Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
4.4 KiB

""" Generate the database report. """
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
from flask import request, jsonify, abort
from asl_articles import app, db
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/db-report/row-counts" )
def get_db_row_counts():
"""Get the database row counts."""
results = {}
for table_name in [
"publisher", "publication", "article", "author",
"publisher_image", "publication_image", "article_image",
query = db.engine.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM {}".format( table_name ) )
results[ table_name ] = query.scalar()
return jsonify( results )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/db-report/links" )
def get_db_links():
"""Get all links in the database."""
# initialize
results = {}
def find_db_links( table_name, col_names ):
links = []
query = db.engine.execute( "SELECT * FROM {}".format( table_name ) )
for row in query:
url = row[ col_names[1] ]
if not url:
obj_id = row[ col_names[0] ]
name = col_names[2]( row ) if callable( col_names[2] ) else row[ col_names[2] ]
links.append( [ obj_id, name, url ] )
results[ table_name ] = links
# find all links
find_db_links( "publisher", [
"publ_id", "publ_url", "publ_name"
] )
find_db_links( "publication", [
"pub_id", "pub_url", _get_pub_name
] )
find_db_links( "article", [
"article_id", "article_url", "article_title"
] )
return jsonify( results )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@app.route( "/db-report/check-link", methods=["POST"] )
def check_db_link():
"""Check if a link appears to be working."""
url = request.args.get( "url" )
req = urllib.request.Request( url, method="HEAD" )
with urllib.request.urlopen( req ) as resp:
resp_code = resp.code
except urllib.error.URLError as ex:
resp_code = getattr( ex, "code", None )
if not resp_code:
resp_code = 400
if resp_code != 200:
abort( resp_code )
return "ok"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/db-report/images" )
def get_db_images():
"""Analyze the images stored in the database."""
# initialize
results = {}
image_hashes = defaultdict( list )
def find_images( table_name, col_names, get_name ):
# find rows in the specified table that have images
sql = "SELECT {cols}, image_data" \
" FROM {table}_image LEFT JOIN {table}" \
" ON {table}_image.{id_col} = {table}.{id_col}".format(
cols = ",".join( "{}.{}".format( table_name, c ) for c in col_names ),
table = table_name,
id_col = col_names[0]
rows = [
dict( row )
for row in db.engine.execute( sql )
# save the image hashes
for row in rows:
image_hash = hashlib.md5( row["image_data"] ).hexdigest()
image_hashes[ image_hash ].append( [
table_name, row[col_names[0]], get_name(row)
] )
# save the image sizes
image_sizes = [
[ len(row["image_data"]), row[col_names[0]], get_name(row) ]
for row in rows
image_sizes.sort( key = lambda r: r[0], reverse=True )
results[ table_name ] = image_sizes
# look for images in each table
find_images( "publisher",
[ "publ_id", "publ_name" ],
lambda row: row["publ_name"]
find_images( "publication",
[ "pub_id", "pub_name", "pub_edition" ],
find_images( "article",
[ "article_id", "article_title" ],
lambda row: row["article_title"]
# look for duplicate images
results["duplicates"] = {}
for image_hash, images in image_hashes.items():
if len(images) == 1:
results["duplicates"][ image_hash ] = images
return results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_pub_name( row ):
"""Get a publication's display name."""
name = row["pub_name"]
if row["pub_edition"]:
name += " ({})".format( row["pub_edition"] )
return name