Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
9.2 KiB

""" Test the database reports. """
import os
import itertools
import re
import pytest
from import SEARCH_ALL
from asl_articles.tests.test_publishers import edit_publisher
from asl_articles.tests.test_publications import edit_publication
from asl_articles.tests.test_articles import edit_article
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, \
select_main_menu_option, select_sr_menu_option, check_ask_dialog, \
do_search, find_search_result, get_search_results, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, find_child, find_children
from asl_articles.tests import pytest_options
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_db_report( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test the database report."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="db-report.json" )
# check the initial report
row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
assert row_counts == {
"publishers": 2, "publications": 3, "articles": 5,
"authors": 3, "scenarios": 2
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 2, [] ],
"publications": [ 2, [] ],
"articles": [ 2, [] ],
assert dupe_images == []
assert image_sizes == {}
# add some images
do_search( SEARCH_ALL )
publ_sr = find_search_result( "Avalon Hill", wait=2 )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif" )
edit_publisher( publ_sr, { "image": fname } )
results = get_search_results()
pub_sr = find_search_result( "ASL Journal (1)", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/2.gif" )
edit_publication( pub_sr, { "image": fname } )
article_sr = find_search_result( "ASLJ article 1", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/3.gif" )
edit_article( article_sr, { "image": fname } )
article_sr = find_search_result( "ASLJ article 2", results )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/3.gif" )
edit_article( article_sr, { "image": fname } )
# check the updated report
row_counts, _, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
assert row_counts == {
"publishers": 2, "publisher_images": 1,
"publications": 3, "publication_images": 1,
"articles": 5, "article_images": 2,
"authors": 3, "scenarios": 2
assert dupe_images == [
[ "f0457ea742376e76ff276ce62c7a8540", "/images/article/100",
( "ASLJ article 1", "/article/100" ),
( "ASLJ article 2", "/article/101" ),
assert image_sizes == {
"publishers": [
( "Avalon Hill", "/publisher/1", "/images/publisher/1" ),
"publications": [
( "ASL Journal (1)", "/publication/10", "/images/publication/10" ),
"articles": [
( "ASLJ article 1", "/article/100", "/images/article/100" ),
( "ASLJ article 2", "/article/101", "/images/article/101" ),
# delete all the publishers (and associated objects), then check the updated report
do_search( SEARCH_ALL )
publ_sr = find_search_result( "Avalon Hill", wait=2 )
select_sr_menu_option( publ_sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this publisher?", "ok" )
results = get_search_results()
publ_sr = find_search_result( "Multiman Publishing", results )
select_sr_menu_option( publ_sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this publisher?", "ok" )
row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
assert row_counts == {
"publishers": 0, "publications": 0, "articles": 0,
"authors": 3, "scenarios": 2
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 0, [] ],
"publications": [ 0, [] ],
"articles": [ 0, [] ],
assert dupe_images == []
assert image_sizes == {}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: This test may not work if we are running against Docker containers, because:
# - external URL's are created that point to the back-end's $/ping endpoint.
# - the front-end container realizes that these URL's need to be checked by the backend,
# so it sends them to the $/db-report/check-link endpoint.
# - these URL's may not resolve because they were generated using gAppRef.makeFlaskUrl(),
# which will work if the front-end container is sending a request to the back-end
# container, but may not work from inside the back-end container, because the port number
# being used by Flask *inside* the container may not be the same as *outside* the container.
# The problem is generating a URL that can be used as an external URL that will work everywhere.
# We could specify it as a parameter, but that's more trouble than it's worth.
@pytest.mark.skipif( pytest_options.flask_url is not None, reason="Testing against a remote Flask server." )
def test_check_db_links( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test checking links in the database."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, docs="docs/", fixtures="db-report.json" )
# check the initial report
_, links, _, _ = _get_db_report()
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 2, [] ],
"publications": [ 2, [] ],
"articles": [ 2, [] ],
# check the links
btn = find_child( "#db-report button.check-links" )
status = find_child( "#db-report .db-links .status-msg" )
wait_for( 10, lambda: status.text == "Checked 6 links." )
# check the updated report
_, links, _, _ = _get_db_report()
assert links == {
"publishers": [ 2, [
( "Multiman Publishing", "/publisher/2", "HTTP 404: http://{FLASK}/unknown" )
] ],
"publications": [ 2, [] ],
"articles": [ 2, [
( "MMP publisher article", "/article/299", "HTTP 404: /unknown" )
] ],
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_db_report(): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Generate the database report."""
# generate the report
select_main_menu_option( "db-report" )
wait_for_elem( 2, "#db-report .db-images" )
# unload the row counts
row_counts = {}
table = find_child( "#db-report .db-row-counts" )
for row in find_children( "tr", table ):
cells = find_children( "td", row )
mo = r"^(\d+)( \((\d+) images?\))?$", cells[1].text )
key = cells[0].text.lower()[:-1]
row_counts[ key ] = int( )
if 3 ):
row_counts[ key[:-1] + "_images" ] = int( )
# unload the links
links = {}
table = find_child( "#db-report .db-links" )
last_key = None
for row in find_children( "tr", table ):
cells = find_children( "td", row )
if len(cells) == 2:
last_key = cells[0].text.lower()[:-1]
links[ last_key ] = [ int( cells[1].text ) , [] ]
mo = r"^(.+) \((.+)\)$", cells[0].text )
tags = find_children( "a", cells[0] )
url = _fixup_url( tags[0].get_attribute( "href" ) )
links[ last_key ][1].append( (, url, ) )
# unload duplicate images
dupe_images = []
for row in find_children( "#db-report .dupe-analysis .dupe-image" ):
elem = find_child( ".caption .hash", row )
mo = r"^\(md5:(.+)\)$", elem.text )
image_hash =
image_url = _fixup_url( find_child( "img", row ).get_attribute( "src" ) )
parents = []
for entry in find_children( ".collapsible li", row ):
url = _fixup_url( find_child( "a", entry ).get_attribute( "href" ) )
parents.append( ( entry.text, url ) )
dupe_images.append( list( itertools.chain(
[ image_hash, image_url ], parents
) ) )
# unload the image sizes
tab_ctrl = find_child( "#db-report .db-images .react-tabs" )
image_sizes = {}
for tab in find_children( ".react-tabs__tab", tab_ctrl ):
key = tab.text.lower()
tab_id = tab.get_attribute( "id" )
sel = ".react-tabs__tab-panel[aria-labelledby='{}'].react-tabs__tab-panel--selected".format( tab_id )
tab_page = wait_for( 2,
lambda: find_child( sel, tab_ctrl ) #pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
parents = []
for row_no, row in enumerate( find_children( "table.image-sizes tr", tab_page ) ):
if row_no == 0:
cells = find_children( "td", row )
image_url = _fixup_url( find_child( "img", cells[0] ).get_attribute( "src" ) )
url = _fixup_url( find_child( "a", cells[2] ).get_attribute( "href" ) )
parents.append( ( cells[2].text, url, image_url ) )
if parents:
image_sizes[ key ] = parents
assert tab_page.text == "No images found."
return row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _fixup_url( url ):
"""Fixup a URL to make it independent of its server."""
url = re.sub( r"^http://[^/]+", "", url )
pos = url.find( "?" )
if pos >= 0:
url = url[:pos]
return url