Fixed some timing issues in the scenario search tests.

Pacman Ghost 4 years ago
parent b318507953
commit 6fa454dd9a
  1. 8
  2. 205
  3. 4

@ -395,6 +395,13 @@ function loadScenarioCard( $target, scenarioId, briefMode, scenarioDateOverride,
gActiveScenaridCardRequest = scenarioId ;
// initialize
// NOTE: We tag the scenario card with a seq# for the benefit of the test suite, so that it can tell
// when a scenario card has finished loading, and it's safe to read values out of the UI.
// It won't work under load, but we only need it for the simple case of a single request coming in,
// and waiting for it to load completely.
var seqNo = $target.attr( "data-seqNo" ) || 1 ;
// load the specified scenario
var url = gGetScenarioCardUrl.replace( "ID", scenarioId ) ;
if ( briefMode )
@ -431,6 +438,7 @@ function loadScenarioCard( $target, scenarioId, briefMode, scenarioDateOverride,
$target.html( $card ).fadeIn( 100 ) ;
$target.attr( "data-id", scenarioId ) ;
onDone( scenario ) ;
$target.attr( "data-seqNo", parseInt(seqNo)+1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ).fail( onError ) ;

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
"""" Test scenario search. """
import os
import time
import pytest
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementClickInterceptedException, ElementNotInteractableException
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import save_scenario, load_scenario
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, select_tab, new_scenario, \
@ -76,37 +75,38 @@ def test_import_scenario( webapp, webdriver ):
# import the "full" scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: _check_scenario(
SCENARIO_NAME="Full content scenario", SCENARIO_ID="FCS-1",
PLAYER_1="dutch", PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION="1st Dutch Army",
PLAYER_2="romanian", PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION="1st Romanian Army",
) )
# import the "empty" scenario
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
find_child( "button.confirm-import", dlg ).click()
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
# NOTE: Since there are no players defined in the scenario, what's on-screen will be left unchanged.
wait_for( 2, lambda: _check_scenario(
SCENARIO_NAME="Untitled scenario (#no-content)", SCENARIO_ID="",
) )
def _check_scenario( **kwargs ):
"""Check the scenario import."""
for key in keys:
elem = find_child( "input[name='{}']".format( key ) )
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == kwargs[ key ]
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == kwargs[ "PLAYER_1" ]
assert get_player_nat( 2 ) == kwargs[ "PLAYER_2" ]
assert get_theater() == kwargs[ "THEATER" ]
if elem.get_attribute( "value" ) != kwargs[ key ]:
return False
if get_player_nat( 1 ) != kwargs["PLAYER_1"] or get_player_nat( 2 ) != kwargs["PLAYER_2"]:
return False
if get_theater() != kwargs[ "THEATER" ]:
return False
return True
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ def test_import_warnings( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-stateme
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
def check_warnings( expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
warnings = find_children( ".warnings input[type='checkbox']", dlg )
return [ w.get_attribute( "name" ) for w in warnings ] == expected
def do_test( param_name, expected_warning, expected_val, curr_val="CURR-VAL" ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# start with a new scenario
@ -137,22 +141,17 @@ def test_import_warnings( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-stateme
elem = find_child( "[name='{}']".format( param_name ) )
if expected_warning:
# yup - make sure they are being shown
warnings = find_children( ".warnings input[type='checkbox']", dlg )
if expected_warning:
assert [ w.get_attribute( "name" ) for w in warnings ] == [ expected_warning ]
assert not warnings
wait_for( 2, lambda: check_warnings( [expected_warning] ) )
# cancel the import
find_child( "button.cancel-import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not find_child( ".warnings", dlg ).is_displayed() )
# do the import again, and accept it
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
find_child( "button.confirm-import", dlg ).click()
assert not dlg.is_displayed()
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == expected_val
# nope - check that the import was done
assert not dlg.is_displayed()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# assert not dlg.is_displayed()
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == expected_val
# do the tests
@ -171,10 +170,10 @@ def test_import_warnings( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-stateme
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "dutch",
} )
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
warnings = find_children( ".warnings input[type='checkbox']", dlg )
assert [ w.get_attribute( "name" ) for w in warnings ] == []
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
check_warnings( [] )
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# test importing a scenario on top of existing OB owned by the same nationality
@ -182,8 +181,8 @@ def test_import_warnings( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-stateme
"PLAYER_1": "dutch",
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "Dutch setup note" } ]
} )
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# test importing a scenario on top of existing OB owned by the different nationality
@ -192,18 +191,13 @@ def test_import_warnings( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-stateme
"PLAYER_1": "german",
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "German setup note" } ]
} )
_do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import", dlg ).click()
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "full", [1], webdriver )
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
warnings = wait_for( 2, lambda: find_children( ".warnings input[type='checkbox']", dlg ) )
assert [ w.get_attribute( "name" ) for w in warnings ] == [ "defender_name" ]
assert not warnings[0].is_selected()
except (ElementClickInterceptedException, ElementNotInteractableException):
