Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
5.7 KiB

""" Handle publication requests. """
import datetime
import base64
import logging
from flask import request, jsonify, abort
from asl_articles import app, db
from asl_articles.models import Publication, PublicationImage, Article
from asl_articles.tags import do_get_tags
from asl_articles.utils import get_request_args, clean_request_args, encode_tags, decode_tags, apply_attrs, \
_logger = logging.getLogger( "db" )
_FIELD_NAMES = [ "*pub_name", "pub_edition", "pub_description", "pub_url", "pub_tags", "publ_id" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publications" )
def get_publications():
"""Get all publications."""
return jsonify( do_get_publications() )
def do_get_publications():
"""Get all publications."""
# NOTE: The front-end maintains a cache of the publications, so as a convenience,
# we return the current list as part of the response to a create/update/delete operation.
results = Publication.query.all()
return { r.pub_id: get_publication_vals(r) for r in results }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publication/<pub_id>" )
def get_publication( pub_id ):
"""Get a publication."""
_logger.debug( "Get publication: id=%s", pub_id )
pub = Publication.query.get( pub_id )
if not pub:
abort( 404 )
vals = get_publication_vals( pub )
# include the number of associated articles
query = Article.query.filter_by( pub_id = pub_id )
vals[ "nArticles" ] = query.count()
_logger.debug( "- %s ; #articles=%d", pub, vals["nArticles"] )
return jsonify( vals )
def get_publication_vals( pub ):
"""Extract public fields from a Publication record."""
return {
"pub_id": pub.pub_id,
"pub_name": pub.pub_name,
"pub_edition": pub.pub_edition,
"pub_description": pub.pub_description,
"pub_url": pub.pub_url,
"pub_tags": decode_tags( pub.pub_tags ),
"publ_id": pub.publ_id,
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publication/create", methods=["POST"] )
def create_publication():
"""Create a publication."""
# parse the input
vals = get_request_args( request.json, _FIELD_NAMES,
log = ( _logger, "Create publication:" )
vals[ "pub_tags" ] = encode_tags( vals.get( "pub_tags" ) )
warnings = []
updated = clean_request_args( vals, _FIELD_NAMES, warnings, _logger )
# create the new publication
vals[ "time_created" ] =
pub = Publication( **vals )
db.session.add( pub )
_save_image( pub )
_logger.debug( "- New ID: %d", pub.pub_id )
# generate the response
extras = { "pub_id": pub.pub_id }
if request.args.get( "list" ):
extras[ "publications" ] = do_get_publications()
extras[ "tags" ] = do_get_tags()
return make_ok_response( updated=updated, extras=extras, warnings=warnings )
def _save_image( pub ):
"""Save the publication's image."""
# check if a new image was provided
image_data = request.json.get( "imageData" )
if not image_data:
# yup - delete the old one from the database
PublicationImage.query.filter( PublicationImage.pub_id == pub.pub_id ).delete()
if image_data == "{remove}":
# NOTE: The front-end sends this if it wants the publication to have no image.
# add the new image to the database
image_data = base64.b64decode( image_data )
fname = request.json.get( "imageFilename" )
img = PublicationImage( pub_id=pub.pub_id, image_filename=fname, image_data=image_data )
db.session.add( img )
_logger.debug( "Created new image: %s, #bytes=%d", fname, len(image_data) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publication/update", methods=["POST"] )
def update_publication():
"""Update a publication."""
# parse the input
pub_id = request.json[ "pub_id" ]
vals = get_request_args( request.json, _FIELD_NAMES,
log = ( _logger, "Update publication: id={}".format( pub_id ) )
vals[ "pub_tags" ] = encode_tags( vals.get( "pub_tags" ) )
warnings = []
updated = clean_request_args( vals, _FIELD_NAMES, warnings, _logger )
# update the publication
pub = Publication.query.get( pub_id )
if not pub:
abort( 404 )
apply_attrs( pub, vals )
_save_image( pub )
vals[ "time_updated" ] =
# generate the response
extras = {}
if request.args.get( "list" ):
extras[ "publications" ] = do_get_publications()
extras[ "tags" ] = do_get_tags()
return make_ok_response( updated=updated, extras=extras, warnings=warnings )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publication/delete/<pub_id>" )
def delete_publication( pub_id ):
"""Delete a publication."""
# parse the input
_logger.debug( "Delete publication: id=%s", pub_id )
pub = Publication.query.get( pub_id )
if not pub:
abort( 404 )
_logger.debug( "- %s", pub )
# figure out which associated articles will be deleted
query = db.session.query( Article.article_id ) \
.filter_by( pub_id = pub_id )
deleted_articles = [ r[0] for r in query ]
# delete the publication
db.session.delete( pub )
# generate the response
extras = { "deleteArticles": deleted_articles }
if request.args.get( "list" ):
extras[ "publications" ] = do_get_publications()
extras[ "tags" ] = do_get_tags()
return make_ok_response( extras=extras )