Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

514 lines
21 KiB

""" Wrapper around a VASL module file and extensions. """
import os
import json
import glob
import zipfile
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger( "vasl_mod" )
from vasl_templates.webapp import app, globvars
from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import DATA_DIR
from vasl_templates.webapp.vo import get_vo_listings
SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS = [ "6.4.0", "6.4.1", "6.4.2", "6.4.3", "6.4.4", "6.5.0" ]
warnings = [] # nb: for the test suite
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_vasl_mod( vmod_fname, msg_store ):
"""Install a new global VaslMod object."""
globvars.vasl_mod = None
if vmod_fname:
# load and install the specified VASL module
# NOTE: The Docker container configures this setting via an environment variable.
extns_dir = app.config.get( "VASL_EXTNS_DIR", os.environ.get("VASL_EXTNS_DIR") )
extns = _load_vasl_extns( extns_dir, msg_store )
vasl_mod = VaslMod( vmod_fname, DATA_DIR, extns )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
msg = "Can't load the VASL module: {}".format( ex )
_logger.error( "%s", msg )
if msg_store:
msg_store.error( msg )
globvars.vasl_mod = vasl_mod
# make sure the VASL version is one we support
if globvars.vasl_mod.vasl_version not in SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS:
if msg_store:
"This program has not been tested with VASL {}.<p>Things might work, but they might not...".format(
def _load_vasl_extns( extn_dir, msg_store ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
"""Locate VASL extensions and their corresponding vehicle/ordnance info files."""
if not extn_dir:
return []
if not os.path.isdir( extn_dir ):
msg = "Can't find the VASL extensions directory: {}".format( extn_dir )
_logger.error( "%s", msg )
if msg_store:
msg_store.error( msg )
return []
def log_warning( fmt, *args, **kwargs ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
msg = fmt.format( *args, **kwargs )
warnings.append( msg )
_logger.warning( "%s", msg )
# load our extension info files
all_extn_info = {}
dname = app.config.get( "_VASL_EXTN_INFO_DIR_" ) # nb: this is set by the test suite
if not dname:
dname = os.path.join( DATA_DIR, "extensions" )
for fname in glob.glob( os.path.join(dname,"*.json") ):
_logger.debug( "Loading VASL extension info: %s", fname )
with open( fname, "r" ) as fp:
extn_info = json.load( fp )
all_extn_info[ ( extn_info["extensionId"], extn_info["version"] ) ] = extn_info
_logger.debug( "- id=%s ; version=%s", extn_info["extensionId"], extn_info["version"] )
# figure out what filename extensions we will recognize
valid_fname_extns = app.config.get( "VASL_EXTENSION_FILENAME_EXTNS", ".mdx .vmdx .zip" )
valid_fname_extns = valid_fname_extns.replace( ";", " " ).replace( ",", " " ).split()
# process each VASL extension
extns = []
for extn_fname in os.listdir( extn_dir ):
# check if this is a file we're interested in
if os.path.splitext(extn_fname)[1] not in valid_fname_extns:
extn_fname = os.path.join( extn_dir, extn_fname )
# try to load the extension
_logger.debug( "Checking VASL extension: %s", extn_fname )
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile( extn_fname, "r" )
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
log_warning( "Can't check VASL extension (not a ZIP file): {}", extn_fname )
build_info = "buildFile" )
except KeyError:
log_warning( "Missing buildFile: {}", extn_fname )
doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring( build_info )
node = doc.findall( "." )[0]
if node.tag != "":
log_warning( "Unexpected root node ({}) for VASL extension: {}", node.tag, extn_fname )
# get the extension's ID and version string
extn_id = node.attrib.get( "extensionId" )
if not extn_id:
log_warning( "Can't find ID for VASL extension: {}", extn_fname )
extn_version = node.attrib.get( "version" )
if not extn_version:
log_warning( "Can't find version for VASL extension: {}", extn_fname )
_logger.debug( "- id=%s ; version=%s", extn_id, extn_version )
# check if we have a corresponding info file
extn_info = all_extn_info.get( ( extn_id, extn_version ) )
if not extn_info:
log_warning( "Not accepting {}: no extension info for {}/{}.",
os.path.split(extn_fname)[1], extn_id, extn_version
# yup - add the extension to the list "Accepting VASL extension: %s (%s/%s)", os.path.split(extn_fname)[1], extn_id, extn_version )
extns.append( ( extn_fname, extn_info ) )
# add any child extensions
for extn_info2 in all_extn_info.values():
if extn_info2.get( "parentExtensionId" ) == extn_info["extensionId"] \
and extn_info2["version"] == extn_info["version"]:
extns.append( ( extn_fname, extn_info2 ) )
return extns
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class VaslMod:
"""Wrapper around a VASL module file and extensions."""
