Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

384 lines
16 KiB

import React from "react" ;
4 years ago
import ReactDOM from "react-dom" ;
import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server" ;
4 years ago
import { Menu, MenuList, MenuButton, MenuItem } from "@reach/menu-button" ;
import "@reach/menu-button/styles.css" ;
import { ToastContainer, toast } from "react-toastify" ;
import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.min.css" ;
import SearchForm from "./SearchForm" ;
import { SearchResults } from "./SearchResults" ;
import { PublisherSearchResult } from "./PublisherSearchResult" ;
import { PublicationSearchResult } from "./PublicationSearchResult" ;
import { ArticleSearchResult } from "./ArticleSearchResult" ;
import ModalForm from "./ModalForm";
import AskDialog from "./AskDialog" ;
import { makeSmartBulletList } from "./utils.js" ;
import "./App.css" ;
const axios = require( "axios" ) ;
const queryString = require( "query-string" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class App extends React.Component
constructor( props ) {
// initialize the App
super( props ) ;
this.state = {
searchResults: [],
searchSeqNo: 0,
modalForm: null,
askDialog: null,
startupTasks: [ "caches.publishers", "caches.publications", "caches.authors", "caches.scenarios", "caches.tags" ],
} ;
// initialize
this.args = queryString.parse( ) ;
this._storeMsgs = this.isTestMode() && this.args.store_msgs ;
this._disableSearchResultHighlighting = this.isTestMode() && this.args.no_sr_hilite ;
this._disableConstraints = this.isTestMode() && this.args.disable_constraints ;
this._disableConfirmDiscardChanges = this.isTestMode() && this.args.disable_confirm_discard_changes ;
this._fakeUploads = this.isTestMode() && this.args.fake_uploads ;
4 years ago
// initialize
this._searchFormRef = React.createRef() ;
this._modalFormRef = React.createRef() ;
this._setFocusTo = null ;
4 years ago
// figure out the base URL of the Flask backend server
// NOTE: We allow the caller to do this since the test suite will usually spin up
// it's own Flask server, but talks to an existing React server, so we need some way
// for pytest to change which Flask server the React frontend code should tak to.
this._flaskBaseUrl = this.isTestMode() ? this.args._flask : null ;
if ( ! this._flaskBaseUrl ) {
// NOTE: We used to use process.env.REACT_APP_FLASK_URL here, but this means that the client
// needs to have access to the Flask backend server. We now proxy all backend requests via
// "/api/..." endpoints, which we handle ourself (by setupProxy.js for the dev environment,
// and nginx proxying for production), so the client only needs access to the React front-end.
// This also has the nice side-effect of removing CORS issues :-/
this._flaskBaseUrl = "/api" ;
render() {
let content ;
if ( this.state.startupTasks.length > 0 ) {
// we are still starting up
content = <div id="loading"> <img id="loading" src="/images/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." /></div> ;
} else {
4 years ago
// generate the menu
const menu = ( <Menu id="app">
<MenuButton />
<MenuItem id="menu-new-publisher"
onSelect = { () => PublisherSearchResult.onNewPublisher( this._onNewPublisher.bind(this) ) }
>New publisher</MenuItem>
<MenuItem id="menu-new-publication"
onSelect = { () => PublicationSearchResult.onNewPublication( this._onNewPublication.bind(this) ) }
>New publication</MenuItem>
<MenuItem id="menu-new-article"
onSelect = { () => ArticleSearchResult.onNewArticle( this._onNewArticle.bind(this) ) }
>New article</MenuItem>
</Menu> ) ;
// generate the main content
content = ( <div>
4 years ago
<div id="header">
<img className="logo" src="/images/app.png" alt="Logo" />
<div className="app-name"> ASL Articles </div>
<SearchForm onSearch={this.onSearch.bind(this)} ref={this._searchFormRef} />
4 years ago
<SearchResults seqNo={this.state.searchSeqNo} searchResults={this.state.searchResults} />
</div> ) ;
return ( <div> {content}
{ this.state.modalForm !== null &&
4 years ago
<ModalForm show={true} formId={this.state.modalForm.formId}
4 years ago
ref = {this._modalFormRef}
{ this.state.askDialog !== null &&
<AskDialog show={true} {...this.state.askDialog} />
<ToastContainer position="bottom-right" hideProgressBar={true} />
{ this._storeMsgs && <div>
<textarea id="_stored_msg-info_toast_" ref="_stored_msg-info_toast_" defaultValue="" hidden={true} />
<textarea id="_stored_msg-warning_toast_" ref="_stored_msg-warning_toast_" defaultValue="" hidden={true} />
<textarea id="_stored_msg-error_toast_" ref="_stored_msg-error_toast_" defaultValue="" hidden={true} />
</div> }
{ this._fakeUploads && <div>
<textarea id="_stored_msg-upload_" ref="_stored_msg-upload_" defaultValue="" hidden={true} />
</div> }
</div> ) ;
componentDidMount() {
// initialize the caches
// NOTE: We maintain caches of key objects, so that we can quickly populate droplists. The backend server returns
// updated lists after any operation that could change them (create/update/delete), which is simpler and less error-prone
// than trying to manually keep our caches in sync. It's less efficient, but it won't happen too often, there won't be
// too many entries, and the database server is local.
