Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

378 lines
15 KiB

""" Handle search requests. """
import os
import sqlite3
import tempfile
import re
import logging
from flask import request, jsonify
from asl_articles import app, db
from asl_articles.models import Publisher, Publication, Article, Author, Scenario, get_model_from_table_name
from asl_articles.publishers import get_publisher_vals
from asl_articles.publications import get_publication_vals
from asl_articles.articles import get_article_vals
from asl_articles.utils import clean_html, decode_tags, to_bool
_search_index_path = None
_logger = logging.getLogger( "search" )
re.compile( r"\bAND\b" ),
re.compile( r"\bOR\b" ),
re.compile( r"\bNOT\b" ),
re.compile( r"\((?![Rr]\))" ),
] )
# NOTE: The following are special search terms used by the test suite.
SEARCH_ALL = "<!all!>"
SEARCH_ALL_PUBLISHERS = "<!publishers!>"
SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS = "<!publications!>"
SEARCH_ALL_ARTICLES = "<!articles!>"
BEGIN_HILITE = '<span class="hilite">'
END_HILITE = "</span>"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchDbConn:
"""Context manager to handle SQLite transactions."""
def __init__( self ):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect( _search_index_path )
def __enter__( self ):
return self
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback ):
if exc_type is None:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_authors( article ):
"""Return the searchable authors for an article."""
author_ids = [ a.author_id for a in article.article_authors ]
query = db.session.query( Author ).filter( Author.author_id.in_( author_ids ) )
return "\n".join( a.author_name for a in query )
def _get_scenarios( article ):
"""Return the searchable scenarios for an article."""
scenario_ids = [ s.scenario_id for s in article.article_scenarios ]
query = db.session.query( Scenario ).filter( Scenario.scenario_id.in_( scenario_ids ) )
return "\n".join(
"{}\t{}".format( s.scenario_display_id, s.scenario_name ) if s.scenario_display_id else s.scenario_name
for s in query
def _get_tags( tags ):
"""Return the searchable tags for an article or publication."""
if not tags:
return None
tags = decode_tags( tags )
return "\n".join( tags )
# map search index columns to ORM fields
"publisher": { "name": "publ_name", "description": "publ_description" },
"publication": { "name": "pub_name", "description": "pub_description",
"tags": lambda pub: _get_tags( pub.pub_tags )
"article": { "name": "article_title", "name2": "article_subtitle", "description": "article_snippet",
"authors": _get_authors, "scenarios": _get_scenarios,
"tags": lambda article: _get_tags( article.article_tags )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/search", methods=["POST"] )
def search():
"""Run a search."""
return _do_search()
except Exception as exc: #pylint: disable=broad-except
msg = str( exc )
if isinstance( exc, sqlite3.OperationalError ):
if msg.startswith( "fts5: " ):
msg = msg[5:]
if not msg:
msg = str( type(exc) )
return jsonify( { "error": msg } )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _do_search(): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
"""Run a search."""
# parse the request parameters
query_string = request.json.get( "query" ).strip()
if not query_string:
raise RuntimeError( "Missing query string." )
no_hilite = to_bool( request.json.get( "no_hilite" ) ) "SEARCH REQUEST: %s", query_string )
# check for special query terms (for testing porpoises)
results = []
def find_special_term( term ):
nonlocal query_string
pos = query_string.find( term )
if pos >= 0:
query_string = query_string[:pos] + query_string[pos+len(term):]
return True
return False
special_terms = {
lambda: [ get_publisher_vals(p,True) for p in Publisher.query ], #pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
lambda: [ get_publication_vals(p,True) for p in Publication.query ], #pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
lambda: [ get_article_vals(a,True) for a in Article.query ] #pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
if find_special_term( SEARCH_ALL ):
for term,func in special_terms.items():
results.extend( func() )
for term,func in special_terms.items():
if find_special_term( term ):
results.extend( func() )
query_string = query_string.strip()
if not query_string:
return jsonify( results )
# prepare the query
fts_query_string = _make_fts_query_string( query_string )
_logger.debug( "FTS query string: %s", fts_query_string )
