Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

560 lines
26 KiB

""" Webapp handlers. """
# Kathmandu, Nepal (NOV/18).
import sys
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import traceback
import re
import logging
import pprint
import base64
import time
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
from flask import request, jsonify
from vasl_templates.webapp import app, globvars
from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import BASE_DIR, IS_FROZEN
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import TempFile, SimpleError, compare_version_strings, is_windows
from vasl_templates.webapp.webdriver import WebDriver
from vasl_templates.webapp.vasl_mod import get_reverse_remapped_gpid
# NOTE: VASSAL dropped support for Java 8 from 3.3.0. The first version of VASL that supported
# the later versions of Java was 6.6.0, but it was compiled against VASSAL 3.4.2, so we don't
# need to support versions of VASSAL prior to this (3.3.0-.2, 3.4.0-.1), since VASL is known
# to not work with them.
# The versions of VASSAL each version of VASL was compiled against, and Java bundled with
# the Windows version of VASSAL are:
# ------+------------------
# 6.6.0 | 3.4.2 14.0.2+12
# 6.6.1 | 3.4.6 15+36
SUPPORTED_VASSAL_VERSIONS = [ "3.4.2", "3.4.6" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/update-vsav", methods=["POST"] )
def update_vsav(): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals
"""Update labels in a VASL scenario file."""
# parse the request
start_time = time.time()
vsav_data = request.json[ "vsav_data" ]
vsav_filename = request.json[ "filename" ]
players = request.json[ "players" ]
snippets = request.json[ "snippets" ]
test_mode = request.json.get( "testMode" )
# initialize
logger = logging.getLogger( "update_vsav" )
# update the VASL scenario file
# get the VSAV data (we do this inside the try block so that the user gets shown
# a proper error dialog if there's a problem decoding the base64 data)
vsav_data = base64.b64decode( vsav_data ) "Updating VSAV (#bytes=%d): %s", len(vsav_data), vsav_filename )
with TempFile() as input_file:
# save the VSAV data in a temp file
input_file.write( vsav_data )
input_file.close( delete=False )
fname = app.config.get( "UPDATE_VSAV_INPUT" ) # nb: for diagnosing problems
if fname:
logger.debug( "Saving a copy of the VSAV data: %s", fname )
with open( fname, "wb" ) as fp:
fp.write( vsav_data )
with TempFile() as snippets_file:
# save the snippets in a temp file
xml = _save_snippets( snippets, players, snippets_file, test_mode, logger )
snippets_file.close( delete=False )
fname = app.config.get( "UPDATE_VSAV_SNIPPETS" ) # nb: for diagnosing problems
if fname:
logger.debug( "Saving a copy of the snippets: %s", fname )
with open( fname, "wb" ) as fp:
ET.ElementTree( xml ).write( fp )
# run the VASSAL shim to update the VSAV file
with TempFile() as output_file, TempFile() as report_file:
output_file.close( delete=False )
report_file.close( delete=False )
vassal_shim = VassalShim()
# read the updated VSAV data
with open(, "rb" ) as fp:
vsav_data =
fname = app.config.get( "UPDATE_VSAV_RESULT" ) # nb: for diagnosing problems
if fname:
logger.debug( "Saving a copy of the updated VSAV: %s", fname )
with open( fname, "wb" ) as fp:
fp.write( vsav_data )
# read the report
report = _parse_label_report( )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
return VassalShim.translate_vassal_shim_exception( ex, logger )
# return the results "Updated the VSAV file OK: elapsed=%.3fs", time.time()-start_time )
# NOTE: We adjust the recommended save filename to encourage users to not overwrite the original file :-/
vsav_filename = os.path.split( vsav_filename )[1]
errors = []
for fail in report["failed"]:
if fail.get("message"):
errors.append( "{} <div class='pre'> {} </div>".format( fail["caption"], fail["message"] ) )
errors.append( fail["caption"] )
return jsonify( {
"vsav_data": base64.b64encode(vsav_data).decode( "utf-8" ),
"filename": vsav_filename,
"report": {
"was_modified": report["was_modified"],
"labels_created": len(report["created"]),
"labels_updated": len(report["updated"]),
"labels_deleted": len(report["deleted"]),
"labels_unchanged": len(report["unchanged"]),
"errors": errors,
} )
def _save_snippets( snippets, players, fp, test_mode, logger ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Save the snippets in a file.
