Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.8 KiB

import React from "react" ;
import ReactDOM from "react-dom" ;
import $ from "jquery" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export class PreviewableImage extends React.Component
// NOTE: While the "react-modal-image" component seems to work nicely, how can we use it
// on arbitrary images in user-defined content?
// This class is a wrapper around the jQuery-based imageZoom plugin.
render() {
return ( <a href={this.props.url} className="preview" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img src={this.props.url} className={this.props.className} style={} alt={this.props.altText} />
</a> ) ;
static initPreviewableImages() {
// load the imageZoom script
$.getScript( {
url: "/jQuery/imageZoom/jquery.imageZoom.js",
cache: true,
} ) ;
// load the imageZoom CSS
let cssNode = document.createElement( "link" ) ;
cssNode.type = "text/css" ;
cssNode.rel = "stylesheet" ;
cssNode.href = "/jQuery/imageZoom/jquery.imageZoom.css" ;
let headNode = document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] ;
headNode.appendChild( cssNode ) ;
static adjustHtmlForPreviewableImages( html ) {
// FUDGE! The imageZoom plugin requires images to be wrapped with a <a class="preview"> tag.
// I was hoping to be able to let the user enable the preview functionality for images
// by simply adding a "preview" attribute to their <img> tags, then locating them after render
// and dynamically wrapping them with the necessary <a class="preview"> tag, but React doesn't
// seem to like that :-/
// We instead look for such images in the HTML returned to us by the backend server, and fix it up
// before rendering it.
// initialize
if ( ! html )
return "" ;
// locate <img> tags with a class of "preview", and wrap them in a <a class="preview">.
let buf=[], pos=0 ;
const img_regex = /<img [^>]*class\s*=\s*["']preview["'][^>]*>/g ;
const url_regex = /src\s*=\s*["'](.*?)['"]/
for ( const match of html.matchAll( img_regex ) ) {
buf.push( html.substr( pos, match.index-pos ) ) ;
const match2 = url_regex.exec( match[0] ) ;
if ( match2 ) {
"<a href='" + match2[1] + "' class='preview'>",
) ;
} else
buf.push( match[0] ) ;
pos = match.index + match[0].length ;
buf.push( html.substr( pos ) ) ;
return buf.join( "" ) ;
componentDidMount() {
if ( this.props.manualActivate ) {
// NOTE: We normally want PreviewableImage's to automatically activate themselves, but there is
// a common case where we don't want this to happen: when raw HTML is received from the backend
// and inserted like that into the page.
// In this case, <img> tags are fixed up by adjustHtmlForPreviewableImages() as raw HTML (i.e. not
// as a PreviewableImage instance), and so the page still needs to call activatePreviewableImages()
// to activate these. Since it's probably not a good idea to activate an image twice, in this case
// PreviewableImage instances should be created as "manually activated".
return ;
let $elem = $( ReactDOM.findDOMNode( this ) ) ;
$elem.imageZoom() ;
static activatePreviewableImages( rootNode ) {
// locate images marked as previewable and activate them
let $elems = $( ReactDOM.findDOMNode( rootNode ) ).find( "a.preview" ) ;
$elems.imageZoom() ;