Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

990 lines
40 KiB

"""" Test scenario search. """
import os
import base64
import time
import pytest
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests import pytest_options
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import save_scenario, load_scenario
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vassal import run_vassal_tests
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, select_tab, new_scenario, \
set_player, set_template_params, set_scenario_date, get_player_nat, get_theater, set_theater, \
get_turn_track_nturns, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, find_child, find_children, get_css_classes, set_stored_msg, click_dialog_button
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_cards( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test showing scenario cards."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# search for the "full" scenario and check the scenario card
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
card = _unload_scenario_card()
assert card == {
"scenario_name": "Full content scenario", "scenario_id": "FCS-1",
"scenario_url": "",
"scenario_location": "Some place", "scenario_date": "31st December, 1945",
"theater": "PTO", "turn_count": "4-5", "playing_time": "1\u00bc hours",
"icons": [ "aslsk.png", "deluxe.png", "night.png", "oba.png" ],
"designer": "Joe Author",
"publication": "ASL Journal",
"publication_url": "",
"publication_date": "3rd February, 2001",
"publisher": "Avalon Hill",
"publisher_url": "",
"prev_publication": "Prior version", "revised_publication": "Revised version",
"overview": "This is a really good scenario.",
"map_url": "MAP:[1.23,4.56]",
"defender_name": "Dutch", "defender_desc": "1st Dutch Army",
"attacker_name": "Romanian", "attacker_desc": "1st Romanian Army",
"balances": { "asa": [
{ "name": "Dutch", "wins": 3, "percentage": 30 }, { "name": "Romanian", "wins": 7, "percentage": 70 }
] },
"oba": [
[ "Dutch", "1B", "1R" ], [ "Romanian", "-", "-" ]
"boards": "1, 2, RB (4)", # n: the (4) is the number of map previews
"map_previews": [
"overlays": "1, 2, OG1",
"extra_rules": "Some extra rules",
"errata": [
[ "Errata #1", "over there" ],
[ "Errata #2", "right here" ]
# search for the "empty" scenario and check the scenario card
_do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
card = _unload_scenario_card()
assert card == {
"scenario_name": "Untitled scenario (#no-content)",
"scenario_url": "",
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_import_scenario( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test importing a scenario."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# import the "full" scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: _check_scenario(
SCENARIO_NAME="Full content scenario", SCENARIO_ID="FCS-1",
PLAYER_1="dutch", PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION="1st Dutch Army",
PLAYER_2="romanian", PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION="1st Romanian Army",
) )
# import the "empty" scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
# NOTE: Since there are no players defined in the scenario, what's on-screen will be left unchanged.
wait_for( 2, lambda: _check_scenario(
SCENARIO_NAME="Untitled scenario (#no-content)", SCENARIO_ID="",
) )
def _check_scenario( **kwargs ):
"""Check the scenario import."""
elem = find_child( "div.html-textbox[name='{}']".format( key ) )
if elem.get_attribute( "innerHTML" ) != kwargs[ key ]:
return False
if get_player_nat( 1 ) != kwargs["PLAYER_1"] or get_player_nat( 2 ) != kwargs["PLAYER_2"]:
return False
if get_theater() != kwargs[ "THEATER" ]:
return False
if get_turn_track_nturns() != kwargs["SCENARIO_TURNS"]:
return False
return True
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_import_warnings( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements
"""Test warnings when importing a scenario."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
# import a scenario on top of an empty scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
def check_warnings( expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
warnings = find_children( ".warnings input[type='checkbox']", dlg )
return [ w.get_attribute( "name" ) for w in warnings ] == expected
def do_test( param_name, expected_warning, expected_val, curr_val="CURR-VAL" ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# start with a new scenario
# set the scenario parameter
set_template_params( { param_name: curr_val } )
# import a scenario
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
_click_import_button( find_child( "#scenario-search" ) )
# check if any warnings were expected
elem = find_child( "[name='{}']".format( param_name ) )
if expected_warning:
# yup - make sure they are being shown
wait_for( 2, lambda: check_warnings( [expected_warning] ) )
# cancel the import
find_child( "button.cancel-import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not find_child( ".warnings", dlg ).is_displayed() )
# do the import again, and accept it
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
