Made the database reporting tools available in the webapp UI.

Pacman Ghost 2 years ago
parent 189d72725c
commit 197a665b10
  1. 1
  2. 150
  3. 42
  4. 1
  5. 1
  6. 1
  7. 219
  8. 9
  9. 78
  10. 92
  11. 16
  12. 1
  13. BIN
  14. BIN
  15. 0
  16. BIN
  17. 8
  18. 27
  19. 11
  20. 24
  21. 387
  22. 17
  23. 6
  24. 11
  25. 5
  26. 1
  27. 6

@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ import asl_articles.scenarios #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
import asl_articles.images #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
import asl_articles.tags #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
import #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
import asl_articles.db_report #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
import asl_articles.utils #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
# initialize

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
""" Generate the database report. """
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
from flask import request, jsonify, abort
from asl_articles import app, db
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/db-report/row-counts" )
def get_db_row_counts():
"""Get the database row counts."""
results = {}
for table_name in [
"publisher", "publication", "article", "author",
"publisher_image", "publication_image", "article_image",
query = db.engine.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM {}".format( table_name ) )
results[ table_name ] = query.scalar()
return jsonify( results )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/db-report/links" )
def get_db_links():
"""Get all links in the database."""
# initialize
results = {}
def find_db_links( table_name, col_names ):
links = []
query = db.engine.execute( "SELECT * FROM {}".format( table_name ) )
for row in query:
url = row[ col_names[1] ]
if not url:
obj_id = row[ col_names[0] ]
name = col_names[2]( row ) if callable( col_names[2] ) else row[ col_names[2] ]
links.append( [ obj_id, name, url ] )
results[ table_name ] = links
# find all links
find_db_links( "publisher", [
"publ_id", "publ_url", "publ_name"
] )
find_db_links( "publication", [
"pub_id", "pub_url", _get_pub_name
] )
find_db_links( "article", [
"article_id", "article_url", "article_title"
] )
return jsonify( results )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@app.route( "/db-report/check-link", methods=["POST"] )
def check_db_link():
"""Check if a link appears to be working."""
url = request.args.get( "url" )
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(
urllib.request.Request( url, method="HEAD" )
except urllib.error.URLError as ex:
code = getattr( ex, "code", None )
if code:
abort( code )
abort( 400 )
if resp.code != 200:
abort( resp.code )
return "ok"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/db-report/images" )
def get_db_images():
"""Analyze the images stored in the database."""
# initialize
results = {}
image_hashes = defaultdict( list )
def find_images( table_name, col_names, get_name ):
# find rows in the specified table that have images
sql = "SELECT {cols}, image_data" \
" FROM {table}_image LEFT JOIN {table}" \
" ON {table}_image.{id_col} = {table}.{id_col}".format(
cols = ",".join( "{}.{}".format( table_name, c ) for c in col_names ),
table = table_name,
id_col = col_names[0]
rows = [
dict( row )
for row in db.engine.execute( sql )
# save the image hashes
for row in rows:
image_hash = hashlib.md5( row["image_data"] ).hexdigest()
image_hashes[ image_hash ].append( [
table_name, row[col_names[0]], get_name(row)
] )
# save the image sizes
image_sizes = [
[ len(row["image_data"]), row[col_names[0]], get_name(row) ]
for row in rows
image_sizes.sort( key = lambda r: r[0], reverse=True )
results[ table_name ] = image_sizes
# look for images in each table
find_images( "publisher",
[ "publ_id", "publ_name" ],
lambda row: row["publ_name"]
find_images( "publication",
[ "pub_id", "pub_name", "pub_edition" ],
find_images( "article",
[ "article_id", "article_title" ],
lambda row: row["article_title"]
# look for duplicate images
results["duplicates"] = {}
for image_hash, images in image_hashes.items():
if len(images) == 1:
results["duplicates"][ image_hash ] = images
return results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_pub_name( row ):
"""Get a publication's display name."""
name = row["pub_name"]
if row["pub_edition"]:
name += " ({})".format( row["pub_edition"] )
return name

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"publisher": [
{ "publ_id": 1, "publ_name": "Avalon Hill", "publ_url": "http://{FLASK}/ping" },
{ "publ_id": 2, "publ_name": "Multiman Publishing", "publ_url": "http://{FLASK}/unknown" }
"publication": [
{ "pub_id": 10, "pub_name": "ASL Journal", "pub_edition": "1", "publ_id": 1, "pub_url": "/aslj-1.html" },
{ "pub_id": 11, "pub_name": "ASL Journal", "pub_edition": "2", "publ_id": 1, "pub_url": "/aslj-2.html" },
{ "pub_id": 20, "pub_name": "MMP News", "publ_id": 2 }
"article": [
{ "article_id": 100, "article_title": "ASLJ article 1", "pub_id": 10 },
{ "article_id": 101, "article_title": "ASLJ article 2", "pub_id": 10 },
{ "article_id": 110, "article_title": "ASLJ article 3", "pub_id": 11 },
{ "article_id": 200, "article_title": "MMP article", "pub_id": 20, "article_url": "/mmp.html" },
{ "article_id": 299, "article_title": "MMP publisher article", "publ_id": 2, "article_url": "/unknown" }
"article_author": [
{ "seq_no": 1, "article_id": 100, "author_id": 1000 },
{ "seq_no": 2, "article_id": 100, "author_id": 1001 },
{ "seq_no": 1, "article_id": 299, "author_id": 1000 }
"author": [
{ "author_id": 1000, "author_name": "Joe Blow" },
{ "author_id": 1001, "author_name": "Fred Nerk" },
{ "author_id": 1999, "author_name": "Alan Smithee" }
"article_scenario": [
{ "seq_no": 1, "article_id": 100, "scenario_id": 2000 },
{ "seq_no": 1, "article_id": 299, "scenario_id": 2001 }
"scenario": [
{ "scenario_id": 2000, "scenario_display_id": "ASL 1", "scenario_name": "The Guards Counterattack" },
{ "scenario_id": 2001, "scenario_display_id": "ASL 5", "scenario_name": "Hill 621" }

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Multiman Publishing.

