Added confirmation for discarding changes made to a form.

Pacman Ghost 4 years ago
parent b6e13679d9
commit 0d56e00903
  1. 45
  2. 37
  3. 22
  4. 145
  5. 5
  6. 1
  7. 8
  8. 118
  9. 8
  10. 99
  11. 72
  12. 21

@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import base64
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, select_main_menu_option, select_sr_menu_option, \
do_search, get_search_results, find_search_result, get_search_result_names, check_search_result, \
do_test_confirm_discard_changes, find_parent_by_class, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, wait_for_not_elem, find_child, find_children, \
set_elem_text, set_toast_marker, check_toast, send_upload_data, change_image, get_article_row, \
set_elem_text, set_toast_marker, check_toast, send_upload_data, change_image, remove_image, get_article_row, \
check_ask_dialog, check_error_msg, check_constraint_warnings
from asl_articles.tests.react_select import ReactSelect
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ def test_constraints( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test constraint validation."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, enable_constraints=1, fixtures="publications.json" )
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, disable_constraints=False, fixtures="publications.json" )
# try to create an article with no title
dlg = create_article( {}, expected_error="Please give it a title." )
@ -172,6 +173,40 @@ def test_constraints( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_confirm_discard_changes( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test confirmation of discarding changes made to a dialog."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, disable_confirm_discard_changes=False, fixtures="publications.json" )
# do the test
def update_react_select( elem, val ):
select = ReactSelect( find_parent_by_class( elem, "react-select" ) )
select.select_by_name( val )
def update_multiselect( elem, vals ):
select = ReactSelect( find_parent_by_class( elem, "react-select" ) )
select.update_multiselect_values( *vals )
do_test_confirm_discard_changes( "new-article", {
"publication": (
lambda elem: update_react_select( elem, "MMP News" ),
lambda elem: update_react_select( elem, "(none)" )
"authors": (
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["+Joe Blow"] ),
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["-Joe Blow"] ),
"scenarios": (
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["+Hill 621 [E]"] ),
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["-Hill 621 [E]"] ),
"tags": (
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["+foo"] ),
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["-foo"] ),
} )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_delete_article( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test deleting articles."""
@ -518,11 +553,9 @@ def _update_values( dlg, vals ):
for key,val in vals.items():
if key == "image":
if val:
data = base64.b64encode( open( val, "rb" ).read() )
data = "{}|{}".format( os.path.split(val)[1], data.decode("ascii") )
change_image( find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ), data )
change_image( dlg, val )
find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ).click()
remove_image( dlg )
elif key == "publication":
select = ReactSelect( find_child( ".row.publication .react-select", dlg ) )
select.select_by_name( val )

@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ from import SEARCH_ALL, SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS, SEARCH_ALL_
from asl_articles.tests.test_articles import create_article, edit_article
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, load_fixtures, select_main_menu_option, select_sr_menu_option, \
do_search, get_search_results, get_search_result_names, check_search_result, \
do_test_confirm_discard_changes, find_parent_by_class, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, wait_for_not_elem, find_child, find_children, find_search_result, set_elem_text, \
set_toast_marker, check_toast, send_upload_data, check_ask_dialog, check_error_msg, check_constraint_warnings, \
change_image, get_publication_row
change_image, remove_image, get_publication_row
from asl_articles.tests.react_select import ReactSelect
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ def test_constraints( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test constraint validation."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, enable_constraints=1, fixtures="publications.json" )
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, disable_constraints=False, fixtures="publications.json" )
# try to create a publication with no name
dlg = create_publication( {}, expected_error="Please give it a name." )
@ -150,6 +151,32 @@ def test_constraints( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_confirm_discard_changes( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test confirmation of discarding changes made to a dialog."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, disable_confirm_discard_changes=False, fixtures="publications.json" )
# do the test
def update_react_select( elem, val ):
select = ReactSelect( find_parent_by_class( elem, "react-select" ) )
select.select_by_name( val )
def update_multiselect( elem, vals ):
select = ReactSelect( find_parent_by_class( elem, "react-select" ) )
select.update_multiselect_values( *vals )
do_test_confirm_discard_changes( "new-publication", {
"publisher": (
lambda elem: update_react_select( elem, "Avalon Hill" ),
lambda elem: update_react_select( elem, "(none)" )
"tags": (
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["+foo"] ),
lambda elem: update_multiselect( elem, ["-foo"] ),
} )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_delete_publication( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test deleting publications."""