this.caches = {} ;
["publishers","publications","authors","scenarios","tags"].forEach( (type) => {
axios.get( this.makeFlaskUrl( "/" + type ) )
.then( resp => {
this.caches[ type ] = ;
this._onStartupTask( "caches." + type ) ;
} )
.catch( err => {
this.showErrorToast( <div> Couldn't load the {type}: <div className="monospace"> {err.toString()} </div> </div> ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
4 years ago
// install our key handler
window.addEventListener( "keydown", this.onKeyDown.bind( this ) ) ;
componentDidUpdate() {
// we've finished rendering the page, check if we should set focus
if ( this._setFocusTo ) {
if ( this._setFocusTo.current )
this._setFocusTo.current.focus() ;
this._setFocusTo.focus() ;
this._setFocusTo = null ;
4 years ago
componentWillUnmount() {
// clean up
window.removeEventListener( "keydown", this.onKeyDown ) ;
onSearch( query ) {
// run the search
query = query.trim() ;
const queryStringRef = this._searchFormRef.current.queryStringRef.current ;
if ( query.length === 0 ) {
this.showErrorMsg( "Please enter something to search for.", queryStringRef )
return ;
} this.makeFlaskUrl( "/search" ), {
query: query,
no_hilite: this._disableSearchResultHighlighting,
} )
.then( resp => {
this._setFocusTo = queryStringRef ;
this.setState( { searchResults:, searchSeqNo: this.state.searchSeqNo+1 } ) ;
} )
.catch( err => {
this.showErrorResponse( "The search query failed", err ) ;
this.setState( { searchResults: null, searchSeqNo: this.state.searchSeqNo+1 } ) ;
} ) ;
_onNewPublisher( publ_id, vals ) { this._addNewSearchResult( vals, "publisher", "publ_id", publ_id ) ; }
_onNewPublication( pub_id, vals ) { this._addNewSearchResult( vals, "publication", "pub_id", pub_id ) ; }
_onNewArticle( article_id, vals ) { this._addNewSearchResult( vals, "article", "article_id", article_id ) ; }
_addNewSearchResult( vals, srType, idName, idVal ) {
// add the new search result to the start of the search results
// NOTE: This isn't really the right thing to do, since the new object might not actually be
// a result for the current search, but it's nice to give the user some visual feedback.
vals.type = srType ;
vals[ idName ] = idVal ;
let newSearchResults = [ vals ] ;
newSearchResults.push( ...this.state.searchResults ) ;
this.setState( { searchResults: newSearchResults } ) ;
updatePublications( pubs ) {
// update the cache
let pubs2 = {} ;
for ( let i=0 ; i < pubs.length ; ++i ) {
const pub = pubs[ i ] ;
this.caches.publications[ pub.pub_id ] = pub ;
pubs2[ pub.pub_id ] = pub ;
// update the UI
let newSearchResults = this.state.searchResults ;
for ( let i=0 ; i < newSearchResults.length ; ++i ) {
if ( newSearchResults[i].type === "publication" && pubs2[ newSearchResults[i].pub_id ] ) {
newSearchResults[i] = pubs2[ newSearchResults[i].pub_id ] ;
newSearchResults[i].type = "publication" ;
this.setState( { searchResults: newSearchResults } ) ;
4 years ago
showModalForm( formId, title, titleColor, content, buttons ) {
// prepare the buttons
let buttons2 = [] ;
for ( let b in buttons ) {
let notify = buttons[ b ] ;
buttons2[ b ] = () => {
// a button was clicked - notify the caller
if ( notify )
notify() ;
// NOTE: We don't automatically dismiss the dialog here, since the form might not want to close
// e.g. if it had problems updating something on the server. The form must dismiss the dialog manually.