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
""" Test the database reports. """
import os
import itertools
import re
from import SEARCH_ALL
from asl_articles.tests.test_publishers import edit_publisher
from asl_articles.tests.test_publications import edit_publication
from asl_articles.tests.test_articles import edit_article
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, \
select_main_menu_option, select_sr_menu_option, check_ask_dialog, \
do_search, find_search_result, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, find_child, find_children
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_db_report( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test the database report."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="db-report.json" )
# check the initial report
row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
assert row_counts == {
"publishers": 2, "publications": 3, "articles": 5,
"authors": 3, "scenarios": 2
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 2, [] ],
"publications": [ 2, [] ],
"articles": [ 2, [] ],
assert dupe_images == []
assert image_sizes == {}
# add some images
results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL )
publ_sr = find_search_result( "Avalon Hill", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif" )
edit_publisher( publ_sr, { "image": fname } )
pub_sr = find_search_result( "ASL Journal (1)", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/2.gif" )
edit_publication( pub_sr, { "image": fname } )
article_sr = find_search_result( "ASLJ article 1", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/3.gif" )
edit_article( article_sr, { "image": fname } )
article_sr = find_search_result( "ASLJ article 2", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/3.gif" )
edit_article( article_sr, { "image": fname } )
# check the updated report
row_counts, _, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
assert row_counts == {
"publishers": 2, "publisher_images": 1,
"publications": 3, "publication_images": 1,
"articles": 5, "article_images": 2,
"authors": 3, "scenarios": 2
assert dupe_images == [
[ "f0457ea742376e76ff276ce62c7a8540", "/images/article/100",
( "ASLJ article 1", "/article/100" ),
( "ASLJ article 2", "/article/101" ),
assert image_sizes == {
"publishers": [
( "Avalon Hill", "/publisher/1", "/images/publisher/1" ),
"publications": [
( "ASL Journal (1)", "/publication/10", "/images/publication/10" ),
"articles": [
( "ASLJ article 1", "/article/100", "/images/article/100" ),
( "ASLJ article 2", "/article/101", "/images/article/101" ),
# delete all the publishers (and associated objects), then check the updated report
results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL )
publ_sr = find_search_result( "Avalon Hill", results )
select_sr_menu_option( publ_sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this publisher?", "ok" )
publ_sr = find_search_result( "Multiman Publishing" )
select_sr_menu_option( publ_sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this publisher?", "ok" )
row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
assert row_counts == {
"publishers": 0, "publications": 0, "articles": 0,
"authors": 3, "scenarios": 2
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 0, [] ],
"publications": [ 0, [] ],
"articles": [ 0, [] ],
assert dupe_images == []
assert image_sizes == {}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_check_db_links( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test checking links in the database."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, docs="docs/", fixtures="db-report.json" )
# check the initial report
_, links, _, _ = _get_db_report()
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 2, [] ],
"publications": [ 2, [] ],
"articles": [ 2, [] ],
# check the links
btn = find_child( "#db-report button.check-links" )
status = find_child( "#db-report .db-links .status-msg" )
wait_for( 10, lambda: status.text == "Checked 6 links." )
# check the updated report
_, links, _, _ = _get_db_report()
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 2, [
( "Multiman Publishing", "/publisher/2", "HTTP 404: http://{FLASK}/unknown" )
] ],
"publications": [ 2, [] ],
"articles": [ 2, [
( "MMP publisher article", "/article/299", "HTTP 404: /unknown" )
] ],
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_db_report(): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Generate the database report."""
# generate the report
select_main_menu_option( "db-report" )
wait_for_elem( 2, "#db-report .db-images" )
# unload the row counts
row_counts = {}
table = find_child( "#db-report .db-row-counts" )
for row in find_children( "tr", table ):
cells = find_children( "td", row )
mo = r"^(\d+)( \((\d+) images?\))?$", cells[1].text )
key = cells[0].text.lower()[:-1]
row_counts[ key ] = int( )
if 3 ):
row_counts[ key[:-1] + "_images" ] = int( )
# unload the links
links = {}
table = find_child( "#db-report .db-links" )
last_key = None
for row in find_children( "tr", table ):
cells = find_children( "td", row )
if len(cells) == 2:
last_key = cells[0].text.lower()[:-1]
links[ last_key ] = [ int( cells[1].text ) , [] ]
mo = r"^(.+) \((.+)\)$", cells[0].text )
tags = find_children( "a", cells[0] )
url = _fixup_url( tags[0].get_attribute( "href" ) )
links[ last_key ][1].append( (, url, ) )
# unload duplicate images
dupe_images = []
for row in find_children( "#db-report .dupe-analysis .dupe-image" ):
elem = find_child( ".caption .hash", row )
mo = r"^\(md5:(.+)\)$", elem.text )
image_hash =
image_url = _fixup_url( find_child( "img", row ).get_attribute( "src" ) )
parents = []
for entry in find_children( ".collapsible li", row ):
url = _fixup_url( find_child( "a", entry ).get_attribute( "href" ) )
parents.append( ( entry.text, url ) )
dupe_images.append( list( itertools.chain(
[ image_hash, image_url ], parents
) ) )
# unload the image sizes
tab_ctrl = find_child( "#db-report .db-images .react-tabs" )
image_sizes = {}
for tab in find_children( ".react-tabs__tab", tab_ctrl ):
key = tab.text.lower()
tab_id = tab.get_attribute( "id" )
sel = ".react-tabs__tab-panel[aria-labelledby='{}'].react-tabs__tab-panel--selected".format( tab_id )
tab_page = wait_for( 2,
lambda: find_child( sel, tab_ctrl ) #pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
parents = []
for row_no, row in enumerate( find_children( "table.image-sizes tr", tab_page ) ):
if row_no == 0:
cells = find_children( "td", row )
image_url = _fixup_url( find_child( "img", cells[0] ).get_attribute( "src" ) )
url = _fixup_url( find_child( "a", cells[2] ).get_attribute( "href" ) )
parents.append( ( cells[2].text, url, image_url ) )
if parents:
image_sizes[ key ] = parents
assert tab_page.text == "No images found."
return row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _fixup_url( url ):
"""Fixup a URL to make it independent of its server."""
url = re.sub( r"^http://[^/]+", "", url )
pos = url.find( "?" )
if pos >= 0:
url = url[:pos]
return url