@ -632,11 +659,9 @@ def _update_values( dlg, vals ):
for key,val in vals.items():
if key == "image":
if val:
data = base64.b64encode( open( val, "rb" ).read() )
data = "{}|{}".format( os.path.split(val)[1], data.decode("ascii") )
change_image( find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ), data )
change_image( dlg, val )
find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ).click()
remove_image( dlg )
elif key == "name":
elem = find_child( " .react-select input", dlg )
set_elem_text( elem, val )

@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, load_fixtures, select_main_menu_option, select_sr_menu_option, \
do_search, get_search_results, get_search_result_names, check_search_result, \
do_test_confirm_discard_changes, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, wait_for_not_elem, find_child, find_search_result, set_elem_text, \
set_toast_marker, check_toast, send_upload_data, change_image, get_publisher_row, \
set_toast_marker, check_toast, send_upload_data, change_image, remove_image, get_publisher_row, \
check_ask_dialog, check_error_msg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ def test_constraints( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test constraint validation."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, enable_constraints=1, fixtures="publishers.json" )
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, disable_constraints=False, fixtures="publishers.json" )
# try to create a publisher with no title
dlg = create_publisher( {}, expected_error="Please give them a name." )
@ -374,6 +375,17 @@ def test_clean_html( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_confirm_discard_changes( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test confirmation of discarding changes made to a dialog."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, disable_confirm_discard_changes=False )
# do the test
do_test_confirm_discard_changes( "new-publisher" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_timestamps( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test setting of timestamps."""
@ -462,11 +474,9 @@ def _update_values( dlg, vals ):
for key,val in vals.items():
if key == "image":
if val:
data = base64.b64encode( open( val, "rb" ).read() )
data = "{}|{}".format( os.path.split(val)[1], data.decode("ascii") )
change_image( find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ), data )
change_image( dlg, val )
find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ).click()
remove_image( dlg )
sel = ".row.{} {}".format( key , "textarea" if key == "description" else "input" )
set_elem_text( find_child( sel, dlg ), val )

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
import os
import json
import itertools
import uuid
import base64
import logging
import sqlalchemy
@ -49,8 +51,10 @@ def init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, **kwargs ):
# load the home page
if webdriver:
if not to_bool( kwargs.pop( "enable_constraints", False ) ):
if to_bool( kwargs.pop( "disable_constraints", True ) ):
kwargs[ "disable_constraints" ] = 1
if to_bool( kwargs.pop( "disable_confirm_discard_changes", True ) ):
kwargs[ "disable_confirm_discard_changes" ] = 1
webdriver.get( webdriver.make_url( "/", **kwargs ) )
wait_for_elem( 2, "#search-form" )
@ -160,6 +164,123 @@ def check_search_result( sr, check, expected ):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def do_test_confirm_discard_changes( menu_id, update_fields=None ): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements
"""Test confirmation of discarding changes made to a dialog."""
# initialize
image_fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif" )
def get_input_fields( dlg ):
input_fields = itertools.chain(
find_children( "input", dlg ),
find_children( "textarea", dlg )
input_fields = { get_field_id(f): f for f in input_fields if f.is_displayed() }
# NOTE: Publishers, publications and articles all have an image, but requires special handling.
input_fields[ "image" ] = None
return input_fields
def get_field_id( elem ):
if elem.get_attribute( "class" ) == "edition":
# FUDGE! The publication dialog has a row with two fields ("name" and "edition").
# We return the "edition" field, the "name" field is handled as a ReactSelect.
return "edition"
if elem.get_attribute( "class" ) == "pageno":
