Tightened up how search aliases are processed.

Pacman Ghost 4 years ago
parent 2488aad352
commit a2045ed398
  1. 163
  2. 87
  3. 4

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from asl_articles.models import Publisher, Publication, Article, Author, Scenari
from asl_articles.publishers import get_publisher_vals
from asl_articles.publications import get_publication_vals, get_publication_sort_key
from asl_articles.articles import get_article_vals, get_article_sort_key
from asl_articles.utils import AppConfigParser, decode_tags, to_bool
from asl_articles.utils import AppConfigParser, decode_tags, to_bool, squash_spaces
_search_index_path = None
_search_aliases = {}
@ -338,57 +338,119 @@ def _do_fts_search( fts_query_string, col_names, results=None ): #pylint: disabl
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _make_fts_query_string( query_string, search_aliases ):
def _make_fts_query_string( query_string, search_aliases ): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals
"""Generate the SQLite query string."""
# check if this looks like a raw FTS query
if any( regex.search(query_string) for regex in _PASSTHROUGH_REGEXES ):
return query_string
# initialize
query_string = squash_spaces( query_string )
is_raw_query = any( regex.search(query_string) for regex in _PASSTHROUGH_REGEXES )
# set the order in which we will check search aliases (longest to shortest,
# because we want an alias of "aa bb cc" to take priority over "bb".
search_aliases = sorted( search_aliases.items(), key=lambda a: len(a[0]), reverse=True )
def is_word_char( ch ):
return ch.isalnum() or ch in "_-#"
def is_word( start, end ):
"""Check if the string segment starts/ends on a word boundary."""
if start > 0 and is_word_char( buf[start-1] ):
return False
if end < len(buf) and is_word_char( buf[end] ):
return False
return True
# split the query string (taking into account quoted phrases)
words = query_string.split()
i = 0
# look for search aliases
buf = query_string.lower()
matches = []
for alias in search_aliases:
pos = 0
while True:
if i >= len(words):
# look for the next instance of the alias
start = buf.find( alias[0], pos )
if start < 0:
if i > 0 and words[i-1].startswith('"'):
words[i-1] += " {}".format( words[i] )
del words[i]
if words[i-1].startswith('"') and words[i-1].endswith('"'):
words[i-1] = words[i-1][1:-1]
# found one, check if it's a separate word
end = start + len(alias[0])
pos = end
if not is_word( start, end ):
i += 1
# clean up quoted phrases
words = [ w[1:] if w.startswith('"') else w for w in words ]
words = [ w[:-1] if w.endswith('"') else w for w in words ]
words = [ w.strip() for w in words ]
words = [ w for w in words if w ]
# quote any phrases that need it
def has_special_char( word ):
return any( ch in word for ch in _SQLITE_FTS_SPECIAL_CHARS+" " )
def quote_word( word ):
return '"{}"'.format(word) if has_special_char(word) else word
words = [ quote_word(w) for w in words ]
# handle search aliases
for i,word in enumerate(words):
word = word.lower()
if word.startswith( '"' ) and word.endswith( '"' ):
word = word[1:-1]
aliases = search_aliases.get( word )
if aliases:
aliases = [ quote_word( a ) for a in aliases ]
aliases.sort() # nb: so that tests will work reliably
words[i] = "({})".format(
" OR ".join( aliases )
# escape any special characters
words = [ w.replace("'","''") for w in words ]
return " AND ".join( words )
# check if it's quoted
if buf[start-1] == '"' and buf[end] == '"':
# yup - remove the quotes
start -= 1
end += 1
# save the location of the match (and what it will be replaced with)
matches.append( ( start, end, alias[1] ) )
# remove the matching string (for safety, to stop it from being matched again later)
buf = buf[:start] + "#"*len(alias[0]) + buf[end:]
def make_replacement_text( val ):
"""Generate the query sub-clause for alias replacement text."""
if isinstance( val, str ):
return quote( val )
assert isinstance( val, list )
return "({})".format( " OR ".join( quote(v) for v in val ) )
def quote( val ):
"""Quote a string, if necessary."""