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ def init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, **kwargs ):
global _webdriver, _flask_app
_webdriver = webdriver
_flask_app = flask_app
fixtures_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), "fixtures/" )
# initialize the database
fixtures = kwargs.pop( "fixtures", None )
@ -46,6 +47,14 @@ def init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, **kwargs ):
assert fixtures is None
session = None
# initialize the documents directory
dname = kwargs.pop( "docs", None )
if dname:
flask_app.config[ "EXTERNAL_DOCS_BASEDIR" ] = os.path.join( fixtures_dir, dname )
if flask_app:
flask_app.config.pop( "EXTERNAL_DOCS_BASEDIR", None )
# never highlight search results unless explicitly enabled
if "no_sr_hilite" not in kwargs:
kwargs[ "no_sr_hilite" ] = 1

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Check the database for broken external document links. """
import sys
import os
import urllib.request
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import text
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
"""Check the database for broken external document links."""
# parse the command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print( "Usage: {} <dbconn> <url-base>".format( os.path.split(__file__)[0] ) )
print( " dbconn: database connection string e.g. \"sqlite:///~/asl-articles.db\"" )
print( " url-base: Base URL for external documents e.g. http://localhost:3000/api/docs" )
sys.exit( 0 )
dbconn = sys.argv[1]
url_base = sys.argv[2]
# connect to the database
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( dbconn )
conn = engine.connect()
def pub_name( row ):
name = row["pub_name"]
if row["pub_edition"]:
name += " ({})".format( row["pub_edition"] )
return name
# look for broken links
find_broken_links( conn, url_base, "publisher", [
"publ_id", "publ_url", "publ_name"
] )
find_broken_links( conn, url_base, "publication", [
"pub_id", "pub_url", pub_name
] )
find_broken_links( conn, url_base, "article", [
"article_id", "article_url", "article_title"
] )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def find_broken_links( conn, url_base, table_name, col_names ):
"""Look for broken links."""
def check_url( url, row_id, name ):
if not url.startswith( ( "http://", "https://" ) ):
url = os.path.join( url_base, url )
url = url.replace( " ", "%20" ).replace( "#", "%23" )
#print( "Checking {}: {}".format( name, url ), file=sys.stderr )
buf = urllib.request.urlopen( url ).read()
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
buf = ""
if not buf:
print( "Broken link for \"{}\" (id={}): {}".format( name, row_id, url ))
# check each row in the specified table
query = conn.execute( text( "SELECT * FROM {}".format( table_name ) ) )
for row in query:
url = row[ col_names[1] ]
if not url:
row_id = row[ col_names[0] ]
name = col_names[2]( row ) if callable( col_names[2] ) else row[ col_names[2] ]
check_url( url, row_id, name )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Geenrate a report on images in the database. """
import sys
import os
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import text
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
"""Report on images in the database."""
# parse the command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print( "Usage: {} <dbconn> <url-base>".format( os.path.split(__file__)[0] ) )
print( " dbconn: database connection string e.g. \"sqlite:///~/asl-articles.db\"" )
sys.exit( 0 )
dbconn = sys.argv[1]
# connect to the database
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( dbconn )
conn = engine.connect()
# initialize
image_hashes = defaultdict( list )
def find_images( conn, table_name, col_names, get_name ):
# find rows in the specified table that have images
sql = "SELECT {cols}, image_data" \
" FROM {table}_image LEFT JOIN {table}" \
" ON {table}_image.{id_col} = {table}.{id_col}".format(
cols = ",".join( "{}.{}".format( table_name, c ) for c in col_names ),
table=table_name, id_col=col_names[0]
rows = [ dict(row) for row in conn.execute( text( sql ) ) ]
# save the image hashes
for row in rows:
image_hash = hashlib.md5( row["image_data"] ).hexdigest()
name = get_name( row )
image_hashes[ image_hash ].append( name )
# output the results
rows = [
[ len(row["image_data"]), row[col_names[0]], get_name(row) ]
for row in rows
rows.sort( key = lambda r: r[0], reverse=True )
print( "=== {}s ({}) ===".format( table_name, len(rows) ) )
print( "{:>6} {:>5}".format( "size", "ID" ) )
for row in rows:
print( "{:-6.1f} | {:5} | {}".format( row[0]/1024, row[1], row[2] ) )
def get_pub_name( row ):
name = row["pub_name"]
if row["pub_edition"]:
name += " ({})".format( row["pub_edition"] )
return name
# look for images in each table
find_images( conn, "publisher",
[ "publ_id", "publ_name" ],
lambda r: r["publ_name"]
find_images( conn, "publication",
[ "pub_id", "pub_name", "pub_edition" ],
find_images( conn, "article",
[ "article_id", "article_title" ],
lambda r: r["article_title"]
# report on any duplicate images
for image_hash,images in image_hashes.items():
if len(images) == 1:
print( "Found duplicate images ({}):".format( image_hash ) )
for image in images:
print( "- {}".format( image ) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -11202,6 +11202,22 @@
"react-tabs": {
"version": "3.2.3",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-jx325RhRVnS9DdFbeF511z0T0WEqEoMl1uCE3LoZ6VaZZm7ytatxbum0B8bCTmaiV0KsU+4TtLGTGevCic7SWg==",
"requires": {
"clsx": "^1.1.0",
"prop-types": "^15.5.0"
"dependencies": {
"clsx": {
"version": "1.1.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-6/bPho624p3S2pMyvP5kKBPXnI3ufHLObBFCfgx+LkeR5lg2XYy2hqZqUf45ypD8COn2bhgGJSUE+l5dhNBieA=="
"react-toastify": {
"version": "5.4.1",
"resolved": "",