# FUDGE! The article dialog has a row with two fields ("publication" and "pageno").
# We return the "pageno" field, the "publication" field is handled as a ReactSelect.
return "pageno"
elem = find_parent_by_class( elem, "row" )
classes = set( elem.get_attribute( "class" ).split() )
classes.remove( "row" )
assert len(classes) == 1
return classes.pop()
# locate all the input fields
select_main_menu_option( menu_id )
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".MuiDialog-root" )
field_ids = get_input_fields( dlg ).keys()
find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click()
def update_field( field_id, dlg, elem, setVal, val=None ):
# check if we're updating the image
if field_id == "image":
if setVal:
change_image( dlg, image_fname )
remove_image( dlg )
return None
# check if a custom update function has been provided
if update_fields and field_id in update_fields:
update_fields[ field_id ][ 0 if setVal else 1 ]( elem )
return None
# update the field as text
prev_val = elem.get_attribute( "value" )
if val is None:
val = "TEST: {}".format( field_id ) if setVal else ""
set_elem_text( elem, val )
elem.send_keys( Keys.RETURN ) # nb: in case we have a ReactSelect
return prev_val
def do_test( open_dialog, setVals ):
# test each input field
for field_id in field_ids:
# NOTE: We can't unset a publication's name once it's been set, so there's no point continuing.
if menu_id == "new-publication" and field_id == "name" and not setVals:
# open the form dialog
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".MuiDialog-root" )
input_fields = get_input_fields( dlg )
# change the next input field
prev_val = update_field( field_id, dlg, input_fields[field_id], setVals )
# try to cancel the dialog (should get a confirmation dialog)
find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click()
ask = wait_for_elem( 2, "#ask" )
assert "Do you want to discard your changes?" in find_child( ".MuiDialogContent-root", ask ).text
find_child( ".cancel", ask ).click()
# NOTE: We can't unset a publication's name once it's been set, so there's no point continuing.
if menu_id == "new-publication" and field_id == "name":
find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click()
ask = wait_for_elem( 2, "#ask" )
find_child( ".ok", ask ).click()
# NOTE: Changing the image will always trigger a confirmation dialog, so there's no point continuing.
if field_id == "image" and not setVals:
find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click()
ask = wait_for_elem( 2, "#ask" )
find_child( ".ok", ask ).click()
# restore the original value
if isinstance( prev_val, str ):
prev_val = " {} ".format( prev_val )
update_field( field_id, dlg, input_fields[field_id], not setVals, prev_val )
# try to cancel the dialog (should work without confirmation)
find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click()
ask = wait_for_not_elem( 2, ".MuiDialog-root" )
# test using a blank object
do_test( lambda: select_main_menu_option( menu_id ), True )
# test using an object with every field filled in
select_main_menu_option( menu_id )
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".MuiDialog-root" )
input_fields = get_input_fields( dlg )
for field_id in input_fields:
update_field( field_id, dlg, input_fields[field_id], True )
find_child( ".ok", dlg ).click()
results = wait_for( 2, get_search_results )
assert len(results) == 1
do_test( lambda: select_sr_menu_option( results[0], "edit" ), False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def wait_for( timeout, func ):
"""Wait for a condition to become true."""
return WebDriverWait( _webdriver, timeout, 0.1 ).until(
@ -195,6 +316,16 @@ def find_children( sel, parent=None ):
except NoSuchElementException:
return None
def find_parent_by_class( elem, class_name ):
"""Find a parent element with the specified class."""
while True:
elem = elem.find_element_by_xpath( ".." )
if not elem:
return None
classes = set( elem.get_attribute( "class" ).split() )
if class_name in classes:
return elem
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_stored_msg( msg_id ):
@ -338,15 +469,23 @@ def get_article_row( dbconn, article_id, fields ):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def change_image( elem, image_data ):
def change_image( dlg, fname ):
"""Click on an image to change it."""
# NOTE: This is a bit tricky since we started overlaying the image with the "remove image" icon :-/
send_upload_data( image_data,
data = base64.b64encode( open( fname, "rb" ).read() )
data = "{}|{}".format( os.path.split(fname)[1], data.decode("ascii") )
elem = find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg )
_webdriver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollTo( 0, 0 )", find_child( ".MuiDialogContent-root", dlg ) )
send_upload_data( data,
lambda: ActionChains( _webdriver ) \
.move_to_element_with_offset( elem, 1, 1 ) \
def remove_image( dlg ):
"""Remove an image."""
find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ).click()
def set_elem_text( elem, val ):
"""Set the text for an element."""