NOTE: We save the snippets as XML because Java :-/
# NOTE: We used to create a WebDriver here and re-use it for each snippet screenshot,
# but when we implemented the shared WebDriver, we changed things to request it for each
# snippet. If we did things the old way, the WebDriver wouldn't be able to shutdown
# until it had finished *all* the snippet screenshots (since we would have it locked);
# the new way, we only have to wait for it to finish the snippet it's on, the WebDriver
# will be unlocked, and then the other thread will be able to grab the lock and shut
# it down. The downside is that if the user has to disable the shared WebDriver, things
# will run ridiculously slowly, since we will be launching a new webdriver for each snippet.
# We optimize for the case where things work properly... :-/
# add the player details
root = ET.Element( "snippets" )
ET.SubElement( root, "player1", nat=players[0] )
ET.SubElement( root, "player2", nat=players[1] )
# FUDGE! Some of the VASSAL tests update a scenario and check what labels were updated, but this can fail
# if we're using the real data files, and make a change to e.g. the common CSS (since it will cause labels
# to update unexpectedly). To work-around this, if we are running tests, we do tell the VASSAL shim to do
# "fuzzy" comparisons (and ignore un-important content) when deciding if a label needs to be updated.
if test_mode:
root.set( "fuzzyLabelCompares", "true" )
# add the snippets
for snippet_id,snippet_info in snippets.items():
# add the next snippet
auto_create = "true" if snippet_info["auto_create"] else "false"
elem = ET.SubElement( root, "snippet", id=snippet_id, autoCreate=auto_create )
elem.text = snippet_info["content"]
label_area = snippet_info.get( "label_area" )
if label_area:
elem.set( "labelArea", label_area )
# add the raw content
elem2 = ET.SubElement( elem, "rawContent" )
for node in snippet_info.get( "raw_content", [] ):
ET.SubElement( elem2, "phrase" ).text = node
# include the size of the snippet
if not app.config.get( "DISABLE_UPDATE_VSAV_SCREENSHOTS" ):
with WebDriver.get_instance() as webdriver:
start_time = time.time()
img = webdriver.get_snippet_screenshot( snippet_id, snippet_info["content"] )
width, height = img.size
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
logger.debug( "Generated screenshot for %s (%.3fs): %dx%d",
snippet_id, elapsed_time, width, height
# FUDGE! There's something weird going on in VASSAL e.g. "<table width=300>" gives us something
# very different to "<table style='width:300px;'>" :-/ Changing the font size also causes problems.
# The following fudging seems to give us something that's somewhat reasonable... :-/
if r"width:\s*?\d+?px", snippet_info["content"] ):
width = int( width * 140 / 100 )
elem.set( "width", str(width) )
elem.set( "height", str(height) )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
# NOTE: Don't let an error here stop the process.
logging.error( "Can't get snippet screenshot: %s", ex )
logging.error( traceback.format_exc() )
ET.ElementTree( root ).write( fp )
return root
def _parse_label_report( fname ):
"""Read the label report generated by the VASSAL shim."""
doc = ET.parse( fname )
report = {
"was_modified": doc.getroot().attrib["wasModified"] == "true"
for action in doc.getroot():
nodes = []
for node in action:
nodes.append( { "id": node.attrib["id"] } )
if "x" in node.attrib and "y" in node.attrib:
nodes[-1]["pos"] = ( node.attrib["x"], node.attrib["y"] )
if "caption" in node.attrib:
nodes[-1]["caption"] = node.attrib["caption"]
if node.text:
nodes[-1]["message"] = node.text
report[ action.tag ] = nodes
return report
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/analyze-vsav", methods=["POST"] )
def analyze_vsav():
"""Analyze a VASL scenario file."""
