Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2522 lines
104 KiB

// NOTE: These fields aren't mandatory in the sense that snippet generation will fail
// if they're not set, but they're really, really, really expected to be there.
scenario: { "SCENARIO_NAME": "scenario name", "SCENARIO_DATE": "scenario date" },
} ;
// NOTE: Blood & Jungle has a lot of multi-applicable notes that simply refer to other
// multi-applicable notes e.g. "Fr C" = "French Multi-Applicable Note C".
// NOTE: These are also used for Lend-Lease vehicles.
"Br": "british",
"Ch": "chinese",
"Fr": "french",
"Ge": "german",
"Jp": "japanese",
"Ru": "russian",
"US": "american",
"LC": "landing-craft",
"AllM": "allied-minor",
"AxM": "axis-minor",
} ;
// NOTE: There are BFP references like "Jp 5" and "AllM 34", but we ignore these since they are
// referring to a vehicle/ordnance *note*, not a multi-applicable note.
"^((Br|Ch|Fr|Ge|Jp|Ru|US|AllM|AxM) [A-Z]{1,2})(\\u2020(<sup>\\d</sup>)?|<sup>T</sup>)?$"
) ;
"^(Jp 5|AllM 34)"
) ;
var gDefaultScenario = null ;
var gLastSavedScenario = null ;
var gLastSavedScenarioFilename = null ;
var gScenarioCreatedTime = null ;
var gEditTemplateDlgState = null ;
var gPendingVictoryConditions = null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function generate_snippet( $btn, as_image, extra_params )
// generate the snippet
var template_id = $ "id" ) ;
var params = unload_snippet_params( true, template_id ) ;
sanitizeParams( extra_params ) ;
var snippet = make_snippet( $btn, params, extra_params, true ) ;
// check if the user is requesting the snippet as an image
if ( as_image ) {
// yup - send the snippet to the backend to generate the image
// NOTE: Generating the first snippet image is slow (because the backend has to spin up a webdriver),
// but subsequent snippet images are very fast, so we wait for a short while, and if a response
// hasn't been received, then we show a "please wait" dialog.
var $pleaseWait = null ;
var timeout_id = setTimeout( function() {
$pleaseWait = showPleaseWaitDialog( "Generating the snippet image..." ) ;
}, 1*1000 ) ;
$.ajax( {
url: gMakeSnippetImageUrl,
type: "POST",
data: snippet.content,
contentType: "text/html",
} ).done( function( resp ) {
clearTimeout( timeout_id ) ;
if ( $pleaseWait )
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
if ( resp.substr( 0, 6 ) === "ERROR:" ) {
showErrorMsg( resp.substr(7) ) ;
return ;
if ( getUrlParam( "snippet_image_persistence" ) ) {
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file download from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we store the result in a <textarea>
// and the test suite will collect it from there).
var fname = _make_snippet_image_filename( snippet ) ;
$("#_snippet-image-persistence_").val( fname + "|" + resp ) ;
return ;
if ( gWebChannelHandler ) {
// if we are running inside the PyQt wrapper, let it copy the image to the clipbaord
gWebChannelHandler.on_snippet_image( resp, function() {
showInfoMsg( "The snippet image was copied to the clipboard." ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// otherwise let the user download the generated image
download( atob(resp), _make_snippet_image_filename(snippet), "image/png" ) ;
} ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) {
clearTimeout( timeout_id ) ;
if ( $pleaseWait )
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
showErrorMsg( "Can't get the snippet image:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "</div>" ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
// copy the snippet to the clipboard
try {
copyToClipboard( snippet.content ) ;
catch( ex ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't copy to the clipboard:<div class'pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
return ;
// NOTE: This notification will be shown even if there was an error generating the snippet,
// but the error message was copied to the clipboard, so it's still techincally correct... :-/
// We disabled the ability to generate a snippet if a template file is not present, so it should
// only be an issue if there was a problem processing the template.
showInfoMsg( "The HTML snippet has been copied to the clipboard." ) ;
function make_snippet( $btn, params, extra_params, show_date_warnings )
// initialize
var template_id = $ "id" ) ;
var snippet_save_name = null ;
// add server constants
if ( ! getUrlParam( "no_app_config_snippet_params" ) ) {
params.APP_NAME = gAppConfig.APP_NAME ;
params.APP_VERSION = gAppConfig.APP_VERSION ;
// add simple parameters
params.BUILD_GIT_INFO = gProgramInfo.BUILD_GIT_INFO ;
params.TIMESTAMP = (new Date()).toISOString() ;
params.IMAGES_BASE_URL = gUserSettings["scenario-images-source"] == SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_INTERNET ?
make_app_url( gImagesBaseUrl, true ) ;
if ( gUserSettings["snippet-font-family"] ) {
// NOTE: Layout of snippets ends up being slightly different on Windows and Linux, presumably because
// VASSAL is using different fonts. Unfortunately, explicitly specifying which font to use doesn't
// fix this, even web-safe ones :-(
params.SNIPPET_FONT_FAMILY = gUserSettings["snippet-font-family"] ;
if ( gUserSettings["snippet-font-size"] )
params.SNIPPET_FONT_SIZE = gUserSettings["snippet-font-size"] ;
if ( gUserSettings["custom-list-bullets"] )
params.CUSTOM_LIST_BULLETS = true ;
params.PLAYER_FLAG_SIZE = 11 ;
// FUDGE! A lot of labels use a larger font for their heading (e.g. V/O notes, PF, ATMM, etc.) and so
// we would like to show a larger flag to match, or at least vertically center the flag. This would be
// trivial to do with CSS, but VASSAL's HTML engine can't handle it, so we have to manually force
// the flag to render at a larger size >:-/
// set player-specific parameters
var player_no ;
if ( template_id.substring( 0, 9 ) === "nat_caps_" )
player_no = template_id.substring( 9 ) ;
player_no = get_player_no_for_element( $btn ) ;
var player_nat = get_player_nat( player_no ) ;
if ( player_no ) {
params.PLAYER_NAT = player_nat ;
params.PLAYER_NAME = get_nationality_display_name( params["PLAYER_"+player_no] ) ;
var colors = get_player_colors( player_no ) ;
params.OB_COLOR = colors[0] ;
params.OB_COLOR_2 = colors[2] ;
if ( gUserSettings["include-flags-in-snippets"] && gHasPlayerFlag[player_nat] )
params.PLAYER_FLAG = make_player_flag_url( player_nat, true ) ;
// set the snippet ID
var snippetId = $ "snippet-id" ) ;
if ( snippetId )
params.SNIPPET_ID = snippetId ;
else {
var data ;
if ( ["ob_setup","ob_note","ob_vehicle_note","ob_ordnance_note"].indexOf( template_id ) !== -1 ) {
data = $btn.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
params.SNIPPET_ID = template_id + "_" + player_no + "." + ;
} else if ( template_id === "scenario_note" ) {
data = $btn.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
params.SNIPPET_ID = template_id + "." + ;
} else
params.SNIPPET_ID = template_id ;
if ( player_nat )
params.SNIPPET_ID = player_nat + "/" + params.SNIPPET_ID ;
// set the vehicle/ordnance labels
if ( template_id.indexOf( "_vehicle_" ) !== -1 || template_id.indexOf( "_vehicles_" ) !== -1 ) {
params.VO_TYPE = "Vehicle" ;
params.VO_TYPES = "Vehicles" ;
} else if ( template_id.indexOf( "_ordnance_" ) !== -1 ) {
params.VO_TYPE = "Ordnance" ;
params.VO_TYPES = "Ordnance" ;
if ( params.PLAYER_NAME && params.VO_TYPE ) {
// NOTE: How long the vehicle/ordnance name can be before we force it to be full-width
// depends on how wide the snippet is, which depends on the nationality + vehicle/ordnance type.
var max_cap_width = 5 ; // FIXME! We should really calculate this :-/
params.MAX_VO_NAME_LEN = ( params.PLAYER_NAME.length + 1 + params.VO_TYPE.length ) - max_cap_width ;
// set player-specific parameters
if ( template_id === "ob_vehicles_1" ) {
template_id = "ob_vehicles" ;
params.OB_VO = params.OB_VEHICLES_1 ;
params.OB_VO_WIDTH = params.OB_VEHICLES_WIDTH_1 ;
snippet_save_name = params.PLAYER_1 + " vehicles" ;
} else if ( template_id === "ob_vehicles_2" ) {
template_id = "ob_vehicles" ;
params.OB_VO = params.OB_VEHICLES_2 ;
params.OB_VO_WIDTH = params.OB_VEHICLES_WIDTH_2 ;
snippet_save_name = params.PLAYER_2 + " vehicles" ;
if ( template_id === "ob_ordnance_1" ) {
template_id = "ob_ordnance" ;
params.OB_VO = params.OB_ORDNANCE_1 ;
params.OB_VO_WIDTH = params.OB_ORDNANCE_WIDTH_1 ;
snippet_save_name = params.PLAYER_1 + " ordnance" ;
} else if ( template_id === "ob_ordnance_2" ) {
template_id = "ob_ordnance" ;
params.OB_VO = params.OB_ORDNANCE_2 ;
params.OB_VO_WIDTH = params.OB_ORDNANCE_WIDTH_2 ;
snippet_save_name = params.PLAYER_2 + " ordnance" ;
if ( template_id === "nat_caps_1" || template_id === "nat_caps_2" )
template_id = "nat_caps" ;
// adjust comments
adjust_vo_comments( params ) ;
// set vehicle/ordnance note parameters
function set_vo_note( vo_type ) {
var data = $btn.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
params.VO_NAME = ;
if ( data.vo_note.substr( 0, 7 ) === "http://" ) {
// the vehicle/ordnance note is an image - just include it directly
params.VO_NOTE_HTML = '<img src="' + data.vo_note + '">' ;
// FUDGE! People are asking to be able to load Chapter H images from an online server.
// The code that figures out how to generate Chapter H content is horrendously complicated :-/,
// and letting the user point to the source content via a base URL or file system directory
// would make it even worse :-/
// We could add a debug setting that specifies a base URL, and use it when we generate the image URL
// at the end of get_vo_note(), but that means that the location of the Chapter H content would be
// configurable in the UI, but ignored :-/
// Parsing the generated image URL like this, and then getting the user to change their template
// to use this new parameter, is a bit hacky, but (1) it's more likely to get the path right,
// (2) is less likely to break existing functionality, and (3) we don't really want to be encouraging
// people to put their Chapter H content up online, anyway :-/
var match = data.vo_note.match( /^https?:\/\/.*?\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\/note\/(.*)/ ) ;
if ( match ) {
params.VO_NOTE_IMAGE_URL_PATH = match[2] === "landing-craft" ?
match[2] + "/" + match[3] :
match[2] + "/" + match[1] + "/" + match[3] ;
} else {
// the vehicle/ordnance is HTML - check if we should show it as HTML or as an image
if ( gUserSettings["vo-notes-as-images"] ) {
// show the vehicle/ordnance note as an image
params.VO_NOTE_HTML = '<img src="' + data.vo_note_image_url + '">' ;
} else {
// insert the raw HTML into the snippet
params.VO_NOTE_HTML = data.vo_note ;
snippet_save_name = ;
if ( template_id === "ob_vehicle_note" )
set_vo_note( "vehicles" ) ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_ordnance_note" )
set_vo_note( "ordnance" ) ;
// generate snippets for multi-applicable vehicle/ordnance notes
var pos, i ;
function add_ma_notes( ma_notes, keys, param_name, nat, vo_type ) {
if ( ! keys )
return ;
params[ param_name ] = [] ;
for ( i=0 ; i < keys.length ; ++i ) {
var ma_note = get_ma_note( nat, vo_type, keys[i] ) ;
var key = keys[i] ;
var extn_marker = "" ;
if ( nat === "italian" && vo_type === "ordnance" && keys[i] === "R" )
key = "<s>R</s>" ;
else {
pos = key.indexOf( ":" ) ;
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
extn_marker = "&#x2756; " ;
key = key.substring( pos+1 ) ;
if ( !ma_note && gUserSettings["hide-unavailable-ma-notes"] )
continue ;
// NOTE: We don't exclude disabled multi-applicable notes, since it can be confusing for
// the user (e.g. a vehicle references note X, but note X is not there), so instead,
// we allow them to be styled to have less visual impact.
var ma_note_enabled = ma_note && ma_note.indexOf( "<!-- disabled -->" ) === -1 ;
params[ param_name ].push( [ ma_note_enabled,
extn_marker +
"<span class='key'>" + key + ":" + "</span> " +
(ma_note || "Unavailable.")
