Check both label fields when identifying player-owned snippets.

Pacman Ghost 4 years ago
parent 9746391bfb
commit 0ed334a22c
  1. BIN
  2. 34

@ -317,12 +317,34 @@ public class VassalShim
// check if the label is one of ours
String snippetId = isVaslTemplatesLabel( fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 ) ;
int labelNo=1, fieldIndex=GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 ;
if ( snippetId == null ) {
snippetId = isVaslTemplatesLabel( fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 ) ;
labelNo = 2 ;
fieldIndex = GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 ;
if ( snippetId != null ) {
boolean addSnippet = true ;
// check if the label is associated with a player nationality
int pos = snippetId.indexOf( '/' ) ;
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
// yup - the nationality must be one of the 2 passed in to us
// FUDGE! We identify player-owned labels because they have an ID of the form "nationality/snippet-id".
// We originally used to just check for the presence of a "/", but this would get tripped up by snippets
// generated from an "extras" template, since the snippet ID is the relative path, so something like
// "extras/blank-space" would fool us into thinking that the scenario contained player-owned labels.
// Adding a simple check for "extras" is not quite right, since template packs allow their template files
// to be organized into arbitrary sub-directories, and so their snippets will also be incorrectly identified
// as a player-owned label, but it's not really a problem because the reason we're checking is to figure out
// if the scenario was generated using an old version of vasl-templates that didn't have player-owned labels.
// The only time this check will go wrong is if:
// - this scenario was created using an old version of vasl-templates that doesn't support player-owned labels
// - the user had used their own template pack that had a sub-directory called something other than "extras".
// IOW, not something we really need to worry about. The webapp server could pass in a list of known nationalities,
// but that'd be more trouble that it's worth, since this is only an issue for legacy save files.
// NOTE: If we've got a scenario that was created using a later version of vasl-templates, and it contains a snippet
// generated from a template file in a sub-directory, then yes, that snippet might cause us to "incorrectly" decide
// that the scenario contains player-owned labels, but it doesn't matter, because it's still the correct answer :-)
String nat = snippetId.substring( 0, pos ) ;
if ( ! nat.equals( "extras" ) )
hasPlayerOwnedLabels.setVal( true ) ;
@ -332,27 +354,19 @@ public class VassalShim
if ( addSnippet ) {
logger.debug( "- Found label (1): {}", snippetId ) ;
logger.debug( "- Found label (" + labelNo + "): {}", snippetId ) ;
ourLabels.put( snippetId,
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 )
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, fieldIndex )
) ;
else {
snippetId = isVaslTemplatesLabel( fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 ) ;
if ( snippetId != null ) {
logger.debug( "- Found label (2): {}", snippetId ) ;
ourLabels.put( snippetId,
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 )
) ;
} else {
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, -1 )
) ;
// extract labels in sub-commands
for ( Command c: cmd.getSubCommands() )