if "html-textbox" in get_css_classes( elem ):
assert elem.get_attribute( "innerHTML" ) == expected_val
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == expected_val
# nope - check that the import was done
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# assert not dlg.is_displayed()
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == expected_val
# do the tests
do_test( "SCENARIO_NAME", "scenario_name", "Full content scenario" )
do_test( "SCENARIO_ID", "scenario_display_id", "FCS-1" )
do_test( "SCENARIO_LOCATION", "scenario_location", "Some place" )
do_test( "SCENARIO_DATE", "scenario_date_iso", "12/31/1945", curr_val="01/02/1940" )
do_test( "SCENARIO_THEATER", None, "PTO", curr_val="Burma" )
do_test( "PLAYER_1", None, "dutch", curr_val="german" )
do_test( "PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION", "defender_desc", "1st Dutch Army" )
do_test( "PLAYER_2", None, "romanian", curr_val="german" )
do_test( "PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION", "attacker_desc", "1st Romanian Army" )
# test importing a scenario on top of existing OB owned by the same nationality
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "dutch",
} )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
check_warnings( [] )
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# test importing a scenario on top of existing OB owned by the same nationality
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "dutch",
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "Dutch setup note" } ]
} )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# test importing a scenario on top of existing OB owned by the different nationality
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "german",
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "German setup note" } ]
} )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
warnings = wait_for( 2, lambda: find_children( ".warnings input[type='checkbox']", dlg ) )
assert [ w.get_attribute( "name" ) for w in warnings ] == [ "defender_name" ]
assert not warnings[0].is_selected()
wait_for( 2, lambda: warnings[0].is_displayed )
time.sleep( 0.1 ) # nb: wait for the slide to finish :-/
find_child( "button.confirm-import", dlg ).click()
assert not dlg.is_displayed()
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "dutch"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_oba_info( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test showing OBA info in the scenario card."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def check_oba_info( card, expected ):
"""Check the OBA info."""
assert card["oba"] == expected
assert "oba.png" in card["icons"]
# search for the "OBA test" scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "OBA test", ["5a"], webdriver )
expected = [
[ "Finnish", "6B", "3R", "Plentiful Ammo included" ],
[ "German", "1B", "2R", "a comment", "another comment" ]
check_oba_info( _unload_scenario_card(), expected )
# import the scenario and check the OBA info
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
check_oba_info( _get_scenario_info(), expected )
# change the scenario date and check the OBA info
set_scenario_date( "01/02/1943" )
check_oba_info( _get_scenario_info(), [
[ "Finnish", "8B", "3R", "Plentiful Ammo included" ],
[ "German", "1B", "2R", "a comment", "another comment" ],
"Based on a scenario date of 1/43."
] )
# change the scenario date and check the OBA info
set_scenario_date( "" )
check_oba_info( _get_scenario_info(), expected )
# check a scenario where only the defender has OBA
_do_scenario_search( "Defender OBA", ["5b"], webdriver )
check_oba_info( _unload_scenario_card(), [
[ "Burmese", "-", "-" ],
] )
# check a scenario where the attacker has OBA, the defender is an unknwon nationality
_do_scenario_search( "Attacker OBA", ["5c"], webdriver )
check_oba_info( _unload_scenario_card(), [
[ "The Other Guy", "?", "?" ],
[ "Russian", "3B", "4R" ]
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_asa_theater_mappings( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test mapping ASA theaters."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def do_test( query, scenario_id, expected, warning=None ):
set_theater( "DTO" )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( query, [scenario_id], webdriver )
_click_import_button( dlg )
if warning:
_check_warnings( [], [warning] )
find_child( "button.confirm-import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
assert get_theater() == expected
# test some basic theater mappings
do_test( "WTO", "3a", "ETO" )
do_test( "MTO", "3b", "ETO" )
do_test( "KFW", "3c", "Korea" )
# test mapping CBI scenarios
do_test( "China", "3d1", "PTO" )
do_test( "Burma", "3d2", "Burma" )
do_test( "India", "3d3", "PTO" )
# test a theater that has no mapping
do_test( "Africa", "3e", "other", warning="Unknown theater: Africa" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_unknown_nats( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test importing scenarios with unknown player nationalities."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# test importing a scenario with 2 completely unknown player nationalities