# parse the request
start_time = time.time()
vsav_data = request.json[ "vsav_data" ]
vsav_filename = request.json[ "filename" ]
# initialize
logger = logging.getLogger( "analyze_vsav" )
# get the VSAV data (we do this inside the try block so that the user gets shown
# a proper error dialog if there's a problem decoding the base64 data)
vsav_data = base64.b64decode( vsav_data ) "Analyzing VSAV (#bytes=%d): %s", len(vsav_data), vsav_filename )
with TempFile() as input_file:
# save the VSAV data in a temp file
input_file.write( vsav_data )
input_file.close( delete=False )
fname = app.config.get( "ANALYZE_VSAV_INPUT" ) # nb: for diagnosing problems
if fname:
logger.debug( "Saving a copy of the VSAV data: %s", fname )
with open( fname, "wb" ) as fp:
fp.write( vsav_data )
# run the VASSAL shim to analyze the VSAV file
with TempFile() as report_file:
report_file.close( delete=False )
vassal_shim = VassalShim()
vassal_shim.analyze_scenario(, )
report = _parse_analyze_report( )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
return VassalShim.translate_vassal_shim_exception( ex, logger )
# translate any remapped GPID's back into their original values
# NOTE: We need to do this e.g. if we're analyzing a scenario that was created using VASL 6.5.0
# and it contains pieces that had their GPID's changed from 6.4.4. This kind of nonsense
# is probably unsustainable over the long-term, but we try to maintain some semblance of
# back-compatibility for as long as we can :-/
report2 = {}
for gpid,vals in report.items():
orig_gpid = get_reverse_remapped_gpid( globvars.vasl_mod, gpid )
if orig_gpid == gpid:
report2[ gpid ] = vals
report2[ orig_gpid ] = vals
# return the results "Analyzed the VSAV file OK: elapsed=%.3fs\n%s",
time.time() - start_time,
pprint.pformat( report2, indent=2, width=120 )
return jsonify( report2 )
def _parse_analyze_report( fname ):
"""Read the analysis report generated by the VASSAL shim."""
doc = ET.parse( fname )
report = {}
for node in doc.getroot():
report[ node.attrib["gpid"] ] = { "name": node.attrib["name"], "count": node.attrib["count"] }
return report
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class VassalShim:
"""Provide access to VASSAL via the Java shim."""
def __init__( self ): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# locate the VASSAL engine
vassal_dir = self._get_vassal_dir()
if not vassal_dir:
raise SimpleError( "The VASSAL installation directory has not been configured." )
self.vengine_jar = None
for root,_,fnames in os.walk( vassal_dir ):
for fname in fnames:
if fname == "Vengine.jar":
self.vengine_jar = os.path.join( root, fname )
if not self.vengine_jar:
raise SimpleError( "Can't find Vengine.jar: {}".format( vassal_dir ) )
# locate the VASSAL shim JAR
self.shim_jar = app.config.get( "VASSAL_SHIM" )
if not self.shim_jar:
meipass = sys._MEIPASS #pylint: disable=no-member,protected-access
self.shim_jar = os.path.join( meipass, "vasl_templates/webapp/vassal-shim.jar" )
self.shim_jar = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "../../vassal-shim/release/vassal-shim.jar" )
if not os.path.isfile( self.shim_jar ):
raise SimpleError( "Can't find the VASSAL shim JAR." )
# FUDGE! The VASSAL shim looks for a config file in the same directory as itself, but if we are frozen,
# the user runs the executable that unpacks everything to a temp directory and runs from there, and so
# they can't set up the config file. Instead, we allow them to place it in the config/ directory and
# copy it over over to the temp directory, where the VASSAL shim JAR will find it when it runs.
fname = os.path.join( os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"config"), "" )
if os.path.isfile( fname ):
shutil.copy( fname, os.path.split(self.shim_jar)[0] )
def get_version():
"""Get the VASSAL version."""
vassal_dir = VassalShim._get_vassal_dir()
if not vassal_dir:
return None
# FUDGE! We can't capture the output on Windows, get the result in a temp file instead :-/
with TempFile() as temp_file:
temp_file.close( delete=False )
VassalShim()._run_vassal_shim( "version", ) #pylint: disable=protected-access
with open(, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
def dump_scenario( self, fname ):
"""Dump a scenario file."""
return self._run_vassal_shim( "dump", fname )
def analyze_scenario( self, vsav_fname, report_fname ):
"""Analyze a scenario file."""
return self._run_vassal_shim(
"analyze", vsav_fname, report_fname
def update_scenario( self, vsav_fname, snippets_fname, output_fname, report_fname ):
"""Update a scenario file."""