@ -8468,6 +8468,11 @@
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-4j8/nE+Pvd6HJSnBBxhXoIblzO8="
"lodash.isequal": {
"version": "4.5.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-QVxEePK8wwEgwizhDtMib30+GOA="
"lodash.memoize": {
"version": "4.1.2",
"resolved": "",

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"http-proxy-middleware": "^0.20.0",
"lodash.clone": "^4.5.0",
"lodash.clonedeep": "^4.5.0",
"lodash.isequal": "^4.5.0",
"react": "^16.11.0",
"react-dom": "^16.11.0",
"react-drag-listview": "^0.1.6",

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ export default class App extends React.Component
this._storeMsgs = this.isTestMode() && this.args.store_msgs ;
this._disableSearchResultHighlighting = this.isTestMode() && this.args.no_sr_hilite ;
this._disableConstraints = this.isTestMode() && this.args.disable_constraints ;
this._disableConfirmDiscardChanges = this.isTestMode() && this.args.disable_confirm_discard_changes ;
this._fakeUploads = this.isTestMode() && this.args.fake_uploads ;
// initialize
@ -96,14 +97,12 @@ export default class App extends React.Component
return ( <div> {content}
{ this.state.modalForm !== null &&
<ModalForm show={true} formId={this.state.modalForm.formId}
title = {this.state.modalForm.title} titleColor = {this.state.modalForm.titleColor}
content = {this.state.modalForm.content}
buttons = {this.state.modalForm.buttons}
ref = {this._modalFormRef}
{ this.state.askDialog !== null &&
<AskDialog show={true} content={this.state.askDialog.content} buttons={this.state.askDialog.buttons} />
<AskDialog show={true} {...this.state.askDialog} />
<ToastContainer position="bottom-right" hideProgressBar={true} />
{ this._storeMsgs && <div>
@ -354,6 +353,7 @@ export default class App extends React.Component
isTestMode() { return process.env.REACT_APP_TEST_MODE ; }
isDisableConstraints() { return this._disableConstraints ; }
isDisableConfirmDiscardChanges() { return this._disableConfirmDiscardChanges ; }
isFakeUploads() { return this._fakeUploads ; }
setTestAttribute( obj, attrName, attrVal ) {
// set an attribute on an element (for testing porpoises)

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { NEW_ARTICLE_PUB_PRIORITY_CUTOFF } from "./constants.js" ;
import { PublicationSearchResult } from "./PublicationSearchResult.js" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./index.js" ;
import { ImageFileUploader } from "./FileUploader.js" ;
import { makeScenarioDisplayName, parseScenarioDisplayName, checkConstraints, sortSelectableOptions, unloadCreatableSelect, isNumeric } from "./utils.js" ;
import { makeScenarioDisplayName, parseScenarioDisplayName, checkConstraints, confirmDiscardChanges, sortSelectableOptions, unloadCreatableSelect, isNumeric } from "./utils.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -18,16 +18,25 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult2
let refs = {} ;
const isNew = Object.keys( vals ).length === 0 ;
// prepare to save the initial values
let initialVals = null ;
function onReady() {
if ( ! initialVals )
initialVals = unloadVals() ;
// initialize the image
let imageFilename=null, imageData=null ;
let imageRef=null, uploadImageRef=null, removeImageRef=null ;
let imageUrl = gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/images/article/" + vals.article_id ) ;
imageUrl += "?foo=" + Math.random() ; // FUDGE! To bypass the cache :-/
let onMissingImage = (evt) => {
function onImageLoaded() { onReady() ; }
function onMissingImage() {
imageRef.src = "/images/placeholder.png" ; = "none" ;
onReady() ;
} ;
let onUploadImage = (evt) => {
function onUploadImage( evt ) {
if ( evt === null && !gAppRef.isFakeUploads() ) {
// nb: the article image was clicked - trigger an upload request ;
@ -39,7 +48,7 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult2
imageData = data ;
} ) ;
} ;
let onRemoveImage = () => {
function onRemoveImage() {
imageData = "{remove}" ;
imageRef.src = "/images/placeholder.png" ; = "none" ;
@ -110,9 +119,22 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult2
const content = <div>
<div className="image-container">
<div className="row image">
<img src={imageUrl} className="image" onError={onMissingImage} onClick={() => onUploadImage(null)} ref={r => imageRef=r} alt="Upload image." title="Click to upload an image for this article." />
<img src="/images/delete.png" className="remove-image" onClick={onRemoveImage} ref={r => removeImageRef=r} alt="Remove image." title="Remove the article's image." />
<input type="file" accept="image/*" onChange={onUploadImage} style={{display:"none"}} ref={r => uploadImageRef=r} />
<img src={imageUrl} className="image"
onLoad = {onImageLoaded}
onError = {onMissingImage}
onClick = { () => onUploadImage(null) }
ref = { r => imageRef=r }
alt="Upload image." title="Click to upload an image for this article."
