Optimized searching for scenarios.

Pacman Ghost 2 years ago
parent 380dae5559
commit db7fecbc39
  1. 1
  2. 16
  3. 2
  4. 115
  5. 3

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ _APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { # Bodhgaya, India (APR/19)
"ONLINE_EXTN_COUNTER_IMAGES_URL_TEMPLATE": "http://vasl-templates.org/services/counter/{{EXTN_ID}}/{{PATH}}",
"ASA_UPLOAD_URL": "https://aslscenarioarchive.com/rest/update/{ID}?user={USER}&token={TOKEN}",
"TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS": [ "#e0e0e0", "#c0c0c0" ],
@app.route( "/app-config" )

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import base64
import re
import time
import math
import hashlib
import logging
from flask import request, render_template, make_response, jsonify, abort
@ -131,7 +130,15 @@ def get_scenario_index():
return _make_not_available_response(
"Please wait, the scenario index is still downloading.", None
etag = hashlib.md5( json.dumps( _asa_scenarios.index ).encode( "utf-8" ) ).hexdigest()
# NOTE: We used to calculate the ETag like this:
# etag = hashlib.md5( json.dumps( _asa_scenarios.index ).encode( "utf-8" ) ).hexdigest()
# but this is slow, and is done *every* time i.e. even when nothing's changed and we return a 304 :-/
# So, we take advantage of the fact that the only time the index changes is when we've downloaded
# a new version, and the *entire* dict changes i.e. we can use id() to detect if anything's changed.
# The only exception to this is when we temporarily modify the index ourself after uploading
# a scenario to the ASL Scenario Archive, so in that case, we clone the dict to ensure that
# id() returns something different.
etag = str( id( _asa_scenarios.index ) )
if request.headers.get( "If-None-Match" ) == etag:
return "Not Modified", 304
resp = make_response( jsonify( [
@ -154,7 +161,8 @@ def get_roar_scenario_index():
return _make_not_available_response(
"Please wait, the ROAR scenarios are still downloading.", None
etag = hashlib.md5( json.dumps( _roar_scenarios.index ).encode( "utf-8" ) ).hexdigest()
# NOTE: See get_scenario_index() for why we calculate the ETag in this way.
etag = str( id( _roar_scenarios.index ) )
if request.headers.get( "If-None-Match" ) == etag:
return "Not Modified", 304
resp = make_response( jsonify( _roar_scenarios.index ) )
@ -598,6 +606,8 @@ def on_successful_asa_upload( scenario_id ):
# update the in-memory scenario index
with _asa_scenarios:
# NOTE: We clone the index so that it will get a new ETag in get_scenario_index().
_asa_scenarios.index = dict( _asa_scenarios.index )
_asa_scenarios.index[ scenario_id ] = new_scenario
return jsonify( { "status": "ok" } )

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
/* footer */
#scenario-search .footer {
position: relative ;
margin-bottom: -0.5em ;
padding-top: 0.5em ;
font-size: 70% ; font-style: italic ;
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
#scenario-search .footer a { color: #666 ; }
#scenario-search .footer a:link { text-decoration: none ; }
#scenario-search .footer a:focus { outline: 0 ; }
#scenario-search .footer img.loader { width: 15px ; height: 15px ; position: absolute ; bottom: 0 ; left: 0 ; }
/* import control */
#scenario-search .import-control { margin-top: 0.5em ; padding-top: 0.75em ; border-top: 1px dotted #666 ; }

