subscript", "format" ],
[ "foreColor", "backColor", "fontfamily", "fontsize" ],
[ "outdent", "indent" ],
[ "unorderedList", "orderedList", "table" ],
[ "specialChars", "flags", "emoji" ],
[ "removeformat", "historyUndo", "historyRedo", "viewHTML", "fullscreen" ],
] ),
# NOTE: I tried having different buttons for OB setup notes (which tend to be simpler)
# and OB notes (which can be more involved), but (1) this meant we had to tear down
# and re-create the Trumbowyg control each time the dialog was opened (since there doesn't
# seem to be any way to dynamically change the buttons), which caused a noticeable delay,
# and (2) users are probaly going to complain :-/
"simple-note-dialog": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_BUTTONS_SIMPLE_NOTE_DIALOG", [
[ "strong", "em", "underline", "del", "superscript", "subscript", "format" ],
[ "foreColor", "backColor", "fontfamily", "fontsize" ],
[ "align", "outdent", "indent" ],
[ "unorderedList", "orderedList", "table" ],
[ "specialChars", "flags", "emoji" ],
[ "removeformat", "historyUndo", "historyRedo", "viewHTML", "fullscreen" ],
] ),
"html-textbox-dialog": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_BUTTONS_HTML_TEXTBOX_DIALOG", [
[ "strong", "em", "underline", "del", "superscript", "subscript" ],
[ "foreColor", "backColor" ],
[ "specialChars", "flags", "emoji" ],
[ "removeformat", "historyUndo", "historyRedo", "viewHTML", "fullscreen" ],
] ),
return jsonify( vals )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/program-info" )
def get_program_info():
"""Get the program info."""
# NOTE: We can't convert to local time, since the time zone inside a Docker container
# may not be the same as on the host (or where the client is). It's possible to make it so,
# but messy, so to keep things simple, we get the client to pass in the timezone offset.
tz_offset = parse_int( request.args.get( "tz_offset", 0 ) )
def to_localtime( tstamp ):
"""Convert a timestamp to local time."""
return tstamp + timedelta( minutes=tz_offset )
# set the basic details
params = {
"APP_VERSION": vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants.APP_VERSION,
"VASSAL_VERSION": VassalShim.get_version()
build_git_info = get_build_git_info()
if build_git_info:
params[ "BUILD_GIT_INFO" ] = build_git_info
if globvars.vasl_mod:
params[ "VASL_VERSION" ] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_version
params[ "VASL_REAL_VERSION" ] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_real_version
params[ key ] = app.config.get( key )
params[ "JAVA_PATH" ] = get_java_path()
params[ "JAVA_VERSION" ] = get_java_version()
def parse_timestamp( val ):
"""Parse a timestamp."""
if not val:
return None
# FUDGE! Adjust the timezone offset from "HH:MM" to "HHMM".
val = re.sub( r"(\d{2}):(\d{2})$", r"\1\2", val )
val = datetime.strptime( val, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" )
except ValueError:
return None
return to_localtime( val )
def replace_mountpoint( key ):
"""Replace a mount point with its corresponding target (on the host)."""
params[ key ] = os.environ.get( "{}_TARGET".format( key ) )
# check if we are running the desktop application
# yup - return information about the build
build_info = get_build_info()
if build_info:
params[ "BUILD_TIMESTAMP" ] = datetime.strftime(
to_localtime( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( build_info["timestamp"] ) ),
"%H:%M (%d %b %Y)"
# check if we are running inside a Docker container
if app.config.get( "IS_CONTAINER" ):
# yup - return related information
params[ "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME" ] = os.environ.get( "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME" )
params[ "DOCKER_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP" ] = datetime.strftime(
parse_timestamp( os.environ.get( "DOCKER_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP" ) ),
"%d %b %Y %H:%M"
params[ "DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME" ] = os.environ.get( "DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME" )
with open( "/proc/self/cgroup", "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
buf =
mo = r"^\d+:name=.+/docker/([0-9a-f]{12})", buf, re.MULTILINE )
# NOTE: Reading cgroup stopped working when we upgraded to Fedora 33, but still works
# on Centos 8 (but reading the host name gives the physical host's name under Centos :-/).
# NOTE: os.uname() is not available on Windows. This isn't really a problem (since
# we're running on Linux inside a container), but pylint is complaining :-/
params[ "DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" ] = if mo else socket.gethostname()
# replace Docker mount points with their targets on the host
replace_mountpoint( key )
# check the scenario index downloads
def check_df( df ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
with df:
if not os.path.isfile( df.cache_fname ):
mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime( df.cache_fname ) )
key = "LAST_{}_SCENARIO_INDEX_DOWNLOAD_TIME".format( df.key )
params[ key ] = datetime.strftime(to_localtime(mtime), "%H:%M (%d %b %Y)" )
generated_at = parse_timestamp( getattr( df, "generated_at", None ) )
if generated_at:
key = "LAST_{}_SCENARIO_INDEX_GENERATED_AT".format( df.key )
params[ key ] = datetime.strftime( generated_at, "%H:%M %d %b %Y" )
from vasl_templates.webapp.scenarios import _asa_scenarios, _roar_scenarios
check_df( _asa_scenarios )
check_df( _roar_scenarios )
if request.args.get( "f" ) == "html":
return render_template( "program-info-content.html", **params )
return jsonify( params )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/help" )
def show_help():
"""Show the help page."""