set_player( 1, "french" )
set_player( 2, "italian" )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Unknown players", ["4a"], webdriver )
_click_import_button( dlg )
_check_warnings( [], ["Unknown player: Eastasia","Unknown player: Oceania"] )
expected_bgraphs = { "asa": [
{ "name": "Eastasia", "wins": 2, "percentage": 67 },
{ "name": "Oceania", "wins": 1, "percentage": 33 }
] }
assert _unload_balance_graphs( dlg ) == expected_bgraphs
find_child( "button.confirm-import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed() )
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "french"
assert get_player_nat( 2 ) == "italian"
# test matching nationalities (partial name matches)
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "partial nationality matches", ["4b"], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed() )
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "russian"
assert get_player_nat( 2 ) == "japanese"
# test nationality mapping
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "nationality mapping", ["4c"], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed() )
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "british"
assert get_player_nat( 2 ) == "british~canadian"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_roar_matching( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test matching scenarios with ROAR scenarios."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# search for the "full" scenario
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
card = _unload_scenario_card()
assert card["balances"] == { "asa": [
{ "name": "Dutch", "wins": 3, "percentage": 30 },
{ "name": "Romanian", "wins": 7, "percentage": 70 }
] }
# search for the "empty" scenario
_do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
card = _unload_scenario_card()
assert "balances" not in card
# search for "Fighting Withdrawal"
_do_scenario_search( "Withdrawal", ["2"], webdriver )
card = _unload_scenario_card()
assert card["balances"] == {
# NOTE: The 2 sides in the ROAR balance graph should have been swapped around
# to match what's in the ASL Scenario Archive.
"roar": [
{ "name": "Russian", "wins": 325, "percentage": 54 },
{ "name": "Finnish", "wins": 279, "percentage": 46 }
"asa": [
{ "name": "Russians", "wins": 78, "percentage": 58 }, # nb: the player nationality has a trailing "s"
{ "name": "Finnish", "wins": 56, "percentage": 42 }
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pytest_options.webapp_url is not None,
reason = "Can't test against a remote webapp server."
def test_roar_matching2( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test matching scenarios with ROAR scenarios."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
from vasl_templates.webapp.scenarios import _asa_scenarios, _match_roar_scenario
def do_test( scenario_name, expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
scenarios = [
s for s in _asa_scenarios.index.values() #pylint: disable=no-member
if s.get( "title" ) == scenario_name
assert len(scenarios) == 1
matches = _match_roar_scenario( scenarios[0] )
if not isinstance( expected, list ):
expected = [ expected ]
assert [ ( m["roar_id"], m["name"] ) for m in matches ] == expected
with _asa_scenarios:
# check for no match
do_test( "Full content scenario", [] )
# check for an exact match
do_test( "ROAR Exact Match", ("200","!! ROAR exact-match !!") )
# check for multiple matches, resolved by the scenario ID
do_test( "ROAR Exact Match 2", ("211","ROAR Exact Match 2") )
# check for multiple matches
# NOTE: These should be sorted in descending order of number of playings.
do_test( "ROAR Multiple Matches", [
("222","ROAR Multiple Matches"), ("220","ROAR Multiple Matches"), ("221","ROAR Multiple Matches")
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_roar_linking( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test linking scenarios with ROAR scenarios."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def check( bgraph, connect, disconnect ):
"""Check the scenario card."""
# check if the balance graph is shown
card = _unload_scenario_card()
except StaleElementReferenceException:
# NOTE: We can get here if the scenario card is reloaded while we're reading it.
return False
if bgraph:
balance = card["balances"].get( "roar" )
if not balance:
return False
if balance[0]["name"] != bgraph[0] or balance[1]["name"] != bgraph[1]:
return False
if "roar" in card["balances"]:
return False
# check if the "connect to ROAR" button is shown
elem = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .connect-roar" )
if connect:
if not elem.is_displayed():
return False
if elem and elem.is_displayed():
return False
# check if the "disconnect from ROAR" is shown
elem = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .disconnect-roar" )
if disconnect:
if not elem.is_displayed():
return False
if elem and elem.is_displayed():
return False
return True
def disconnect_roar():
"""Disconnect the scenario from ROAR."""