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"react-router-dom": "^5.1.2",
"react-scripts": "3.2.0",
"react-select": "^3.0.8",
"react-tabs": "^3.2.3",
"react-toastify": "^5.4.1"
"scripts": {

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.1 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.7 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 584 B

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#header { position: absolute ; top: 5px ; left: 5px ; right: 5px ; height: 65px ; }
#search-results { position: absolute ; top: 95px ; bottom: 5px ; left: 5px ; right: 5px ; overflow: auto ; }
#search-results, #db-report { position: absolute ; top: 95px ; bottom: 5px ; left: 5px ; right: 5px ; overflow: auto ; }
#db-report { z-index: 10 ; }
#header { border: 1px solid #ccc ; background: #eee ; border-top-right-radius: 10px ; padding: 5px 5px 10px 5px ; }
#header .logo { float: left ; height: 70px ; }
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
background: url("/images/main-menu.png") transparent no-repeat ; background-size: 100% ; border: none ;
cursor: pointer ;
[data-reach-menu] { z-index: 999 ; }
[data-reach-menu-list] { padding: 5px ; }
[data-reach-menu-item] { display: flex ; height: 1.25em ; padding: 5px ; }
[data-reach-menu-item][data-selected] { background: #90caf9 ; color: black ; }
@ -39,4 +41,8 @@
img#loading { position: fixed ; top: 50% ; left: 50% ; margin-top: -16px ; margin-left: -16px ; }
.collapsible .caption img { height: 0.75em ; margin-left: 0.25em ; }
.collapsible .count { font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; color: #666 ; }
.collapsible .more { font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; color: #666 ; cursor: pointer ; }
.monospace { margin-top: 0.5em ; font-family: monospace ; font-style: italic ; font-size: 80% ; }

@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ import { SearchResults } from "./SearchResults" ;
import { PublisherSearchResult } from "./PublisherSearchResult" ;
import { PublicationSearchResult } from "./PublicationSearchResult" ;
import { ArticleSearchResult } from "./ArticleSearchResult" ;
import { DbReport } from "./DbReport";
import ModalForm from "./ModalForm";
import AskDialog from "./AskDialog" ;
import { DataCache } from "./DataCache" ;
import { PreviewableImage } from "./PreviewableImage" ;
import { makeSmartBulletList } from "./utils.js" ;
import { makeSmartBulletList, isLink } from "./utils.js" ;
import { APP_NAME } from "./constants.js" ;
import "./App.css" ;
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ export class App extends React.Component
this.state = {
searchResults: [],
searchSeqNo: 0,
showDbReport: false,
modalForm: null,
askDialog: null,
startupTasks: [ "dummy" ], // FUDGE! We need at least one startup task.
@ -111,6 +113,10 @@ export class App extends React.Component
<MenuItem id="menu-new-article" onSelect={ArticleSearchResult.onNewArticle} >
<img src="/images/icons/article.png" alt="New article." /> New article
<div className="divider" />
<MenuItem id="menu-db-report" onSelect={ () => this._showDbReport(true) } >
<img src="/images/icons/db-report.png" alt="Database report." /> DB report
</Menu> ) ;
// generate the main content
@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ export class App extends React.Component
<SearchForm onSearch={this.onSearch.bind(this)} ref={this._searchFormRef} />
{ this.state.showDbReport && <DbReport /> }
<SearchResults ref={this._searchResultsRef}
seqNo = {this.state.searchSeqNo}
searchResults = {this.state.searchResults}
@ -236,7 +243,7 @@ export class App extends React.Component
_doSearch( url, args, onDone ) {
// do the search
this.setWindowTitle( null ) ;
this.setState( { searchResults: "(loading)" } ) ;
this.setState( { searchResults: "(loading)", showDbReport: false } ) ;
args.no_hilite = this._disableSearchResultHighlighting ;
this.makeFlaskUrl( url ), args
@ -280,6 +287,14 @@ export class App extends React.Component
} )
_showDbReport( pushState ) {
this.setState( { showDbReport: true, searchResults: [] } ) ;
this._searchFormRef.current.setState( { queryString: "" } ) ;
this.setWindowTitle( "Database report" ) ;
if ( pushState )
window.history.pushState( null, document.title, "/report" ) ;
prependSearchResult( sr ) {
// add a new entry to the start of the search results
// NOTE: We do this after creating a new object, and while it isn't really the right thing
@ -473,9 +488,13 @@ export class App extends React.Component
makeExternalDocUrl( url ) {
// generate a URL for an external document
if ( isLink( url ) )
return url ;
if ( url.substr( 0, 2 ) === "$/" )
url = url.substr( 2 ) ;
return this.makeFlaskUrl( "/docs/" + encodeURIComponent(url) ) ;
if ( url[0] === "/" )
url = url.substr( 1 ) ;
return this.makeFlaskUrl( "/docs/" + encodeURIComponent( url ) ) ;
makeFlaskImageUrl( type, imageId ) {
@ -522,6 +541,8 @@ export class App extends React.Component
this.showWarningToast( this.props.warning ) ;
if ( this.props.doSearch )
this.props.doSearch() ;
else if ( this.props.type === "report" )
this._showDbReport() ;
// NOTE: We could preload the DataCache here (i.e. where it won't affect startup time),
// but it will happen on every page load (e.g. /article/NNN or /publication/NNN),
// which would probably hurt more than it helps (since the data isn't needed if the user