def __init__( self, fname, data_dir, extns ) :
# initialize
self.filename = fname
self.extns = extns
# initialize
self._pieces = {}
self._files = [ ( zipfile.ZipFile(fname,"r"), None ) ]
if extns:
for extn in extns:
( zipfile.ZipFile(extn[0],"r"), extn[1] )
# load the VASL module and any extensions
self._load_vmod( data_dir )
if self.vasl_version not in SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS:
_logger.warning( "Unsupported VASL version: %s", self.vasl_version )
def get_piece_image( self, gpid, side, index ):
"""Get the image for the specified piece."""
# get the image path
gpid = get_remapped_gpid( self, gpid )
if gpid not in self._pieces:
return None, None
piece = self._pieces[ gpid ]
assert side in ("front","back")
image_paths = piece[ side + "_images" ]
if not image_paths:
return None, None
if not isinstance( image_paths, list ):
image_paths = [ image_paths ]
image_path = image_paths[ index ]
# load the image data
image_path = os.path.join( "images", image_path )
image_path = re.sub( r"[\\/]+", "/", image_path ) # nb: in case we're on Windows :-/
image_data = piece[ "zip_file" ].read( image_path )
return image_path, image_data
def get_piece_info( self ):
"""Get information about each piece."""
def image_count( piece, key ):
"""Return the number of images the specified piece has."""
if not piece[key]:
return 0
return len(piece[key]) if isinstance( piece[key], list ) else 1
def get_image_paths( piece ):
"""Return the piece's image paths."""
paths = piece[ "front_images" ]
return paths if isinstance(paths,list) else [paths]
return {
get_reverse_remapped_gpid( self, p["gpid"] ): {
"name": p["name"],
"front_images": image_count( p, "front_images" ),
"back_images": image_count( p, "back_images" ),
"paths": get_image_paths( p ),
"is_small": p["is_small"],
for p in self._pieces.values()
def get_extns( self ):
"""Return the loaded VASL extensions."""
return [
( files[0].filename, files[1] )
for files in self._files
if files[1]
def _load_vmod( self, data_dir ): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
"""Load a VASL module file and any extensions."""
# load our overrides
fname = os.path.join( data_dir, "vasl-overrides.json" )
vasl_overrides = json.load( open( fname, "r" ) )
fname = os.path.join( data_dir, "expected-multiple-images.json" )
expected_multiple_images = json.load( open( fname, "r" ) )
# get the VASL version
build_info = self._files[0][0].read( "buildFile" )
doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring( build_info )
self.vasl_version = doc.attrib.get( "version" )
# figure out which pieces we're interested in
target_gpids = get_vo_gpids( self )
# parse the VASL module and any extensions
for i,files in enumerate( self._files ): "Loading VASL %s: %s", ("module" if i == 0 else "extension"), files[0].filename )
self._parse_zip_file( files[0], target_gpids, vasl_overrides, expected_multiple_images )
# NOTE: The code below may log warnings if we're using an older version of VASL (because we know
# about pieces that were added in a later version, but, of course, aren't in the older version).
# However, we don't disable these log messages, since they might be useful if somebody reports
# a problem, and it turns out they have an older version of VASL configured :-/
# make sure we found all the pieces we need "Loaded %d pieces.", len(self._pieces) )
if target_gpids:
_logger.warning( "Couldn't find pieces: %s", target_gpids )
# make sure all the overrides defined were used
if vasl_overrides:
gpids = ", ".join( vasl_overrides.keys() )
_logger.warning( "Unused VASL overrides: %s", gpids )
if expected_multiple_images:
gpids = ", ".join( expected_multiple_images.keys() )
_logger.warning( "Expected multiple images but didn't find them: %s", gpids )
def _parse_zip_file( self, zip_file, target_gpids, vasl_overrides, expected_multiple_images ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Parse a VASL module or extension."""
