Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

524 lines
19 KiB

""" Test search operations. """
from import _load_search_aliases, _make_fts_query_string
from import SEARCH_ALL
from asl_articles.tests.test_publishers import create_publisher, edit_publisher
from asl_articles.tests.test_publications import create_publication, edit_publication
from asl_articles.tests.test_articles import create_article, edit_article
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, select_sr_menu_option, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, find_child, find_children, check_ask_dialog, \
do_search, get_search_results, get_search_result_names, find_search_result, get_search_seqno
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_search_publishers( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching publishers."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn )
# test searching publisher names/descriptions
_do_test_searches( ["hill","original"], [] )
create_publisher( {
"name": "Avalon Hill", "description": "The original ASL vendor."
} )
_do_test_searches( ["hill","original"], ["Avalon Hill"] )
# edit the publisher
sr = find_search_result( "Avalon Hill" )
edit_publisher( sr, {
"name": "Avalon Mountain", "description": "The first ASL vendor."
} )
_do_test_searches( ["hill","original"], [] )
_do_test_searches( ["mountain","first"], ["Avalon Mountain"] )
# delete the publisher
sr = find_search_result( "Avalon Mountain" )
select_sr_menu_option( sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this publisher?", "ok" )
_do_test_searches( ["hill","original","mountain","first"], [] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_search_publications( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching publications."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn )
# test searching publication names/descriptions
_do_test_searches( ["journal","good"], [] )
create_publication( {
"name": "ASL Journal", "description": "A pretty good magazine."
} )
_do_test_searches( ["journal","good"], ["ASL Journal"] )
# edit the publication
sr = find_search_result( "ASL Journal" )
edit_publication( sr, {
"name": "ASL Magazine", "description": "Not a bad magazine."
} )
_do_test_searches( ["journal","good"], [] )
_do_test_searches( ["magazine","bad"], ["ASL Magazine"] )
# delete the publication
sr = find_search_result( "ASL Magazine" )
select_sr_menu_option( sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this publication?", "ok" )
_do_test_searches( ["journal","good","magazine","bad"], [] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_search_articles( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching articles."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn )
# test searching article titles/subtitles/snippets
_do_test_searches( ["low","some","game"], [] )
create_article( {
"title": "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low",
"subtitle": "Some things about light mortars you might like to know",
"snippet": "Light mortars in ASL can be game winners."
} )
_do_test_searches( ["low","some","game"], ["Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low"] )
# edit the article
sr = find_search_result( "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low" )
edit_article( sr, {
"title": "Hit 'Em Hard",
"subtitle": "Where it hurts!",
"snippet": "Always the best way to do things."
} )
_do_test_searches( ["low","some","game"], [] )
_do_test_searches( ["hard","hurt","best"], ["Hit 'Em Hard"] )
# delete the article
sr = find_search_result( "Hit 'Em Hard" )
select_sr_menu_option( sr, "delete" )
check_ask_dialog( "Delete this article?", "ok" )
_do_test_searches( ["hard","hurt","best"], [] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_search_authors( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for authors."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
# search for some authors
_do_test_search( "pitcavage", ["The Jungle Isn't Neutral"] )
_do_test_search( "davie", ["Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer"] )
_do_test_search( "pit* dav*", [] ) # nb: implied AND
_do_test_search( "pit* OR dav*", ["The Jungle Isn't Neutral","Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer"] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_search_scenarios( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for scenarios."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
# search for some scenarios
_do_test_search( "foul", ["Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos"] )
_do_test_search( "hs17", ["Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos"] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_search_tags( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for tags."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
# search for some publication tags
_do_test_search( "#vftt", ["View From The Trenches (100)"] )
# search for some article tags
_do_test_search( "pto", ["The Jungle Isn't Neutral"] )
_do_test_search( "#aslj", [
"ASL Journal (4)", "ASL Journal (5)",
"'Bolts From Above", "The Jungle Isn't Neutral", "Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos", "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low"
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_empty_search( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test handling of an empty search string."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn )
# search for an empty string
form = find_child( "#search-form" )
find_child( ".query", form ).send_keys( " " )
find_child( "button[type='submit']", form ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#ask" )
assert find_child( ".MuiDialogContent-root", dlg ).text == "Please enter something to search for."