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
( function() { // nb: put the entire file into its own local namespace, global stuff gets added to window.
var gIsFirstSearch ;
var gIsFirstSearch, gSearchQueryInputPending=0 ;
var $gDialog, $gScenariosSelect, $gSearchQueryInputBox, $gScenarioCard, $gFooter ;
var $gImportControl, $gDownloadsButton, $gImportScenarioButton, $gConfirmImportButton, $gCancelImportButton, $gImportWarnings ;
@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ window.searchForScenario = function()
$gDialog.find( ".select2-results__option" ).remove() ;
updateForSearchResults() ;
$gScenarioCard.empty() ;
// NOTE: We don't hide the footer since we want it to take up its space in the layout,
// so that the list of search results is the correct height.
$gFooter.css( "opacity", 0 ) ;
$gFooter.find( ".asa" ).css( "opacity", 0 ) ;
$gImportWarnings.empty().hide() ;
$gDownloadsButton.button( "disable" ) ;
$gImportScenarioButton.show() ;
@ -132,16 +130,20 @@ function initDialog( $dlg, scenarios )
function initSearchResults( $dlg, scenarios )
// initialize the search results
$gFooter.find( ".loader" ).show() ;
initPrefixIndex( scenarios ) ;
// FUDGE! Loading nearly 10k entries into the select2 is slow (and barely acceptable),
// so instead, we initialize it with an empty list, and load the scenarios asynchronously.
// Of course, if the user does a search while this is happening, they will only see results
// from those scenarios that have been loaded, but the user will usually be typing multiple
// characters, and since the loading process only takes around a second, it won't be long
// before they are searching over the complete set of scenarios.
// Note that this only an issue when we get a new scenario index i.e. the first time
// the user does a scenario search, or if the backend has downloaded an updated index (rare).
// Otherwise, the code will re-use what was previously loaded into the UI, which will be fast.
// NOTE: The dialog is still a bit sluggish when being opened for the second time (even though
// everything is already in the UI), but this seems to be a Chrome thing... :-/
var options = [] ;
scenarios.forEach( function( scenario ) {
options.push( {
id: scenario.scenario_id,
text: scenario.scenario_name, // nb: this will always have something
scenario: scenario,
} ) ;
} ) ;
sortScenarios( options ) ;
// load the search results
if ( $gScenariosSelect ) {
@ -157,6 +159,25 @@ function initSearchResults( $dlg, scenarios )
dropdownParent: $dlg.find( ".scenarios" ),
} ) ;
// load the scenarios
function loadScenarios( pageNo ) {
for ( var i=0 ; i < pageSize ; ++i ) {
var scenario = scenarios[ pageSize * pageNo + i ] ;
if ( ! scenario ) {
$gScenariosSelect.trigger( "change" ) ;
$gFooter.find( ".loader" ).fadeOut( 500 ) ;
return ;
opt = new Option( scenario.scenario_name, scenario.scenario_id ) ;
$(opt).data( "scenario", scenario ) ;
$gScenariosSelect.append( opt ) ;
$gScenariosSelect.trigger( "change" ) ;
setTimeout( function () { loadScenarios( pageNo+1 ) ; }, 20 ) ;
setTimeout( function () { loadScenarios( 0 ) ; }, 0 ) ;
// stop the select2 droplist from closing up
$gScenariosSelect.select2( "open" ) ;
$gScenariosSelect.on( "select2:closing", function( evt ) {
@ -173,11 +194,17 @@ function initSearchResults( $dlg, scenarios )
$gSearchQueryInputBox.on( "input", function() {
// FUDGE! select2 rebuilds the list of matching items, and selects the first one,
// but doesn't send us a "select" event for it - we do things manually here :-/
var $elem = $( ".select2-results__option--highlighted .search-result" ) ;
onItemSelected( $elem.attr( "data-id" ) ) ;
updateForSearchResults() ;
// FUDGE! Undo the positioning hack we did in the "create" handler.
