Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

209 lines
8.7 KiB

function edit_ob_vehicle( $entry, player_no ) { _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, "vehicle" ) ; }
function edit_ob_ordnance( $entry, player_no ) { _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, "ordnance" ) ; }
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, vo_type )
function get_default_capabilities( vo_entry, params, show_warnings ) {
return make_capabilities(
vo_entry, vo_type,
params[ "PLAYER_"+player_no ],
) ;
function get_default_comments( vo_entry ) {
return vo_entry.comments ? vo_entry.comments : [] ;
function load_entries( $sortable, entries ) {
$sortable.sortable2( "delete-all" ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < entries.length ; ++i )
add_entry( $sortable, entries[i], false ) ;
function unload_entries( $sortable ) {
var entries = [] ;
$sortable.find( "input[type='text']" ).each( function() {
var val = $(this).val().trim() ;
if ( val )
entries.push( val ) ;
} ) ;
return entries ;
function make_vo_name( name, elite ) {
if ( elite )
name += " \u24ba" ;
else {
if ( name.substr( name.length-2 ) === " \u24ba" )
name = name.substr( 0, name.length-2 ) ;
return name ;
// get the vehicle/ordnance's capabilities/comments
var params = unload_snippet_params( true, null ) ;
var vo_entry = $ "sortable2-data" ).vo_entry ;
var capabilities = $ "sortable2-data" ).custom_capabilities ;
if ( ! capabilities )
capabilities = get_default_capabilities( vo_entry, params, true ).slice() ;
var elite = $ "sortable2-data" ).elite ;
var comments = $ "sortable2-data" ).custom_comments ;
if ( ! comments )
comments = get_default_comments( vo_entry ) ;
// load the dialog
var vo_image_id = $ "sortable2-data" ).vo_image_id ;
var url = get_vo_image_url( vo_entry, vo_image_id, true, false ) ;
var buf = [ "<div class='header'>",
"<img src='" + url + "' class='vasl-image'>",
"<div class='content'>",
"<span class='vo-name'>" + make_vo_name(, elite ) + "</span>",
"</div" ] ;
$header = $( buf.join("") ) ;
var $img = $header.find( "img" ).data( "vo-image-id", vo_image_id ) ;
if ( is_small_vasl_piece( vo_entry ) )
$img.addClass( "small-piece" ) ;
var vo_images = get_vo_images( vo_entry ) ;
if ( vo_images.length > 1 ) {
$header.find( "img" ).data( "vo-images", vo_images ) ;
var $btn = $( "<input type='image' class='select-vo-image' src='" + gImagesBaseUrl + "/select-vo-image.png'>" ) ;
$header.children( ".content" ).append( $btn ) ;
$ function() {
$(this).blur() ;
on_select_vo_image( $(this) ) ;
} ) ;
$( "#edit-vo .header" ).replaceWith( $header ) ;
// initialize
var $capabilities = $( "#vo_capabilities-sortable" ) ;
var $elite = $( "#edit-vo .capabilities input.elite" ) ;
var $comments = $( "#vo_comments-sortable" ) ;
function add_entry( $sortable, val, visible ) {
var $elem = $( "<div>" +
"<img class='dragger' src='" + gImagesBaseUrl + "/dragger.png'>" +
"<input type='text'>" +
) ;
$elem.children( "input[type='text']" ).val( val ).keydown( function(evt) {
auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, "OK" ) ;
} ) ;
var $entry = $sortable.sortable2( "add", {
content: $elem,
data: { fixed_height: "1.5em" },
} ) ;
if ( visible ) {
$entry.find( "input[type='text']" ).focus() ;
$entry[0].scrollIntoView() ;
// NOTE: on_reset_capabilities/comments() get bound when the sortable2 is *created*, so they need some way
// to get the *current* vo_entry and params, otherwise they will use the values active when they were bound.
var $reset_capabilities = $( "#vo_capabilities-reset" ) ;
$ { vo_entry: vo_entry, params: params } ) ;
function on_reset_capabilities() {
var curr_vo_entry = $ "vo_entry" ) ;
var curr_params = $ "params" ) ;
$dlg.find( ".header .vo-name" ).html( make_vo_name(, false ) ) ;
load_entries( $capabilities,
get_default_capabilities( curr_vo_entry, curr_params, false )
) ;
$elite.prop( "checked", false ) ;
var $reset_comments = $( "#vo_comments-reset" ) ;
$ { vo_entry: vo_entry, params: params } ) ;
function on_reset_comments() {
var curr_vo_entry = $ "vo_entry" ) ;
load_entries( $comments, get_default_comments(curr_vo_entry) ) ;
function update_for_elite( delta ) {
// update the capabilities
var capabilities = unload_entries( $capabilities ) ;
adjust_capabilities_for_elite( capabilities, delta ) ;
load_entries( $capabilities, capabilities ) ;
// update the vehicle/ordnance name
var $name = $( "#edit-vo .header .vo-name" ) ;
$name.html( make_vo_name( $name.html(), delta > 0 ) ) ;
// show the dialog
var $dlg = $( "#edit-vo" ).dialog( {
dialogClass: "edit-vo",
title: "Edit "+vo_type,
minWidth: 550,
minHeight: 500,
modal: true,
create: function() {
// initialize the dialog
init_dialog( $(this), "OK", false ) ;
$capabilities.sortable2( "init", {
add: function() { add_entry( $capabilities, "", true ) ; },
reset: on_reset_capabilities,
no_confirm_delete: true,
} ) ;
$comments.sortable2( "init", {
add: function() { add_entry( $comments, "", true ) ; },
reset: on_reset_comments,
no_confirm_delete: true,
} ) ;
$ function() {
update_for_elite( $(this).prop( "checked" ) ? +1 : -1 ) ;
} ) ;
open: function() {
// initialize
on_dialog_open( $(this) ) ;
add_flag_to_dialog_titlebar( $(this), player_no ) ;
// set the titlebar color
var colors = get_player_colors( player_no ) ;
$( ".ui-dialog.edit-vo .ui-dialog-titlebar" ).css( {
background: colors[0],
border: "1px solid "+colors[2],
} ) ;
// load the dialog
load_entries( $capabilities, capabilities ) ;
$elite.prop( "checked", elite ? true : false ) ;
load_entries( $comments, comments ) ;
buttons: {
OK: function() {
// save the V/O image ID
var $img = $dlg.find( "img[class='vasl-image']" ) ;
vo_image_id = $ "vo-image-id" ) ;
if ( vo_image_id )
$ "sortable2-data" ).vo_image_id = vo_image_id ;
// unload the capabilities
var capabilities = unload_entries( $capabilities ) ;
if ( capabilities.join() !== get_default_capabilities( vo_entry, params, false ).join() )
$ "sortable2-data" ).custom_capabilities = capabilities ;
else {
// the capabilities are the same as the default - no need to retain these custom settings
delete $ "sortable2-data" ).custom_capabilities ;
$ "sortable2-data" ).elite = $elite.prop( "checked" ) ;
// unload the comments
var comments = unload_entries( $comments ) ;
if ( comments.join() !== get_default_comments( vo_entry ).join() ) {
$ "sortable2-data" ).custom_comments = comments ;
else {
// the comments are the same as the default - no need to retain these custom settings
delete $ "sortable2-data" ).custom_comments ;
// update the original V/O entry to reflect the changes
update_vo_sortable2_entry( $entry, vo_type ) ;
$(this).dialog( "close" ) ;
Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; },
} ) ;