Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
7.5 KiB

""" Helper utilities. """
import re
import typing
import itertools
import logging
from flask import jsonify, abort
import lxml.html.clean
_html_whitelists = None
_startup_logger = logging.getLogger( "startup" )
_CONTROL_CHARS = list( ch for ch in itertools.chain( range(0,31+1), range(127,159+1) )
if ch not in (10,13)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_request_args( vals, arg_names, log=None ):
"""Unload the arguments from a Flask request."""
arg_names = [ _parse_arg_name( k ) for k in arg_names ]
vals = { a[0]: vals.get( a[0] ) for a in arg_names }
vals = {
k: v.strip() if isinstance(v,str) else v
for k,v in vals.items()
if log:
log[0].debug( "%s", log[1] )
for a in arg_names:
log[0].debug( "- %s = %s", a[0], str(vals[a[0]]) )
# check for required arguments
required = [ a[0] for a in arg_names if a[1] ]
required = [ r for r in required if r not in vals or not vals[r] ]
if required:
abort( 400, "Missing required values: {}".format( ", ".join( required ) ) )
return vals
def clean_request_args( vals, fields, warnings, logger ):
"""Clean incoming data."""
cleaned = {}
for f in fields:
f = _parse_arg_name( f )[ 0 ]
if isinstance( vals[f], str ):
val2 = clean_html( vals[f] )
if val2 != vals[f]:
vals[f] = val2
cleaned[f] = val2
logger.debug( "Cleaned HTML: %s => %s", f, val2 )
warnings.append( "Some values had HTML cleaned up." )
return cleaned
def _parse_arg_name( arg_name ):
"""Parse a request argument name."""
if arg_name[0] == "*":
return ( arg_name[1:], True ) # required argument
return ( arg_name, False ) # optional argument
def make_ok_response( extras=None, updated=None, warnings=None ):
"""Generate a Flask 'success' response."""
resp = { "status": "OK" }
if extras:
resp.update( extras )
if updated:
resp[ "updated" ] = updated
if warnings:
resp[ "warnings" ] = list( set( warnings ) ) # nb: remove duplicate messages
return jsonify( resp )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def clean_html( val, allow_tags=None, safe_attrs=None ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
"""Sanitize HTML using a whitelist."""
# check if we need to do anything
if val is None:
return None
val = val.strip()
if not val:
return val
# fixup smart quotes and dashes
def replace_chars( val, ch, targets ):
for t in targets:
if isinstance( t, typing.Pattern ):
val = t.sub( ch, val )
assert isinstance( t, str )
val = val.replace( t, ch )
return val
val = replace_chars( val, '"', [ "\u00ab", "\u00bb", "\u201c", "\u201d", "\u201e", "\u201f" ] )
val = replace_chars( val, "'", [ "\u2018", "\u2019", "\u201a", "\u201b", "\u2039", "\u203a" ] )
val = replace_chars( val, r"\1 - \2", [ re.compile( r"(\S+)\u2014(\S+)" ) ] )
val = replace_chars( val, "-", [ "\u2013", "\u2014" ] )
val = replace_chars( val, "...", [ "\u2026" ] )
# remove control characters
val = val.replace( "\t", " " )
val = "".join( ch for ch in val if ord(ch) not in _CONTROL_CHARS )
# FUDGE! lxml replaces HTML entities with their actual character :-/ It's possible to stop it from doing this,
# by passing in an ElementTree, which gives us an ElementTree back, and we can then control how it is serialized
# back into a string e.g.
# html = lxml.html.fromstring( val )
# html = cleaner.clean_html( html )
# val = lxml.html.tostring( html, encoding="ascii" ).decode( encoding="ascii" )
# but the original HTML entities are converted into numeric e.g. "è" => "è" :-/
# We hack around this by replacing all HTML entities with a special marker string, clean the HTML,
# then replace all the marker strings with their original HTML entities :-/
markers = {}
matches = list( re.finditer( "&[a-z][a-z0-9]+;", val ) )
matches = reversed( matches )
for n,mo in enumerate(matches):
marker = "[!${}$!]".format( n )
markers[ marker ] =
val = val[:mo.start()] + marker + val[mo.end():]
# strip the HTML
args = {}
if allow_tags is None:
allow_tags = _html_whitelists.get( "tags" )
elif allow_tags == []:
allow_tags = [ "" ] # nb: this is how we remove everything :-/
if allow_tags:
args[ "allow_tags" ] = allow_tags
args[ "remove_unknown_tags" ] = None
if safe_attrs is None:
safe_attrs = _html_whitelists.get( "attrs" )
elif safe_attrs == []:
safe_attrs = [ "" ] # nb: this is how we remove everything :-/
if safe_attrs:
args[ "safe_attrs" ] = safe_attrs
cleaner = lxml.html.clean.Cleaner( **args )
buf = cleaner.clean_html( val )
# restore the HTML entities
for marker,entity in markers.items():
buf = buf.replace( marker, entity )
# clean up the results
while True:
buf = buf.strip()
prev_buf = buf
buf = re.sub( " +", " ", buf ) # nb: we don't use "\s+" to preserve newlines
buf = re.sub( r"^\s+", "", buf, re.MULTILINE )
buf = re.sub( r"\s+$", "", buf, re.MULTILINE )
for tag in ["body","div","span"]:
if buf.startswith( "<{}>".format(tag) ) and buf.endswith( "</{}>".format(tag) ):
buf = buf[ len(tag)+2 : -len(tag)-3 ]
if buf == prev_buf:
if buf.startswith( "<p>" ) and buf.endswith( "</p>" ):
buf2 = buf[ 3: -4 ]
if "<p>" not in buf2 and "</p>" not in buf2:
buf = buf2
return buf.strip()
def load_html_whitelists( app ):
"""Load the HTML whitelists."""
global _html_whitelists
assert _html_whitelists is None
def parse_whitelist( key ):
whitelist = app.config.get( key, "" )
whitelist = whitelist.replace( ",", " " )
whitelist = [ s.strip() for s in whitelist.split(" ") ]
whitelist = [ s for s in whitelist if s ]
_startup_logger.debug( "Configured %s: %s", key, whitelist )
return whitelist
_html_whitelists = {
"tags": parse_whitelist( "HTML_TAG_WHITELIST" ),
"attrs": parse_whitelist( "HTML_ATTR_WHITELIST" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def clean_tags( tags, warnings ):
"""Remove HTML from tags."""
cleaned_tags = [ clean_html( t, allow_tags=[], safe_attrs=[] ) for t in tags ]
if cleaned_tags != tags:
warnings.append( "Some values had HTML removed." )
return cleaned_tags
def encode_tags( tags ):
"""Encode tags prior to storing them in the database."""
if not tags:
return None
return "\n".join( tags )
def decode_tags( tags ):
"""Decode tags after loading them from the database."""
if not tags:
return None
return tags.split( "\n" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def apply_attrs( obj, vals ):
"""Update an object's attributes."""
for k,v in vals.items():
setattr( obj, k, v )
def to_bool( val ):
"""Interpret a value as a boolean."""
if val is None:
return None
val = str( val ).lower()
if val in ["yes","true","enabled","1"]:
return True
if val in ["no","false","disabled","0"]:
return False
return None