<img src="/images/delete.png" className="remove-image"
onClick = {onRemoveImage}
ref = { r => removeImageRef=r }
alt="Remove image." title="Remove the article's image."
<input type="file" accept="image/*" style={{display:"none"}}
onChange = {onUploadImage}
ref = { r => uploadImageRef=r }
<div className="row title"> <label className="top"> Title: </label>
@ -154,43 +176,48 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult2
</div> ;
function unloadVals() {
let newVals = {} ;
for ( let r in refs ) {
if ( r === "pub_id" )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].state.value && refs[r].state.value.value ;
else if ( r === "article_authors" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals.article_authors = [] ;
vals.forEach( v => {
if ( v.__isNew__ )
newVals.article_authors.push( v.label ) ; // nb: string = new author name
newVals.article_authors.push( v.value ) ; // nb: integer = existing author ID
} ) ;
} else if ( r === "article_scenarios" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals.article_scenarios = [] ;
vals.forEach( v => {
if ( v.__isNew__ )
newVals.article_scenarios.push( parseScenarioDisplayName( v.label ) ) ; // nb: array = new scenario
newVals.article_scenarios.push( v.value ) ; // nb: integer = existing scenario ID
} ) ;
} else if ( r === "article_tags" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals[ r ] = v => v.label ) ;
} else
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].value.trim() ;
newVals._hasImage = ( !== "none" ) ;
return newVals ;
// prepare the form buttons
const buttons = {
OK: () => {
// unload the new values
let newVals = {} ;
for ( let r in refs ) {
if ( r === "pub_id" )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].state.value && refs[r].state.value.value ;
else if ( r === "article_authors" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals.article_authors = [] ;
vals.forEach( v => {
if ( v.__isNew__ )
newVals.article_authors.push( v.label ) ; // nb: string = new author name
newVals.article_authors.push( v.value ) ; // nb: integer = existing author ID
} ) ;
} else if ( r === "article_scenarios" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals.article_scenarios = [] ;
vals.forEach( v => {
if ( v.__isNew__ )
newVals.article_scenarios.push( parseScenarioDisplayName( v.label ) ) ; // nb: array = new scenario
newVals.article_scenarios.push( v.value ) ; // nb: integer = existing scenario ID
} ) ;
} else if ( r === "article_tags" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals[ r ] = v => v.label ) ;
} else
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].value.trim() ;
// unload and validate the new values
let newVals = unloadVals() ;
if ( imageData ) {
newVals.imageData = imageData ;
newVals.imageFilename = imageFilename ;
// check the new values
const required = [
[ () => newVals.article_title === "", "Please give it a title.", refs.article_title ],
] ;
@ -209,11 +236,24 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult2
() => notify( newVals, refs )
) ;
Cancel: () => { gAppRef.closeModalForm() ; },
Cancel: () => {
let newVals = unloadVals() ;
if ( initialVals._hasImage && newVals._hasImage && imageData ) {
// FUDGE! The image was changed, but we have no way to tell if it's the same image or not,
// so we play it safe and force a confirmation.