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { PublicationSearchResult } from "./PublicationSearchResult.js" ;
import { PreviewableImage } from "./PreviewableImage.js" ;
import { RatingStars } from "./RatingStars.js" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./App.js" ;
import { makeScenarioDisplayName, updateRecord, makeCommaList, isLink } from "./utils.js" ;
import { makeScenarioDisplayName, updateRecord, makeCommaList } from "./utils.js" ;
const axios = require( "axios" ) ;
@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult extends React.Component
// prepare the article's URL
let article_url = ;
if ( article_url ) {
if ( ! isLink( article_url ) )
article_url = gAppRef.makeExternalDocUrl( article_url ) ;
} else if ( parent_pub && parent_pub.pub_url ) {
if ( article_url )
article_url = gAppRef.makeExternalDocUrl( article_url ) ;
else if ( parent_pub && parent_pub.pub_url ) {
article_url = gAppRef.makeExternalDocUrl( parent_pub.pub_url ) ;
if ( article_url.substr( article_url.length-4 ) === ".pdf" && )
article_url += "#page=" + ;
@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ export class ArticleSearchResult extends React.Component
{ display_subtitle && <div className="subtitle" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: display_subtitle }} /> }
<div className="content">
{ image_url && <PreviewableImage url={image_url} className="image" alt="Article." /> }
{ image_url && <PreviewableImage url={image_url} noActivate={true} className="image" alt="Article." /> }
<div className="snippet" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: display_snippet}} />
<div className="footer">

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#db-report {
border: 1px solid #ccc ; border-radius: 8px ;
background: #fff ; padding: 0.5em ;
#db-report .section { margin-top: 1em ; }
#db-report .section:first-of-type { margin-top: 0 ; }
#db-report h2 { border: 1px solid #ccc ; padding: 0.1em 0.2em ; background: #eee ; margin-bottom: 0.25em ; font-size: 125% ; }
#db-report h2 img.loading { height: 0.75em ; margin-left: 0.25em ; }
#db-report .db-row-counts .images { font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; }
#db-report .db-links .check-links-frame { display: inline-block ; position: absolute ; right: 1em ; text-align: center ; }
#db-report .db-links button.check-links { margin-bottom: 0.2em ; padding: 0.25em 0.5em ; }
#db-report .db-links .check-links-frame .status-msg { font-size: 60% ; font-style: italic ; }
#db-report .db-links .link-errors { font-size: 80% ; list-style-image: url("/images/link-error-bullet.png") ; }
#db-report .db-links .link-errors .status { font-family: monospace ; font-style: italic ; }
#db-report .db-images .dupe-analysis .collapsible { margin-bottom: 0.5em ; }
#db-report .db-images .dupe-analysis .hash { font-family: monospace ; font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; }
#db-report .db-images .image-sizes th { text-align: left ; font-weight: normal ; font-style: italic ; }
#db-report .db-images .image-sizes img { height: 0.9em ; }
#db-report .db-images .react-tabs__tab-list { margin-bottom: 0 ; font-weight: bold ; }
#db-report .db-images .react-tabs__tab-panel { border: 1px solid #aaa ; border-top-width: 0 ; padding: 0.25em 0.5em ; }