url = url_for( "static", filename="help/index.html" )
if request.args:
args = [ "{}={}".format( arg, request.args[arg] ) for arg in request.args ]
url += "?{}".format( "&".join( args ) )
return redirect( url, code=302 )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/license" )
def get_license():
"""Get the license."""
# locate the license file
dname = BASE_DIR
fname = os.path.join( dname, "../../LICENSE.txt" ) # nb: if we're running from source
if not os.path.isfile( fname ):
fname = os.path.join( dname, "LICENSE.txt" ) # nb: if we're running as a compiled binary
if not os.path.isfile( fname ):
# FUDGE! If we've been pip install'ed walk up the directory tree, looking for the license file :-/
while True:
# go up a directory
prev_dname = dname
dname = os.path.split( dname )[0]
if dname == prev_dname:
# check if we can find the license file
fname = os.path.join( dname, "vasl-templates/LICENSE.txt" )
if os.path.isfile( fname ):
if not os.path.isfile( fname ):
abort( 404 )
return send_file( fname, "text/plain" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
default_scenario = None
@app.route( "/default-scenario" )
def get_default_scenario():
"""Return the default scenario."""
# check if a default scenario has been configured
if default_scenario:
fname = default_scenario
fname = os.path.join( app.config.get("DATA_DIR",DATA_DIR), "default-scenario.json" )
# return the default scenario
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
return jsonify( json.load( fp ) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
_control_tests_port_no = None
@app.route( "/control-tests" )
def get_control_tests():
"""Return information about the remote test control service."""
def get_port():
"""Get the configured gRPC service port."""
# NOTE: The Docker container configures this setting via an environment variable.
# NOTE: It would be nice to default this to -1, so that pytest will work out-of-the-box,
# without the user having to do anything, but since this endpoint can be used to
# mess with the server, we don't want it active by default.
return app.config.get( "CONTROL_TESTS_PORT", os.environ.get("CONTROL_TESTS_PORT") )
# check if the test control service should be made available
port_no = get_port()
if not port_no:
abort( 404 )
# check if we've already started the service
if not _control_tests_port_no:
# nope - make it so
print( "*** WARNING: Remote test control enabled! ***" )
started_event = threading.Event()
def run_service(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
import grpc
server = grpc.server( concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=1 ) )
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2_grpc \
import add_ControlTestsServicer_to_server
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.control_tests_servicer import ControlTestsServicer #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
servicer = ControlTestsServicer( app )
add_ControlTestsServicer_to_server( servicer, server )
port_no = parse_int( get_port(), -1 ) # nb: have to get this again?!
if port_no <= 0:
# NOTE: Requesting port 0 tells grpc to use any free port, which is usually OK, unless
# we're running inside a Docker container, in which case it needs to be pre-defined,
# so that the port can be mapped to an external port when the container is started.
port_no = 0
port_no = server.add_insecure_port( "[::]:{}".format( port_no ) )
logging.getLogger( "control_tests" ).debug(
"Started the gRPC test control service: port=%s", str(port_no)
global _control_tests_port_no
_control_tests_port_no = port_no
server.stop( None )
thread = threading.Thread( target=run_service, daemon=True )
# wait for the service to start (since the caller will probably try to connect
# to it as soon as we return a response).
started_event.wait( timeout=10 )
# wait for the gRPC server to end cleanly when we shutdown
def cleanup(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
globvars.cleanup_handlers.append( cleanup )
# return the service info to the caller
return jsonify( { "port": _control_tests_port_no } )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/favicon.ico" )
def get_favicon():
"""Get the license."""
# FUDGE! We specify the favicon in the main page (in a <link> tag), but the additional support pages
# don't have this, which results in a spurious and annoying 404 warning message in the console,
# so we explicitly provide this endpoint :-/
# NOTE: The icon file is a little on the chunky side (since it contains a lot of variants) but we don't
# want to just remove them, since this file is also used as the app icon for the desktop icon.
# We could strip it down here, but that's overkill :-/
return app.send_static_file( "images/app.ico" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/ping" )
def ping():
"""Let the caller know we're alive."""
return "pong: {}".format( INSTANCE_ID )