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_multiple_search_results( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test more complicated search queries."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
# do a search
_do_test_search( "#asl", [
"View From The Trenches",
"ASL Journal (4)", "ASL Journal (5)",
"Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos", "'Bolts From Above", "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low"
] )
# do some searches
_do_test_search( "infantry", [
"'Bolts From Above", "Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer"
] )
_do_test_search( "infantry OR mortar", [
"'Bolts From Above", "Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer",
"Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low"
] )
_do_test_search( "infantry AND mortar", [] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_highlighting( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test highlighting search matches."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json", no_sr_hilite=0 )
def find_highlighted( elems ):
results = []
for e in elems if isinstance(elems,list) else [elems]:
results.extend( c.text for c in find_children( ".hilite", e ) )
return results
# test highlighting in publisher search results
results = _do_test_search( "view britain", ["View From The Trenches"] )
sr = results[0]
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".name", sr ) ) == [ "View" ]
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".description", sr ) ) == [ "Britain" ]
def check_publication_highlights( query, expected, name, description, tags ):
results = _do_test_search( query, [expected] )
assert len(results) == 1
sr = results[0]
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".name", sr ) ) == name
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".description", sr ) ) == description
assert find_highlighted( find_children( ".tag", sr ) ) == tags
# test highlighting in publication search results
check_publication_highlights( "view fantastic",
"View From The Trenches (100)",
["View"], ["Fantastic"], []
check_publication_highlights( "#vftt",
"View From The Trenches (100)",
[], [], ["vftt"]
def check_article_highlights( query, expected, title, subtitle, snippet, authors, scenarios, tags ):
results = _do_test_search( query, [expected] )
assert len(results) == 1
sr = results[0]
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".title", sr ) ) == title
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".subtitle", sr ) ) == subtitle
assert find_highlighted( find_child( ".snippet", sr ) ) == snippet
assert find_highlighted( find_children( ".author", sr ) ) == authors
assert find_highlighted( find_children( ".scenario", sr ) ) == scenarios
assert find_highlighted( find_children( ".tag", sr ) ) == tags
# test highlighting in article search results
check_article_highlights( "hit light mortar",
"Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low",
["Hit","Hit"], ["light","mortars"], ["Light","mortars"], [], [], ["mortars"]
# repeat the article search using a quoted phrase
check_article_highlights( '"light mortar"',
"Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low",
[], ["light mortars"], ["Light mortars"], [], [], []
# test highlighting in article authors
check_article_highlights( "pitcav*",
"The Jungle Isn't Neutral",
[], [], [], ["Pitcavage"], [], []
# test highlighting in article scenario names
check_article_highlights( "foul",
"Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos",
[], ["Foul"], [], [], ["Foul"], []
# test highlighting in article scenario ID's
check_article_highlights( "hs17",
"Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos",
[], ["HS17"], [], [], ["HS17"], []
# test highlighting in article tags
check_article_highlights( "pto",
"The Jungle Isn't Neutral",
[], ["PTO"], [], [], [], ["PTO"]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_publisher_search( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for publishers."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
def click_on_publisher( sr, expected ):
elem = find_child( ".header .publisher", sr )
assert elem.text == expected
seq_no = get_search_seqno()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_seqno() != seq_no )
assert find_child( "#search-form input.query" ).get_attribute( "value" ) == ""
return get_search_results()
# find a publication and click on its parent publisher
results = do_search( "fantastic" )
assert len(results) == 1
click_on_publisher( results[0], "View From The Trenches" )
assert get_search_result_names() == [
"View From The Trenches", "View From The Trenches (100)"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_publication_search( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for publications."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
def click_on_publication( sr, expected ):
classes = sr.get_attribute( "class" ).split()
if "article" in classes:
elem = find_child( ".header .publication", sr )
elif "publisher" in classes:
elems = find_children( ".content .collapsible li", sr )
elem = elems[0] # nb: we just use the first one
assert "publication" in classes
elem = find_child( ".header .name", sr )
assert elem.text == expected
seq_no = get_search_seqno()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_seqno() != seq_no )
assert find_child( "#search-form input.query" ).get_attribute( "value" ) == ""
return get_search_results()
# find a publication and click on it
results = do_search( "vftt" )
sr = find_search_result( "View From The Trenches (100)", results )
click_on_publication( sr, "View From The Trenches (100)" )
assert get_search_result_names() == [
"View From The Trenches (100)", "Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer"