} ;
// show the dialog
this.setState( {
4 years ago
modalForm: { formId: formId, title: title, titleColor: titleColor, content: content, buttons: buttons2 },
} ) ;
closeModalForm() {
this._setFocusTo = this._searchFormRef.current.queryStringRef ;
this.setState( { modalForm: null } ) ;
showInfoToast( msg ) { this._doShowToast( "info", msg, 5*1000 ) ; }
showWarningToast( msg ) { this._doShowToast( "warning", msg, 15*1000 ) ; }
showErrorToast( msg ) { this._doShowToast( "error", msg, false ) ; }
_doShowToast( type, msg, autoClose ) {
if ( this._storeMsgs ) {
// save the message for the test suite to retrieve (nb: we also don't show the toast itself
// since these build up when tests are running at high speed, and obscure elements that
// we want to click on :-/
this.setStoredMsg( type+"_toast", ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(msg) ) ;
return ;
toast( msg, { type: type, autoClose: autoClose } ) ;
setStoredMsg( msgType, msgData ) { this.refs[ "_stored_msg-" + msgType + "_" ].value = msgData ; }
getStoredMsg( msgType ) { return this.refs[ "_stored_msg-" + msgType + "_" ].value }
showErrorResponse( caption, err ) {
let content ;
if ( ! err.response )
content = <div className="monospace"> {err.toString()} </div> ;
else {
if ( "<!DOCTYPE" ) !== -1 || "<html" ) !== -1 )
content = <iframe title="error-response" srcDoc={} /> ;
content = <div className="monospace"> {} </div> ;
const msg = err.response ? err.response.statusText : err ;
const buttons = { Close: () => this.closeModalForm() } ;
this.showModalForm( "error-response", msg, "red",
<div> {caption}: {content} </div>,
) ;
showErrorMsg( content, setFocusTo ) {
// show the error message in a modal dialog
this.ask( content, "error",
{ "OK": null },
) ;
showWarnings( caption, warnings ) {
this.showWarningToast( makeSmartBulletList( caption, warnings ) ) ;
ask( content, iconType, buttons, setFocusTo ) {
// prepare the buttons
let buttons2 = [] ;
for ( let b in buttons ) {
let notify = buttons[ b ] ;
buttons2[ b ] = () => {
// a button was clicked - notify the caller
if ( notify )
notify() ;
// dismiss the dialog
this._setFocusTo = setFocusTo ? setFocusTo : this._searchFormRef.current.queryStringRef ;
this.setState( { askDialog: null } ) ;
} ;
// show the dialog
this.setState( { askDialog: {
content: <div> <img src={"/images/"+iconType+".png"} className="icon" alt={iconType+" icon"} /> {content} </div>,
buttons: buttons2
} } ) ;
4 years ago
onKeyDown( evt ) {
// check if a modal dialog is open and Ctrl-Enter was pressed
if ( this._modalFormRef && evt.keyCode === 13 && evt.ctrlKey ) {
let dlg = ReactDOM.findDOMNode( this._modalFormRef.current ) ;
if ( dlg ) {
// yup - accept the dialog
let btn = dlg.querySelector( ".MuiButton-root.ok" ) ;
if ( btn ) ;
console.log( "ERROR: Can't find default button." ) ;
logInternalError( msg, detail ) {
// log an internal error
this.showErrorToast( <div>
INTERNAL ERROR! <div>{msg}</div>
{detail && <div className="monospace">{detail}</div>}
</div> ) ;
console.log( "INTERNAL ERROR: " + msg ) ;
if ( detail )
console.log( " " + detail ) ;
makeTagLists( tags ) {
// convert the tags into a list suitable for CreatableSelect
// NOTE: react-select uses the "value" field to determine which choices have already been selected
// and thus should not be shown in the droplist of available choices.
let tagList = [] ;
if ( tags ) tag => tagList.push( { value: tag, label: tag } ) ) ;
// create another list for all known tags
let allTags = tag => { return { value: tag[0], label: tag[0] } } ) ;
return [ tagList, allTags ] ;
makeFlaskUrl( url, args ) {
// generate a URL for the Flask backend server
url = this._flaskBaseUrl + url ;
if ( args ) {
let args2 = [] ;
for ( let a in args )
args2.push( a + "=" + encodeURIComponent( args[a] ) ) ;
url = url + "?" + args2.join("&") ;
return url ;
makeFlaskImageUrl( type, imageId, force ) {
// generate an image URL for the Flask backend server
if ( ! imageId )
return null ;
let url = this.makeFlaskUrl( "/images/" + type + "/" + imageId ) ;
if ( force )
url += "?foo=" + Math.random() ; // FUDGE! To bypass the cache :-/
return url ;
_onStartupTask( taskId ) {
// flag that the specified startup task has completed
let pos = this.state.startupTasks.indexOf( taskId ) ;
if ( pos === -1 ) {
this.logInternalError( "Unknown startup task.", "taskId = "+taskId ) ;
return ;
this.state.startupTasks.splice( pos, 1 ) ;
this.setState( { startupTasks: this.state.startupTasks } ) ;
isTestMode() { return process.env.REACT_APP_TEST_MODE ; }
isDisableConstraints() { return this._disableConstraints ; }
isDisableConfirmDiscardChanges() { return this._disableConfirmDiscardChanges ; }
isFakeUploads() { return this._fakeUploads ; }
setTestAttribute( obj, attrName, attrVal ) {
// set an attribute on an element (for testing porpoises)
if ( obj && this.isTestMode() )
obj.setAttribute( "testing--"+attrName, attrVal ) ;