if not val.startswith( '"' ) or not val.endswith( '"' ):
if any( ch in val for ch in _SQLITE_FTS_SPECIAL_CHARS+" " ):
val = '"{}"'.format( val )
return val.replace( "'", "''" )
def tokenize( val ):
"""Split a string into tokens (taking into account quoted phrases)."""
if is_raw_query:
return [ val.strip() ]
tokens = []
for word in val.split():
if len(tokens) > 0:
if tokens[-1].startswith( '"' ) and not tokens[-1].endswith( '"' ):
# the previous token is a quoted phrase, continue it
tokens[-1] += " " + word
if not tokens[-1].startswith( '"' ) and word.endswith( '"' ):
tokens.append( quote( word[:-1] ) )
tokens.append( quote( word ) )
if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[-1].startswith( '"' ) and not tokens[-1].endswith( '"' ):
# we have an unterminated quoted phrase, terminate it
tokens[-1] += '"'
return [ t for t in tokens if t ]
# split the query string into parts (alias replacement texts, and everything else)
parts, pos = [], 0
for match in matches:
if pos < match[0]:
# extract the text up to the start of the next match, and tokenize it
parts.extend( tokenize( query_string[ pos : match[0] ] ) )
# replace the next match with its replacement text
parts.append( make_replacement_text( match[2] ) )
pos = match[1]
if pos < len(query_string):
# extract any remaining text, and tokenize it
parts.extend( tokenize( query_string[pos:] ) )
# clean up the parts
parts = [ p for p in parts if p not in ('"','""') ]
# NOTE: Quoted phrases are not handled properly if alias replacement happens inside them e.g.
# "MMP News" -> (mmp OR "Multi-Man Publishing" OR "Multiman Publishing") AND News
# but it's difficult to know what to do in this case. If we have an alias "foo" => "bar",
# then this search query:
# "foo xyz"
# should really become:
# ("foo xyz" OR "bar xyz")
# but this would be ridiculously complicated to implement, and far more trouble than it's worth.
# We can end up with un-matched quotes in these cases, so we try to clean them up here.
def clean_part( val ):
if len(val) > 1:
if val.startswith( '"' ) and not val.endswith( '"' ):
return val[1:]
if not val.startswith( '"' ) and val.endswith( '"' ):
return val[:-1]
return val
parts = [ clean_part(p) for p in parts ]
return (" " if is_raw_query else " AND ").join( parts )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -603,19 +665,20 @@ def _load_search_aliases( aliases, aliases2 ):
"Found duplicate search alias: {}", key,
logger = _logger
search_aliases[ key ] = vals
search_aliases[ key.lower() ] = vals
# load the search aliases
for row in aliases:
vals = [ row[0] ]
vals.extend( v.strip() for v in row[1].split( ";" ) )
add_search_alias( row[0], vals )
vals.extend( v for v in row[1].split( ";" ) )
vals = [ squash_spaces(v) for v in vals ]
add_search_alias( vals[0], vals )
_logger.debug( "- %s => %s", row[0], vals )
# load the search aliases
for row in aliases2:
vals = itertools.chain( [row[0]], row[1].split("=") )
vals = [ v.strip().lower() for v in vals ]
vals = [ squash_spaces(v) for v in vals ]
_logger.debug( "- %s", vals )
for v in vals:
add_search_alias( v, vals )

@ -169,10 +169,9 @@ def test_multiple_search_results( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
# do a search
_do_test_search( "#asl", [
"View From The Trenches",
_do_test_search( "#aslj", [
"ASL Journal (4)", "ASL Journal (5)",
"Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos", "'Bolts From Above", "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low"
"Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos", "'Bolts From Above", "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low", "The Jungle Isn't Neutral"
] )
# do some searches
@ -543,14 +542,8 @@ def test_author_aliases( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
def test_make_fts_query_string():
"""Test generating FTS query strings."""