# NOTE: We would like to cache the connection, but SQLite connections can only be used
# in the same thread they were created in.
with SearchDbConn() as dbconn:
# run the search
hilites = [ "", "" ] if no_hilite else [ BEGIN_HILITE, END_HILITE ]
def highlight( n ):
return "highlight( searchable, {}, '{}', '{}' )".format(
n, hilites[0], hilites[1]
sql = "SELECT owner,rank,{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} FROM searchable" \
" WHERE searchable MATCH ?" \
" ORDER BY rank".format(
highlight(1), highlight(2), highlight(3), highlight(4), highlight(5), highlight(6)
curs = dbconn.conn.execute( sql,
( "{name name2 description authors scenarios tags}: " + fts_query_string, )
# get the results
for row in curs:
# get the next result
owner_type, owner_id = row[0].split( ":" )
model = get_model_from_table_name( owner_type )
obj = model.query.get( owner_id )
_logger.debug( "- {} ({:.3f})".format( obj, row[1] ) )
# prepare the result for the front-end
result = globals()[ "get_{}_vals".format( owner_type ) ]( obj )
result[ "type" ] = owner_type
# return highlighted versions of the content to the caller
fields = _FIELD_MAPPINGS[ owner_type ]
for col_no,col_name in enumerate(["name","name2","description"]):
field = fields.get( col_name )
if not field:
if row[2+col_no] and BEGIN_HILITE in row[2+col_no]:
# NOTE: We have to return both the highlighted and non-highlighted versions, since the front-end
# will show the highlighted version in the search results, but the non-highlighted version elsewhere
# e.g. an article's title in the titlebar of its edit dialog.
result[ field+"!" ] = row[ 2+col_no ]
if row[5] and BEGIN_HILITE in row[5]:
result[ "authors!" ] = row[5].split( "\n" )
if row[6] and BEGIN_HILITE in row[6]:
result[ "scenarios!" ] = [ s.split("\t") for s in row[6].split("\n") ]
if row[7] and BEGIN_HILITE in row[7]:
result[ "tags!" ] = row[7].split( "\n" )
# add the result to the list
results.append( result )
return jsonify( results )
def _make_fts_query_string( query_string ):
"""Generate the SQLite query string."""
# check if this looks like a raw FTS query
if any( for regex in _PASSTHROUGH_REGEXES ):
return query_string
# split the query string (taking into account quoted phrases)
words = query_string.split()
i = 0
while True:
if i >= len(words):
if i > 0 and words[i-1].startswith('"'):
words[i-1] += " {}".format( words[i] )
del words[i]
if words[i-1].startswith('"') and words[i-1].endswith('"'):
words[i-1] = words[i-1][1:-1]
i += 1
# clean up quoted phrases
words = [ w[1:] if w.startswith('"') else w for w in words ]
words = [ w[:-1] if w.endswith('"') else w for w in words ]
words = [ w.strip() for w in words ]
words = [ w for w in words if w ]
# quote any phrases that need it
def has_special_char( word ):
return any( ch in word for ch in _SQLITE_FTS_SPECIAL_CHARS+" " )
def quote_word( word ):
return '"{}"'.format(word) if has_special_char(word) else word
words = [ quote_word(w) for w in words ]
# escape any special characters
words = [ w.replace("'","''") for w in words ]
return " AND ".join( words )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def init_search( session, logger ):
"""Initialize the search engine."""
# initialize the database
global _search_index_path
_search_index_path = app.config.get( "SEARCH_INDEX_PATH" )
if not _search_index_path:
# FUDGE! We should be able to create a shared, in-memory database using this:
# file::memory:?mode=memory&cache=shared
# but it doesn't seem to work (on Linux) and ends up creating a file with this name :-/
# We manually create a temp file, which has to have the same name each time, so that we don't
# keep creating a new database each time we start up. Sigh...
_search_index_path = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "asl-articles.searchdb" )
if os.path.isfile( _search_index_path ):
os.unlink( _search_index_path ) "Creating search index: %s", _search_index_path )
with SearchDbConn() as dbconn:
# NOTE: We would like to make "owner" the primary key, but FTS doesn't support primary keys
# (nor UNIQUE constraints), so we have to manage this manually :-(
" ( owner, name, name2, description, authors, scenarios, tags, tokenize='porter unicode61' )"
# load the searchable content
logger.debug( "Loading the search index..." )
logger.debug( "- Loading publishers." )
for publ in session.query( Publisher ):
add_or_update_publisher( dbconn, publ )
logger.debug( "- Loading publications." )
for pub in session.query( Publication ):
add_or_update_publication( dbconn, pub )
logger.debug( "- Loading articles." )
for article in session.query( Article ):
add_or_update_article( dbconn, article )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def add_or_update_publisher( dbconn, publ ):
"""Add/update a publisher in the search index."""
_do_add_or_update_searchable( dbconn, "publisher",
_make_publisher_key(publ), publ
def add_or_update_publication( dbconn, pub ):
"""Add/update a publication in the search index."""
_do_add_or_update_searchable( dbconn, "publication",
_make_publication_key(pub.pub_id), pub
def add_or_update_article( dbconn, article ):
"""Add/update an article in the search index."""
_do_add_or_update_searchable( dbconn, "article",
_make_article_key(article.article_id), article
def _do_add_or_update_searchable( dbconn, owner_type, owner, obj ):
"""Add or update a record in the search index."""
# prepare the fields
fields = _FIELD_MAPPINGS[ owner_type ]
vals = {
f: getattr( obj,fields[f] ) if isinstance( fields[f], str ) else fields[f]( obj )
for f in fields
vals = {
k: clean_html( v, allow_tags=[], safe_attrs=[] )
for k,v in vals.items()
def do_add_or_update( dbconn ):
dbconn.conn.execute( "INSERT INTO searchable"
" ( owner, name, name2, description, authors, scenarios, tags )"
" VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (
vals.get("name"), vals.get("name2"), vals.get("description"),
vals.get("authors"), vals.get("scenarios"), vals.get("tags")
) )
# update the database
if dbconn:
# NOTE: If we are passed a connection to use, we assume we are starting up and are doing
# the initial build of the search index, and therefore don't need to check for an existing row.
# The caller is responsible for committing the transaction.
do_add_or_update( dbconn )
with SearchDbConn() as dbconn2:
# NOTE: Because we can't have a UNIQUE constraint on "owner", we can't use UPSERT nor INSERT OR UPDATE,
# so we have to delete any existing row manually, then insert :-/
_logger.debug( "Updating searchable: %s", owner )
_logger.debug( "- %s", " ; ".join( "{}=\"{}\"".format( k, repr(v) ) for k,v in vals.items() if v ) )
dbconn2.conn.execute( "DELETE FROM searchable WHERE owner = ?", (owner,) )
do_add_or_update( dbconn2 )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def delete_publishers( publs ):
"""Remove publishers from the search index."""
with SearchDbConn() as dbconn:
for publ in publs:
_do_delete_searchable( dbconn, _make_publisher_key( publ ) )
def delete_publications( pubs ):
"""Remove publications from the search index."""
with SearchDbConn() as dbconn:
for pub in pubs:
_do_delete_searchable( dbconn, _make_publication_key( pub ) )
def delete_articles( articles ):
"""Remove articles from the search index."""
with SearchDbConn() as dbconn:
for article in articles:
_do_delete_searchable( dbconn, _make_article_key( article ) )
def _do_delete_searchable( dbconn, owner ):
"""Remove an entry from the search index."""
dbconn.conn.execute( "DELETE FROM searchable WHERE owner = ?", (owner,) )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _make_publisher_key( publ ):
"""Generate the owner key for a Publisher."""
return "publisher:{}".format( publ.publ_id if isinstance(publ,Publisher) else publ )
def _make_publication_key( pub ):
"""Generate the owner key for a Publication."""
return "publication:{}".format( pub.pub_id if isinstance(pub,Publication) else pub )
def _make_article_key( article ):
"""Generate the owner key for an Article."""
return "article:{}".format( article.article_id if isinstance(article,Article) else article )