newVals._justDoIt = true ;
confirmDiscardChanges( initialVals, newVals,
() => { gAppRef.closeModalForm() }
) ;
} ;
// show the form
gAppRef.showModalForm( "article-form", isNew?"New article":"Edit article", "#d3edfc", content, buttons ) ;
gAppRef.showModalForm( "article-form",
isNew ? "New article" : "Edit article", "#d3edfc",
content, buttons
) ;

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ export default class ModalForm extends React.Component
render() {
// initialize the buttons
let buttons = [] ;
for ( let btn in this.props.buttons ) {
@ -21,7 +23,11 @@ export default class ModalForm extends React.Component
> {btn} </Button>
) ;
return ( <Dialog id={this.props.formId} className="modal-form" open={true} onClose={this.onClose.bind(this)} disableBackdropClick>
// show the dialog
return ( <Dialog id={this.props.formId} className="modal-form" open={true} disableBackdropClick
onClose = { this.onClose.bind( this ) }
<DialogTitle style={{background:this.props.titleColor}}> {this.props.title} </DialogTitle>
<DialogContent dividers>
{ typeof this.props.content === "function" ? this.props.content() : this.props.content }

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import CreatableSelect from "react-select/creatable" ;
import ReactDragListView from "react-drag-listview/lib/index.js" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./index.js" ;
import { ImageFileUploader } from "./FileUploader.js" ;
import { checkConstraints, sortSelectableOptions, unloadCreatableSelect, ciCompare, isNumeric } from "./utils.js" ;
import { checkConstraints, confirmDiscardChanges, sortSelectableOptions, unloadCreatableSelect, ciCompare, isNumeric } from "./utils.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -16,18 +16,34 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult2
// initialize
let refs = {} ;
let imageFilename=null, imageData=null ;
let imageRef=null, uploadImageRef=null, removeImageRef=null ;
// prepare to save the initial values
let initialVals = null ;
function onReady() {
if ( ! initialVals )
initialVals = unloadVals() ;
function doRender() {
// NOTE: We implement this as a function so that we can re-render the form after articles have been re-ordered.
// initialize the image
let imageRef=null, uploadImageRef=null, removeImageRef=null ;
let imageUrl = gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/images/publication/" + vals.pub_id ) ;
imageUrl += "?foo=" + Math.random() ; // FUDGE! To bypass the cache :-/
let onMissingImage = (evt) => {
let imageUrl ;
if ( initialVals )
imageUrl = imageRef.src ; // nb: leave whatever's there already
else {
imageUrl = gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/images/publication/" + vals.pub_id ) ;
imageUrl += "?foo=" + Math.random() ; // FUDGE! To bypass the cache :-/
function onImageLoaded() { onReady() ; }
function onMissingImage() {
imageRef.src = "/images/placeholder.png" ; = "none" ;
onReady() ;
} ;
let onUploadImage = (evt) => {
function onUploadImage( evt ) {
if ( evt === null && !gAppRef.isFakeUploads() ) {
// nb: the publication image was clicked - trigger an upload request ;
@ -39,7 +55,7 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult2
imageData = data ;
} ) ;
} ;
let onRemoveImage = () => {
function onRemoveImage() {
imageData = "{remove}" ;
imageRef.src = "/images/placeholder.png" ; = "none" ;
@ -107,9 +123,22 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult2
const content = <div>
<div className="image-container">
<div className="row image">
<img src={imageUrl} className="image" onError={onMissingImage} onClick={() => onUploadImage(null)} ref={r => imageRef=r} alt="Upload image." title="Click to upload an image for this publication." />
<img src="/images/delete.png" className="remove-image" onClick={onRemoveImage} ref={r => removeImageRef=r} alt="Remove image." title="Remove the publication's image." />
<input type="file" accept="image/*" onChange={onUploadImage} style={{display:"none"}} ref={r => uploadImageRef=r} />
<img src={imageUrl} className="image"
onLoad = {onImageLoaded}
onError = {onMissingImage}
onClick = { () => onUploadImage(null) }
ref = { r => imageRef=r }
alt="Upload image." title="Click to upload an image for this publication."
