Tightened up how we handle whitespace and line wrapping in snippets.

Pacman Ghost 4 years ago
parent fee5bbb2f7
commit 14fc3479ae
  1. 10
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 11
  5. 2
  6. 6

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
.note { font-size: 90% ; font-style: italic ; color: #808080 ; }
.capability {}
.note { font-size: 90% ; font-style: italic ; color: #808080 ; white-space: nowrap ; }
.capability { white-space: nowrap ; }
.capability .brewup { color: #a04010 ; }
.comment { font-size: 96% ; font-style: italic ; color: #404040 ; white-space: nowrap ; }
.comment .split-mg-red { color: #a04010 ; }
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
border-bottom: 1px solid {{OB_COLOR_2}} ;
padding: 2px 5px ;
font-size: 105% ; font-weight: bold ;
white-space: nowrap ;
{# CSS "white-space:nowrap" doesn't always work in VASSAL, we need to use <nobr> and &nbsp; here :-/ #}
{%for vo in OB_VO%}
@ -66,8 +68,8 @@
<td valign="top" style="padding:5px 5px 2px 5px;">
{%for cap in vo.capabilities%} <div class="capability"> {{cap|nobr}} </div> {%endfor%}
{%for cmnt in vo.comments%} <div class="comment"> {{cmnt|nobr}} </div> {%endfor%}
{%for cap in vo.capabilities%} <div class="capability"> {{cap}} </div> {%endfor%}
{%for cmnt in vo.comments%} <div class="comment"> {{cmnt}} </div> {%endfor%}
{% if vo.capabilities_len <= MAX_CAPABILITIES and vo.image %}
{# NOTE: If there are only a few capabilities, let the note number & notes spread full-width. #}

@ -1 +1 @@
<nobr><b>{{vo.name}}</b>&nbsp;{%if vo.elite%}&#x24ba;{%endif%}</nobr>
<nobr><b>{{vo.name}}</b> {%if vo.elite%}&#x24ba;{%endif%}</nobr>

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{%if vo.extn_id%} &#x2756; {%endif%}
{%if vo.notes%}
{{vo.note_number}}, {{vo.notes | join(", ",true)}}
{{vo.note_number}}, {{vo.notes | join(", ")}}

@ -432,15 +432,8 @@ function make_snippet( $btn, params, extra_params, show_date_warnings )
snippet = func( params, {
autoEscape: false,
filters: {
join: function( snippet, sep, nbsp ) {
// nb: we get better results using &nbsp; than <nobr> :shrug:
var vals = [] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < snippet.length ; ++i )
vals.push( nbsp ? strReplaceAll( snippet[i], " ", "&nbsp;" ) : snippet[i] ) ;
return vals.join( sep ) ;
nobr: function( snippet ) { return "<nobr>" + snippet + "</nobr>" ; },
nbsp: function( snippet ) { return strReplaceAll( snippet, " ", "&nbsp;" ) ; },
join: function( vals, sep ) { return vals.join( sep ) ; },
nbsp: function( val ) { return strReplaceAll( val, " ", "&nbsp;" ) ; },
} ,
} ) ;
snippet = snippet.trim() ;

@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def _extract_comments( snippet ):
"""Extract comments from a snippet."""
vals = [
mo.group( 1 ).strip()
for mo in re.finditer( r'<div class="comment">\s*?<nobr>\s*?(.*?)</nobr>\s*</div>', snippet )
for mo in re.finditer( r'<div class="comment">(.*?)</div>', snippet )
if not vals:
return vals

@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ def test_bfp_extensions( webapp, webdriver ):
r'.+M3A1 Scout Car\(a\)'
'.+<div class="note"'
'.+17, A, C, AllM&nbsp;34\u2020<sup>2</sup>, Jp&nbsp;A\u2020<sup>1</sup>, Ch&nbsp;F\u2020',
'.+17, A, C, AllM 34\u2020<sup>2</sup>, Jp A\u2020<sup>1</sup>, Ch F\u2020',
) )
@ -362,11 +362,11 @@ def test_bfp_extensions2( webapp, webdriver ):
'.+<div class="note"'
'.+5\u2020, US&nbsp;C\u2020<sup>2</sup>, US&nbsp;F\u2020<sup>1</sup>, US&nbsp;G, US&nbsp;N, US&nbsp;Y, C'
'.+5\u2020, US C\u2020<sup>2</sup>, US F\u2020<sup>1</sup>, US G, US N, US Y, C'
'.+<div class="note"'
'.+5\u2020, US&nbsp;C\u2020<sup>2</sup>, US&nbsp;F\u2020<sup>1</sup>, US&nbsp;G, US&nbsp;N, US&nbsp;Y, A, B',
'.+5\u2020, US C\u2020<sup>2</sup>, US F\u2020<sup>1</sup>, US G, US N, US Y, A, B',
) )