@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
import React from "react" ;
import { Link } from "react-router-dom" ;
import { Tabs, TabList, TabPanel, Tab } from 'react-tabs';
import 'react-tabs/style/react-tabs.css';
import "./DbReport.css" ;
import { PreviewableImage } from "./PreviewableImage" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./App.js" ;
import { makeCollapsibleList, pluralString, isLink } from "./utils.js" ;
const axios = require( "axios" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export class DbReport extends React.Component
// render the component
render() {
return ( <div id="db-report">
<div className="section"> <DbRowCounts /> </div>
<div className="section"> <DbLinks /> </div>
<div className="section"> <DbImages /> </div>
) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class DbRowCounts extends React.Component
constructor( props ) {
// initialize
super( props ) ;
this.state = {
dbRowCounts: null,
} ;
// get the database row counts
gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/db-report/row-counts" )
).then( resp => {
this.setState( { dbRowCounts: } ) ;
} ).catch( err => {
gAppRef.showErrorResponse( "Can't get the database row counts", err ) ;
} ) ;
render() {
// initialize
const dbRowCounts = this.state.dbRowCounts ;
// render the table rows
function makeRowCountRow( tableName ) {
const tableName2 = tableName[0].toUpperCase() + tableName.substring(1) ;
let nRows ;
if ( dbRowCounts ) {
nRows = dbRowCounts[ tableName ] ;
const nImages = dbRowCounts[ tableName+"_image" ] ;
if ( nImages > 0 )
nRows = ( <span>
{nRows} <span className="images">({pluralString(nImages,"image")})</span>
) ;
return ( <tr key={tableName}>
<td style={{paddingRight:"0.5em",fontWeight:"bold"}}> {tableName2}s: </td>
<td> {nRows} </td>
) ;
let tableRows = [ "publisher", "publication", "article", "author", "scenario" ].map(
(tableName) => makeRowCountRow( tableName )
) ;
// render the component
return ( <div className="db-row-counts">
<h2> Content { !dbRowCounts && <img src="/images/loading.gif" className="loading" alt="Loading..." /> } </h2>
) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class DbLinks extends React.Component
constructor( props ) {
// initialize
super( props ) ;
this.state = {
dbLinks: null,
linksToCheck: null, currLinkToCheck: null, isFirstLinkCheck: true,
checkLinksInProgress: false, checkLinksStatusMsg: null,
linkErrors: {},
} ;
// initialize
this._getLinksToCheck() ;
render() {
// initialize
const dbLinks = this.state.dbLinks ;
// render the table rows
let tableRows = [] ;
for ( let key of [ "publisher", "publication", "article" ] ) {
const nDbLinks = dbLinks && dbLinks[key] ? dbLinks[key].length : null ;
const key2 = key[0].toUpperCase() + key.substring(1) + "s" ;
tableRows.push( <tr key={key}>
<td style={{paddingRight:"0.5em",fontWeight:"bold"}}> {key2}: </td>
<td style={{width:"100%"}}> {nDbLinks} </td>
) ;
if ( this.state.linkErrors[ key ] ) {
// NOTE: Showing all the errors at once (e.g. not as a collapsible list) will be unwieldy
// if there are a lot of them, but this shouldn't happen often, and if it does, the user
// is likely to stop the check, fix the problem, then try again.
let rows = [] ;
for ( let linkError of this.state.linkErrors[ key ] ) {
const url = gAppRef.makeAppUrl( "/" + linkError[0][0] + "/" + linkError[0][1] ) ;
const targetUrl = linkError[0][3] ;
const target = isLink( targetUrl )
? <a href={targetUrl}>{targetUrl}</a>
: targetUrl ;
let errorMsg = linkError[1] && linkError[1] + ": " ;
rows.push( <li key={linkError[0]}>
<Link to={url} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:linkError[0][2]}} />
<span className="status"> ({errorMsg}{target}) </span>
) ;
tableRows.push( <tr key={key+"-errors"}>
<td colSpan="2">
<ul className="link-errors"> {rows} </ul>
) ;
// render the component
const nLinksToCheck = this.state.linksToCheck ? this.state.linksToCheck.length - this.state.currLinkToCheck : null ;
const imageUrl = this.state.checkLinksInProgress ? "/images/loading.gif" : "/images/icons/check-db-links.png" ;
return ( <div className="db-links">
<h2> Links { !dbLinks && <img src="/images/loading.gif" className="loading" alt="Loading..." /> } </h2>
{ this.state.linksToCheck && this.state.linksToCheck.length > 0 && (
<div className="check-links-frame">
<button className="check-links" style={{display:"flex"}} onClick={() => this.checkDbLinks()} >
<img src={imageUrl} style={{height:"1.25em",marginRight:"0.5em"}} alt="Check database links." />
{ this.state.checkLinksInProgress ? "Stop checking" : "Check links (" + nLinksToCheck + ")" }
<div className="status-msg"> {this.state.checkLinksStatusMsg} </div>
) }
<table className="db-links" style={{width:"100%"}}><tbody>{tableRows}</tbody></table>
) ;
checkDbLinks() {
// start/stop checking links
const inProgress = ! this.state.checkLinksInProgress ;
this.setState( { checkLinksInProgress: inProgress } ) ;
if ( inProgress )
this._checkNextLink() ;
_checkNextLink( force ) {
// check if this is the start of a new run
if ( this.state.currLinkToCheck === 0 && !force ) {
// yup - reset the UI
this.setState( { linkErrors: {} } ) ;
// NOTE: If the user is checking the links *again*, it could be because some links were flagged
// during the first run, they've fixed them up, and want to check everything again. In this case,
// we need to re-fetch the links from the database.