# locate the boards
return self._run_vassal_shim(
"update", VassalShim.get_boards_dir(), vsav_fname, snippets_fname, output_fname, report_fname
def analyze_logfiles( self, *fnames ):
"""Analyze a log file."""
return self._run_vassal_shim(
"analyzeLogs", *fnames
def prepare_asa_upload( self, vsave_fname, stripped_vsav_fname, screenshot_fname ):
"""Prepare files for upload to the ASL Scenario Archive."""
return self._run_vassal_shim(
"prepareUpload", vsave_fname, stripped_vsav_fname, screenshot_fname
def _run_vassal_shim( self, *args ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Run the VASSAL shim."""
# initialize
logger = logging.getLogger( "vassal_shim" )
# figure out where Java is
java_path = app.config.get( "JAVA_PATH" )
java8_path = app.config.get( "JAVA8_PATH" )
if java8_path:
# FUDGE! From 3.3, VASSAL no longer works with Java 8. We want to mantain back-compatibility
# with the older versions of VASL (6.5.1 and older) for some time, and while it's not a big issue
# from the user's perspective (they just configure the appropriate VASSAL+VASL), it's problematic
# for the test suite (since it has to be able to run the correct version of Java for the VASSAL
# being used). We do this here, and since it's just for the purpose of running tests, we can
# require that the VASSAL version be embedded in the filename.
# NOTE: I eventually gave up trying to maintain back-compat with older versions of VASL, but
# the GPID remapping test (test_gpid_remapping() in is an important one,
# but is currently only relevant for 6.4.4 and 6.5.0-.1, so for the sole purpose of being able
# to run those tests, we still support Java 8. Sigh...
mo = r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+", self.vengine_jar )
if compare_version_strings(, "3.3.0" ) < 0:
# we're using a legacy version of VASSAL - use Java 8
java_path = java8_path
if not java_path and is_windows():
# we're on Windows - try to use the Java that is now bundled with VASSAL
fname = os.path.join( self._get_vassal_dir(), "jre/bin/java.exe" )
if os.path.isfile( fname ):
java_path = fname
if not java_path:
java_path = "java" # nb: this must be in the PATH
# prepare the command
class_path = app.config.get( "JAVA_CLASS_PATH" )
if not class_path:
class_path = [ self.vengine_jar, self.shim_jar ]
class_path.append( os.path.split( self.shim_jar )[0] ) # nb: to find logback(-test).xml
class_path.append( BASE_DIR ) # nb: also to find logback(-test).xml
sep = ";" if == "nt" else ":"
class_path = sep.join( class_path )
args2 = [
java_path, "-classpath", class_path, "vassal_shim.Main",
if args[0] in ("dump","analyze","analyzeLogs","update","prepareUpload"):
if not globvars.vasl_mod:
raise SimpleError( "The VASL module has not been configured." )
args2.append( globvars.vasl_mod.filename )
args2.extend( args[1:] )
# figure out how long to the let the VASSAL shim run
# NOTE: This used to be 2 minutes, but adding the ability to load images from the internet
# slows the process down, since VASSAL loads images insanely slowly :-/
timeout = int( app.config.get( "VASSAL_SHIM_TIMEOUT", 5*60 ) )
if timeout <= 0:
timeout = None
# run the VASSAL shim "Running VASSAL shim (timeout=%s): %s", str(timeout), " ".join(args2) )
start_time = time.time()