btn = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .disconnect-roar" )
wait_for( 2, lambda: not btn.is_displayed() )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( None, True, False ) )
# import the "Fighting Withdrawal" scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "withdrawal", [2], webdriver )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, False ) )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# connect to another ROAR scenario
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, True ) )
find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .connect-roar" ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "" )
find_child( ".select2-search__field", dlg ).send_keys( "another" )
find_child( ".select2-search__field", dlg ).send_keys( Keys.RETURN )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["British","French"], False, True ) )
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.ok" ).click()
# disconnect from the ROAR scenario
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["British","French"], False, True ) )
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.ok" ).click()
# connect to a ROAR scenario
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( None, True, False ) )
find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .connect-roar" ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "" )
elem = find_child( ".select2-search__field", dlg )
elem.send_keys( "withdrawal" )
elem.send_keys( Keys.RETURN )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, True ) )
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.ok" ).click()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_linking( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test linking scenarios with the ASL Scenario Archive."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
def get_asa_id():
"""Get the ASL Scenario Archive scenario ID."""
return find_child( "input[name='ASA_ID']" ).get_attribute( "value" )
def check( asa_id ):
"""Check the current state of the scenario."""
# check that the ASL Scenario Archive scenario ID has been set
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_asa_id() == asa_id )
# check that the ASL Scenario Archive scenario ID is saved correctly
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
assert saved_scenario[ "ASA_ID" ] == asa_id
# reset the scenario
assert get_asa_id() == ""
# check that the ASL Scenario Archive scenario ID is loaded correctly
load_scenario( saved_scenario )
assert get_asa_id() == asa_id
# import the "full" scenario
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
check( "1" )
# import the "empty" scenario (on top of the current scenario)
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
check( "no-content" )
# import the "Fighting Withdrawal" scenario (on top of the current scenario)
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Fighting Withdrawal", [2], webdriver )
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
check( "2" )
# unlink the scenario
check( "" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_upload( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test uploading scenarios to the ASL Scenario Archive."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
def do_upload( prep_upload, expect_ask ):
"""Upload the scenario to our test endpoint."""
# show the scenario card
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
wait_for( 2, _find_scenario_card )
# open the upload dialog
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.upload" ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.scenario-upload" )
if prep_upload:
prep_upload( dlg )
# start the upload
find_child( "button.upload", dlg ).click()
if expect_ask:
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.ask" )
find_child( "button.ok", dlg ).click()
# wait for the upload to be processed
last_asa_upload = wait_for( 5, webapp.control_tests.get_last_asa_upload )
assert last_asa_upload["user"] == user_name
assert last_asa_upload["token"] == api_token
return last_asa_upload
user_name, api_token = "joe", "xyz123"
def prep_upload( dlg ):
"""Prepare the upload."""
assert find_child( ".scenario-name", dlg ).text == "Full content scenario"
assert find_child( ".scenario-id", dlg ).text == "(FCS-1)"
assert find_child( ".asa-id", dlg ).text == "(#1)"
# NOTE: We only set the auth details once, then they should be remembered.
find_child( "input.user", dlg ).send_keys( user_name )
find_child( "input.token", dlg ).send_keys( api_token )
# test uploading just a vasl-templates setup
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
asa_upload = do_upload( prep_upload, True )
assert asa_upload["user"] == user_name
assert asa_upload["token"] == api_token
assert "vasl_setup" not in asa_upload
assert "screenshot" not in asa_upload
# compare the vasl-templates setup
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
keys = [ k for k in saved_scenario if k.startswith("_") ]
for key in keys:
del saved_scenario[ key ]
del asa_upload["vt_setup"][ key ]
del saved_scenario[ "VICTORY_CONDITIONS" ]
del saved_scenario[ "SSR" ]
assert asa_upload["vt_setup"] == saved_scenario
def prep_upload2( dlg ):
"""Prepare the upload."""
