Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
5.1 KiB

""" Helper utilities. """
import re
import logging
from flask import jsonify, abort
import lxml.html.clean
_html_whitelists = None
_startup_logger = logging.getLogger( "startup" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_request_args( vals, arg_names, log=None ):
"""Unload the arguments from a Flask request."""
arg_names = [ _parse_arg_name( k ) for k in arg_names ]
vals = { a[0]: vals.get( a[0] ) for a in arg_names }
vals = {
k: v.strip() if isinstance(v,str) else v
for k,v in vals.items()
if log:
log[0].debug( "%s", log[1] )
for a in arg_names:
log[0].debug( "- %s = %s", a[0], str(vals[a[0]]) )
# check for required arguments
required = [ a[0] for a in arg_names if a[1] ]
required = [ r for r in required if r not in vals or not vals[r] ]
if required:
abort( 400, "Missing required values: {}".format( ", ".join( required ) ) )
return vals
def clean_request_args( vals, fields, warnings, logger ):
"""Clean incoming data."""
cleaned = {}
for f in fields:
f = _parse_arg_name( f )[ 0 ]
if isinstance( vals[f], str ):
val2 = clean_html( vals[f] )
if val2 != vals[f]:
vals[f] = val2
cleaned[f] = val2
logger.debug( "Cleaned HTML: %s => %s", f, val2 )
warnings.append( "Some values had HTML removed." )
return cleaned
def _parse_arg_name( arg_name ):
"""Parse a request argument name."""
if arg_name[0] == "*":
return ( arg_name[1:], True ) # required argument
return ( arg_name, False ) # optional argument
def make_ok_response( extras=None, updated=None, warnings=None ):
"""Generate a Flask 'success' response."""
resp = { "status": "OK" }
if extras:
resp.update( extras )
if updated:
resp[ "updated" ] = updated
if warnings:
resp[ "warnings" ] = warnings
return jsonify( resp )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def clean_html( val, allow_tags=None, safe_attrs=None ):
"""Sanitize HTML using a whitelist."""
# check if we need to do anything
if val is None:
return None
val = val.strip()
if not val:
return val
# strip the HTML
args = {}
if allow_tags is None:
allow_tags = _html_whitelists.get( "tags" )
elif allow_tags == []:
allow_tags = [ "" ] # nb: this is how we remove everything :-/
if allow_tags:
args[ "allow_tags" ] = allow_tags
args[ "remove_unknown_tags" ] = None
if safe_attrs is None:
safe_attrs = _html_whitelists.get( "attrs" )
elif safe_attrs == []:
safe_attrs = [ "" ] # nb: this is how we remove everything :-/
if safe_attrs:
args[ "safe_attrs" ] = safe_attrs
cleaner = lxml.html.clean.Cleaner( **args )
buf = cleaner.clean_html( val )
# clean up the results
while True:
prev_buf = buf
buf = re.sub( r"\s+", " ", buf )
buf = re.sub( r"^\s+", "", buf, re.MULTILINE )
buf = re.sub( r"\s+$", "", buf, re.MULTILINE )
for tag in ["body","p","div","span"]:
if buf.startswith( "<{}>".format(tag) ) and buf.endswith( "</{}>".format(tag) ):
buf = buf[ len(tag)+2 : -len(tag)-3 ]
if buf == prev_buf:
return buf.strip()
def load_html_whitelists( app ):
"""Load the HTML whitelists."""
global _html_whitelists
assert _html_whitelists is None
def parse_whitelist( key ):
whitelist = app.config.get( key, "" )
whitelist = whitelist.replace( ",", " " )
whitelist = [ s.strip() for s in whitelist.split(" ") ]
whitelist = [ s for s in whitelist if s ]
_startup_logger.debug( "Configured %s: %s", key, whitelist )
return whitelist
_html_whitelists = {
"tags": parse_whitelist( "HTML_TAG_WHITELIST" ),
"attrs": parse_whitelist( "HTML_ATTR_WHITELIST" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def clean_tags( tags, warnings ):
"""Remove HTML from tags."""
cleaned_tags = [ clean_html( t, allow_tags=[], safe_attrs=[] ) for t in tags ]
if cleaned_tags != tags:
warnings.append( "Some values had HTML removed." )
return cleaned_tags
def encode_tags( tags ):
"""Encode tags prior to storing them in the database."""
if not tags:
return None
return "\n".join( t.lower() for t in tags )
def decode_tags( tags ):
"""Decode tags after loading them from the database."""
if not tags:
return None
return tags.split( "\n" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def apply_attrs( obj, vals ):
"""Update an object's attributes."""
for k,v in vals.items():
setattr( obj, k, v )
def to_bool( val ):
"""Interpret a value as a boolean."""
if val is None:
return None
val = str( val ).lower()
if val in ["yes","true","enabled","1"]:
return True
if val in ["no","false","disabled","0"]:
return False
return None