# initialize
search_aliases = _load_search_aliases(
[ ( "aaa", "bbb ; ccc" ) ],
[ ( "mmp", "Multi-Man Publishing = Multiman Publishing" ) ]
def do_test( query, expected ):
assert _make_fts_query_string( query, search_aliases ) == expected
assert _make_fts_query_string( query, {} ) == expected
# test some query strings
do_test( "", "" )
@ -584,10 +577,11 @@ def test_make_fts_query_string():
' foo " xyz " bar ',
'foo AND xyz AND bar'
' foo " xyz 123 " bar ',
'foo AND "xyz 123" AND bar'
# NOTE: We used to handle this case, but it's debatable what the right thing to do is :-/
# do_test(
# ' foo " xyz 123 " bar ',
# 'foo AND "xyz 123" AND bar'
# )
# test some incorrectly quoted phrases
do_test( '"', '' )
@ -602,20 +596,61 @@ def test_make_fts_query_string():
do_test( "foo OR bar", "foo OR bar" )
do_test( "(a OR b)", "(a OR b)" )
# test search aliases
do_test( "aaa", "(aaa OR bbb OR ccc)" )
do_test( "bbb", "bbb" )
do_test( "ccc", "ccc" )
# test search aliases
do_test( "MMP", '("multi-man publishing" OR "multiman publishing" OR mmp)' )
do_test( "Xmmp", "Xmmp" )
do_test( "mmpX", "mmpX" )
do_test( "multi-man publishing", '"multi-man" AND publishing' )
do_test( 'abc "multi-man publishing" xyz',
'abc AND ("multi-man publishing" OR "multiman publishing" OR mmp) AND xyz'
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def test_search_aliases():
"""Test search aliases in query strings."""
# initialize
search_aliases = _load_search_aliases(
[ # one-way aliases
( "aa", "bbb ; cccc" ),
( "xXx", "x1 X2 ; x3"),
( "foo", "{FOO}" ),
( " foo bar ", " {FOO BAR} " ), # nb: spaces will be squashed and stripped
[ # two-way aliases
( " joe's nose ", " Joes Nose = Joseph's Nose " ) # nb: spaces will be squashed and stripped
def do_test( query, expected ):
assert _make_fts_query_string( query, search_aliases ) == expected
# test one-way aliases
do_test( "a", "a" )
do_test( "XaX", "XaX" )
do_test( "aa", "(aa OR bbb OR cccc)" )
do_test( 'abc "aa" xyz', "abc AND (aa OR bbb OR cccc) AND xyz" )
do_test( "XaaX", "XaaX" )
do_test( "aaa", "aaa" )
do_test( "XaaaX", "XaaaX" )
do_test( "bbb", "bbb" )
do_test( "cccc", "cccc" )
# test one-way aliases with spaces in the replacement text
do_test( "XxX", '(xXx OR "x1 X2" OR x3)' )
do_test( "x1 X2", "x1 AND X2" )
# test one-way aliases with overlapping text in the keys ("foo" vs. "foo bar")
do_test( "foo bar", '("foo bar" OR "{FOO BAR}")' )
do_test( "abc foo bar xyz", 'abc AND ("foo bar" OR "{FOO BAR}") AND xyz' )
do_test( "Xfoo bar", "Xfoo AND bar" )
do_test( "foo barX", '(foo OR {FOO}) AND barX' )
do_test( "Xfoo barX", "Xfoo AND barX" )
# test two-way aliases
do_test( "joe's nose", '("joe\'\'s nose" OR "Joes Nose" OR "Joseph\'\'s Nose")' )
do_test( "abc joe's nose xyz", 'abc AND ("joe\'\'s nose" OR "Joes Nose" OR "Joseph\'\'s Nose") AND xyz' )
do_test( " JOES NOSE ", '("joe\'\'s nose" OR "Joes Nose" OR "Joseph\'\'s Nose")' )
do_test( "Xjoes nose ", "Xjoes AND nose" )
do_test( "joes noseX", "joes AND noseX" )
do_test( "Xjoes noseX", "Xjoes AND noseX" )
do_test( "Joseph's Nose", '("joe\'\'s nose" OR "Joes Nose" OR "Joseph\'\'s Nose")' )
# check that raw queries still have alias processing done
do_test( "foo AND bar", "(foo OR {FOO}) AND bar" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_aslrb_links():

@ -227,3 +227,7 @@ def to_bool( val ):
if val in ["no","false","disabled","0"]:
return False
return None
def squash_spaces( val ):
"""Squash multiple spaces down into a single space."""
return " ".join( val.split() )
