Use the correct vo_entry when resetting vehicle/ordnance capabilities.

Pacman Ghost 6 years ago
parent fc31d6345b
commit 6523b718a1
  1. 12

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function edit_ob_ordnance( $entry, player_no ) { _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_
function _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, vo_type )
function get_default_capabilities( show_warnings ) {
function get_default_capabilities( vo_entry, params, show_warnings ) {
return make_capabilities(
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, vo_type )
var vo_entry = $ "sortable2-data" ).vo_entry ;
var capabilities = $ "sortable2-data" ).custom_capabilities ;
if ( ! capabilities )
capabilities = get_default_capabilities( true ).slice() ;
capabilities = get_default_capabilities( vo_entry, params, true ).slice() ;
// load the dialog
var vo_image_id = $ "sortable2-data" ).vo_image_id ;
@ -65,9 +65,13 @@ function _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, vo_type )
} ) ;
// NOTE: on_reset_capabilities() gets bound when the sortable2 is *created*, so it needs some way
// to get the *current* vo_entry and params, otherwise it will use the values active when it was bound.
var $reset = $( "#vo_capabilities-reset" ) ;
$ { vo_entry: vo_entry, params: params } ) ;
function on_reset_capabilities() {
$capabilities.sortable2( "delete-all" ) ;
var capabilities = get_default_capabilities() ;
var capabilities = get_default_capabilities( $"vo_entry"), $"params"), false ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < capabilities.length ; ++i )
add_capability( capabilities[i] ) ;
@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ function _do_edit_ob_vo( $entry, player_no, vo_type )
if ( val )
capabilities.push( val ) ;
} ) ;
if ( capabilities.join() !== get_default_capabilities( false ).join() )
if ( capabilities.join() !== get_default_capabilities( vo_entry, params, false ).join() )
$ "sortable2-data" ).custom_capabilities = capabilities ;
else {
// the capabilities are the same as the default - no need to retain these custom settings