] ) ;
function get_ma_notes( vo_type, player_no, param_name ) {
var nat = params[ "PLAYER_" + player_no ] ;
var vo_entries = params[ "OB_" + vo_type.toUpperCase() + "_" + player_no ] ;
var result = get_ma_notes_keys( nat, vo_entries, vo_type, null ) ;
if ( ! result )
return ;
// NOTE: If the V/O entries contain landing craft, we get:
// [ m/a note keys, m/a note keys for the extras, nat ID for the extras, display caption for the extras, unrecognized keys ]
// where "extras" = landing craft. Otherwise, we get:
// [ m/a note keys, null, null, null, unrecognized keys ]
add_ma_notes( get_ma_notes_for_nat(nat,vo_type), result[0], param_name, nat, vo_type ) ;
if ( result[1] ) {
// there are extras, show their multi-applicable notes separately
add_ma_notes( get_ma_notes_for_nat(result[2],vo_type), result[1], param_name.replace("_MA_NOTES_","_EXTRA_MA_NOTES_"), result[2], vo_type ) ;
if ( result[0] ) {
var param_name2 = "OB_" + vo_type.toUpperCase() + "_EXTRA_MA_NOTES_CAPTION_" + player_no ;
params[param_name2] = result[3] ;
get_ma_notes( "vehicles", 1, "OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_1" ) ;
get_ma_notes( "ordnance", 1, "OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_1" ) ;
get_ma_notes( "vehicles", 2, "OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_2" ) ;
get_ma_notes( "ordnance", 2, "OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_2" ) ;
function set_ma_notes_params( vo_type, player_no ) {
template_id = "ob_" + vo_type + "_ma_notes" ;
var vo_type_uc = vo_type.toUpperCase() ;
for ( i=0 ; i < postfixes.length ; ++i ) {
params[ "OB_" + postfixes[i] ] = params[ "OB_" + vo_type_uc + "_" + postfixes[i] + "_" + player_no ] ;
snippet_save_name = params["PLAYER_"+player_no] + (vo_type === "vehicles" ? " vehicle notes" : " ordnance notes") ;
if ( template_id === "ob_vehicles_ma_notes_1" )
set_ma_notes_params( "vehicles", 1 ) ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_ordnance_ma_notes_1" )
set_ma_notes_params( "ordnance", 1 ) ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_vehicles_ma_notes_2" )
set_ma_notes_params( "vehicles", 2 ) ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_ordnance_ma_notes_2" )
set_ma_notes_params( "ordnance", 2 ) ;
// include the player display names and flags
params.PLAYER_1_NAME = get_nationality_display_name( params.PLAYER_1 ) ;
params.PLAYER_2_NAME = get_nationality_display_name( params.PLAYER_2 ) ;
if ( gUserSettings["include-flags-in-snippets"] ) {
if ( gHasPlayerFlag[ get_player_nat( 1 ) ] )
params.PLAYER_FLAG_1 = make_player_flag_url( get_player_nat(1), true ) ;
if ( gHasPlayerFlag[ get_player_nat( 2 ) ] )
params.PLAYER_FLAG_2 = make_player_flag_url( get_player_nat(2), true ) ;
// pass through all the player colors and names
params.PLAYER_NAMES = {} ;
params.PLAYER_COLORS = {} ;
params.PLAYER_FLAGS = {} ;
$.each( gTemplatePack.nationalities, function( nat ) {
params.PLAYER_NAMES[nat] = gTemplatePack.nationalities[nat].display_name ;
params.PLAYER_COLORS[nat] = gTemplatePack.nationalities[nat].ob_colors ;
if ( gUserSettings["include-flags-in-snippets"] )
params.PLAYER_FLAGS[nat] = make_player_flag_url( nat, true ) ;
} ) ;
// generate PF parameters
if ( params.SCENARIO_YEAR < 1944 || (params.SCENARIO_YEAR === 1944 && params.SCENARIO_MONTH < 6) )
params.PF_RANGE = 1 ;
else if ( params.SCENARIO_YEAR === 1944 )
params.PF_RANGE = 2 ;
params.PF_RANGE = 3 ;
if ( params.SCENARIO_YEAR >= 1945 )
params.PF_CHECK_DR = 4 ;
params.PF_CHECK_DR = 3 ;
// generate BAZ parameters
if ( params.SCENARIO_YEAR >= 1945 ) {
params.BAZ_TYPE = 45 ;
params.BAZ_BREAKDOWN = 11 ;
params.BAZ_TK = 16 ;
params.BAZ_WP = 6 ;
params.BAZ_RANGE = 5 ;
} else if ( params.SCENARIO_YEAR >= 1944 ) {
params.BAZ_TYPE = 44 ;
params.BAZ_BREAKDOWN = 11 ;
params.BAZ_TK = 16 ;
params.BAZ_RANGE = 4 ;
} else if ( params.SCENARIO_YEAR === 1943 || (params.SCENARIO_YEAR === 1942 && params.SCENARIO_MONTH >= 11) ) {
params.BAZ_TYPE = 43 ;
params.BAZ_BREAKDOWN = 10 ;
params.BAZ_TK = 13 ;
params.BAZ_RANGE = 4 ;
// set the national capabilities parameters
set_nat_caps_params( player_nat, params ) ;
// check for mandatory parameters
if ( template_id in _MANDATORY_PARAMS ) {
var missing_params = [] ;
for ( var param_id in _MANDATORY_PARAMS[template_id] ) {
if ( ! (param_id in params && params[param_id].length > 0) )
missing_params.push( _MANDATORY_PARAMS[template_id][param_id] ) ;
if ( missing_params.length > 0 )
showWarningMsg( makeBulletListMsg( "Missing parameters:", missing_params, li_class="pre" ) ) ;
// check for date-specific parameters
if ( show_date_warnings ) {
if ( template_id === "pf" && ! is_pf_available() )
showWarningMsg( "PF are only available after September 1943." ) ;
if ( template_id === "pf-finnish" && ! is_pf_finnish_available() )
showWarningMsg( "PF are only available from July 1944." ) ;
if ( template_id === "pf-hungarian" && ! is_pf_hungarian_available() )
showWarningMsg( "PF are only available from June 1944." ) ;
if ( template_id === "pf-romanian" && ! is_pf_romanian_available() )
showWarningMsg( "PF are only available from March 1944." ) ;
if ( template_id === "psk" && ! is_psk_available() )
showWarningMsg( "PSK are only available after September 1943." ) ;
if ( template_id === "baz" && ! is_baz_available() )
showWarningMsg( "BAZ are only available from November 1942." ) ;
if ( template_id === "atmm" && ! is_atmm_available() )
showWarningMsg( "ATMM are only available from 1944." ) ;
if ( template_id === "atmm-romanian" && ! is_atmm_romanian_available() )
showWarningMsg( "ATMM are only available from July 1943." ) ;
if ( template_id == "thh" && ! params.SCENARIO_YEAR )
showWarningMsg( "Can't determine the THH ATMM check dr without the scenario year." ) ;
// add in any extra parameters
if ( extra_params )
$.extend( true, params, extra_params ) ;
// allow EXC blocks to be styled
params.VICTORY_CONDITIONS = wrapExcWithSpan( params.VICTORY_CONDITIONS ) ;
params.SCENARIO_NOTE = wrapExcWithSpan( params.SCENARIO_NOTE ) ;
if ( params.SSR ) {
for ( i=0 ; i < params.SSR.length ; ++i )
params.SSR[i] = wrapExcWithSpan( params.SSR[i] ) ;
params.OB_NOTE = wrapExcWithSpan( params.OB_NOTE ) ;
params.VO_NOTE_HTML = wrapExcWithSpan( params.VO_NOTE_HTML ) ;
[ "VEHICLES", "ORDNANCE" ].forEach( function( voType ) {
for ( var playerId=1 ; playerId <= 2 ; ++playerId ) {
var notes = params[ "OB_" + voType + "_MA_NOTES_" + playerId ] ;
if ( ! notes )
continue ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < notes.length ; ++i )
notes[i][1] = wrapExcWithSpan( notes[i][1] ) ;
} ) ;
// check that the players have different nationalities
if ( params.PLAYER_1 === params.PLAYER_2 )
showWarningMsg( "Both players have the same nationality!" ) ;
// get the template to generate the snippet from
var templ = get_template( template_id, true ) ;
if ( templ === null )
return { content: "[error: can't find template]" } ;
for ( var key in gTemplatePack.css )
templ = strReplaceAll( templ, "{{CSS:"+key+"}}", gTemplatePack.css[key] ) ;
for ( key in gTemplatePack.includes )
templ = strReplaceAll( templ, "{{INCLUDE:"+key+"}}", gTemplatePack.includes[key].trim() ) ;
var func ;
try {
func = jinja.compile( templ ).render ;
catch( ex ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't compile template:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
return { content: "[error: can't compile template]" } ;
// generate the turn track parameters
make_turn_track_params( params ) ;
// process the template
var snippet ;
try {
// NOTE: While it's generally not a good idea to disable auto-escaping, the whole purpose
// of this application is to generate HTML snippets, and so virtually every single
// template parameter would have to be piped through the "safe" filter :-/ We never render
// any of the generated HTML, so any risk exists only when the user pastes the HTML snippet
// into a VASL scenario, which uses an ancient HTML engine (with probably no Javascript)...
snippet = func( params, {
autoEscape: false,
filters: {
join: function( vals, sep ) { return vals ? vals.join(sep) : "" ; },
nbsp: function( val ) { return strReplaceAll( val, " ", "&nbsp;" ) ; },
upper: function( val ) { return val ? val.toUpperCase() : "" ; },
} ,
} ) ;
snippet = snippet.trim() ;
catch( ex ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't process template: <span class='pre'>" + template_id + "</span><div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
return { content: "[error: can't process template'" } ;
// fixup any user file URL's
var url = make_app_url( "/user", true ) ;
snippet = strReplaceAll( snippet, "{{USER_FILES}}", url ) ;
snippet = strReplaceAll( snippet, "{{USER-FILES}}", url ) ;
url = make_app_url( "/chapter-h", true ) ;
snippet = strReplaceAll( snippet, "{{CHAPTER_H}}", url ) ;
snippet = strReplaceAll( snippet, "{{CHAPTER-H}}", url ) ;
// tidy up the final snippet
snippet = snippet.replace( /[^\S\r\n]+$/gm, "" ) ; // nb: trim trailing whitespace
return {
content: snippet,
template_id: template_id,
snippet_id: params.SNIPPET_ID,
save_name: snippet_save_name,
} ;
function make_turn_track_params( params )
// initialize
if ( ! params.TURN_TRACK || ! params.TURN_TRACK.NTURNS )
return ;
var args = parseTurnTrackParams( params ) ;
// generate the data for each turn track square
var turnTrackSquares=[], nTurnTrackSquares=0 ;
var shadings = parseTurnTrackShadings( args.shadings ) ;
var nRows = Math.ceil( args.nTurns / args.width ) ;
for ( var row=0 ; row < nRows ; ++row ) {
turnTrackSquares.push( [] ) ;
for ( var col=0 ; col < args.width ; ++col ) {
var turnNo ;
if ( args.vertical )
turnNo = 1 + col * nRows + row ;
turnNo = 1 + row * args.width + col ;
if ( turnNo > args.nTurns )
break ;
var vals = [ turnNo,
args.reinforce2[turnNo] ? true : false,
args.reinforce1[turnNo] ? true : false,
] ;
vals = [ vals[0], vals[2], vals[1] ] ;
if ( shadings[turnNo] )
vals.push( gAppConfig.TURN_TRACK_SHADING_COLORS[ shadings[turnNo] - 1 ] ) ;
turnTrackSquares[ turnTrackSquares.length-1 ].push( vals ) ;
nTurnTrackSquares += 1 ;
// update the snippet params
var forceLocalImages = params.TURN_TRACK_PREVIEW_MODE ;
params.TURN_TRACK_SQUARES = turnTrackSquares ;
if ( args.halfTurn )
params.TURN_TRACK_HALF_TURN = nTurnTrackSquares ;
params.TURN_TRACK_HALF_TURN_IMAGE_URL = forceLocalImages ?
make_app_url( "/static/images/turn-track-half-turn.png", true ) :
params.IMAGES_BASE_URL + "/turn-track-half-turn.png" ;
// NOTE: The convention is that player 1 sets up first, player 2 moves first,
// so swapping players actually maps turn track player 1 to the real player 1.