assert asa_upload["user"] == user_name
assert asa_upload["token"] == api_token
# send the VSAV data to the front-end
fname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixtures/update-vsav/full.vsav" )
with open( fname, "rb" ) as fp:
vsav_data =
set_stored_msg( "_vsav-persistence_", base64.b64encode( vsav_data ).decode( "utf-8" ) )
find_child( ".vsav-container", dlg ).click()
# wait for the files to be prepared
wait_for( 60,
lambda: "loader.gif" not in find_child( ".screenshot-container .preview img" ).get_attribute( "src" )
# test uploading a VASL save file
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
last_asa_upload = do_upload( prep_upload2, False )
assert isinstance( last_asa_upload["vt_setup"], dict )
assert last_asa_upload["vasl_setup"][:2] == b"PK"
assert last_asa_upload["screenshot"][:2] == b"\xff\xd8" \
and last_asa_upload["screenshot"][-2:] == b"\xff\xd9" # nb: these are the magic numbers for JPEG's
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_downloads( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test downloading files from the ASL Scenario Archive."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def unload_downloads():
"""Unload the available downloads."""
btn = find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-search .import-control button.downloads" )
if not btn.is_enabled():
return None
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#scenario-downloads-dialog" )
# unload the file groups
fgroups = []
for elem in find_children( ".fgroup", dlg ):
fgroup = {
"screenshot": fixup( find_child( ".screenshot img", elem ).get_attribute( "src" ) ),
"user": fixup( find_child( ".user", elem ).text ),
"timestamp": fixup( find_child( ".timestamp", elem ).text ),
add_download_url( fgroup, "vt_setup", elem )
add_download_url( fgroup, "vasl_setup", elem )
fgroups.append( fgroup )
return fgroups
def add_download_url( fgroup, key, parent ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
btn = find_child( "."+key, parent )
if btn:
fgroup[ key ] = fixup( btn.get_attribute( "data-url" ) )
def fixup( val ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
val = val.replace( webapp.base_url, "{WEBAPP-BASE-URL}" )
val = val.replace( "%7C", "|" )
return val
# check the downloads for a scenario that doesn't have any
_do_scenario_search( "fighting", [2], webdriver )
assert unload_downloads() is None
# check the downloads for a scenario that has some
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
assert unload_downloads() == [ {
"screenshot": "{WEBAPP-BASE-URL}/static/images/missing-image.png",
"timestamp": "November 14, 2023",
"user": "dave",
"vasl_setup": "|vt_setup4.vsav",
"vt_setup": "|vt_setup4.json"
}, {
"screenshot": "|screenshot3.png",
"timestamp": "September 13, 2020",
"user": "chuck",
"vasl_setup": "|vt_setup3.vsav"
}, {
"screenshot": "|screenshot2.png",
"timestamp": "July 14, 2017",
"user": "bob",
"vt_setup": "|vt_setup2.json"
}, {
"screenshot": "|screenshot1.png",
"timestamp": "May 13, 2014",
"user": "alice",
"vasl_setup": "|vt_setup1.vsav",
"vt_setup": "|vt_setup1.json"
} ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _do_scenario_search( query, expected, webdriver ):
"""Do a scenario search."""
# find the dialog
dlg = find_child( "#scenario-search" )
if not dlg.is_displayed():
select_tab( "scenario" )
btn = find_child( "button.scenario-search" )
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_down( Keys.SHIFT ).click( btn ).perform()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#scenario-search" )
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_up( Keys.SHIFT ).perform()
# initialize
card = find_child( ".scenario-card", dlg )
seq_no = card.get_attribute( "data-seqNo" )
# do the search and check the results
elem = find_child( "input.select2-search__field", dlg )
# IMPORTANT: We can't use send_keys() here because it simulates a key-press for each character in the query,
# and the incremental search feature means that we will constantly be loading scenario cards as the results
# change, which makes it difficult for us to be able to tell when everything's stopped and it's safe to unload
# the scenario card. Instead, we manually load the text box and trigger an event to update the UI.
"arguments[0].value = arguments[1] ; $(arguments[0]).trigger('input')",
elem, query
def check_search_results(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
results = _unload_search_results()
return [ r[0] for r in results ] == [ str(e) for e in expected ]
wait_for( 2, check_search_results )
# wait for the scenario card to finish loading
# NOTE: We do this here since the typical use case is to search for something, then check what was found.
wait_for( 2, lambda: card.get_attribute( "data-seqNo" ) != seq_no )
return dlg
def _unload_search_results():
"""Unload the current search results."""
results = []
for sr in find_children( "#scenario-search .select2-results .search-result" ):
results.append( ( sr.get_attribute("data-id"), sr ) )
return results
def _unload_scenario_card(): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
"""Unload the scenario card."""
