Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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""" Test importing ROAR scenarios into our database. """
import sys
import os
import json
from asl_articles.models import Scenario
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests
sys.path.append( os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "../../tools/" ) )
from import_roar_scenarios import import_roar_scenarios #pylint: disable=import-error,wrong-import-order
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_import_roar_scenarios( dbconn ):
"""Test importing ROAR scenarios."""
# initialize
session = init_tests( None, None, dbconn )
roar_fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/roar-scenarios.json" )
roar_data = json.load( open( roar_fname, "r" ) )
# do the first import
_do_import( dbconn, session, roar_fname,
{ "nInserts": 3, "nUpdates": 0, "nDupes": 0 }, [
[ "1", "1", "Fighting Withdrawal" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ "129", "E", "Hill 621" ]
] )
# repeat the import (nothing should happen)
_do_import( dbconn, session, roar_fname,
{ "nInserts": 0, "nUpdates": 0, "nDupes": 3 }, [
[ "1", "1", "Fighting Withdrawal" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ "129", "E", "Hill 621" ]
] )
# simulate a scenario's details being updated in ROAR (we should update accordingly)
roar_data["1"]["scenario_id"] += "u"
roar_data["1"]["name"] += " (updated)"
_do_import( dbconn, session, roar_data,
{ "nInserts": 0, "nUpdates": 1, "nDupes": 2 }, [
[ "1", "1u", "Fighting Withdrawal (updated)" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ "129", "E", "Hill 621" ],
[ "Data mismatch for ROAR ID 1:" ]
# add a new ROAR scenario (we should import the new scenario)
roar_data[ "42" ] = { "scenario_id": "NEW", "name": "new scenario" }
_do_import( dbconn, session, roar_data,
{ "nInserts": 1, "nUpdates": 0, "nDupes": 3 }, [
[ "1", "1u", "Fighting Withdrawal (updated)" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ "129", "E", "Hill 621" ],
[ "42", "NEW", "new scenario" ]
] )
# delete all ROAR scenarios (nothing should happen)
_do_import( dbconn, session, {},
{ "nInserts": 0, "nUpdates": 0, "nDupes": 0 }, [
[ "1", "1u", "Fighting Withdrawal (updated)" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ "129", "E", "Hill 621" ],
[ "42", "NEW", "new scenario" ]
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_matching( dbconn ):
"""Test matching ROAR scenarios with scenarios in the database."""
# initialize
session = init_tests( None, None, dbconn )
roar_fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/roar-scenarios.json" )
# put a scenario in the database that has no ROAR ID
session.add( Scenario( scenario_display_id="1", scenario_name="Fighting Withdrawal" ) )
# do an import
# NOTE: The scenario we created above will be matched to the corresponding ROAR scenario,
# since the ROAR ID is not considered when matching scenarios.
_do_import( dbconn, session, roar_fname,
{ "nInserts": 2, "nUpdates": 0, "nDupes": 1 }, [
[ None, "1", "Fighting Withdrawal" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ "129", "E", "Hill 621" ]
] )
# put a scenario in the database that only has a name
session.query( Scenario ).delete()
session.add( Scenario( scenario_name="Hill 621" ) )
# do an import
# NOTE: The scenario we created above will be matched to the corresponding ROAR scenario,
# and also updated with the scenario ID (as reported by ROAR).
_do_import( dbconn, session, roar_fname,
{ "nInserts": 2, "nUpdates": 1, "nDupes": 0 }, [
[ "1", "1", "Fighting Withdrawal" ],
[ "99", "FOO BAR", "test scenario" ],
[ None, "E", "Hill 621" ]
[ "Data mismatch for ROAR ID 129:" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _do_import( dbconn, session, roar_data, expected_stats, expected_scenarios, expected_warnings=None ):
"""Import the ROAR scenarios and check the results."""
# import the ROAR scenarios
stats, warnings = import_roar_scenarios( dbconn.url, roar_data )
# check that the import went as expected
assert stats == expected_stats
if expected_warnings:
assert warnings[0][0] == expected_warnings[0]
assert not warnings
# check the scenarios in the database
rows = [
[ s.scenario_roar_id, s.scenario_display_id, s.scenario_name ]
for s in session.query( Scenario ) #pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
sort_rows = lambda rows: sorted( rows, key=lambda r: r[2] )
assert sort_rows( rows ) == sort_rows( expected_scenarios )