Manage ASL magazines and their articles.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
2.9 KiB

""" Handle publisher requests. """
import datetime
import logging
from flask import request, jsonify, abort
from asl_articles import app, db
from asl_articles.models import Publisher
from asl_articles.utils import get_request_args, apply_attrs, clean_html
_logger = logging.getLogger( "db" )
_FIELD_NAMES = [ "publ_name", "publ_url", "publ_description" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publishers/create", methods=["POST"] )
def create_publisher():
"""Create a publisher."""
vals = get_request_args( request.json, _FIELD_NAMES,
log = ( _logger, "Create publisher:" )
cleaned = _clean_vals( vals )
vals[ "time_created" ] =
publ = Publisher( **vals )
db.session.add( publ ) #pylint: disable=no-member
db.session.commit() #pylint: disable=no-member
_logger.debug( "- New ID: %d", publ.publ_id )
return _make_ok_response( cleaned, { "publ_id": publ.publ_id } )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publishers/update", methods=["POST"] )
def update_publisher():
"""Update a publisher."""
publ_id = request.json[ "publ_id" ]
vals = get_request_args( request.json, _FIELD_NAMES,
log = ( _logger, "Update publisher: id={}".format( publ_id ) )
cleaned = _clean_vals( vals )
vals[ "time_updated" ] =
publ = Publisher.query.get( publ_id )
if not publ:
abort( 404 )
apply_attrs( publ, vals )
db.session.commit() #pylint: disable=no-member
return _make_ok_response( cleaned )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/publishers/delete/<publ_id>" )
def delete_publisher( publ_id ):
"""Delete a publisher."""
_logger.debug( "Delete publisher: %s", publ_id )
publ = Publisher.query.get( publ_id )
if not publ:
abort( 404 )
_logger.debug( "- %s", publ )
db.session.delete( publ ) #pylint: disable=no-member
db.session.commit() #pylint: disable=no-member
return _make_ok_response( None )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _make_ok_response( cleaned, extras=None ):
"""Generate a Flask 'success' response."""
# generate the basic response
resp = { "status": "OK" }
if extras:
resp.update( extras )
# check if any values were cleaned
if cleaned:
# yup - return the updated values to the caller
resp[ "warning" ] = "Some values had HTML removed."
resp[ "cleaned" ] = cleaned
return jsonify( resp )
def _clean_vals( vals ):
"""Clean incoming data."""
cleaned = {}
for f in _FIELD_NAMES:
val2 = clean_html( vals[f] )
if val2 != vals[f]:
_logger.debug( "Cleaned HTML: %s => %s", f, val2 )
vals[f] = val2
cleaned[f] = val2
return cleaned