// NOTE: We generate the player flag URL's instead of using params.PLAYER_FLAG_1/2
// so that flags will work even if the user has disabled player flags in snippets.
params.TURN_TRACK_FLAG_1 = make_player_flag_url(
get_player_nat( params.TURN_TRACK.SWAP_PLAYERS ? 1 : 2 ),
true, forceLocalImages
) ;
params.TURN_TRACK_FLAG_2 = make_player_flag_url(
get_player_nat( params.TURN_TRACK.SWAP_PLAYERS ? 2 : 1 ),
true, forceLocalImages
) ;
function parseTurnTrackParams( params )
function parseCommaList( reinf, verbatim ) {
var turnFlags = verbatim ? [] : {} ;
reinf.split( "," ).forEach( function( turnNo ) {
if ( verbatim )
turnFlags.push( turnNo.trim() ) ;
else {
turnNo = parseInt( turnNo.trim() ) ;
if ( ! isNaN( turnNo ) )
turnFlags[ turnNo ] = true ;
} ) ;
return turnFlags ;
// parse the turn track parameters
var nTurns = params.TURN_TRACK.NTURNS ;
var halfTurn = false ;
if ( nTurns.substr( nTurns.length-2 ) === ".5" ) {
nTurns = parseInt( nTurns.substr( 0, nTurns.length-2 ) ) + 1 ;
halfTurn = true ;
var vertical = params.TURN_TRACK.VERTICAL ;
var width = params.TURN_TRACK.WIDTH ;
if ( width === "" )
width = vertical ? 1 : nTurns ;
var shadings = parseCommaList( params.TURN_TRACK.SHADING, true ) ;
var reinforce1 = parseCommaList( params.TURN_TRACK.REINFORCEMENTS_1, false ) ;
var reinforce2 = parseCommaList( params.TURN_TRACK.REINFORCEMENTS_2, false ) ;
return {
nTurns: nTurns, halfTurn: halfTurn,
vertical: vertical, width: width, shadings: shadings,
reinforce1: reinforce1, reinforce2: reinforce2
} ;
function adjust_vo_comments( params )
// NOTE: I tried replacing things like "(11)" and "(12)" here (for breakdown numbers),
// with Unicode 246A and 246B, but they're illegible in VASSAL :-/
// NOTE: We would like to use "(\|\d\*?)+" to match multiple values after the MA,
// but we can't then capture them :-/
var splitMGRegex = new RegExp( /\{\{(\d)\|MA(\|\d\*?)(\|\d\*?)?\}\}/ ) ;
function adjustSplitMG( val ) {
var match = val.match( splitMGRegex ) ;
if ( ! match )
return val ;
var buf = [ match[1], "MA" ] ;
for ( var j=2 ; j < match.length ; ++j ) {
if ( ! match[j] )
continue ;
buf.push( "&thinsp;" ) ; // nb: because CSS padding for <span>'s doesn't work in VASSAL :-/
if ( match[j].substring( match[j].length-1 ) === "*" )
buf.push( "<span class='split-mg-red'>", "&amp;", match[j].substring(1,match[j].length-1), "</span>" ) ;
buf.push( "&amp;", match[j].substring(1) ) ;
return val.substring(0,match.index) + buf.join("") + val.substring(match.index+match[0].length ) ;
// adjust comments
if ( params.OB_VO ) {
for ( i=0 ; i < params.OB_VO.length ; ++i ) {
if ( ! params.OB_VO[i].comments )
continue ;
for ( var j=0 ; j < params.OB_VO[i].comments.length ; ++j ) {
params.OB_VO[i].comments[j] = adjustSplitMG( wrapExcWithSpan(
) ) ;
function get_vo_note_key( vo_entry )
// get the note number for the specified vehicle/ordnance
if ( ! vo_entry.note_number )
return null ;
// NOTE: There are some note numbers of the form "1.2" :-/ We also need to handle redirects.
var match = vo_entry.note_number.match( new RegExp( "^((Br|US|Fr|LC) )?([0-9]+(.\\d)?)" ) ) ;
if ( ! match )
return null ;
var key = match[0] ;
// NOTE: The K:FW counters appear in the main VASL module, but we handle them as if they were an extension.
if ( vo_entry.extn_id === "08d" ) {
// NOTE: All the FfS V/O and M/A notes actually reference K:FW (nb: there are only 2 American counters
// in this extension, so we can always map them to K:FW UN).
key = "kfw-un:" + key ;
} else if ( vo_entry.extn_id )
key = vo_entry.extn_id + ":" + key ;
else if ( /^kfw-(uro|bcfk|rok|ounc|un-common)\// ) )
key = "kfw-un:" + key ;
else if ( /^kfw-(kpa|cpva)\// ) )
key = "kfw-comm:" + key ;
return key ;
function get_vo_note( vo_type, nat, key )
if ( ! key )
return null ;
// check for redirects
var match = key.match( /^(Br|US|Fr|LC) (.+)$/ ) ;
if ( match ) {
nat = MA_NOTE_REDIRECTS[ match[1] ] ;
key = match[2] ;
// check if the vehicle/ordnance note key is known to us
if ( !( vo_type in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes ) )
return null ;
if ( !( nat in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes[ vo_type ] ) )
return null ;
if ( !( key in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes[ vo_type ][ nat ] ) )
return null ;
// check if we have an image or HTML note
var vo_note = gVehicleOrdnanceNotes[ vo_type ][ nat ][ key ] ;
if ( vo_note.content !== undefined )
return vo_note.content ;
return make_app_url( "/" + vo_type + "/" + nat + "/note/" + key, true ) ;
function get_ma_notes_keys( nat, vo_entries, vo_type )
function translate_kfw_key( vo_entry, notes_index, regex, extn_id ) {
if ( ! regex ) )
return null ;
var key = extn_id + ":" + vo_entry.notes[notes_index] ;
var pos = key.indexOf( "\u2020" ) ;
if ( pos >= 0 )
key = key.substr( 0, pos ) ;
return key ;
// figure out which multi-applicable notes are being referenced
if ( ! vo_entries )
return null ;
// NOTE: We need to return 2 sets of referenced keys, one for the normal vehicle/ordnance notes
// and one for any landing craft, since they share common keys.
var keys = [ {}, {} ] ;
var unrecognized = [] ;
var regexes = [
new RegExp( "^([A-Z]{1,2})$" ),
new RegExp( "^([A-Z]{1,2})\\u2020" ),
new RegExp( "^([a-z])$" ),
new RegExp( "^([a-z])\\u2020" ),
new RegExp( "^([A-Z][a-z])$" ),
new RegExp( "^([A-Za-z])<sup>" ),
new RegExp( "^<s>([A-Za-z])</s>$" ),
] ;
"sh/v": [ "landing-craft", "Landing Craft" ],
} ;
var extra_notes_info = [ null, null ] ;
var i, j, k ;
for ( i=0 ; i < vo_entries.length ; ++i ) {
var vo_entry = vo_entries[i] ;
if ( ! vo_entry.notes )
continue ;
for ( j=0 ; j < vo_entry.notes.length ; ++j ) {
// NOTE: The K:FW counters appear in the main VASL module, but we handle them as if they were an extension.
// NOTE: All the FfS V/O and M/A notes actually reference K:FW (nb: there are only 2 American counters
// in this extension, so we can always map them to K:FW UN).
var key = translate_kfw_key( vo_entry, j, /^(kfw-(uro|bcfk|rok|ounc|un-common)|ffs)\//, "kfw-un" ) ;
if ( key ) {
keys[0][ key ] = true ;
continue ;
key = translate_kfw_key( vo_entry, j, /^kfw-(kpa|cpva)\//, "kfw-comm" ) ;
if ( key ) {
keys[0][ key ] = true ;
continue ;
// handle a special case we can't do with a regex
if ( vo_entry.notes[j] === "US <s>P</s>" ) {
keys[0][ vo_entry.extn_id + ":US P" ] = true ;
continue ;
// check all the regex's
var rc = false ;
for ( k=0 ; k < regexes.length ; ++k ) {
var match = vo_entry.notes[j].match( regexes[k] ) ;
if ( match ) {
var vo_id = ":", 1 )[0] ;
var is_extra = ( nat !== "landing-craft" && vo_id === "sh/v" ) ;
key = match[1] ;
if ( vo_entry.extn_id && !( vo_entry.extn_id === "adf-bj" && nat === "american" && key.length === 1 ) ) {
// NOTE: We include the extension ID as part of the key, except for BFP American vehicles,
// whose multi-applicable notes refer to the main American multi-applicable notes,
// not the BFP ones (there aren't any).
key = vo_entry.extn_id + ":" + key ;
keys[ is_extra?1:0 ][ key ] = true ;
if ( is_extra ) {
// NOTE: Only the Americans/British and Japanese have landing craft, while Axis Minor Powers
// will never have Allied Minor common vehicles/ordnance (and vice versa), so if we have
// extra notes, they should be all of the same type.
extra_notes_info = EXTRA_NOTES_INFO[ vo_id ] ;
rc = true ;
break ;
if ( ! rc ) {
unrecognized.push( [ vo_entry, vo_entry.notes[j] ] ) ;
if ( ! vo_entry.notes[j].match( NO_WARNING_FOR_MA_NOTE_KEYS_REGEX ) )
console.log( "Couldn't recognize multi-applicable note keys for '" + + "':", vo_entry.notes[j] ) ;
// delete duplicate keys e.g. if we have notes "X" and "Fr X", we want to include "X" but not "Fr X"
// *if* the player is French, otherwise we want to include both.
var keys0 = sort_ma_notes_keys( nat, Object.keys(keys[0]) ) ;
var keys0a = null ;
if ( keys0 ) {
var std_keys = {} ;
for ( i=0 ; i < keys0.length ; ++i ) {
if ( keys0[i].match( /^[A-Za-z]{1,2}$/ ) )
std_keys[ keys0[i] ] = true ;
keys0a = [] ;
for ( i=0 ; i < keys0.length ; ++i ) {
var pos = keys0[i].indexOf( ":" ) ;
if ( pos > 0 ) {
var val = keys0[i].substr( pos+1 ) ;
pos = val.indexOf( " " ) ;
if ( MA_NOTE_REDIRECTS[ val.substr(0,pos) ] == nat && val.substr(pos+1) in std_keys )
continue ;
keys0a.push( keys0[i] ) ;
return [
sort_ma_notes_keys( nat, Object.keys(keys[1]) ),
extra_notes_info[0], extra_notes_info[1],
] ;
function sort_ma_notes_keys( nat, keys )
// NOTE: I tried sorting the multi-applicable notes on the server side, but it got very messy very quickly
// e.g. we get an ordered list of notes, so we can no longer access them via the key; we have references
// to notes that may not be defined e.g. because the user hasn't set them up.
if ( ! keys || keys.length === 0 )
return null ;
function isUpperCase( ch ) { return ch === ch.toUpperCase() ; }
function isLowerCase( ch ) { return ch === ch.toLowerCase() ; }
// FUDGE! The sort rules don't apply for the special mixed-case keys in the Allied Minor ordnance.