<img src="/images/delete.png" className="remove-image"
onClick = {onRemoveImage}
ref = { r => removeImageRef=r }
alt="Remove image." title="Remove the publication's image."
<input type="file" accept="image/*" style={{display:"none"}}
onChange = {onUploadImage}
ref = { r => uploadImageRef=r }
<div className="row name"> <label className="select top"> Name: </label>
@ -155,6 +184,25 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult2
return content ;
function unloadVals() {
// unload the form values
let newVals = {} ;
for ( let r in refs ) {
if ( r === "publ_id" )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].state.value && refs[r].state.value.value ;
else if ( r === "pub_name" ) {
if ( refs[r].state.value )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].state.value.label.trim() ;
} else if ( r === "pub_tags" ) {
let tags = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals[ r ] = v => v.label ) ;
} else
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].value.trim() ;
newVals._hasImage = ( !== "none" ) ;
return newVals ;
function checkForDupe( vals ) {
// check for an existing publication name/edition
for ( let pub of Object.entries(gAppRef.caches.publications) ) {
@ -190,20 +238,8 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult2
// prepare the form buttons
const buttons = {
OK: () => {
// unload the new values
let newVals = {} ;
for ( let r in refs ) {
if ( r === "publ_id" )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].state.value && refs[r].state.value.value ;
else if ( r === "pub_name" ) {
if ( refs[r].state.value )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].state.value.label.trim() ;
} else if ( r === "pub_tags" ) {
let vals = unloadCreatableSelect( refs[r] ) ;
newVals[ r ] = v => v.label ) ;
} else
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].value.trim() ;
// unload and validate the new values
let newVals = unloadVals() ;
if ( imageData ) {
newVals.imageData = imageData ;
newVals.imageFilename = imageFilename ;
@ -225,15 +261,24 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult2
() => notify( newVals, refs )
) ;
Cancel: () => { gAppRef.closeModalForm() ; },
Cancel: () => {
let newVals = unloadVals() ;
if ( initialVals._hasImage && newVals._hasImage && imageData ) {
// FUDGE! The image was changed, but we have no way to tell if it's the same image or not,
// so we play it safe and force a confirmation.
newVals._justDoIt = true ;
confirmDiscardChanges( initialVals, newVals,
() => { gAppRef.closeModalForm() }
) ;
} ;
// show the form
const isNew = Object.keys( vals ).length === 0 ;
gAppRef.showModalForm( "publication-form",
isNew ? "New publication" : "Edit publication", "#e5f700",
doRender, buttons
) ;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from "react" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./index.js" ;
import { ImageFileUploader } from "./FileUploader.js" ;
import { checkConstraints, ciCompare } from "./utils.js" ;
import { checkConstraints, confirmDiscardChanges, ciCompare } from "./utils.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -10,18 +10,28 @@ export class PublisherSearchResult2
static _doEditPublisher( vals, notify ) {
// initialize
let refs = {} ;
// prepare to save the initial values
let initialVals = null ;
function onReady() {
if ( ! initialVals )
initialVals = unloadVals() ;
// initialize the image
let imageFilename=null, imageData=null ;
let imageRef=null, uploadImageRef=null, removeImageRef=null ;
let imageUrl = gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/images/publisher/" + vals.publ_id ) ;
imageUrl += "?foo=" + Math.random() ; // FUDGE! To bypass the cache :-/
let onMissingImage = (evt) => {
function onImageLoaded() { onReady() ; }
function onMissingImage() {
imageRef.src = "/images/placeholder.png" ; = "none" ;
onReady() ;
} ;
let onUploadImage = (evt) => {
function onUploadImage( evt ) {
if ( evt === null && !gAppRef.isFakeUploads() ) {
// nb: the publisher image was clicked - trigger an upload request ;
@ -33,20 +43,33 @@ export class PublisherSearchResult2
imageData = data ;
} ) ;
} ;
let onRemoveImage = () => {
function onRemoveImage() {
imageData = "{remove}" ;
imageRef.src = "/images/placeholder.png" ; = "none" ;
} ;
// prepare the form content
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt */
const content = <div>
<div className="image-container">
<div className="row image">
<img src={imageUrl} className="image" onError={onMissingImage} onClick={() => onUploadImage(null)} ref={r => imageRef=r} alt="Upload image." title="Click to upload an image for this publisher." />
<img src="/images/delete.png" className="remove-image" onClick={onRemoveImage} ref={r => removeImageRef=r} alt="Remove image." title="Remove the publisher's image." />
<input type="file" accept="image/*" onChange={onUploadImage} style={{display:"none"}} ref={r => uploadImageRef=r} />
<img src={imageUrl} className="image"
onLoad = {onImageLoaded}
onError = {onMissingImage}
onClick = { () => onUploadImage(null) }
ref = { r => imageRef=r }
alt="Upload image." title="Click to upload an image for this publisher."