# load the build file
build_info = "buildFile" )
doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring( build_info )
def check_override( gpid, piece, override ):
"""Check that the values in an override entry match what we have."""
for key in override:
if piece[key] != override[key]:
_logger.warning( "Unexpected value in VASL override for '%s' (gpid=%s): %s", key, gpid, piece[key] )
return False
return True
# iterate over each PieceSlot in the build file
for node in doc.iter( "" ):
# load the next entry
gpid = node.attrib[ "gpid" ]
if gpid not in target_gpids:
if gpid in self._pieces:
_logger.warning( "Found duplicate GPID: %s", gpid )
front_images, back_images = self._get_image_paths( gpid, node.text )
piece = {
"gpid": gpid,
"name": node.attrib["entryName"],
"front_images": front_images,
"back_images": back_images,
"is_small": int(node.attrib["height"]) <= 48,
"zip_file": zip_file,
# check if we want to override any values
override = vasl_overrides.get( gpid )
if override:
if check_override( gpid, piece, override["expected"] ):
for key in override["updated"]:
piece[key] = override["updated"][key]
del vasl_overrides[ gpid ]
# save the loaded entry
for attr in ("front_images","back_images"):
if isinstance( piece[attr], list ) and not piece[attr]:
piece[attr] = None
self._pieces[ gpid ] = piece
target_gpids.remove( gpid )
_logger.debug( "- Loaded piece: %s", piece )
# check for multiple images
if isinstance(piece["front_images"],list) or isinstance(piece["back_images"],list):
expected = expected_multiple_images.get( gpid )
if expected:
check_override( gpid, piece, expected )
del expected_multiple_images[ gpid ]
_logger.warning( "Found multiple images: %s", piece )
return doc.attrib.get( "version" )
def _get_image_paths( gpid, val ): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
"""Get the image path(s) for a piece."""
# FUDGE! The data in the build file looks like a serialized object, so we use
# a bunch of heuristics to try to identify the fields we want :-/
# split the data into fields
val = val.replace( "\\/", "/" )
fields = val.split( ";" )
# identify image paths
def is_image_path( val ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
if val == "white X 60.png": # nb: a lot of Finnish pieces have this
return False
if "-malf-" in val:
return False
if val.endswith( (".gif",".png") ):
return True
if val.startswith( "," ):
val = val[1:]
if val.startswith( ("ru/","ge/","am/","br/","it/","ja/","ch/","sh/","fr/","al/","ax/","hu/","fi/","nk/") ):
return True
return False
fields = [ f for f in fields if is_image_path(f) ]
# figure out what we've got
def split_fields( val ):
"""Split out individual fields in a VASL build info entry."""
fields = [ v.strip() for v in val.split(",") ]
fields = [ f for f in fields if f ]
return fields
if not fields:
_logger.warning( "Couldn't find any image paths for gpid=%s.", gpid )
return None, None
if len(fields) == 1:
# the piece only has front image(s)
front_images, back_images = split_fields(fields[0]), None
# the piece has front and back image(s)
front_images, back_images = split_fields(fields[1]), split_fields(fields[0])
def check_pair( pair ):
"""Check if the front/back images end with the specified strings."""
