Added tests to make sure the common vehicles/ordnance and landing craft are loaded correctly.

master v0.3
Pacman Ghost 6 years ago
parent 36a2ec3519
commit 0352be5c9f
  1. 125

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario, save_scenario from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario, save_scenario
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \ from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
init_webapp, load_vasl_mod, select_tab, set_template_params, find_child, find_children, \ init_webapp, load_vasl_mod, get_nationalities, select_tab, set_template_params, find_child, find_children, \
wait_for_clipboard, click_dialog_button, select_menu_option, select_droplist_val, \ wait_for_clipboard, click_dialog_button, select_menu_option, select_droplist_val, \
set_stored_msg_marker, get_stored_msg set_stored_msg_marker, get_stored_msg
from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import DATA_DIR as REAL_DATA_DIR from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import DATA_DIR as REAL_DATA_DIR
@ -283,6 +283,129 @@ def test_html_names( webapp, webdriver, monkeypatch ):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pytest.config.option.short_tests, #pylint: disable=no-member
reason = "--short-tests specified"
) #pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
def test_common_vo( webapp, webdriver, monkeypatch ):
"""Test loading of common vehicles/ordnance and landing craft."""
# initialize
monkeypatch.setitem( webapp.config, "DATA_DIR", REAL_DATA_DIR )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# initialize
ALLIED_MINOR = [ "belgian", "danish", "dutch", "greek", "polish", "yugoslavian" ]
AXIS_MINOR = [ "bulgarian", "croatian", "hungarian", "romanian", "slovakian" ]
# get the common vehicles/ordnance
def get_common_vo( fname ):
"""Get the vehicle/ordnance information from the specified file."""
fname = os.path.join( REAL_DATA_DIR, fname )
data = json.load( open( fname, "r" ) )
def get_gpid( val ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
if isinstance( val, list ):
val = val[0]
assert isinstance(val,int) or val is None
return val
return [ ( vo["name"], get_gpid(vo["gpid"]) ) for vo in data ]
common_vo = {
"vehicles": {
"allied": get_common_vo( "vehicles/allied-minor/common.json" ),
"axis": get_common_vo( "vehicles/axis-minor/common.json" ),
"ordnance": {
"allied": get_common_vo( "ordnance/allied-minor/common.json" ),
"axis": get_common_vo( "ordnance/axis-minor/common.json" ),
landing_craft = get_common_vo( "vehicles/landing-craft.json" )
tidy_vo_name_regex = re.compile( r" \([A-Za-z]+\)$" ) # nb: removes the trailing vehicle/ordnance type
gpid_regex = re.compile( r"/counter/(\d+)/front" )
def get_vo_entry( elem ):
"""Get the vehicle/ordnance information from the Selenium element."""
vo_name = tidy_vo_name_regex.sub( "", elem.text )
image_url = find_child( "img", elem ).get_attribute( "src" )
mo = image_url )
return ( vo_name, int( if mo else None )
def is_valid_vo_entry( vo_entry ):
"""Check if a V/O entry is valid."""
return isinstance( vo_entry, tuple ) and len(vo_entry) == 2 \
and isinstance( vo_entry[0], str ) \
and isinstance( vo_entry[1], (int,type(None)) )
def is_same_vo( lhs, rhs ):
"""Check if two V/O entries are the same."""
assert is_valid_vo_entry(lhs) and is_valid_vo_entry(rhs)
return lhs == rhs
def is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries ):
"""Check if a V/O entry appears in a list of V/O entries."""
assert is_valid_vo_entry( vo_entry )
return any( is_same_vo(vo_entry,e) for e in vo_entries )
# check the vehicles/ordnance for each nationality
nationalities = get_nationalities( webapp )
player1_sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='PLAYER_1']" ) )
for nat in nationalities: #pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
# select the next nationality
select_tab( "scenario" )
select_droplist_val( player1_sel, nat )
select_tab( "ob1" )
for vo_type in ("vehicles","ordnance"):
# get the vehicles/ordnance
elem = find_child( "#ob_{}-add_1".format( vo_type ) )
vo_entries = find_children( "#select-vo .select2-results li" )
vo_entries = [ get_vo_entry(e) for e in vo_entries ]
click_dialog_button( "Cancel" )
# check that the common vehicles/ordnance are present/absent
if nat in ALLIED_MINOR:
assert all(
is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
for vo_entry in common_vo[vo_type]["allied"]
elif nat in AXIS_MINOR:
assert all(
is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
for vo_entry in common_vo[vo_type]["axis"]
assert all(
not is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
for vo_entry in common_vo[vo_type]["allied"]
assert all(
not is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
for vo_entry in common_vo[vo_type]["axis"]
# check that the landing craft are present/absent
if vo_type == "vehicles":
if nat in ("british","american"):
for vo_entry in landing_craft:
if vo_entry[0] in ("Daihatsu","Shohatsu"):
assert not is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
assert is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
elif nat == "japanese":
for vo_entry in landing_craft:
if vo_entry[0] in ("Daihatsu","Shohatsu"):
assert is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
assert not is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
assert all(
not is_vo_entry_in_list( vo_entry, vo_entries )
for vo_entry in landing_craft
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( @pytest.mark.skipif(
not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, #pylint: disable=no-member not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, #pylint: disable=no-member
reason = "--vasl-mods not specified" reason = "--vasl-mods not specified"
