Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.8 KiB

import { MAX_IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE } from "./constants.js" ;
import { bytesDisplayString } from "./utils.js" ;
import { gAppRef } from "./App.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export class FileUploader {
// Because Selenium can't control a browser's native "open file" dialog, we need a different mechanism
// to test features that require uploading a file. The test suite stores the data it wants to upload
// as a base64-encoded string in a hidden textarea, and we load it from there.
getFile( evt, maxSize, onLoad ) {
function onLoadWrapper( fname, data ) {
// check that the uploaded file is not too big
if ( maxSize && data.length > maxSize ) {
gAppRef.showErrorMsg( "The file must be no more than " + bytesDisplayString(maxSize) + " in size." ) ;
return ;
// notify the caller about the uploaded data
onLoad( fname, data ) ;
// check if we're being run by the test suite
if ( gAppRef.isFakeUploads() ) {
// yup - load the file data sent to us by the test suite
let data = gAppRef.getStoredMsg( "upload" ) ;
let pos = data.indexOf( "|" ) ;
let fname = data.substr( 0, pos ) ;
data = data.substr( pos+1 ) ;
onLoadWrapper( fname, data ) ;
// let the test suite know we've received the data
gAppRef.setStoredMsg( "upload", "" ) ;
return ;
} else {
// nope - read the file data normally
let fname =[0].name ;
let fileReader = new FileReader() ;
fileReader.onload = () => { onLoadWrapper( fname, fileReader.result ) } ;
fileReader.readAsDataURL([0] ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
export class ImageFileUploader {
getFile( evt, imageRef, removeImageRef, onLoad ) {
let fileUploader = new FileUploader() ;
if ( gAppRef.isTestMode() && gAppRef.args.max_image_upload_size )
maxSize = gAppRef.args.max_image_upload_size ;
fileUploader.getFile( evt, maxSize, (fname,data) => {
// fix-up the image data received
let prefix ;
if ( gAppRef.isFakeUploads() )
prefix = "data:image/unknown;base64," ;
else {
let pos = data.indexOf( ";base64," ) ;
prefix = data.substr( 0, pos+8 ) ;
data = data.substring( pos+8 ) ;
// update the UI
imageRef.src = prefix + data ; = "inline" ;
// notify the caller
onLoad( fname, data ) ;
} ) ;