// NOTE: There are a few other cases that have two-character mixed-case keys :-/
function isSpecialKey( key ) { return key.length === 2 && isUpperCase(key[0]) && isLowerCase(key[1]) ; }
// sort the multi-applicable note keys
keys.sort( function( lhs, rhs ) {
if ( ! isSpecialKey(lhs) && ! isSpecialKey(rhs) ) {
// upper-case sorts lower than lower-case (so that "AA" appears before "a")
if ( isUpperCase(lhs[0]) && isLowerCase(rhs[0]) )
return -1 ;
if ( isLowerCase(lhs[0]) && isUpperCase(rhs[0]) )
return +1 ;
// shorter strings sort lower (e.g. so that "A" appears before "AA")
if ( lhs.length < rhs.length )
return -1 ;
else if ( lhs.length > rhs.length )
return +1 ;
// return the natural sort order (only for strings with the same case and length)
if ( lhs < rhs )
return -1 ;
else if ( lhs > rhs )
return +1 ;
return 0 ;
} ) ;
return keys ;
function get_ma_note( nat, vo_type, key )
var ma_notes ;
function redirect_ma_note( target, vo_type ) {
// extract the multi-applicable note ID
var match = target.match( MA_NOTE_REDIRECT_REGEX ) ;
if ( match ) {
// check if it's a valid redirect
pos = match[0].indexOf( " " ) ;
var nat_redirect = MA_NOTE_REDIRECTS[ match[0].substring( 0, pos ) ] ;
if ( nat_redirect ) {
// yup - get the referenced multi-applicable note
ma_notes = get_ma_notes_for_nat( nat_redirect, vo_type ) ;
return ma_notes[ match[0].substring( pos+1 ) ] ;
return null ;
// check for redirected notes
var ma_note = null ;
var pos = key.indexOf( ":" ) ;
if ( pos !== -1 )
ma_note = redirect_ma_note( key.substring(pos+1), vo_type ) ;
ma_note = redirect_ma_note( key, vo_type ) ;
if ( ! ma_note ) {
// look for a normal note
ma_notes = get_ma_notes_for_nat( nat, vo_type ) ;
ma_note = ma_notes[ key ] ;
if ( ! ma_note ) {
// still couldn't find anything - if we're Allied/Axis Minor, try the common notes
if ( gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ].type === "allied-minor" )
ma_note = get_ma_notes_for_nat( "allied-minor", vo_type )[ key ] ;
else if ( gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ].type === "axis-minor" )
ma_note = get_ma_notes_for_nat( "axis-minor", vo_type )[ key ] ;
return ma_note ;
function get_ma_notes_for_nat( nat, vo_type )
// get the multi-applicable vehicle/ordnance notes for the specified nationality
var ma_notes ;
if ( nat === "landing-craft" && nat in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes.vehicles )
ma_notes = gVehicleOrdnanceNotes.vehicles[ "landing-craft" ][ "multi-applicable" ] ;
if ( vo_type in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes && nat in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes[vo_type] )
ma_notes = gVehicleOrdnanceNotes[ vo_type ][ nat ][ "multi-applicable" ] ;
return ma_notes || {} ;
function _make_snippet_image_filename( snippet )
// generate the save filename for a generated snippet image
var fname = snippet.save_name ;
if ( ! snippet.save_name ) {
// no save filename was specified, generate one automatically
fname = snippet.snippet_id ;
// strip off "extras/" and owning player nationalities
var pos = fname.indexOf( "/" ) ;
if ( pos >= 0 )
fname = fname.substr( pos+1 ) ;
fname = fname.replace( /_|-/g, " " ) ;
// handle characters that are not allowed in filenames
fname = fname.replace( /:|\||\//g, "-" ) ;
return fname + ".png" ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function unload_snippet_params( unpack_scenario_date, template_id )
var params = {} ;
// extract the scenario date components
if ( unpack_scenario_date ) {
var scenario_date = get_scenario_date() ;
if ( scenario_date ) {
params.SCENARIO_DAY_OF_MONTH = scenario_date[0] ;
params.SCENARIO_DAY_OF_MONTH_POSTFIX = make_formatted_day_of_month( params.SCENARIO_DAY_OF_MONTH ) ;
params.SCENARIO_MONTH = scenario_date[1] ;
params.SCENARIO_MONTH_NAME = get_month_name( params.SCENARIO_MONTH ) ;
params.SCENARIO_YEAR = scenario_date[2] ;
// collect all the template parameters
add_param = function( $elem ) {
// NOTE: We only unload parameters on the EXTRAS tab if we're processing an extras template.
if ( $.contains( $("#tabs-extras")[0], $elem[0] ) ) {
if ( template_id === null || template_id.substr(0,7) !== "extras/" )
return ;
var val ;
if ( $elem.hasClass( "trumbowyg-editor" ) )
val = unloadTrumbowyg( $elem, false ) ;
else if ( $elem.hasClass( "html-textbox" ) )
val = unloadHtmlTextbox( $elem ) ;
val = $elem.val() ;
params[ $elem.attr("name") ] = val ;
} ;
$( "input[type='text'].param" ).each( function() { add_param( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
$( "div.html-textbox.param" ).each( function() { add_param( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
$( ".trumbowyg-editor.param" ).each( function() { add_param( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
$( "select.param" ).each( function() { add_param( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
// fix up the turn track parameters
var nTurns = params.TURN_TRACK_NTURNS ;
if ( nTurns !== "" ) {
var width = $( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_WIDTH']" ).val() ;
params.TURN_TRACK = {
"NTURNS": nTurns,
"WIDTH": isNaN( parseInt( width ) ) ? "" : width,
"VERTICAL": $( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_VERTICAL']" ).prop( "checked" ),
"SHADING": $( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_SHADING']" ).val().trim(),
"REINFORCEMENTS_1": $( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_REINFORCEMENTS_1']" ).val().trim(),
"REINFORCEMENTS_2": $( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_REINFORCEMENTS_2']" ).val().trim(),
"SWAP_PLAYERS": $( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_SWAP_PLAYERS']" ).prop( "checked" ),
} ;
Object.keys( params ).forEach( function( key ) {
if ( key.substr(0,11) === "TURN_TRACK_" )
delete params[key] ;
} ) ;
// collect the SSR's
params.SSR = unload_ssrs() ;
// collect the vehicles/ordnance
function get_vo( vo_type, player_no, key, show_warnings ) {
var $sortable2 = $( "#ob_" + vo_type + "-sortable_" + player_no ) ;
var objs = [] ;
$sortable2.children( "li" ).each( function( index ) {
var data = $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
var vo_entry = data.vo_entry ;
var vo_image_id = data.vo_image_id ;
var elite = data.elite ;
var obj = {
index: index,
image_id: (vo_image_id !== null) ? vo_image_id[0]+"/"+vo_image_id[1] : null,
note_number: vo_entry.note_number,
notes: vo_entry.notes
} ;
if ( vo_entry.extn_id )
obj.extn_id = vo_entry.extn_id ;
if ( gUserSettings["include-vasl-images-in-snippets"] ) {
var url = get_vo_image_url( vo_entry, vo_image_id, false, true ) ;
if ( url )
obj.image = url ;
if ( $(this).find( ".vo-entry" ).hasClass( "small-piece" ) )
obj.small_piece = true ;
// NOTE: It would be nice to have a Jinja2 filter that inserted the raw capabilities or selected
// the correct one for the scenario date e.g.
// {% for c in veh.capabilities %} {{c|selcap}} {%endif%}}
// but the problem is that if a capability is not available, we want nothing to appear,
// but by the time the filter gets called, it's too late :-( Instead, we provide a "raw_capabilities"
// parameter that people can use in their templates - ugly, but probably not something that will
// get a lot of use :-/
var nat = params[ "PLAYER_"+player_no ] ;
var capabilities = $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ).custom_capabilities ;
if ( capabilities ) {
// NOTE: We take a copy of the capabilities list in case we want to adjust any of them.
obj.capabilities = capabilities.slice() ;
obj.capabilities_len = capabilities.length ;
obj.custom_capabilities = capabilities.slice() ;
} else {
// NOTE: We don't show warnings here; if there's something wrong,
// we will show the warnings when we make the raw capabilities.
capabilities = make_capabilities(
vo_entry, vo_type, nat, elite,
) ;
if ( capabilities ) {
obj.capabilities = capabilities.slice() ;
obj.capabilities_len = capabilities.length ;
capabilities = make_capabilities(
vo_entry, vo_type, nat, elite,
) ;
if ( capabilities ) {
obj.raw_capabilities = capabilities ;
if ( elite )
obj.elite = true ;
var custom_comments = $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ).custom_comments ;
if ( custom_comments ) {
// NOTE: We take a copy of the comments list since we might adjust them e.g. split MG's
obj.comments = custom_comments.slice() ;
obj.custom_comments = custom_comments.slice() ;
} else {
// NOTE: Loading up the vehicle/ordnance comments verbatim here might cause problems with time-based comments,
// since the user will see them in the UI and not know what they mean. However, the alternative is to perhaps
// load the appropriate comment for the current scenario date, but that means they will become different
// to the default set of comments, and thus treated as if the user had changed them. If the scenario date
// is then changed, the time-based comments won't update accordingly, which will be more confusing than
// the original problem we're trying to fix :-/
// We could work around this by checking if a saved comment is the same as the calculated time-based comment
// for the scenario date, but this is far, far more trouble than it's worth :-/
obj.comments = get_vo_comments( vo_entry, params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ;
objs.push( obj ) ;
} ) ;
if ( objs.length > 0 )
params[key] = objs ;
get_vo( "vehicles", 1, "OB_VEHICLES_1", template_id === "ob_vehicles_1" ) ;
get_vo( "vehicles", 2, "OB_VEHICLES_2", template_id === "ob_vehicles_2" ) ;
get_vo( "ordnance", 1, "OB_ORDNANCE_1", template_id === "ob_ordnance_1" ) ;
get_vo( "ordnance", 2, "OB_ORDNANCE_2", template_id === "ob_ordnance_2" ) ;
sanitizeParams( params ) ;
return params ;
function unload_ssrs()
// unload the SSR's
ssrs = [] ;
var data = $( "#ssr-sortable" ).sortable2( "get-entry-data" ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < data.length ; ++i )
ssrs.push( data[i].caption ) ;
return ssrs ;
function get_vo_comments( vo_entry, month, year )
if ( ! vo_entry.comments )
return vo_entry.comments ;
// generate the vehicle/ordnance's comments
var voComments=[], cmt, i ;
for ( i=0 ; i < vo_entry.comments.length ; ++i ) {
cmt = make_time_based_comment( vo_entry.comments[i], month, year ) ;
if ( cmt )
voComments.push( cmt ) ;
// remove any disabled comments
// NOTE: We do this in the backend, but we need to do it here as well,
// to remove any time-based comments.