if ( ! this.state.isFirstLinkCheck ) {
() => { this._checkNextLink( true ) ; },
() => { this.setState( { checkLinksInProgress: false } ) ; }
) ;
return ;
// check if this is the end of a run
if ( this.state.currLinkToCheck >= this.state.linksToCheck.length ) {
// yup - reset the UI
this.setState( {
checkLinksStatusMsg: "Checked " + pluralString( this.state.linksToCheck.length, "link" ) + ".",
currLinkToCheck: 0, // nb: to allow the user to check again
checkLinksInProgress: false,
isFirstLinkCheck: false,
} ) ;
return ;
// get the next link to check
const linkToCheck = this.state.linksToCheck[ this.state.currLinkToCheck ] ;
this.setState( { currLinkToCheck: this.state.currLinkToCheck + 1 } ) ;
let continueCheckLinks = () => {
// update the UI
this.setState( { checkLinksStatusMsg:
"Checked " + this.state.currLinkToCheck + " of " + pluralString( this.state.linksToCheck.length, "link" ) + "..."
} ) ;
// check the next link
if ( this.state.checkLinksInProgress )
this._checkNextLink() ;
// check the next link
let url = linkToCheck[3] ;
if ( url.substr( 0, 14 ) === "http://{FLASK}" )
url = gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( url.substr( 14 ) ) ;
// NOTE: Because of CORS, we have to proxy URL's that don't belong to us via the backend :-/
let req = isLink( url )
? gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/db-report/check-link", {url:url} ) )
: axios.head( gAppRef.makeExternalDocUrl( url ) ) ;
req.then( resp => {
// the link worked - continue checking links
continueCheckLinks() ;
} ).catch( err => {
// the link failed - record the error
let newLinkErrors = this.state.linkErrors ;
if ( newLinkErrors[ linkToCheck[0] ] === undefined )
newLinkErrors[ linkToCheck[0] ] = [] ;
const errorMsg = err.response ? "HTTP " + err.response.status : null ;
newLinkErrors[ linkToCheck[0] ].push( [ linkToCheck, errorMsg ] ) ;
this.setState( { linkErrors: newLinkErrors } ) ;
// continue checking links
continueCheckLinks() ;
} ) ;
_getLinksToCheck( onOK, onError ) {
// get the links in the database
gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/db-report/links" )
).then( resp => {
const dbLinks = ;
// flatten the links to a list
let linksToCheck = [] ;
for ( let key of [ "publisher", "publication", "article" ] ) {
for ( let row of dbLinks[key] ) {
linksToCheck.push( [
key, row[0], row[1], row[2]
] ) ;
this.setState( {
linksToCheck: linksToCheck,
currLinkToCheck: 0,
} ) ;
if ( onOK )
onOK() ;
} ).catch( err => {
gAppRef.showErrorResponse( "Can't get the database links", err ) ;
if ( onError )
onError() ;
} ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class DbImages extends React.Component
constructor( props ) {
// initialize
super( props ) ;
this.state = {
dbImages: null,
} ;
// get the database images
gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl( "/db-report/images" )
).then( resp => {
this.setState( { dbImages: } ) ;
} ).catch( err => {
gAppRef.showErrorResponse( "Can't get the database images", err ) ;
} ) ;
render() {
// initialize
const dbImages = this.state.dbImages ;
// render any duplicate images
let dupeImages = [] ;
if ( dbImages ) {
for ( let hash in dbImages.duplicates ) {
let parents = [] ;
for ( let row of dbImages.duplicates[hash] ) {
const url = gAppRef.makeAppUrl( "/" + row[0] + "/" + row[1] ) ;
<Link to={url} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:row[2]}} />
) ;
// NOTE: We just use the first row's image since, presumably, they will all be the same.
const row = dbImages.duplicates[hash][ 0 ] ;
const imageUrl = gAppRef.makeFlaskImageUrl( row[0], row[1] ) ;
const caption = ( <span>
Found a duplicate image <span className="hash">(md5:{hash})</span>
) ;
dupeImages.push( <div className="dupe-image" style={{display:"flex"}} key={hash} >
<PreviewableImage url={imageUrl} style={{width:"3em",marginTop:"0.1em",marginRight:"0.5em"}} />
{ makeCollapsibleList( caption, parents, 5, {flexGrow:1}, hash ) }
) ;
// render the image sizes
let tabList = [] ;
let tabPanels = [] ;
if ( dbImages ) {
function toKB( n ) { return ( n / 1024 ).toFixed( 1 ) ; }
for ( let key of [ "publisher", "publication", "article" ] ) {
const tableName2 = key[0].toUpperCase() + key.substring(1) ;
<Tab key={key}> {tableName2+"s"} </Tab>
) ;
let rows = [] ;
for ( let row of dbImages[key] ) {
const url = gAppRef.makeAppUrl( "/" + key + "/" + row[1] ) ;
// NOTE: Loading every image will be expensive, but we assume we're talking to a local server.
// Otherwise, we could use a generic "preview" image, and expand it out to the real image
// when the user clicks on it.
const imageUrl = gAppRef.makeFlaskImageUrl( key, row[1] ) ;
rows.push( <tr key={row}>
<td> <PreviewableImage url={imageUrl} /> </td>
<td> {toKB(row[0])} </td>
<td> <Link to={url} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:row[2]}} /> </td>
) ;
tabPanels.push( <TabPanel key={key}>
{ rows.length === 0 ? "No images found." :
<table className="image-sizes"><tbody>
<tr><th style={{width:"1.25em"}}/><th style={{paddingRight:"0.5em"}}> Size (KB) </th><th> {tableName2} </th></tr>
) ;
const imageSizes = tabList.length > 0 && ( <Tabs>
<TabList> {tabList} </TabList>
) ;
// render the component
return ( <div className="db-images">
<h2> Images { !dbImages && <img src="/images/loading.gif" className="loading" alt="Loading..." /> } </h2>
{ dupeImages.length > 0 &&
<div className="dupe-analysis"> {dupeImages} </div>
) ;