$dlg.find( ".select2-dropdown" ).css( "left", 0 ) ;
// NOTE: We wait for the user to stop typing before doing anything.
++ gSearchQueryInputPending ;
setTimeout( function() {
if ( -- gSearchQueryInputPending !== 0 )
return ;
var $elem = $( ".select2-results__option--highlighted .search-result" ) ;
onItemSelected( $elem.attr( "data-id" ) ) ;
updateForSearchResults() ;
// FUDGE! Undo the positioning hack we did in the "create" handler.
$dlg.find( ".select2-dropdown" ).css( "left", 0 ) ;
} ) ;
// handle Up and Down key-presses
@ -241,7 +268,8 @@ function isMatchingItem( params, item )
return item ;
} else {
// search for a matching substring
if ( item.scenario._searchText.indexOf( termLC ) !== -1 )
var scenario = $( item.element ).data( "scenario" ) ;
if ( scenario._searchText.indexOf( termLC ) !== -1 )
return item ;
return null ;
@ -261,36 +289,27 @@ function sortItems( items )
// NOTE: This function is called by the select2 to sort the items being shown.
// NOTE: We used to sort the items alphabetically here, but this could cause a new item to appear
// at the top of the list, which we want to be selected. It was ridiculously difficult to figure out
// how to select an item:
// $gScenariosSelect.select2( "trigger", "select", {
// data: { id: items[0].id }
// } ) ;
// but unfortunately, this slows things down a lot in Chrome (everything flies in Firefox).
// We really need to present the scenarios in alphabetical order (so that scenarios with the same name
// are grouped together), but we can achieve that same effect by loading them into the select2
// in alphabetical order.
return items ;
function sortScenarios( options )
// NOTE See sortItems() for why we load the scenarios in alphabetical order.
function getSortVal( text ) {
text = text.trim().toLowerCase() ;
if ( text[0] == '"' || text[0] == "'" )
text = text.substring( 1 ) ;
if ( text[0] == "\u00a1" || text[0] == "\u00bf" ) // nb: inverted ! and ?
text = text.substring( 1 ) ;
if ( text.substring( 0, 3 ) == "..." )
text = text.substring( 3 ) ;
return text ;
function getSortVal( item ) {
var sortVal = $(item).data( "sortVal" ) ;
if ( ! sortVal ) {
sortVal = item.text.trim().toLowerCase() ;
if ( sortVal[0] == '"' || sortVal[0] == "'" )
sortVal = sortVal.substring( 1 ) ;
if ( sortVal[0] == "\u00a1" || sortVal[0] == "\u00bf" ) // nb: inverted ! and ?
sortVal = sortVal.substring( 1 ) ;
if ( sortVal.substring( 0, 3 ) == "..." )
sortVal = sortVal.substring( 3 ) ;
$(item).data( "sortVal", sortVal ) ;
return sortVal ;
options.sort( function( lhs, rhs ) {
return getSortVal( lhs.text ).localeCompare( getSortVal( rhs.text ) ) ;
// sort the items
items.sort( function( lhs, rhs ) {
return getSortVal( lhs ).localeCompare( getSortVal( rhs ) ) ;
} ) ;
return items ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -302,7 +321,7 @@ function formatItem( opt )
// initialize
if ( ! opt.id )
return opt.text ;
var scenario = opt.scenario ;
var scenario = $( opt.element ).data( "scenario" ) ;
function addVal( val, className, prefix, postfix ) {
if ( val ) {
@ -344,7 +363,7 @@ function formatItem( opt )
// check if this is the first time we're showing search results
if ( gIsFirstSearch ) {
$gFooter.fadeTo( 5*1000, 0.8 ) ;
$gFooter.find( ".asa" ).fadeTo( 5*1000, 0.8 ) ;
gIsFirstSearch = false ;

@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
<div class="scenarios"> <select></select> </div>
<div class="footer">
<a href="https://aslscenarioarchive.com">
<a href="https://aslscenarioarchive.com" class="asa">
<img class="logo" src="{{url_for('static',filename='images/asl-scenario-archive.png')}}">
<div class="caption"> Powered by the ASL Scenario Archive </div>
<img class="loader" src="{{url_for('static',filename='images/loader.gif')}}">
</div> <!-- end left panel -->