if ( vo_entry.disabled_comments ) {
var disabled = {} ;
for ( i=0 ; i < vo_entry.disabled_comments.length ; ++i ) {
cmt = vo_entry.disabled_comments[ i ] ;
if ( cmt.substring( 0, 2 ) === "?:" )
disabled[ cmt.substring(2).trim() ] = true ;
disabled[ cmt ] = true ;
var voComments2 = [] ;
for ( i=0 ; i < voComments.length ; ++i ) {
if ( ! disabled[ voComments[i] ] )
voComments2.push( voComments[i] ) ;
voComments = voComments2 ;
return voComments ;
function make_time_based_comment( val, month, year )
function parseDateControl( val ) {
// parse a date control string
var dates = val.split( "-" ) ;
if ( dates.length != 2 )
return null ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < 2 ; ++i ) {
var date = dates[i].trim() ;
if ( date !== "" ) {
var match = date.match( /^(\d\d)\/(19\d\d)$/ ) ;
if ( ! match )
return null ;
dates[i] = [ match[1], match[2] ] ;
} else {
dates[i] = null ;
return dates ;
function checkDateControl( dateControl ) {
// check if the date passed in falls within the date control
if ( dateControl[0] && ( year < dateControl[0][1] || ( year == dateControl[0][1] && month < dateControl[0][0] ) ) )
return false ;
if ( dateControl[1] && ( year > dateControl[1][1] || ( year == dateControl[1][1] && month > dateControl[1][0] ) ) )
return false ;
return true ;
// process any time-based values
var words, dateControl ;
for ( ; ; ) {
// check for a time-based substitution
var parts = findDelimitedSubstring( val, "{?", "?}" ) ;
if ( $.isArray( parts ) ) {
// found one - this form has the following syntax:
// {? DATE CONTROL | within the date control | outside the date control | fallback text ?}
// parse the date control
words = parts[1].split( "|" ) ;
dateControl = parseDateControl( words[0] ) ;
if ( words.length != 4 || dateControl === null ) {
showErrorMsg( "Invalid time-based comment: " + val ) ;
return null ;
// figure out which value to use
if ( month && year )
val = parts[0] + words[ checkDateControl(dateControl) ? 1 : 2 ].trim() + parts[2] ;
val = parts[0] + words[3].trim() + parts[2] ;
continue ;
// check for a time-based substitution
parts = findDelimitedSubstring( val, "{!", "!}" ) ;
if ( $.isArray( parts ) ) {
// found one - this form has the following syntax:
// {! DATE CONTROL = text | DATE CONTROL = text | etc... | fallback text !}
var fallbackText = "" ;
choices = parts[1].split( "|" ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < choices.length ; ++i ) {
// parse the next choice
var pos = choices[i].indexOf( "=" ) ;
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
dateControl = parseDateControl( choices[i].substring( 0, pos ) ) ;
if ( dateControl !== null ) {
// the choice is valid - save it, and its substitution text
choices[i] = [ dateControl, choices[i].substring(pos+1).trim() ] ;
continue ;
// the choice is invalid
if ( i === choices.length-1 ) {
// this is the last choice - use it as the fallback text
fallbackText = choices.pop().trim() ;
break ;
} else {
showErrorMsg( "Invalid time-based comment: " + choices[i] ) ;
return null ;
// check each choice to try find a match
var replaceText = fallbackText ;
if ( month && year ) {
for ( i=0 ; i < choices.length ; ++i ) {
if ( checkDateControl( choices[i][0] ) ) {
// found a match - replace the content with the substitution text
replaceText = choices[i][1] ;
break ;
val = parts[0] + replaceText + parts[2] ;
// NOTE: If we get here, there are no more time-based substitutions to be made.
break ;
return val ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function make_capabilities( raw, vo_entry, vo_type, nat, elite, scenario_theater, scenario_year, scenario_month, show_warnings )
var capabilities = [] ;
// check if the vehicle has no radio
if ( vo_entry.no_radio )
capabilities.push( vo_entry.no_radio ) ;
// extract the static capabilities
var i ;
if ( "capabilities" in vo_entry ) {
for ( i=0 ; i < vo_entry.capabilities.length ; ++i )
capabilities.push( vo_entry.capabilities[i] ) ;
// extract the variable capabilities
if ( "capabilities2" in vo_entry ) {
var indeterminate_caps=[], unexpected_caps=[], invalid_caps=[] ;
for ( var key in vo_entry.capabilities2 ) {
// check if the capability is dependent on the scenario date
if ( !( vo_entry.capabilities2[key] instanceof Array ) ) {
capabilities.push( key + vo_entry.capabilities2[key] ) ;
continue ;
// check for LF
if ( key === "LF" ) {
var caps = $.extend( true, [], vo_entry.capabilities2[key] ) ;
if ( caps[caps.length-1] === "\u2020" ) {
caps.pop() ;
capabilities.push( "LF\u2020" ) ;
} else
capabilities.push( "LF" ) ;
capabilities[ capabilities.length-1 ] += " [" + caps.join(", ") + "]" ;
continue ;
if ( $.inArray( key, ["HE","AP","A","D","C","H","B","S","s","sM","sD","sN","WP","IR","Towed"] ) === -1 ) {
unexpected_caps.push( key ) ;
continue ;
// check if we should return the raw capability, or select the one for the scenario date
if ( ! scenario_year ) {
// NOTE: We should really check for theater/nationality flags here (e.g. perhaps by calling
// _check_capability_timestamp()), but at this stage (just before the v1.0 release),
// it's not worth the risk. The superscripts will still appear in the UI/snippets,
// so we're not completely doing the wrong thing, and in practice, the scenario date
// will always be set.
indeterminate_caps.push( key ) ;
raw = true ;
if ( raw ) {
capabilities.push( make_raw_capability( key, vo_entry.capabilities2[key] ) ) ;
else {
var cap = _select_capability_by_date( vo_entry.capabilities2[key], nat, scenario_theater, scenario_year, scenario_month ) ;
if ( cap === null )
continue ;
if ( cap === "<invalid>" ) {
invalid_caps.push( + ": " + key + ": " + vo_entry.capabilities2[key] ) ;
continue ;
capabilities.push( key + cap ) ;
// check if there were any capabilities not set
if ( show_warnings && indeterminate_caps.length > 0 ) {
showWarningMsg( makeBulletListMsg(
"Can't determine capabilities for " + + " without a scenario year:",
) ) ;
// check if there were any unexpected capabilities
if ( unexpected_caps.length > 0 ) {
showErrorMsg( makeBulletListMsg(
"Internal error (" + + "): unexpected date-based capabilities:",
) ) ;
// check if there were any invalid capabilities
if ( invalid_caps.length > 0 ) {
showErrorMsg( makeBulletListMsg(
"Internal error (" + + "): invalid date-based capabilities:",
) ) ;
// include damage points (for Landing Craft)
if ( "damage_points" in vo_entry )
capabilities.push( "DP " + vo_entry.damage_points ) ;
// include crew survival
var crew_survival = make_crew_survival( vo_entry ) ;
if ( crew_survival )
capabilities.push( crew_survival ) ;
// do any special adjustments
if (,3) === "am/" && vo_type === "ordnance" && scenario_theater === "PTO" ) {
// NOTE: We used to do this if nat == "american" here, but the addition of K:FW broke that,
// since it contains counters (e.g. M3A1 37mm AT Gun) that has a Note C which is similar
// to the standard Note C, but doesn't have this special case.
adjust_capabilities_for_us_ordnance_note_c( capabilities, vo_entry ) ;
if ( elite )
adjust_capabilities_for_elite( capabilities, +1 ) ;
return capabilities ;
function make_raw_capability( name, capability )
// NOTE: The capability can sometimes not have a # e.g. Tetrarch CS has a s# of "ref1".
if ( capability[0] === null ) {
var cap = capability[1] ;
if ( cap.match( /^\d\+?$/ ) )
cap = "<sup>" + cap + "</sup>" ;
return name + cap ;
// generate the raw capability string
var buf = [ name ] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < capability.length ; ++i ) {
if ( typeof(capability[i]) === "string" )
buf.push( capability[i] ) ;
else {
if ( capability[i][0] )
buf.push( escapeHTML( capability[i][0] ) ) ;
if ( capability[i][1] )
buf.push( "<sup>", escapeHTML( capability[i][1] ), "</sup>" ) ;
return buf.join( "" ) ;
function _select_capability_by_date( capabilities, nat, scenario_theater, scenario_year, scenario_month )
// NOTE: The capability can sometimes not have a number e.g. Tetrarch CS s# = "ref1", Stuart III(a) = "HE(4+)"
var timestamp, val ;
if ( capabilities[0] === null ) {
timestamp = capabilities[1] ;
if ( timestamp.match( /^\d\+?$/ ) ) {
val = _check_capability_timestamp( capabilities, timestamp, nat, scenario_theater, scenario_year, scenario_month ) ;
if ( val === "<ignore>" )
return null ;
return "";
return timestamp ;
// initialize
capabilities = capabilities.slice() ;
var ref = has_ref( capabilities ) ;
if ( ref && capabilities.length === 0 )
return ref ;
// check all the capability timestamps
var retval = "???" ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < capabilities.length ; ++i ) {
timestamp = capabilities[i][1].toString() ;
val = _check_capability_timestamp( capabilities[i], timestamp, nat, scenario_theater, scenario_year, scenario_month ) ;
if ( val === "<invalid>" )
return val ;
if ( val === "<ignore>" )
continue ;
retval = val ;
if ( retval === "???" )
return null ;
if ( retval === null )
retval = "" ; // nb: this can happen for IR
return ref ? retval+ref : retval ;
function _check_capability_timestamp( capabilities, timestamp, nat, scenario_theater, scenario_year, scenario_month )
var MONTH_NAMES = { F:2, M:3, J:6, A:8, S:9, N:11 } ;
// check for a theater flag
THEATER_FLAGS = { E: "ETO", P: "PTO", B: "BURMA" } ;
var required_theater = THEATER_FLAGS[ timestamp.substring( timestamp.length-1 ) ] ;
if ( required_theater ) {
timestamp = timestamp.substring( 0, timestamp.length-1 ) ;
if ( scenario_theater !== required_theater )
return "<ignore>" ;
// check for a nationality flag
NAT_FLAGS = { R: ["romanian"], S: ["slovakian"], CS: ["croatian","slovakian"] } ;
for ( var i=2 ; i >= 1 ; --i ) {
var required_nats = NAT_FLAGS[ timestamp.substring( timestamp.length-i ) ];
if ( required_nats ) {
timestamp = timestamp.substring( 0, timestamp.length-i ) ;
if ( required_nats.indexOf( nat ) === -1 )
return "<ignore>" ;
break ;
// check for a trailing "+"
var hasTrailingPlus = false ;
if ( timestamp.substring( timestamp.length-1 ) === "+" ) {
hasTrailingPlus = true ;
timestamp = timestamp.substring( 0, timestamp.length-1 ) ;
// check if there is anything left
if ( ! timestamp ) {
// nope - the capability is always available
return capabilities[0] ;
// parse the month/year the capability becomes available
var match = timestamp.match( /^(\d+)-$/ ) ;
if ( match ) {
if ( scenario_year < 1900 + parseInt(match[1]) )
return capabilities[0] ;
return "" ;
var month = MONTH_NAMES[ timestamp.substring(0,1) ] ;
if ( month )
timestamp = timestamp.substring( 1 ) ;
if ( /^\d+$/.test( timestamp ) ) {
// this is a single year
timestamp = parseInt( timestamp ) ;
// check if the capabilitity is available
if ( timestamp >= 50 )
timestamp -= 40 ;
if ( hasTrailingPlus && scenario_year > 1940 + timestamp )
return capabilities[0] ;
else if ( scenario_year === 1940 + timestamp ) {
if( !month || scenario_month >= month )
return capabilities[0] ;
} else if ( /^\d-\d$/.test( timestamp ) ) {
// this is a range of years
var timestamp1 = parseInt( timestamp[0] ) ;
var timestamp2 = parseInt( timestamp[timestamp.length-1] ) ;
// check if the capabilitity is available
if ( 1940+timestamp1 <= scenario_year && scenario_year <= 1940+timestamp2 )
return capabilities[0] ;
return "<invalid>" ;
return "<ignore>" ;
function has_ref( val )
var last = val[ val.length-1 ] ;
if ( typeof(last) === "string" && last.match( /^\u2020(<sup>\d<\/sup>)?$/ ) ) {
val.pop() ;
return last ;
return null ;
function make_crew_survival( vo_entry )
function make_cs_string( prefix, val ) {
if ( val.length === 2 && val[0] === null && val[1] === "\u2020" )
return "\u2020" ;
return prefix + " " + val ;
// check if the vehicle has a crew survival field
var crew_survival = null ;
if ( "CS#" in vo_entry )
crew_survival = make_cs_string( "CS", vo_entry["CS#"] ) ;
else if ( "cs#" in vo_entry )
crew_survival = make_cs_string( "cs", vo_entry["cs#"] ) ;
if ( crew_survival === null )
return null ;
// check if the vehicle is subject to brew up
var pos = crew_survival.indexOf( ":brewup" ) ;
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
crew_survival = "<span class=\"brewup\">" +
crew_survival.substring(0,pos) + crew_survival.substring(pos+7) +
"</span>" ;
return crew_survival ;
function adjust_capabilities_for_us_ordnance_note_c( capabilities, vo_entry )
// NOTE: American Ordnance Note C: Canister depletion number is increased by 3 in the PTO,
// unless it has a "P" superscript. This seems to affect the following ordnance:
// - M3A1 37mm AT Gun
// - T32 37mm Manpack Gun
// - M1A1 75mm Pack Howitzer
// - M2A1 105mm Howitzer (*)
// - M3 105mm Howitzer (*)
// (*) = has "P" superscript.
