""" Main webapp handlers. """ import os import threading import concurrent import socket import json import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta import re import logging from flask import request, render_template, jsonify, send_file, redirect, url_for, abort from vasl_templates.webapp import app, shutdown_event from vasl_templates.webapp.vassal import VassalShim from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import MsgStore, get_java_path, get_java_version, parse_int import vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import BASE_DIR, DATA_DIR, IS_FROZEN from vasl_templates.webapp import globvars from vasl_templates.webapp.lfa import DEFAULT_LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_WEIGHTS, DEFAULT_LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_THRESHOLDS from vasl_templates.utils import get_build_info, get_build_git_info # NOTE: This is used to stop multiple instances of the program from running (see main.py in the desktop app). INSTANCE_ID = uuid.uuid4().hex startup_msg_store = MsgStore() # store messages generated during startup _check_versions = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/" ) def main(): """Return the main page.""" return render_template( "index.html" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/startup-msgs" ) def get_startup_msgs(): """Return any messages generated during startup.""" global _check_versions if _check_versions: _check_versions = False # check the VASSAL version try: VassalShim.check_vassal_version( startup_msg_store ) except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except msg = "Can't get the VASSAL version: {}".format( ex ) logging.error( "%s", msg ) startup_msg_store.error( msg ) # collect all the startup messages startup_msgs = {} for msg_type in ("info","warning","error"): msgs = startup_msg_store.get_msgs( msg_type ) if msgs: startup_msgs[ msg_type ] = msgs # NOTE: Because we don't clear the collected messages here, if the web page is refreshed, or loaded # via another browser instance, the user will see the same messages again, which, depending on # the exact nature of those messages, could look odd, but is probably what we want. return jsonify( startup_msgs ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- _APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { # Bodhgaya, India (APR/19) "THEATERS": [ "ETO", "DTO", "PTO", "Korea", "Burma", "other" ], # NOTE: We use HTTP for static images, since VASSAL is already insanely slow loading images (done in serial?), # so I don't even want to think about what it might be doing during a TLS handshake... :-/ "ONLINE_IMAGES_URL_BASE": "http://vasl-templates.org/services/static-images", # NOTE: We would rather use https://github.com/vasl-developers/vasl/raw/develop/dist/images/ in the template, # but VASSAL is already so slow to load images, and doing everything twice would make it that much worse :-/ "ONLINE_COUNTER_IMAGES_URL_TEMPLATE": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vasl-developers/vasl/develop/dist/images/{{PATH}}", #pylint: disable=line-too-long "ONLINE_EXTN_COUNTER_IMAGES_URL_TEMPLATE": "http://vasl-templates.org/services/counter/{{EXTN_ID}}/{{PATH}}", "ASA_UPLOAD_URL": "https://aslscenarioarchive.com/rest/update/{ID}?user={USER}&token={TOKEN}", "TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS": [ "#e0e0e0", "#c0c0c0" ], "SCENARIO_SEARCH_LOAD_BLOCK_SIZE": 1000, "SCENARIO_SEARCH_QUERY_INPUT_DELAY": 20, } @app.route( "/app-config" ) def get_app_config(): """Get the application config.""" def get_json_val( key, default ): """Get a JSON value from the app config.""" try: val = app.config.get( key, default ) if isinstance( val, (dict,list) ): return val return json.loads( val ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: msg = "Couldn't parse app config setting: {}".format( key ) logging.error( "%s", msg ) startup_msg_store.error( msg ) return default # include the basic app config vals = { key: app.config.get( key, default ) for key,default in _APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.items() } if isinstance( vals["THEATERS"], str ): vals["THEATERS"] = vals["THEATERS"].split() if isinstance( vals["TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS"], str ): vals["TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS"] = vals["TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS"].split() for key in [ "APP_NAME", "APP_VERSION", "APP_DESCRIPTION", "APP_HOME_URL" ]: vals[ key ] = getattr( vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants, key ) # include the ASL Scenario Archive config for key in ["ASA_MAX_VASL_SETUP_SIZE","ASA_MAX_SCREENSHOT_SIZE"]: vals[ key ] = app.config[ key ] # include the dice hotness config vals[ "LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_WEIGHTS" ] = get_json_val( "LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_WEIGHTS", DEFAULT_LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_WEIGHTS ) vals[ "LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_THRESHOLDS" ] = get_json_val( "LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_THRESHOLDS", DEFAULT_LFA_DICE_HOTNESS_THRESHOLDS ) vals[ "DISABLE_LFA_HOTNESS_FADEIN" ] = app.config.get( "DISABLE_LFA_HOTNESS_FADEIN" ) # NOTE: We allow the front-end to generate snippets that point to an alternative webapp server (so that # VASSAL can get images, etc. from a Docker container rather than the desktop app). However, since it's # unlikely anyone else will want this option, we implement it as a debug setting, rather than exposing it # as an option in the UI. alt_webapp_base_url = app.config.get( "ALTERNATE_WEBAPP_BASE_URL" ) if alt_webapp_base_url: vals[ "ALTERNATE_WEBAPP_BASE_URL" ] = alt_webapp_base_url # include information about VASSAL and VASL try: vals[ "VASSAL_VERSION" ] = VassalShim.get_version() except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except logging.error( "Can't check the VASSAL version: %s", str(ex) ) if globvars.vasl_mod: vals["VASL_VERSION"] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_version vals["VASL_REAL_VERSION"] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_real_version # include information about VASL extensions if globvars.vasl_mod and globvars.vasl_mod.extns: vals["VASL_EXTENSIONS"] = {} for extn in globvars.vasl_mod.extns: extn_info = {} for key in ("version","displayName","displayNameAbbrev"): if key in extn[1]: extn_info[ key ] = extn[1][ key ] vals["VASL_EXTENSIONS"][ extn[1]["extensionId"] ] = extn_info # include the ASL Scenario Archive config data for key in ["ASA_SCENARIO_URL","ASA_PUBLICATION_URL","ASA_PUBLISHER_URL"]: vals[ key ] = app.config[ key ] for key in ["BALANCE_GRAPH_THRESHOLD"]: vals[ key ] = app.config.get( key ) fname = os.path.join( DATA_DIR, "asl-scenario-archive.json" ) if os.path.isfile( fname ): with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp: try: vals[ "SCENARIOS_CONFIG" ] = json.load( fp ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: msg = "Couldn't load the ASL Scenario Archive config." logging.error( "%s", msg ) startup_msg_store.error( msg ) # include the Trumbowyg config # NOTE: We don't include the "insertImage" button because it doesn't seem to work when # the Trumbowyg control is in a dialog, and given VASSAL's handling of images, we don't # really want to be encouraging their use :-/ vals[ "trumbowyg" ] = { # NOTE: Trumbowyg only allows tags to be black-listed, not attributes, but since we mostly # do HTML sanitization using DOMPurify when loading/unloading the UI, what we configure here # is only used to protect against the case where the user enters some malicious HTML into # the editor i.e. the only risk is that they mess up their own session :-/ "tag-blacklist": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_TAG_BLACKLIST", [ "script", "iframe", "form", "link", "style", "meta", "object", "applet", "audio", "base", "bgsound", "embed", "isindex", "keygen", "layer", "svg", "template", "video", ] ), "format-options": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_FORMAT_OPTIONS", [ "h1", "h2", "h3", ] ), "special-chars": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_SPECIAL_CHARS", [ "2264", "2265", "2260", "00d7", "00f7", None, # math "00bd", "00bc", "00be", "215b", "215c", "215d", "215e", None, # fractions "25b3", "24c7", "24b7", "24ba", "2605", "221e", "b0", "b7", None, # special "e4", "eb", "ef", "f6", "fc", "c4", "cb", "cf", "d6", "dc", None, # umlaut "e1", "e9", "ed", "f3", "fa", "c1", "c9", "cd", "d3", "da", None, # acute "e0", "e8", "ec", "f2", "f9", "c0", "c8", "cc", "d2", "d9", None, # grave "e2", "ea", "ee", "f4", "fb", "c2", "ca", "ce", "d4", "db", None, # circumflex "1f850", "1f852", "1f851", "1f853", # arrows ] ), "victory-conditions": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_BUTTONS_VICTORY_CONDITIONS", [ [ "strong", "em", "underline", "superscript", "subscript", "format" ], [ "foreColor", "backColor", "fontfamily", "fontsize" ], [ "outdent", "indent" ], [ "unorderedList", "orderedList", "table" ], [ "specialChars", "flags", "emoji" ], [ "removeformat", "historyUndo", "historyRedo", "viewHTML", "fullscreen" ], ] ), # NOTE: I tried having different buttons for OB setup notes (which tend to be simpler) # and OB notes (which can be more involved), but (1) this meant we had to tear down # and re-create the Trumbowyg control each time the dialog was opened (since there doesn't # seem to be any way to dynamically change the buttons), which caused a noticeable delay, # and (2) users are probaly going to complain :-/ "simple-note-dialog": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_BUTTONS_SIMPLE_NOTE_DIALOG", [ [ "strong", "em", "underline", "del", "superscript", "subscript", "format" ], [ "foreColor", "backColor", "fontfamily", "fontsize" ], [ "align", "outdent", "indent" ], [ "unorderedList", "orderedList", "table" ], [ "specialChars", "flags", "emoji" ], [ "removeformat", "historyUndo", "historyRedo", "viewHTML", "fullscreen" ], ] ), "html-textbox-dialog": get_json_val( "TRUMBOWYG_BUTTONS_HTML_TEXTBOX_DIALOG", [ [ "strong", "em", "underline", "del", "superscript", "subscript" ], [ "foreColor", "backColor" ], [ "specialChars", "flags", "emoji" ], [ "removeformat", "historyUndo", "historyRedo", "viewHTML", "fullscreen" ], ] ), } return jsonify( vals ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/program-info" ) def get_program_info(): """Get the program info.""" # NOTE: We can't convert to local time, since the time zone inside a Docker container # may not be the same as on the host (or where the client is). It's possible to make it so, # but messy, so to keep things simple, we get the client to pass in the timezone offset. tz_offset = parse_int( request.args.get( "tz_offset", 0 ) ) def to_localtime( tstamp ): """Convert a timestamp to local time.""" return tstamp + timedelta( minutes=tz_offset ) # set the basic details params = { "APP_VERSION": vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants.APP_VERSION, "VASSAL_VERSION": VassalShim.get_version() } build_git_info = get_build_git_info() if build_git_info: params[ "BUILD_GIT_INFO" ] = build_git_info if globvars.vasl_mod: params[ "VASL_VERSION" ] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_version params[ "VASL_REAL_VERSION" ] = globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_real_version for key in [ "VASSAL_DIR", "VASL_MOD", "VASL_EXTNS_DIR", "BOARDS_DIR", "WEBDRIVER_PATH", "CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR", "USER_FILES_DIR" ]: params[ key ] = app.config.get( key ) params[ "JAVA_PATH" ] = get_java_path() params[ "JAVA_VERSION" ] = get_java_version() def parse_timestamp( val ): """Parse a timestamp.""" if not val: return None # FUDGE! Adjust the timezone offset from "HH:MM" to "HHMM". val = re.sub( r"(\d{2}):(\d{2})$", r"\1\2", val ) try: val = datetime.strptime( val, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" ) except ValueError: return None return to_localtime( val ) def replace_mountpoint( key ): """Replace a mount point with its corresponding target (on the host).""" params[ key ] = os.environ.get( "{}_TARGET".format( key ) ) # check if we are running the desktop application if IS_FROZEN: # yup - return information about the build build_info = get_build_info() if build_info: params[ "BUILD_TIMESTAMP" ] = datetime.strftime( to_localtime( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( build_info["timestamp"] ) ), "%H:%M (%d %b %Y)" ) # check if we are running inside a Docker container if app.config.get( "IS_CONTAINER" ): # yup - return related information params[ "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME" ] = os.environ.get( "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME" ) params[ "DOCKER_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP" ] = datetime.strftime( parse_timestamp( os.environ.get( "DOCKER_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP" ) ), "%d %b %Y %H:%M" ) params[ "DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME" ] = os.environ.get( "DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME" ) with open( "/proc/self/cgroup", "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp: buf = fp.read() mo = re.search( r"^\d+:name=.+/docker/([0-9a-f]{12})", buf, re.MULTILINE ) # NOTE: Reading cgroup stopped working when we upgraded to Fedora 33, but still works # on Centos 8 (but reading the host name gives the physical host's name under Centos :-/). # NOTE: os.uname() is not available on Windows. This isn't really a problem (since # we're running on Linux inside a container), but pylint is complaining :-/ params[ "DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" ] = mo.group(1) if mo else socket.gethostname() # replace Docker mount points with their targets on the host for key in [ "VASSAL_DIR", "VASL_MOD", "VASL_EXTNS_DIR", "BOARDS_DIR", "CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR", "USER_FILES_DIR" ]: replace_mountpoint( key ) # check the scenario index downloads def check_df( df ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring with df: if not os.path.isfile( df.cache_fname ): return mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime( df.cache_fname ) ) key = "LAST_{}_SCENARIO_INDEX_DOWNLOAD_TIME".format( df.key ) params[ key ] = datetime.strftime(to_localtime(mtime), "%H:%M (%d %b %Y)" ) generated_at = parse_timestamp( getattr( df, "generated_at", None ) ) if generated_at: key = "LAST_{}_SCENARIO_INDEX_GENERATED_AT".format( df.key ) params[ key ] = datetime.strftime( generated_at, "%H:%M %d %b %Y" ) from vasl_templates.webapp.scenarios import _asa_scenarios, _roar_scenarios check_df( _asa_scenarios ) check_df( _roar_scenarios ) if request.args.get( "f" ) == "html": return render_template( "program-info-content.html", **params ) return jsonify( params ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/help" ) def show_help(): """Show the help page.""" url = url_for( "static", filename="help/index.html" ) if request.args: args = [ "{}={}".format( arg, request.args[arg] ) for arg in request.args ] url += "?