<img src="/images/delete.png" className="remove-image"
onClick = {onRemoveImage}
ref = { r => removeImageRef=r }
alt="Remove image." title="Remove the publisher's image."
<input type="file" accept="image/*" style={{display:"none"}}
onChange = {onUploadImage}
ref = { r => uploadImageRef=r }
<div className="row name"> <label className="top"> Name: </label>
@ -69,18 +92,24 @@ export class PublisherSearchResult2
return false ;
function unloadVals() {
// unload the form values
let newVals = {} ;
for ( let r in refs )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].value.trim() ;
newVals._hasImage = ( !== "none" ) ;
return newVals ;
// prepare the form buttons
const buttons = {
OK: () => {
// unload the new values
let newVals = {} ;
for ( let r in refs )
newVals[ r ] = refs[r].value.trim() ;
// unload and validate the new values
let newVals = unloadVals() ;
if ( imageData ) {
newVals.imageData = imageData ;
newVals.imageFilename = imageFilename ;
// check the new values
const required = [
[ () => newVals.publ_name === "", "Please give them a name.", refs.publ_name ],
[ () => isNew && checkForDupe(newVals.publ_name), "There is already a publisher with this name.", refs.publ_name ],
@ -92,12 +121,25 @@ export class PublisherSearchResult2
() => notify( newVals, refs )
) ;
Cancel: () => { gAppRef.closeModalForm() ; },
Cancel: () => {
let newVals = unloadVals() ;
if ( initialVals._hasImage && newVals._hasImage && imageData ) {
// FUDGE! The image was changed, but we have no way to tell if it's the same image or not,
// so we play it safe and force a confirmation.
newVals._justDoIt = true ;
confirmDiscardChanges( initialVals, newVals,
() => { gAppRef.closeModalForm() }
) ;
} ;
// show the form
const isNew = Object.keys( vals ).length === 0 ;
gAppRef.showModalForm( "publisher-form", isNew?"New publisher":"Edit publisher", "#eabe51", content, buttons ) ;
gAppRef.showModalForm( "publisher-form",
isNew ? "New publisher" : "Edit publisher", "#eabe51",
content, buttons
) ;

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import React from "react" ;
import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./index.js" ;
const isEqual = require( "lodash.isequal" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export function checkConstraints( required, requiredCaption, optional, optionalCaption, accept ) {
@ -55,6 +57,25 @@ export function checkConstraints( required, requiredCaption, optional, optionalC
accept() ;
export function confirmDiscardChanges( oldVals, newVals, accept ) {
// check if confirmations have been disabled (for testing porpoises only)
if ( gAppRef.isDisableConfirmDiscardChanges() ) {
accept() ;
return ;
// check if the values have changed
if ( isEqual( oldVals, newVals ) ) {
// nope - just do it
accept() ;
} else {
// yup - ask the user to confirm first
gAppRef.ask( "Do you want to discard your changes?", "ask", {
OK: accept,
Cancel: null,
} ) ;
export function sortSelectableOptions( options ) {
options.sort( (lhs,rhs) => {
lhs = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup( lhs.label ) ;