// check if the ordnance has Note C
if ( ! vo_entry.notes )
return ;
var hasNoteC=false, i ;
for ( i=0 ; i < vo_entry.notes.length ; ++i ) {
if ( vo_entry.notes[i].match( /^C\u2020?/ ) )
hasNoteC = true ;
if ( ! hasNoteC )
return ;
// FUDGE! Figuring out if a capability has a "P" subscript would be incredibly messy, since it gets removed
// in _check_capability_timestamp() :-/ We just hard-code the relevant counters instead :-/
if ( ["am/o:013","am/o:014"].indexOf( ) !== -1 )
return ;
// update the Canister depletion number
for ( i=0 ; i < capabilities.length ; ++i ) {
var match = capabilities[i].match( /^C(\d+)/ ) ;
if ( match )
capabilities[i] = "C" + (parseInt(match[1]) + 3) + capabilities[i].substr(match[0].length) ;
function adjust_capabilities_for_elite( capabilities, delta )
// adjust the list of capabilities for elite status
// Pondicherry, India (FEB/19)
if ( ! capabilities )
return ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < capabilities.length ; ++i ) {
if ( capabilities[i].indexOf( "<sup>" ) !== -1 )
continue ; // nb: ignore raw capabilities (e.g. if the scenario date hasn't been set)
// NOTE: Elite status doesn't apply to vehicular smoke dispensers (C8.9).
var match = capabilities[i].match( /^(A|M|H|C|D|HE|AP|WP|s)([1-9][0-9]?)/ ) ;
if ( match )
capabilities[i] = match[1] + (parseInt(match[2]) + delta) + capabilities[i].substr(match[1].length+match[2].length) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function get_template( template_id, fixup )
// get the specified template
if ( template_id in gTemplatePack.templates ) {
var template = gTemplatePack.templates[ template_id ] ;
if ( fixup ) {
if ( template_id.substr(0,7) === "extras/" ) {
for ( var key in gTemplatePack.css )
template = strReplaceAll( template, "{{CSS:"+key+"}}", gTemplatePack.css[key] ) ;
template = fixup_template_parameters( template ) ;
return template ;
showErrorMsg( "Unknown template: <span class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(template_id) + "</span>" ) ;
return null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function edit_template( template_id )
// get the specified template
var template = get_template( template_id, false ) ;
if ( template === null )
return ;
function on_template_change() {
// install the new template
gTemplatePack.templates[template_id] = $("#edit-template textarea").val() ;
// let the user edit the template
$("#edit-template textarea").val( template ) ;
$("#edit-template").dialog( {
dialogClass: "edit-template",
title: "Editing template: " + escapeHTML(template_id),
modal: false,
position: gEditTemplateDlgState ? gEditTemplateDlgState.position : { my: "center", at: "center", of: window },
width: gEditTemplateDlgState ? gEditTemplateDlgState.width : $(window).width() * 0.8,
height: gEditTemplateDlgState ? gEditTemplateDlgState.height : $(window).height() * 0.8,
minWidth: 600, minHeight: 300,
create: function() {
init_dialog( $(this), "Close", true ) ;
open: function() {
on_dialog_open( $(this) ) ;
$(this).height( $(this).height() ) ; // fudge: force everything to resize
2 years ago
var $elem = $( "#edit-template textarea" ) ;
$elem.change( on_template_change ) ;
$elem.scrollTop( 0 )[0].setSelectionRange( 0, 0 ) ;
beforeClose: function() {
gEditTemplateDlgState = getDialogState( $(this) ) ;
close: function() {
$("#edit-template textarea").off( "change", on_template_change ) ;
buttons: {
Close: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; },
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function on_load_scenario()
// check if the scenario is dirty
if ( ! is_scenario_dirty() )
do_on_load_scenario() ;
else {
// yup - confirm the operation
ask( "Load scenario",
"<p> This scenario has been changed. <p> Do you want to load another scenario, and lose your changes?", {
width: 470,
ok: do_on_load_scenario,
} ) ;
function do_on_load_scenario() {
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file upload from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we get the data from a <textarea>).
if ( getUrlParam( "scenario_persistence" ) ) {
var $elem = $( "#_scenario-persistence_" ) ;
do_load_scenario( $elem.val(), null ) ;
showInfoMsg( "The scenario was loaded." ) ; // nb: the tests are looking for this
return ;
// if we are running inside the PyQt wrapper, let it handle everything
if ( gWebChannelHandler ) {
gWebChannelHandler.load_scenario( function( resp ) {
if ( ! resp )
return ;
do_load_scenario(, resp.filename ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
// ask the user to upload the scenario file
$("#load-scenario").trigger( "click" ) ;
function on_load_scenario_file_selected()
// read the selected file
var fileReader = new FileReader() ;
var file = $("#load-scenario").prop( "files" )[0] ;
fileReader.onload = function() {
do_load_scenario( fileReader.result, ) ;
} ;
fileReader.readAsText( file ) ;
function do_load_scenario( data, fname )
// NOTE: We reset the scenario first, in case the loaded scenario is missing fields,
// so that those fields will be reset to their default values (instead of just staying unchanged).
do_on_new_scenario( false ) ;
// load the scenario
try {
data = JSON.parse( data ) ;
} catch( ex ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't load the scenario file:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
return false ;
do_load_scenario_data( data ) ;
gLastSavedScenarioFilename = fname ;
showInfoMsg( "The scenario was loaded." ) ;
return true ;
function do_load_scenario_data( params )
// reset the scenario
reset_scenario() ;
gScenarioCreatedTime = params._creation_time ;
// sanitize the HTML
if ( ! getUrlParam( "no_sanitize_load" ) ) {
// NOTE: This is optional to make it easier for the test suite to bulk-load unsafe content.
sanitizeParams( params ) ;
// auto-assign ID's to the OB setup notes and notes
// NOTE: We do this here to handle scenarios that were created before these ID's were implemented.
auto_assign_ids( params.SCENARIO_NOTES, "id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_SETUPS_1, "id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_NOTES_1, "id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_VEHICLES_1, "seq_id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_ORDNANCE_1, "seq_id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_SETUPS_2, "id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_NOTES_2, "id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_VEHICLES_2, "seq_id" ) ;
auto_assign_ids( params.OB_ORDNANCE_2, "seq_id" ) ;
// set default values
function set_default_val( key, val ) {
if ( ! (key in params) )
params[key] = val ;
set_default_val( "OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_1", "300px" ) ;
set_default_val( "OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_1", "300px" ) ;
set_default_val( "OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_2", "300px" ) ;
set_default_val( "OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_2", "300px" ) ;
// load the scenario parameters
var params_loaded = {} ;
var warnings = [] ;
var unknown_vo = [] ;
var set_param = function( $elem, key ) {
if ( key === "SCENARIO_DATE" ) {
try {
var scenario_date = $.datepicker.parseDate( "yy-mm-dd", params[key] ) ;
$elem.datepicker( "setDate", scenario_date ) ; // nb: don't need to adjust for timezone here
} catch( ex ) {
warnings.push( "Invalid scenario date: " + escapeHTML( params[key] ) ) ;
else {
var val = $elem.prop("disabled") ? "" : params[key] ;
if ( $elem.hasClass( "trumbowyg-editor" ) )
$elem.trumbowyg( "html", val ) ;
else if ( $elem.hasClass( "html-textbox" ) )
$elem.html( val ) ;
$elem.val( val ) ;
if ( key === "ASA_ID" )
updateForConnectedScenario( params[key], params.ROAR_ID ) ;
if ( $elem[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" )
$elem.trigger( "change" ) ;
params_loaded[key] = true ;
return $elem ;
} ;
// FUDGE! We must set the players first, since changing these will reset the OB tabs.
function is_valid_player_id( player_nat ) {
return gTemplatePack.nationalities[ player_nat ] !== undefined ;
if ( "PLAYER_1" in params ) {
if ( is_valid_player_id( params.PLAYER_1 ) ) {
set_param( $("select[name='PLAYER_1']"), "PLAYER_1" ) ;
on_player_change( 1 ) ;
} else {
showErrorMsg( "Invalid player nationality: " + params.PLAYER_1 ) ;
params_loaded.PLAYER_1 = true ;
if ( "PLAYER_2" in params ) {
if ( is_valid_player_id( params.PLAYER_2 ) ) {
set_param( $("select[name='PLAYER_2']"), "PLAYER_2" ) ;
on_player_change( 2 ) ;
} else {
showErrorMsg( "Invalid player nationality: " + params.PLAYER_2 ) ;
params_loaded.PLAYER_2 = true ;
var i ;
for ( var key in params ) {
var player_no, $sortable2 ;
if ( key === "TURN_TRACK" ) {
setTurnTrackNTurns( params[key].NTURNS ) ;
$( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_VERTICAL']" ).prop( "checked", params[key].VERTICAL ) ;
$( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_WIDTH']" ).val( params[key].WIDTH ) ;
$( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_SHADING']" ).val( params[key].SHADING ) ;
$( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_REINFORCEMENTS_1']" ).val( params[key].REINFORCEMENTS_1 ) ;
$( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_REINFORCEMENTS_2']" ).val( params[key].REINFORCEMENTS_2 ) ;
$( "input[name='TURN_TRACK_SWAP_PLAYERS']" ).prop( "checked", params[key].SWAP_PLAYERS ) ;
params_loaded[key] = true ;
continue ;
if ( key === "SSR" ) {
$sortable2 = $( "#ssr-sortable" ) ;
for ( i=0 ; i < params[key].length ; ++i )
do_add_scenario_note( $sortable2, { caption: params[key][i] } ) ;
params_loaded[key] = true ;
continue ;
if ( key === "SCENARIO_NOTES" ) {
$sortable2 = $( "#scenario_notes-sortable" ) ;
for ( i=0 ; i < params[key].length ; ++i )
do_add_scenario_note( $sortable2, params[key][i] ) ;
params_loaded[key] = true ;
continue ;
6 years ago
if ( key === "OB_SETUPS_1" || key === "OB_SETUPS_2" ) {
player_no = key.substring( key.length-1 ) ;
$sortable2 = $( "#ob_setups-sortable_" + player_no ) ;
for ( i=0 ; i < params[key].length ; ++i )
do_add_ob_setup( $sortable2, params[key][i] ) ;
params_loaded[key] = true ;
6 years ago
continue ;
if ( key === "OB_NOTES_1" || key === "OB_NOTES_2" ) {
player_no = key.substring( key.length-1 ) ;
$sortable2 = $( "#ob_notes-sortable_" + player_no ) ;
6 years ago
for ( i=0 ; i < params[key].length ; ++i )
do_add_ob_note( $sortable2, params[key][i] ) ;
6 years ago
params_loaded[key] = true ;
continue ;
if ( key === "OB_VEHICLES_1" || key === "OB_ORDNANCE_1" || key === "OB_VEHICLES_2" || key === "OB_ORDNANCE_2" ) {
player_no = key.substring( key.length-1 ) ;
var nat = params[ "PLAYER_" + player_no ] ;
var vo_type = (key.substring(0,12) === "OB_VEHICLES_") ? "vehicles" : "ordnance" ;
for ( i=0 ; i < params[key].length ; ++i ) {
var vo_id = params[key][i].id ;
var vo_entry ;
if ( vo_id )
vo_entry = find_vo( vo_type, nat, vo_id ) ;
else {
// FUDGE! Early versions stored vehicles/ordnance by name, but these are not unique (even within
// a single nationality :-/), so we switched to manually-assigned unique ID's. For legacy save files,
// if there is no ID field, we load vehicles/ordnance by name.