# find an article and click on its parent publication
results = do_search( "neutral" )
assert len(results) == 1
click_on_publication( results[0], "ASL Journal (5)" )
assert get_search_result_names() == [
"ASL Journal (5)", "The Jungle Isn't Neutral", "Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos"
# find a publisher and click on one of its publications
results = do_search( "mmp" )
assert len(results) == 1
click_on_publication( results[0], "ASL Journal (4)" )
assert get_search_result_names() == [
"ASL Journal (4)", "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low", "'Bolts From Above"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_article_search( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for articles."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
def click_on_article( sr, expected ):
elems = find_children( ".content .collapsible li", sr )
elem = elems[0] # nb: we just use the first one
assert elem.text == expected
seq_no = get_search_seqno()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_seqno() != seq_no )
assert find_child( "#search-form input.query" ).get_attribute( "value" ) == ""
return get_search_results()
# find a publication and click on one of its articles
results = do_search( "vftt" )
sr = find_search_result( "View From The Trenches (100)", results )
click_on_article( sr, "Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer" )
assert get_search_result_names() == [
"Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer", "View From The Trenches (100)"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_author_search( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for authors."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
def click_on_author( sr, expected ):
authors = find_children( ".authors .author", sr )
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].text == expected
seq_no = get_search_seqno()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_seqno() != seq_no )
assert find_child( "#search-form input.query" ).get_attribute( "value" ) == ""
return get_search_results()
# find an article and click on the author
results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL )
sr = find_search_result( "Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer" )
results = click_on_author( sr, "Michael Davies" )
assert get_search_result_names( results ) == [
"Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_tag_search( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test searching for tags."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="search.json" )
def click_on_tag( tag ):
seq_no = get_search_seqno()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_seqno() != seq_no )
assert find_child( "#search-form input.query" ).get_attribute( "value" ) == ""
return get_search_results()
def get_tags( sr ):
return find_children( ".tags .tag", sr )
# find an article and click on the "#aslj" tag
results = do_search( "high low" )
assert len(results) == 1
tags = get_tags( results[0] )
assert [ t.text for t in tags ] == [ "#aslj", "#mortars" ]
results = click_on_tag( tags[0] )
expected = [
"ASL Journal (4)", "ASL Journal (5)",
"'Bolts From Above", "The Jungle Isn't Neutral", "Hunting DUKWs and Buffalos", "Hit 'Em High, Or Hit 'Em Low"
assert get_search_result_names( results ) == expected
# click on another "#aslj" tag
tags = get_tags( results[0] )
assert [ t.text for t in tags ] == [ "#aslj" ]
results = click_on_tag( tags[0] )
assert get_search_result_names( results ) == expected
# click on a "#PTO" tag
sr = find_search_result( "The Jungle Isn't Neutral" )
tags = get_tags( sr )
assert [ t.text for t in tags ] == [ "#aslj", "#PTO" ]
results = click_on_tag( tags[1] )
assert get_search_result_names( results ) == [ "The Jungle Isn't Neutral" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_make_fts_query_string():
"""Test generating FTS query strings."""
# initialize
search_aliases = _load_search_aliases( [
( "mmp", "Multi-Man Publishing = Multiman Publishing" )
] )
def do_test( query, expected ):
assert _make_fts_query_string( query, search_aliases ) == expected
# test some query strings
do_test( "", "" )
do_test( "hello", "hello" )
do_test( " hello, world! ", "hello, AND world!" )
"foo 1+2 A-T K# bar",
'foo AND "1+2" AND "A-T" AND "K#" AND bar'
"a'b a''b",
"\"a''b\" AND \"a''''b\""
'foo "set dc" bar',
'foo AND "set dc" AND bar'
# test some quoted phrases
do_test( '""', '' )
do_test( ' " " ', '' )
'"hello world"',
'"hello world"'
' foo "hello world" bar ',
'foo AND "hello world" AND bar'
' foo " xyz " bar ',
'foo AND xyz AND bar'
' foo " xyz 123 " bar ',
'foo AND "xyz 123" AND bar'
# test some incorrectly quoted phrases
do_test( '"', '' )
do_test( ' " " " ', '' )
do_test( ' a "b c d e', 'a AND "b c d e"' )
do_test( ' a b" c d e ', 'a AND b AND c AND d AND e' )
# test pass-through
do_test( "AND", "AND" )
do_test( "OR", "OR" )
do_test( "NOT", "NOT" )
do_test( "foo OR bar", "foo OR bar" )
do_test( "(a OR b)", "(a OR b)" )
# test search aliases
do_test( "MMP", '("multi-man publishing" OR "multiman publishing" OR mmp)' )
do_test( "Xmmp", "Xmmp" )
do_test( "mmpX", "mmpX" )
do_test( "multi-man publishing", '"multi-man" AND publishing' )
do_test( 'abc "multi-man publishing" xyz',
'abc AND ("multi-man publishing" OR "multiman publishing" OR mmp) AND xyz'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _do_test_search( query, expected ):
"""Run a search and check the results."""
results = do_search( query )
assert set( get_search_result_names( results ) ) == set( expected )
return results
def _do_test_searches( queries, expected ):
"""Run searches and check the results."""
for query in queries:
_do_test_search( query, expected )