# initialize
card = wait_for( 2, _find_scenario_card )
results = {}
# unload the basic text content
def unload_text_field( key, sel, trim_prefix=None, trim_postfix=None, trim_parens=False ):
"""Unload a text field from the scenario card."""
elem = find_child( sel, card )
if not elem:
val = elem.text.strip()
if val:
if trim_parens:
assert val.startswith( "(" ) and val.endswith( ")" )
val = val[1:-1]
if trim_prefix:
assert val.startswith( trim_prefix )
val = val[ len(trim_prefix) : ]
if trim_postfix:
assert val.endswith( trim_postfix )
val = val[ : -len(trim_postfix) ]
val = val.strip()
if val:
results[ key ] = val
def unload_attr( key, sel, attr ):
"""Unload a element's attribute from the scenario card."""
elem = find_child( sel, card )
if not elem:
results[ key ] = elem.get_attribute( attr )
unload_text_field( "scenario_name", ".scenario-name" )
unload_attr( "scenario_url", ".scenario-name a", "href" )
unload_text_field( "scenario_id", ".scenario-id", trim_parens=True )
unload_text_field( "scenario_location", ".scenario-location" )
unload_text_field( "scenario_date", ".scenario-date", trim_parens=True )
unload_text_field( "theater", ".info .theater" )
unload_text_field( "turn_count", ".info .turn-count", trim_postfix="turns" )
unload_text_field( "playing_time", ".info .playing-time" )
unload_text_field( "designer", ".designer", trim_prefix="Designer:" )
unload_text_field( "publication", ".publication" )
unload_attr( "publication_url", ".publication a", "href" )
unload_text_field( "publication_date", ".publication-date", trim_parens=True )
unload_text_field( "publisher", ".publisher", trim_parens=True )
unload_attr( "publisher_url", ".publisher a", "href" )
unload_text_field( "prev_publication", ".prev-publication", trim_prefix="Previously:" )
unload_text_field( "revised_publication", ".revised-publication", trim_prefix="Revised:" )
unload_text_field( "map_url", ".map" ) # nb: we don't show a real map in test mode
unload_text_field( "overview", ".overview" )
unload_text_field( "defender_name", ".defender .name" )
unload_text_field( "defender_desc", ".defender .desc" )
unload_text_field( "attacker_name", ".attacker .name" )
unload_text_field( "attacker_desc", ".attacker .desc" )
unload_text_field( "boards", ".boards", trim_prefix="Boards:" )
unload_text_field( "overlays", ".overlays", trim_prefix="Overlays:" )
unload_text_field( "extra_rules", ".extra-rules", trim_prefix="Rules:" )
# unload the balance graphs
balances = _unload_balance_graphs( card )
if balances:
results[ "balances" ] = balances
# FUDGE! We just show the lat/long in test mode, not a real map, so we have to remove it
# from the overview content.
if "overview" in results and "map_url" in results:
results["overview"] = results["overview"].replace( results["map_url"], "" ).strip()
# unload the icons
icons = set(
c.get_attribute( "src" )
for c in find_children( ".info .icons img", card )
if icons:
results[ "icons" ] = sorted( os.path.split(i)[1] for i in icons )
# unload the OBA info
oba = find_child( ".player-info .oba", card )
if oba and oba.is_displayed():
oba_info = []
for player in ["defender","attacker"]:
row = find_child( ".{}".format( player ), oba )
if not row:
oba_info.append( None )
oba_info.append( [
find_child( ".name", row ).text,
find_child( ".black", row ).text,
find_child( ".red", row ).text
] )
comments = find_child( ".{} .comments".format(player), oba ).text
if comments:
oba_info[-1].extend( comments.split( "\n" ) )
elem = find_child( ".date-warning", oba )
if elem.is_displayed():
oba_info.append( elem.text )
results[ "oba" ] = oba_info
# unload any map preview images
btn = find_child( ".map-previews", card )
if btn and btn.is_displayed():
imgs = find_children( ".lg .lg-thumb-item img" )
if not imgs:
# NOTE: If there is only one image, no thumbnails are shown - just use the main image
imgs = [ find_child( ".lg .lg-image" ) ]
urls = [ e.get_attribute( "src" ) for e in imgs ]
results[ "map_previews" ] = [
os.path.basename( u ).replace( "%7C", "|" )
for u in urls
find_child( ".lg .lg-close" ).click()
# unload any errata
def get_source( val ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
assert val.startswith( "[" ) and val.endswith( "]" )
return val[1:-1]
elems1 = find_children( ".errata .text", card )
elems2 = find_children( ".errata .source", card )
assert len(elems1) == len(elems2)
if len(elems1) > 0:
results[ "errata" ] = [
[ e1.text, get_source(e2.text) ]
for e1,e2 in zip(elems1,elems2)
return results
def _unload_balance_graphs( parent ):
"""Unload balance graph(s)."""
def get_player_no( elem ):
"""Figure out what player an element belongs to."""
# FUDGE! Selenium doesn't seem to let us select elements using things like ".wins.player1",
# so we have to iterate over all ".wins" elements, and figure out which player each one belongs to :-/
classes = elem.get_attribute( "class" )
if "player1" in classes:
return 0
elif "player2" in classes:
return 1
assert False
return -1
# unload the balance graphs
balances = {}
balance_graphs = find_children( ".balance-graph", parent ) or []
for bgraph in balance_graphs:
if not bgraph.is_displayed():
balance = [ {}, {} ]
for elem in find_children( ".player", bgraph ):
balance[ get_player_no(elem) ][ "name" ] = elem.text
for elem in find_children( ".wins", bgraph ):
wins = elem.text
assert wins.startswith( "(" ) and wins.endswith( ")" )
balance[ get_player_no(elem) ][ "wins" ] = int( wins[1:-1] )
for elem in find_children( ".progressbar", bgraph ):
percentage = int( elem.get_attribute( "aria-valuenow" ) )
player_no = get_player_no( elem )
if player_no == 0:
percentage = 100 - percentage
balance[ player_no ][ "percentage" ] = percentage
classes = [ c for c in get_css_classes(bgraph) if c != "balance-graph" ]
assert len(classes) == 1
balances[ classes[0] ] = balance
return balances
def _check_warnings( expected, expected2 ):
"""Check any import warnings being shown."""
def do_check_warnings(): #pylint:
"""Get import warnings."""
warnings = [
c.get_attribute( "name" )
for c in find_children( "#scenario-search .warnings input[type='checkbox']" )
warnings2 = [
for c in find_children( "#scenario-search .warnings .warning2" )
return warnings == expected and warnings2 == expected2
wait_for( 2, do_check_warnings )
def _get_scenario_info():
"""Open the scenario info and unload the information."""
btn = find_child( "button.scenario-search" )
assert find_child( "img", btn ).get_attribute( "src" ).endswith( "/scenario-info.png" )
wait_for_elem( 2, "#scenario-info-dialog" )
card = _unload_scenario_card()
btn = find_children( ".ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button" )[0]
assert btn.text == "OK"
return card
def _unlink_scenario():
"""Unlink the scenario from the ASL Scenario Archive."""
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
wait_for_elem( 2, "#scenario-info-dialog" )
btn = find_children( ".ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button" )[1]
assert btn.text == "Unlink"
def _import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg ):
"""Import a scenario, confirming any warnings."""
_click_import_button( dlg )
btn = wait_for_elem( 2, "button.confirm-import", dlg )
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
def _find_scenario_card():
"""Find the currently-displayed scenario card."""
if find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed():
return find_child( "#scenario-search .scenario-card" )
if find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog" ).is_displayed():
return find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .scenario-card" )
return None
def _click_import_button( dlg ):
"""Click the "import scenario" button, and confirm the action (if necessary)."""
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
if find_child( "#ask" ).is_displayed():
click_dialog_button( "OK" )