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class PreviewableImage extends React.Component
render() {
return ( <a href={this.props.url} className="preview" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img src={this.props.url} className={this.props.className} alt={this.props.altText} />
<img src={this.props.url} className={this.props.className} style={} alt={this.props.altText} />
</a> ) ;
@ -63,6 +63,21 @@ export class PreviewableImage extends React.Component
return buf.join( "" ) ;
componentDidMount() {
if ( this.props.manualActivate ) {
// NOTE: We normally want PreviewableImage's to automatically activate themselves, but there is
// a common case where we don't want this to happen: when raw HTML is received from the backend
// and inserted like that into the page.
// In this case, <img> tags are fixed up by adjustHtmlForPreviewableImages() as raw HTML (i.e. not
// as a PreviewableImage instance), and so the page still needs to call activatePreviewableImages()
// to activate these. Since it's probably not a good idea to activate an image twice, in this case
// PreviewableImage instances should be created as "manually activated".
return ;
let $elem = $( ReactDOM.findDOMNode( this ) ) ;
$elem.imageZoom() ;
static activatePreviewableImages( rootNode ) {
// locate images marked as previewable and activate them
let $elems = $( ReactDOM.findDOMNode( rootNode ) ).find( "a.preview" ) ;

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { PublicationSearchResult2 } from "./PublicationSearchResult2.js" ;
import { PreviewableImage } from "./PreviewableImage.js" ;
import { PUBLICATION_EXCESS_ARTICLE_THRESHOLD } from "./constants.js" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./App.js" ;
import { makeCollapsibleList, pluralString, updateRecord, isLink } from "./utils.js" ;
import { makeCollapsibleList, pluralString, updateRecord } from "./utils.js" ;
const axios = require( "axios" ) ;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult extends React.Component
// prepare the publication's URL
let pub_url = ;
if ( pub_url && ! isLink(pub_url) )
if ( pub_url )
pub_url = gAppRef.makeExternalDocUrl( pub_url ) ;
// prepare the tags
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export class PublicationSearchResult extends React.Component
<div className="content">
{ image_url && <PreviewableImage url={image_url} className="image" alt="Publication." /> }
{ image_url && <PreviewableImage url={image_url} noActivate={true} className="image" alt="Publication." /> }
<div className="description" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: display_description}} />
{ makeCollapsibleList( "Articles", articles, PUBLICATION_EXCESS_ARTICLE_THRESHOLD, {float:"left",marginBottom:"0.25em"} ) }

@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ export class PublisherSearchResult extends React.Component
) ;
const image_url = gAppRef.makeFlaskImageUrl( "publisher", ) ;
// prepare the publisher's URL
let publ_url = ;
if ( publ_url )
publ_url = gAppRef.makeExternalDocUrl( publ_url ) ;
// prepare the publications
let pubs = ;
pubs.sort( (lhs,rhs) => {
@ -74,14 +79,14 @@ export class PublisherSearchResult extends React.Component
to = { gAppRef.makeAppUrl( "/publisher/" + ) }
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: display_name }}
{ &&
<a href={} className="open-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
{ publ_url &&
<a href={publ_url} className="open-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img src="/images/open-link.png" alt="Open publisher." title="Go to this publisher." />
<div className="content">
{ image_url && <PreviewableImage url={image_url} className="image" alt="Publisher." /> }
{ image_url && <PreviewableImage url={image_url} noActivate={true} className="image" alt="Publisher." /> }
<div className="description" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: display_description}} />
{ makeCollapsibleList( "Publications", pubs, PUBLISHER_EXCESS_PUBLICATION_THRESHOLD, {float:"left"} ) }
{ makeCollapsibleList( "Articles", articles, PUBLISHER_EXCESS_ARTICLE_THRESHOLD, {clear:"both",float:"left"} ) }

@ -34,12 +34,9 @@
.search-result .content i i { color: #666 ; }
.search-result .content a.aslrb { color: #804040 ; text-decoration: none ; border-bottom: 1px dotted #804040 ; }
.search-result .content .image { float: left ; margin: 0.25em 0.5em 0.5em 0 ; max-height: 8em ; max-width: 6em ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible { margin-top:0.5em ; font-size: 90% ; color: #333 ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible { margin-top: 0.5em ; font-size: 90% ; color: #333 ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible a { color: #333 ; text-decoration: none ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible .caption img { height: 0.75em ; margin-left: 0.25em ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible .count { font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; color: #666 ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible ul { margin: 0 0 0 1em ; }
.search-result .content .collapsible .more { font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; color: #666 ; cursor: pointer ; }
.search-result .footer { clear: both ; padding: 0 5px ; font-size: 80% ; font-style: italic ; color: #666 ; }
.search-result .footer a { color: #666 ; text-decoration: none ; }

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ ReactDOM.render(
() => gAppRef.setWindowTitle( gAppRef.props.match.params.tag )
) }
/> } />
<Route path="/report" render={ (props) => <App {...props} type="report" key="report" /> } />
<Route path="/" exact component={App} />
<Route path="/" render={ (props) => <App {...props} warning="Unknown URL." type="home" key="unknown-url" /> } />

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ export function updateRecord( rec, newVals ) {
rec[ key ] = newVals[ key ] ;
export function makeCollapsibleList( caption, vals, maxItems, style ) {
export function makeCollapsibleList( caption, vals, maxItems, style, listKey ) {
if ( ! vals || vals.length === 0 )
return null ;
let items=[], excessItems=[] ;
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ export function makeCollapsibleList( caption, vals, maxItems, style ) { = show ? "none" : "block" ;
if ( excessItems.length === 0 )
caption = <span> {caption+":"} </span> ;
caption = <span> {caption}: </span> ;
caption = <span> {caption} <span className="count"> ({vals.length}) </span> </span> ;
let onClick, style2 ;
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ export function makeCollapsibleList( caption, vals, maxItems, style ) {
onClick = flipExcessItems ;
style2 = { cursor: "pointer" } ;
return ( <div className="collapsible" style={style}>
return ( <div className="collapsible" style={style} key={listKey}>
<div className="caption" onClick={onClick} style={style2} >
{ excessItems.length > 0 && <img src="/images/collapsible-down.png" ref={r => flipButtonRef=r} alt="Show/hide extra items." /> }
