• Stable v0.5 4725d5355f


    pacman-ghost released this 5 years ago | 0 commits to master since this release

    IMPORTANT: There have been changes to the template files. If you have created your own template pack, please update them to reflect these changes.

    Automatically insert/update labels in a VASSAL save file

    The program can now automatically insert labels into a .vsav file, and update them if they're already there.

    IMPORTANT: This feature should be considered experimental, use with care! Keep backups, and check the resulting save file before overwriting the original.

    Configure everything in the Server Settings dialog (from the File menu); in particular, you need either geckodriver or chromedriver, with the former requiring Firefox to be installed, and the latter requiring Chrome or Chromium. Or, if you're running from source, update your site.cfg in the config/ directory.

    With all the scenario details entered in the UI, choose "Update VASL scenario" from the menu, and select the .vsav file you want to update. The process will take some time (perhaps a minute or longer), and you may well see the VASSAL GUI temporarily appear on-screen (ignore it). Save the updated scenario to another file and check it, before overwriting the original file.

    If you are setting up a new scenario, the process works best if you place the boards in the VASL scenario first.

    If you are updating a scenario that was created using an earlier version of this program, it will attempt to figure out which label is which, and should be able to do this as long as the content hasn't changed. However, you may see some duplicate labels being created, in which case, delete the old label. Once this has been done, the program will be able to accurately determine which label is which, even if the content changes. Therefore, it is recommended that you run this update process on any scenarios you have already made.

    Other changes and bug-fixes

    • Improved the appearance of flags in labels.
    • Account for timezones when saving the scenario date.
    • Report errors if the desktop app has a problem during startup.
    • Report errors in Python callbacks from the GUI.
    • Removed some Python config files inadvertantly included in releases.
    • Show a warning if an unsupported version of VASSAL or VASL is being used.
    • Store the program version and created/updated timestamps in scenario save files.
    • Handle hotkeys better if a dialog or dropdown is showing.
    • Added an About box.
    • Fixed a Selenium webdriver leak during tests.
    • Minor UI changes and template changes.