# FUDGE! We sometimes get a "Other element would receive the click" (div.warning) error,
# I suspect because the warnings panel is still sliding up.
time.sleep( 0.5 )
wait_for( 2, lambda: warnings[0].is_displayed() )
find_child( "button.confirm-import", dlg ).click()
assert not dlg.is_displayed()
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "dutch"
@ -230,7 +224,7 @@ def test_oba_info( webapp, webdriver ):
check_oba_info( _unload_scenario_card(), expected )
# import the scenario and check the OBA info
find_child( "button.import" ).click()
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
check_oba_info( _get_scenario_info(), expected )
@ -247,14 +241,14 @@ def test_oba_info( webapp, webdriver ):
check_oba_info( _get_scenario_info(), expected )
# check a scenario where only the defender has OBA
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Defender OBA", ["5b"], webdriver )
_do_scenario_search( "Defender OBA", ["5b"], webdriver )
check_oba_info( _unload_scenario_card(), [
[ "Burmese", "-", "-" ],
] )
# check a scenario where the attacker has OBA, the defender is an unknwon nationality
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Attacker OBA", ["5c"], webdriver )
_do_scenario_search( "Attacker OBA", ["5c"], webdriver )
check_oba_info( _unload_scenario_card(), [
[ "The Other Guy", "?", "?" ],
[ "Russian", "3B", "4R" ]
@ -410,70 +404,81 @@ def test_roar_linking( webapp, webdriver ):
def check( bgraph, connect, disconnect ):
"""Check the scenario card."""
# unload the scenario card
if find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed():
parent = find_child( "#scenario-search .scenario-card" )
elif find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog" ).is_displayed():
parent = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .scenario-card" )
assert False
card = _unload_scenario_card()
# check if the balance graph is shown
card = _unload_scenario_card()
except StaleElementReferenceException:
# NOTE: We can get here if the scenario card is reloaded while we're reading it.
return False
if bgraph:
balance = card["balances"]["roar"]
assert balance[0]["name"] == bgraph[0]
assert balance[1]["name"] == bgraph[1]
balance = card["balances"].get( "roar" )
if not balance:
return False
if balance[0]["name"] != bgraph[0] or balance[1]["name"] != bgraph[1]:
return False
assert "roar" not in card["balances"]
if "roar" in card["balances"]:
return False
# check if the "connect to ROAR" button is shown
elem = find_child( ".connect-roar", parent )
elem = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .connect-roar" )
if connect:
assert elem.is_displayed()
if not elem.is_displayed():
return False
assert not elem.is_displayed()
if elem and elem.is_displayed():
return False
# check if the "disconnect from ROAR" is shown
elem = find_child( ".disconnect-roar", parent )
elem = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .disconnect-roar" )
if disconnect:
assert elem.is_displayed()
if not elem.is_displayed():
return False
assert not elem or not elem.is_displayed()
if elem and elem.is_displayed():
return False
return True
def disconnect_roar():
"""Disconnect the scenario from ROAR."""