{}".format( "&".join( args ) ) return redirect( url, code=302 ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/license" ) def get_license(): """Get the license.""" # locate the license file dname = BASE_DIR fname = os.path.join( dname, "../../LICENSE.txt" ) # nb: if we're running from source if not os.path.isfile( fname ): fname = os.path.join( dname, "LICENSE.txt" ) # nb: if we're running as a compiled binary if not os.path.isfile( fname ): # FUDGE! If we've been pip install'ed walk up the directory tree, looking for the license file :-/ while True: # go up a directory prev_dname = dname dname = os.path.split( dname )[0] if dname == prev_dname: break # check if we can find the license file fname = os.path.join( dname, "vasl-templates/LICENSE.txt" ) if os.path.isfile( fname ): break if not os.path.isfile( fname ): abort( 404 ) return send_file( fname, "text/plain" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- default_scenario = None @app.route( "/default-scenario" ) def get_default_scenario(): """Return the default scenario.""" # check if a default scenario has been configured if default_scenario: fname = default_scenario else: fname = os.path.join( app.config.get("DATA_DIR",DATA_DIR), "default-scenario.json" ) # return the default scenario with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp: return jsonify( json.load( fp ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- _control_tests_port_no = None @app.route( "/control-tests" ) def get_control_tests(): """Return information about the remote test control service.""" def get_port(): """Get the configured gRPC service port.""" # NOTE: The Docker container configures this setting via an environment variable. # NOTE: It would be nice to default this to -1, so that pytest will work out-of-the-box, # without the user having to do anything, but since this endpoint can be used to # mess with the server, we don't want it active by default. return app.config.get( "CONTROL_TESTS_PORT", os.environ.get("CONTROL_TESTS_PORT") ) # check if the test control service should be made available port_no = get_port() if not port_no: abort( 404 ) # check if we've already started the service if not _control_tests_port_no: # nope - make it so print( "*** WARNING: Remote test control enabled! ***" ) started_event = threading.Event() def run_service(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring import grpc server = grpc.server( concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=1 ) ) from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2_grpc \ import add_ControlTestsServicer_to_server from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.control_tests_servicer import ControlTestsServicer #pylint: disable=cyclic-import servicer = ControlTestsServicer( app ) add_ControlTestsServicer_to_server( servicer, server ) port_no = parse_int( get_port(), -1 ) # nb: have to get this again?! if port_no <= 0: # NOTE: Requesting port 0 tells grpc to use any free port, which is usually OK, unless # we're running inside a Docker container, in which case it needs to be pre-defined, # so that the port can be mapped to an external port when the container is started. port_no = 0 port_no = server.add_insecure_port( "[::]:{}".format( port_no ) ) logging.getLogger( "control_tests" ).debug( "Started the gRPC test control service: port=%s", str(port_no) ) server.start() global _control_tests_port_no _control_tests_port_no = port_no started_event.set() shutdown_event.wait() server.stop( None ) server.wait_for_termination() thread = threading.Thread( target=run_service, daemon=True ) thread.start() # wait for the service to start (since the caller will probably try to connect # to it as soon as we return a response). started_event.wait( timeout=10 ) # wait for the gRPC server to end cleanly when we shutdown def cleanup(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring thread.join() globvars.cleanup_handlers.append( cleanup ) # return the service info to the caller return jsonify( { "port": _control_tests_port_no } ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/favicon.ico" ) def get_favicon(): """Get the license.""" # FUDGE! We specify the favicon in the main page (in a tag), but the additional support pages # don't have this, which results in a spurious and annoying 404 warning message in the console, # so we explicitly provide this endpoint :-/ # NOTE: The icon file is a little on the chunky side (since it contains a lot of variants) but we don't # want to just remove them, since this file is also used as the app icon for the desktop icon. # We could strip it down here, but that's overkill :-/ return app.send_static_file( "images/app.ico" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/ping" ) def ping(): """Let the caller know we're alive.""" return "pong: {}".format( INSTANCE_ID )