vo_id = params[key][i].name ; // nb: we store the name in the ID variable, in case we have to log an error below
vo_entry = find_vo_by_name( vo_type, nat, vo_id ) ;
var vo_image_id = null ;
if ( "image_id" in params[key][i] ) {
var matches = params[key][i].image_id.match( /^([a-z0-9:]{3,10})\/(\d)$/ ) ;
if ( matches )
vo_image_id = [ matches[1], parseInt(matches[2]) ] ;
warnings.push( "Invalid V/O image ID for '" + params[key][i].name + "': " + params[key][i].image_id ) ;
if ( vo_entry )
do_add_vo( vo_type, player_no, vo_entry, vo_image_id, params[key][i].elite, params[key][i].custom_capabilities, params[key][i].custom_comments, params[key][i].seq_id ) ;
unknown_vo.push( vo_id || "(not set)" ) ;
params_loaded[key] = true ;
continue ;
//jshint loopfunc: true
$( "input[type='text'][name='" + key + "'].param" ).each( function() {
set_param( $(this), key ) ;
} ) ;
$( "div.html-textbox[name='" + key + "'].param" ).each( function() {
set_param( $(this), key ) ;
} ) ;
$( ".trumbowyg-editor[name='" + key + "'].param" ).each( function() {
set_param( $(this), key ) ;
} ) ;
$( "select[name='" + key + "'].param" ).each( function() {
if ( key !== "PLAYER_1" && key !== "PLAYER_2" )
set_param( $(this), key ).trigger( "change" ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! params.ASA_ID )
updateForConnectedScenario( null, null ) ;
// NOTE: Loading the Victory Conditions creates a Trumbowyg history entry, so we clear the history
// so that user can't accidentally undo state all the way back to an empty control.
var trumbowyg = $( ".param[name='VICTORY_CONDITIONS']" ).data( "trumbowyg" ) ;
if ( trumbowyg ) {
var plugin = trumbowyg.o.plugins.history ;
plugin._stack = [] ;
plugin._index = -1 ;
// FUDGE! The introduction of the Trumbowyg introduced a timing issue dring startup - the Victory Conditions
// control can't be initialized until some things arrive from the backend, but loading the default scenario
// happens before then (which is where we are now), and so we end up warning about an unused key.
// Nornally, the default scenario would never contain VC, but it's useful for testing, so we handle it here.
gPendingVictoryConditions = params.VICTORY_CONDITIONS ;
delete params.VICTORY_CONDITIONS ;
// look for unrecognized keys
var buf = [] ;
for ( key in params ) {
if ( !(key in params_loaded) && key.substring(0,1) !== "_" )
buf.push( key + " = " + params[key] ) ;
if ( buf.length > 0 ) {
showWarningMsg( makeBulletListMsg(
"Unknown keys in the scenario file:",
buf, li_class="pre"
) ) ;
// report any unknown vehicles/ordnance
if ( unknown_vo.length > 0 ) {
showWarningMsg( makeBulletListMsg(
"Unknown vehicles/ordnance:", unknown_vo
) ) ;
// show any other warnings
if ( warnings.length === 1 )
showWarningMsg( warnings[0] ) ;
else if ( warnings.length > 1 ) {
showWarningMsg( makeBulletListMsg(
"", warnings
) ) ;
// remember the state of this scenario
gLastSavedScenario = unload_params_for_save( false ) ;
// update the UI
updateCompassImage() ;
$("#tabs").tabs( "option", "active", 0 ) ;
on_scenario_date_change() ;
update_scenario_status() ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function auto_assign_ids( vals, key )
if ( ! vals )
return ;
// NOTE: These ID's are used to uniquely identify OB setup notes and OB notes, since they are generated
// from the same template ("ob_setup" and "ob_note") and so the template_id alone won't be enough. We need
// to be able to uniquely identify each snippet so that we can match them with labels in the VASL scenario.
// However, we need to be able to handle the following situation:
// - the scenario has, say, 5 OB notes, with ID's 1-5
// - the user deletes #3, and creates a new one
// If we track the highest ID ever used across the life of the scenario, the new snippet will be assigned ID #6,
// but when we inject the snippets into the VASL scenario, the label corresponding to snippet #3 will be left
// as it is, and a new label created for snippet #6, which is not what the user will want. Instead, we re-use
// ID 3 and give it to the new snippet, so that when we inject snippets, the old label corresponding to snippet #3
// will simply be updated with the contents of the new snippet #6.
// identify which ID's are currently in use
var usedIds = {} ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < vals.length ; ++i ) {
if ( vals[i][key] )
usedIds[ vals[i][key] ] = true ;
// assign ID's to entries that don't have one
for ( i=0 ; i < vals.length ; ++i ) {
if ( ! vals[i][key] )
vals[i][key] = auto_assign_id( usedIds ) ;
function auto_assign_id( usedIds )
// assign the next available ID
for ( var i=1 ; ; ++i ) {
if ( ! usedIds[i] ) {
usedIds[i] = true ;
return i ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function on_save_scenario()
// unload the template parameters
var params = unload_params_for_save( true ) ;
var data = JSON.stringify( params, null, 4 ) ;
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file download from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we store the result in a <textarea>
// and the test suite will collect it from there).
if ( getUrlParam( "scenario_persistence" ) ) {
$("#_scenario-persistence_").val( data ) ;
gLastSavedScenario = params ;
return ;
// generate the save filename
var save_fname = gLastSavedScenarioFilename ;
if ( ! save_fname ) {
var scenario_name = $( "div.html-textbox[name='SCENARIO_NAME']" ).text().trim() ;
var scenario_id = $( "div.html-textbox[name='SCENARIO_ID']" ).text().trim() ;
if ( scenario_name && scenario_id )
save_fname = scenario_name + " (" + scenario_id + ").json" ;
else if ( scenario_name )
save_fname = scenario_name + ".json" ;
else if ( scenario_id )
save_fname = scenario_id + ".json" ;
save_fname = "scenario.json" ;
// if we are running inside the PyQt wrapper, let it handle everything
if ( gWebChannelHandler ) {
gWebChannelHandler.save_scenario( save_fname, data, function( save_fname ) {
if ( ! save_fname )
return ;
gLastSavedScenario = params ;
gLastSavedScenarioFilename = save_fname ;
showInfoMsg( "The scenario was saved." ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
// return the parameters to the user as a downloadable file
download( toUTF8(data), save_fname, "application/json" ) ;
// NOTE: We get no indication if the download was successful, so we can't show feedback :-/
// Also, if the download didn't actually happen (e.g. because it was cancelled), then setting
// the last saved scenario here is not quite the right thing to do, since subsequent checks
// for a dirty scenario will return the wrong result, since they assume that the scenario
// was saved properly here :-/
gLastSavedScenario = params ;
// NOTE: It would be nice to set gLastSavedScenarioFilename here, but this will give the wrong behaviour
// if the user loads a scenario from a file that is named using a non-standard convention.
function unload_params_for_save( includeMetadata )
function extract_vo_entries( key ) {
if ( !( key in params ) )
return ;
var entries = [] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < params[key].length ; ++i ) {
var entry = {
id: params[key][i].id,
seq_id: params[key][i].seq_id,
name: params[key][i].name, // nb: not necessary, but convenient
} ;
if ( params[key][i].image_id !== null )
entry.image_id = params[key][i].image_id ;
if ( params[key][i].custom_capabilities )
entry.custom_capabilities = params[key][i].custom_capabilities ;
if ( params[key][i].elite )
entry.elite = true ;
if ( params[key][i].custom_comments )
entry.custom_comments = params[key][i].custom_comments ;
entries.push( entry ) ;
params[key] = entries ;
// unload the template parameters
var params = unload_snippet_params( false, null ) ;
function get_sortable2_data( $elem ) {
// IMPORTANT: "get-entry-data" returns a *reference* to the data associated with each sortable2 entry,
// but we need to return a completely independent data structure that contains the unloaded parameters,
// otherwise we run into problems when checking if a scenario has been modified (because the copy of
// the last-saved scenario has references to the same underlying data structures as the sortable2 entries).
return $.extend( true, [], $elem.sortable2( "get-entry-data" ) ) ;
params.SCENARIO_NOTES = get_sortable2_data( $("#scenario_notes-sortable") ) ;
params.OB_SETUPS_1 = get_sortable2_data( $("#ob_setups-sortable_1") ) ;
params.OB_SETUPS_2 = get_sortable2_data( $("#ob_setups-sortable_2") ) ;
params.OB_NOTES_1 = get_sortable2_data( $("#ob_notes-sortable_1") ) ;
params.OB_NOTES_2 = get_sortable2_data( $("#ob_notes-sortable_2") ) ;
extract_vo_entries( "OB_VEHICLES_1" ) ;
extract_vo_entries( "OB_ORDNANCE_1" ) ;
extract_vo_entries( "OB_VEHICLES_2" ) ;
extract_vo_entries( "OB_ORDNANCE_2" ) ;
// save the scenario date in ISO-8601 format
var scenario_date = get_scenario_date() ;
if ( scenario_date )
params.SCENARIO_DATE = scenario_date[3] ;
// save some admin metadata
if ( includeMetadata ) {
params._app_version = gAppVersion ;
var now = (new Date()).toISOString() ;
params._last_update_time = now ;
if ( gScenarioCreatedTime )
params._creation_time = gScenarioCreatedTime ;
else {
params._creation_time = now ;
gScenarioCreatedTime = now ;
sanitizeParams( params ) ;
return params ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function on_new_scenario()
// check if the scenario is dirty
if ( ! is_scenario_dirty() )
do_on_new_scenario( true ) ;
else {
// yup - confirm the operation
ask( "New scenario",
"<p> This scenario has been changed. <p> Do you want to reset it, and lose your changes?", {
ok: function() { do_on_new_scenario( true ) ; },
} ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function do_on_new_scenario( user_requested ) {
// load the default scenario
if ( gDefaultScenario )
do_load_scenario_data( gDefaultScenario ) ;
else {
$.getJSON( gGetDefaultScenarioUrl, function(data) {
gDefaultScenario = data ;
do_load_scenario_data( data ) ;
update_page_load_status( "default-scenario" ) ;
} ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't get the default scenario:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "</div>" ) ;
update_page_load_status( "default-scenario" ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
// flag that we have a new scenario
gLastSavedScenarioFilename = null ;
if ( gWebChannelHandler && user_requested )
gWebChannelHandler.on_new_scenario() ;
// provide some feedback to the user
if ( user_requested )
showInfoMsg( "The scenario was reset." ) ;
function reset_scenario()
// reset all the template parameters
$( "input[type='text'].param" ).each( function() {
if ( ! $.contains( $("#tabs-extras")[0], $(this)[0] ) )
$(this).val( "" ) ;
} ) ;
$( "div.html-textbox.param" ).each( function() { $(this).html( "" ) ; } ) ;
$( ".trumbowyg-editor" ).each( function() { $(this).trumbowyg( "empty" ) ; } ) ;
$( "input[type='checkbox']" ).prop( "checked", false ) ;
$( "select[name='TURN_TRACK_NTURNS'].param" ).val( "" ).trigger( "change" ) ;
// reset the player droplist's
var player_no ;
for ( player_no=1 ; player_no <= 2 ; ++player_no ) {
on_player_change( player_no ) ;
$("select[name='PLAYER_" + player_no + "_ELR']").val( "" ).trigger( "change" ) ;
$("select[name='PLAYER_" + player_no + "_SAN']").val( "" ).trigger( "change" ) ;
// reset all the template parameters
$("#scenario_notes-sortable").sortable2( "delete-all" ) ;
$("#ssr-sortable").sortable2( "delete-all" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function is_scenario_dirty( force )
// nb: confirming operations is insanely annoying during development :-/
if ( !force && getUrlParam( "disable-dirty-scenario-check" ) )
return false ;
// check if the scenario has been changed since it was loaded, or last saved
if ( gLastSavedScenario === null )
return false ;
var last_saved_scenario = {} ;
for ( var key in gLastSavedScenario ) {
if ( key.substr(0,1) !== "_" )
last_saved_scenario[key] = gLastSavedScenario[key] ;
var params = unload_params_for_save( false ) ;
return JSON.stringify( params ) != JSON.stringify( last_saved_scenario ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function on_template_pack()
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file upload from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we store the result in a <div>).