btn = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .disconnect-roar" )
wait_for( 2, lambda: not btn.is_displayed() )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( None, True, False ) )
# import the "Fighting Withdrawal" scenario
_do_scenario_search( "withdrawal", [2], webdriver )
check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, False )
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "withdrawal", [2], webdriver )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, False ) )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
# connect to another ROAR scenario
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, True )
find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .disconnect-roar" ).click()
check( None, True, False )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, True ) )
find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .connect-roar" ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "" )
find_child( ".select2-search__field", dlg ).send_keys( "another" )
find_child( ".select2-search__field", dlg ).send_keys( Keys.RETURN )
check( ["British","French"], False, True )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["British","French"], False, True ) )
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.ok" ).click()
# disconnect from the ROAR scenario
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
check( ["British","French"], False, True )
find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .disconnect-roar" ).click()
check( None, True, False )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["British","French"], False, True ) )
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.ok" ).click()
# connect to a ROAR scenario
find_child( "button.scenario-search" ).click()
check( None, True, False )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( None, True, False ) )
find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .connect-roar" ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "" )
elem = find_child( ".select2-search__field", dlg )
elem.send_keys( "withdrawal" )
elem.send_keys( Keys.RETURN )
check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, True )
wait_for( 2, lambda: check( ["Russian","Finnish"], False, True ) )
find_child( ".ui-dialog.scenario-info button.ok" ).click()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -512,15 +517,13 @@ def test_scenario_linking( webapp, webdriver ):
check( "1" )
# import the "empty" scenario (on top of the current scenario)
_do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
find_child( "#scenario-search button.confirm-import" ).click()
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Untitled", ["no-content"], webdriver )
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
check( "no-content" )
# import the "Fighting Withdrawal" scenario (on top of the current scenario)
_do_scenario_search( "Fighting Withdrawal", [2], webdriver )
find_child( "#scenario-search button.import" ).click()
find_child( "#scenario-search button.confirm-import" ).click()
dlg = _do_scenario_search( "Fighting Withdrawal", [2], webdriver )
_import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg )
check( "2" )
# unlink the scenario
@ -541,12 +544,29 @@ def _do_scenario_search( query, expected, webdriver ):
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#scenario-search" )
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_up( Keys.SHIFT ).perform()
# initialize
card = find_child( ".scenario-card", dlg )
seq_no = card.get_attribute( "data-seqNo" )
# do the search and check the results
elem = find_child( "input.select2-search__field", dlg )
elem.send_keys( query )
results = _unload_search_results()
assert [ r[0] for r in results ] == [ str(e) for e in expected ]
# IMPORTANT: We can't use send_keys() here because it simulates a key-press for each character in the query,
# and the incremental search feature means that we will constantly be loading scenario cards as the results
# change, which makes it difficult for us to be able to tell when everything's stopped and it's safe to unload
# the scenario card. Instead, we manually load the text box and trigger an event to update the UI.
"arguments[0].value = arguments[1] ; $(arguments[0]).trigger('input')",
elem, query
def check_search_results(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
results = _unload_search_results()
return [ r[0] for r in results ] == [ str(e) for e in expected ]
wait_for( 2, check_search_results )
# wait for the scenario card to finish loading
# NOTE: We do this here since the typical use case is to search for something, then check what was found.
wait_for( 2, lambda: card.get_attribute( "data-seqNo" ) != seq_no )
return dlg
@ -560,12 +580,8 @@ def _unload_search_results():
def _unload_scenario_card(): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
"""Unload the scenario card."""
if find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed():
card = find_child( "#scenario-search .scenario-card" )
elif find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog" ).is_displayed():
card = find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .scenario-card" )
assert False
# initialize
card = wait_for( 2, _find_scenario_card )
results = {}
# unload the basic text content
@ -653,7 +669,7 @@ def _unload_scenario_card(): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
comments = find_child( ".{} .comments".format(player), oba ).text
if comments:
oba_info[-1].extend( comments.split( "\n" ) )
elem = find_child( ".date-warning", oba )
elem = find_child( ".date-warning", oba )
if elem.is_displayed():
oba_info.append( elem.text )
results[ "oba" ] = oba_info
@ -754,3 +770,18 @@ def _unlink_scenario():
btn = find_children( ".ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button" )[1]
assert btn.text == "Unlink"
def _import_scenario_and_confirm( dlg ):
"""Import a scenario, confirming any warnings."""
find_child( "button.import", dlg ).click()
btn = wait_for_elem( 2, "button.confirm-import", dlg )
wait_for( 2, lambda: not dlg.is_displayed() )
def _find_scenario_card():
"""Find the currently-displayed scenario card."""
if find_child( "#scenario-search" ).is_displayed():
return find_child( "#scenario-search .scenario-card" )
if find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog" ).is_displayed():
return find_child( "#scenario-info-dialog .scenario-card" )
return None

@ -589,11 +589,11 @@ def wait_for( timeout, func ):
assert time.time() - start_time < timeout
time.sleep( 0.1 )
def wait_for_elem( timeout, elem_id, parent=None ):
def wait_for_elem( timeout, sel, parent=None ):
"""Wait for an element to appear ."""
args = { "elem": None }
def check_elem(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
args["elem"] = find_child( elem_id, parent )
args["elem"] = find_child( sel, parent )
return args["elem"] is not None and args["elem"].is_displayed()
wait_for( timeout, check_elem )
return args["elem"]
