Changed when we validate certain key settings.

Pacman Ghost 5 years ago
parent 956c276c23
commit 1d61b5a10b
  1. 26

@ -206,6 +206,9 @@ class VassalShim:
def __init__( self ): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# initialize
self.boards_dir = None
# locate the VASSAL engine
vassal_dir = app.config.get( "VASSAL_DIR" )
if not vassal_dir:
@ -219,17 +222,6 @@ class VassalShim:
if not self.vengine_jar:
raise SimpleError( "Can't find Vengine.jar: {}".format( vassal_dir ) )
# locate the boards
self.boards_dir = app.config.get( "BOARDS_DIR" )
if not self.boards_dir:
raise SimpleError( "The VASL boards directory has not been configured." )
if not os.path.isdir( self.boards_dir ):
raise SimpleError( "Can't find the VASL boards: {}".format( self.boards_dir ) )
# locate the VASL module
if not get_vasl_mod():
raise SimpleError( "The VASL module has not been configured." )
# locate the VASSAL shim JAR
self.shim_jar = app.config.get( "VASSAL_SHIM" )
if not self.shim_jar:
@ -256,6 +248,18 @@ class VassalShim:
def update_scenario( self, vsav_fname, snippets_fname, output_fname, report_fname ):
"""Update a scenario file."""
# locate the boards
self.boards_dir = app.config.get( "BOARDS_DIR" )
if not self.boards_dir:
raise SimpleError( "The VASL boards directory has not been configured." )
if not os.path.isdir( self.boards_dir ):
raise SimpleError( "Can't find the VASL boards: {}".format( self.boards_dir ) )
# locate the VASL module
if not get_vasl_mod():
raise SimpleError( "The VASL module has not been configured." )
return self._run_vassal_shim(
"update", self.boards_dir, vsav_fname, snippets_fname, output_fname, report_fname