if ( getUrlParam( "template_pack_persistence" ) ) {
var data = $( "#_template-pack-persistence_" ).val() ;
var pos = data.indexOf( "|" ) ;
var fname = data.substring( 0, pos ).trim() ;
data = data.substring( pos+1 ).trim() ;
if ( getFilenameExtn( fname ) === ".zip" )
data = atob( data ) ;
do_load_template_pack( fname, data ) ;
return ;
// ask the user to upload the template pack
$("#load-template-pack").trigger( "click" ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function on_template_pack_file_selected()
// read the selected file
var MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2 ; // nb: MB
var file = $("#load-template-pack").prop( "files" )[0] ;
if ( file.size > 1024*1024*MAX_FILE_SIZE ) {
showErrorMsg( "Template pack is too large (must be no larger than " + MAX_FILE_SIZE + "MB)." ) ;
return ;
var fileReader = new FileReader() ;
fileReader.onload = function() {
var data = fileReader.result ;
do_load_template_pack(, data ) ;
} ;
fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer( file ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function do_load_template_pack( fname, data )
// initialize
var invalid_filename_extns = [] ;
var unknown_template_ids = [] ;
var template_pack = {
nationalities: $.extend( true, {}, gDefaultTemplatePack.nationalities ),
"national-capabilities": $.extend( true, {}, gDefaultTemplatePack["national-capabilities"] ),
templates: {},
css: {},
includes: {},
} ;
// NOTE: We always start with the default extras templates; user-defined template packs
// can add to them, or modify existing ones, but not remove them.
for ( var template_id in gDefaultTemplatePack.templates ) {
if ( template_id.substr( 0, 7 ) === "extras/" )
template_pack.templates[template_id] = gDefaultTemplatePack.templates[template_id].slice() ;
// initialize
function on_template_pack_file( fname, data ) {
// make sure the filename is valid
if ( fname.toLowerCase() === "nationalities.json" ) {
var nationalities = null ;
try {
nationalities = JSON.parse( data ) ;
} catch( ex ) {
showWarningMsg( "Can't parse the nationalities JSON data:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
return ;
$.extend( true, template_pack.nationalities, nationalities ) ;
return ;
if ( fname.toLowerCase() === "national-capabilities.json" ) {
var nat_caps = null ;
try {
nat_caps = JSON.parse( data ) ;
} catch( ex ) {
showWarningMsg( "Can't parse the nationalities JSON data:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
return ;
$.extend( true, template_pack["national-capabilities"], nat_caps ) ;
return ;
var extn = getFilenameExtn( fname ) ;
if ( [".j2",".css",".include"].indexOf( extn ) === -1 ) {
invalid_filename_extns.push( fname ) ;
return ;
// save the template pack file
var template_id = fname.substring( 0, fname.length-extn.length ).toLowerCase() ;
if ( extn === ".css" )
template_pack.css[template_id] = data ;
else if ( extn === ".include" )
template_pack.includes[template_id] = data ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_vo" )
template_pack.templates.ob_vehicles = template_pack.templates.ob_ordnance = data ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_vo_note" )
template_pack.templates.ob_vehicle_note = template_pack.templates.ob_ordnance_note = data ;
else if ( template_id === "ob_ma_notes" )
template_pack.templates.ob_vehicles_ma_notes = template_pack.templates.ob_ordnance_ma_notes = data ;
else {
if ( gValidTemplateIds.indexOf( template_id ) === -1 && template_id.substr(0,7) !== "extras/" ) {
unknown_template_ids.push( fname ) ;
return ;
template_pack.templates[template_id] = data ;
// initialize
function install_new_template_pack( success_msg ) {
// check if there were any errors
var ok = true ;
var buf, tid, i ;
if ( invalid_filename_extns.length > 0 ) {
buf = [] ;
"Invalid template ",
pluralString( invalid_filename_extns.length, "extension:", "extensions:" ),
"<div class='pre'>"
) ;
for ( i=0 ; i < invalid_filename_extns.length ; ++i )
buf.push( escapeHTML(invalid_filename_extns[i]) + "<br>" ) ;
buf.push( "</div>" ) ;
buf.push( 'Must be <span class="pre">".zip"</span> or <span class="pre">".j2"</span>.' ) ;
showErrorMsg( buf.join("") ) ;
ok = false ;
if ( unknown_template_ids.length > 0 ) {
buf = [] ;
"Invalid template ",
pluralString( unknown_template_ids.length, "filename:", "filenames:" ),
"<div class='pre'>"
) ;
for ( i=0 ; i < unknown_template_ids.length ; ++i )
buf.push( escapeHTML(unknown_template_ids[i]) + "<br>" ) ;
buf.push( "</div>" ) ;
var buf2 = [] ;
for ( i=0 ; i < gValidTemplateIds.length ; ++i )
buf2.push( gValidTemplateIds[i] + ".j2" ) ;
buf.push( makeBulletListMsg( "Must be one of:<div class='pre'>", buf2 ) ) ;
buf.push( "</div>" ) ;
showErrorMsg( buf.join("") ) ;
ok = false ;
if ( ! ok )
return ;
// all good - install the new template pack
install_template_pack( template_pack ) ;
showInfoMsg( success_msg ) ;
// check if we have a ZIP file
fname = fname.toLowerCase() ;
if ( getFilenameExtn( fname ) === ".zip" ) {
// yup - process each file in the ZIP
var nFiles = 0 ;
JSZip.loadAsync( data ).then( function( zip ) {
zip.forEach( function( relPath, zipEntry ) {
++ nFiles ;
zipEntry.async( "string" ).then( function( data ) {
// extract the filename (i.e. we ignore sub-directories)
fname = ;
var pos = Math.max( fname.lastIndexOf("/"), fname.lastIndexOf("\\") ) ;
if ( pos === fname.length-1 )
return ; // nb: ignore directory entries
if ( pos !== -1 && fname.substr(0,7) !== "extras/" )
fname = fname.substring( pos+1 ) ;
on_template_pack_file( fname, data ) ;
} ).then( function() {
if ( --nFiles === 0 ) {
install_new_template_pack( "The template pack was loaded." ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ).catch( function(ex) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't unpack the ZIP:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
} ) ;
else {
// nope - assume an individual template file
if ( data instanceof ArrayBuffer )
data = String.fromCharCode.apply( null, new Uint8Array(data) ) ;
on_template_pack_file( fname, data ) ;
install_new_template_pack( "The template file was loaded." ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function _is_scenario_in_or_after( month, year ) {
// check if the scenario is after the specified month/year
var scenario_date = get_scenario_date() ;
if ( ! scenario_date )
return false ;
if ( scenario_date[2] > year )
return true ;
if ( scenario_date[2] < year )
return false ;
return scenario_date[1] >= month ;
function is_pf_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 10, 1943 ) ; }
function is_pf_finnish_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 7, 1944 ) ; }
function is_pf_hungarian_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 6, 1944 ) ; }
function is_pf_romanian_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 3, 1944 ) ; }
function is_psk_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 9, 1943 ) ; }
function is_baz_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 11, 1942 ) ; }
function is_atmm_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 1, 1944 ) ; }
function is_atmm_romanian_available() { return _is_scenario_in_or_after( 7, 1943 ) ; }
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function on_scenario_date_change()
// NOTE: We update the visual appearance of the buttons to indicate whether
// the support weapons are available, but leave the buttons active since
// the date restrictions are not strict, and the SW are sometimes available
// (by SSR) even outside the normal time.
function update_ui( id, is_available ) {
var $btn = $( "button.generate[data-id='" + id + "']" ) ;
if ( is_available )
$btn.removeClass( "inactive" ) ;
$btn.addClass( "inactive" ) ;
$btn.children( "img" ).each( function() {
$(this).attr( "src", gImagesBaseUrl + (is_available?"/snippet.png":"/snippet-disabled.png") ) ;
} ) ;
update_ui( "pf", is_pf_available() ) ;
update_ui( "pf-finnish", is_pf_finnish_available() ) ;
update_ui( "pf-hungarian", is_pf_hungarian_available() ) ;
update_ui( "pf-romanian", is_pf_romanian_available() ) ;
update_ui( "psk", is_psk_available() ) ;
update_ui( "baz", is_baz_available() ) ;
update_ui( "atmm", is_atmm_available() ) ;
update_ui( "atmm-romanian", is_atmm_romanian_available() ) ;
// update the vehicle/ordnance entries
_update_vo_sortable2_entries() ;
function _update_vo_sortable2_entries()
// update all the vehicle/ordnance entries
var snippet_params = unload_snippet_params( true, null ) ;
function update_vo( vo_type, player_no ) {
var $sortable2 = $( "#ob_" + vo_type + "-sortable_" + player_no ) ;
$sortable2.children( "li" ).each( function() {
update_vo_sortable2_entry( $(this), vo_type, snippet_params ) ;
} ) ;
for ( var player_no=1 ; player_no <= 2 ; ++player_no ) {
update_vo( "vehicles", player_no ) ;
update_vo( "ordnance", player_no ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function update_scenario_status()
// get the scenario details
var scenario_name = $( "div.html-textbox[name='SCENARIO_NAME']" ).text().trim() ;
var scenario_id = $( "div.html-textbox[name='SCENARIO_ID']" ).text().trim() ;
var caption = "" ;
if ( scenario_name && scenario_id )
caption = scenario_name + " (" + scenario_id + ")" ;
else if ( scenario_name )
caption = scenario_name ;
else if ( scenario_id )
caption = scenario_id ;
// update the window title
var title = gAppName ;
if ( caption )
title += " - " + caption ;
var is_dirty = is_scenario_dirty( true ) ;
if ( is_dirty )
title += " (*)" ;
document.title = title ;
// notify the PyQt wrapper application
if ( gWebChannelHandler )
gWebChannelHandler.on_update_scenario_status( caption, is_dirty ) ;
function on_scenario_theater_change()
// update the vehicle/ordnance entries
_update_vo_sortable2_entries() ;
// show/hide the nationality-specific buttons
update_nationality_specific_buttons( 1 ) ;
updatePlayerOBSplitters( 1 ) ;
update_nationality_specific_buttons( 2 ) ;
updatePlayerOBSplitters( 2 ) ;