Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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""" Test article scenario operations. """
import urllib.request
import json
from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, select_sr_menu_option, \
find_child, find_children, wait_for, wait_for_elem, find_search_result
from asl_articles.tests.react_select import ReactSelect
from asl_articles.tests.test_articles import create_article, edit_article
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_article_scenarios( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
"""Test article scenario operations."""
# initialize
init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="article-scenarios.json" )
all_scenarios = set( [
"Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]", "Test Scenario 2 [TEST 2]", "Test Scenario 3 [TEST 3]",
"No scenario ID"
] )
# create some test articles
create_article( { "title": "article 1" } )
create_article( { "title": "article 2" } )
_check_scenarios( flask_app, all_scenarios, [ [], [] ] )
# add a scenario to article #1
edit_article( find_search_result( "article 1" ), {
"scenarios": [ "+Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]" ]
} )
_check_scenarios( flask_app, all_scenarios, [
[ "Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]" ],
] )
# add scenarios to article #2
edit_article( find_search_result( "article 2" ), {
"scenarios": [ "+Test Scenario 3 [TEST 3]", "+No scenario ID" ]
} )
_check_scenarios( flask_app, all_scenarios, [
[ "Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]" ],
[ "Test Scenario 3 [TEST 3]", "No scenario ID" ]
] )
# add/remove scenarios to article #2
edit_article( find_search_result( "article 2" ), {
"scenarios": [ "+Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]", "-Test Scenario 3 [TEST 3]" ]
} )
_check_scenarios( flask_app, all_scenarios, [
[ "Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]" ],
[ "No scenario ID", "Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]" ]
] )
# add an unknown scenario to article #1
edit_article( find_search_result( "article 1" ), {
"scenarios": [ "+new scenario [NEW]" ]
} )
_check_scenarios( flask_app, all_scenarios, [
[ "Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]", "new scenario [NEW]" ],
[ "No scenario ID", "Test Scenario 1 [TEST 1]" ]
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_scenarios( flask_app, all_scenarios, expected ):
"""Check the scenarios of the test articles."""
# update the complete list of scenarios
# NOTE: Unlike tags, scenarios remain in the database even if no-one is referencing them,
# so we need to track them over the life of the entire series of tests.
for scenarios in expected:
all_scenarios.update( scenarios )
def check_scenarios( sr_name, expected ):
sr = find_search_result( sr_name )
sr_scenarios = [ s.text for s in find_children( ".scenario", sr ) ]
if sr_scenarios == expected:
return sr
return None
# check the scenarios in the UI
for article_no,expected_scenarios in enumerate( expected ):
# check the scenarios in the article's search result
sr_name = "article {}".format( 1+article_no )
sr = wait_for( 2,
lambda n=sr_name, e=expected_scenarios: check_scenarios( n, e )
# check the scenarios in the article's config
select_sr_menu_option( sr, "edit" )
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#article-form" )
select = ReactSelect( find_child( ".row.scenarios .react-select", dlg ) )
assert select.get_multiselect_values() == expected_scenarios
# check that the list of available scenarios is correct
assert select.get_multiselect_choices() == \
sorted( all_scenarios.difference( expected_scenarios ), key=lambda s: s.lower() )
# close the dialog
find_child( "button.cancel", dlg ).click()
# check the scenarios in the database
url = flask_app.url_for( "get_scenarios" )
scenarios = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( url ) )
assert set( _make_scenario_display_name(a) for a in scenarios.values() ) == all_scenarios
def _make_scenario_display_name( scenario ):
"""Generate the display name for a scenario."""
if scenario["scenario_display_id"]:
return "{} [{}]".format( scenario["scenario_name"], scenario["scenario_display_id"] )
return scenario["scenario_name"]