# NOTE: We can't use pipes to capture the output here when we're frozen on Windows ("invalid handle" errors),
# I suspect because we freeze the application using --noconsole, which causes problems when
# the child process tries to inherit handles. Capturing the output in temp files also fails (!),
# as does using subprocess.DEVNULL (!!!) Setting close_fds when calling Popen() also made no difference.
# The only thing that worked was removing "--noconsole" when freezing the application, but that causes
# a DOS box to appear when we are run :-/
# However, we can also not specify any stdout/stderr, and since we don't actually check the output,
# we can get away with this, even if it is a bit icky :-/ However, if the VASSAL shim throws an error,
# we won't be able to show the stack trace, just a generic "VASSAL shim failed" message :-(
with TempFile() as buf1, TempFile() as buf2:
kwargs = {}
if not ( == "nt" and IS_FROZEN ):
kwargs = { "stdout": buf1.temp_file, "stderr": buf2.temp_file }
if == "nt":
# NOTE: Using CREATE_NO_WINDOW doesn't fix the problem of VASSAL's UI sometimes appearing,
# but it does hide the DOS box if the user has configured java.exe instead of javaw.exe.
kwargs["creationflags"] = 0x8000000 # nb: win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW
proc = subprocess.Popen( args2, **kwargs )
except FileNotFoundError as ex:
raise SimpleError( "Can't run the VASSAL shim (have you configured Java?): {}".format( ex ) ) from ex
proc.wait( timeout )
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
buf1.close( delete=False )
stdout = open(, "r", encoding="utf-8" ).read()
buf2.close( delete=False )
stderr = open(, "r", encoding="utf-8" ).read()
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time "- Completed OK: %.3fs", elapsed_time )
# check the result
stderr = stderr.replace( "Warning: Could not get charToByteConverterClass!", "" ).strip()
# NOTE: VASSAL's internal representation of a scenario seems to be tightly coupled with its UI,
# which means that when we load a scenario, bits of the UI sometimes start appearing (although not always,
# presumably because there's a race between how fast we can make our changes and save the scenario
# vs. how fast the UI can start up :-/). When the UI does start to appear, it fails, presumably because
# we haven't performed the necessary startup incantations, and dumps a stack trace to stderr.
# The upshot is that the only thing we look for is an exit code of 0, which means that the VASSAL shim
# saved the scenario successfully and exited cleanly; any output on stderr means that some part
# of VASSAL barfed as it was trying to start up and can (hopefully) be safely ignored.
if stderr:
logger.warning( "VASSAL shim stderr output:\n%s", stderr )
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise VassalShimError( proc.returncode, stdout, stderr )
return stdout
def get_boards_dir():
"""Get the configured boards directory."""
boards_dir = app.config.get( "BOARDS_DIR" )
if not boards_dir:
raise SimpleError( "The VASL boards directory has not been configured." )
if not os.path.isdir( boards_dir ):
raise SimpleError( "Can't find the VASL boards: {}".format( boards_dir ) )
return boards_dir
def translate_vassal_shim_exception( ex, logger ):
"""Convert an exception thrown by the VassalShim to a JSON response to return to the caller."""
if isinstance( ex, VassalShimError ):
logger.error( "VASSAL shim error: rc=%d", ex.retcode )
if ex.retcode != 0:
return jsonify( {
"error": "Unexpected return code from the VASSAL shim: {}".format( ex.retcode ),
"stdout": ex.stdout,
"stderr": ex.stderr,
} )
return jsonify( {
"error": "Unexpected error output from the VASSAL shim.",
"stdout": ex.stdout,
"stderr": ex.stderr,
} )
if isinstance( ex, subprocess.TimeoutExpired ):
return jsonify( {
"error": "<p>The VASSAL shim took too long to run, please try again." \
"<p>If this problem persists, try configuring a longer timeout."
} )
if isinstance( ex, SimpleError ):
logger.error( "VASSAL shim error: %s", ex )
return jsonify( { "error": str(ex) } )
logger.error( "Unexpected VASSAL shim error: %s", ex )
return jsonify( {
"error": str(ex),
"stdout": traceback.format_exc(),
} )
def check_vassal_version( msg_store ):
"""Check the version of VASSAL."""
if not VassalShim._get_vassal_dir() or not msg_store:
version = VassalShim.get_version()
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
if msg_store:
msg_store.error( "Can't get the VASSAL version: <p> {}", ex )
if msg_store:
"This program has not been tested with VASSAL {}.<p>Things might work, but they might not...",
def _get_vassal_dir():
"""Get the VASSAL installation directory."""
return app.config.get( "VASSAL_DIR" )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class VassalShimError( Exception ):
"""Represents an error returned by the VASSAL shim."""
def __init__( self, retcode, stdout, stderr ):
self.retcode = retcode
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
def __str__( self ):
return "VassalShim error: rc={}".format( self.retcode )