return front_images[-1].endswith( pair[0] ) and back_images[-1].endswith( pair[1] )
# ignore dismantled ordnance
if len(front_images) > 1:
for pair in [
("dm","dmb"), ("dm.png","dmm.png"), ("-dm.png","-dm-malf.png"), ("(KFW)dm.png","(KFW)dmx.png")
if check_pair( pair ):
_logger.debug( "Ignoring dismantled images: gpid=%s, front=%s, back=%s",
gpid, front_images, back_images
# ignore limbered ordnance
if len(front_images) > 1:
for pair in [ ("l","lb"), ("l","l-b"),
("(KFW)l.png","(KFW)lx.png"), ("(KFW)-limbered.png","(KFW)-limbered-malf.png"),
if check_pair( pair ):
# nb: this is for some K:FW ordnance
_logger.debug( "Ignoring limbered images: gpid=%s, front=%s, back=%s",
gpid, front_images, back_images
if front_images[-1].endswith( "B.png" ) and front_images[0] == front_images[-1][:-5]+".png":
# nb: this is for Finnish Guns
_logger.debug( "Ignoring limbered images: gpid=%s, front=%s, back=%s",
gpid, front_images, back_images
assert not back_images
elif front_images[-1].endswith( "-BFPb.png" ) and front_images[0] == front_images[-1][:-9]+"-BFP.png":
# nb: this is for Polish Guns (Poland In Flames)
_logger.debug( "Ignoring limbered images: gpid=%s, front=%s, back=%s",
gpid, front_images, back_images
assert not back_images
def tidy_paths( paths ):
"""Tidy up image paths."""
if paths is None:
return None
assert isinstance( paths, list )
# ensure every path has an extension
for i,path in enumerate(paths):
if not os.path.splitext( path )[1]:
paths[i] += ".gif"
# de-listify the paths
return paths[0] if len(paths) == 1 else paths
return tidy_paths(front_images), tidy_paths(back_images)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_vo_gpids( vasl_mod ):
"""Get the GPID's for the vehicles/ordnance."""
# initialize
listings = get_vo_listings( vasl_mod, None )
# figure out which GPID's we know about
gpids = set()
for vo_type in ("vehicles","ordnance"):
for vo_entries in listings[ vo_type ].values():
for vo_entry in vo_entries:
vo_gpids = vo_entry.get( "gpid" )
if not vo_gpids:
get_remapped_gpid( vasl_mod, str(gpid) )
for gpid in (vo_gpids if isinstance(vo_gpids,list) else [vo_gpids])
return gpids
def compare_vasl_versions( lhs, rhs ):
"""Compare two VASL version strings."""
# NOTE: We can do this with a simple string comparison, but see test_compare_vasl_versions().
if lhs < rhs:
return -1
elif lhs > rhs:
return +1
return 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# VASL 6.4.3 removed several PieceSlot's. There's no comment for the commmit (0a27c24)
# but I suspect it's because they're duplicates. Our data files have the following mappings:
# SdKfz 10/5: 7140, 2775
# SdKfz 10/4: 7146, 2772
# but we can't just remove the now-missing GPID's, since any scenarios that use them
# will break. This kind of thing is going to happen again, so we provide a generic mechanism
# for dealing with this kind of thing...
# VASL 6.5.0 introduced a bunch of changes, where pieces were mysteriously assigned a new GPID :-/
[ "6.4.3", {
"7140": "2775", # SdKfz 10/5
"7146": "2772", # SdKfz 10/4
} ],
[ "6.5.0", {
"879": "12483", # 81* MTR M1 (American)
"900": "3b5:3741", # 12.7 AA M51 (American)
"1002": "11340", # M8 AC (American)
"1380": "3b5:7681", # Churchill Bridgelayer (British)
"3741": "11500", # 45L AT PTP obr. 32 (Axis Minor)
"3756": "11501", # 150L ART Skoda M28(NOa) (Axis Minor)
"3766": "11502", # 47L AA Skoda 47L40(t) (Axis Minor)
"3772": "11503", # 65* INF Cannone da 65/17 (Axis Minor)
"3896": "11504", # L6/40(i) (Axis Minor)
"3898": "11506", # wz. 34-I (Axis Minor)
"4059": "11524", # 40M Nimrod (Hungarian)
"4065": "11532", # 39M Csaba (Hungarian)
"6873": "7461", # T-26C (r) nb: also 7463 (Finnish)
# NOTE: Doug Rimmer confirms that the "FT-17 730m(f)" and "FT-17 730(f)" were probably incorrectly renamed
# to "FT-17 730(f)" and "FT-17 730(m)". However, the 7124 -> 11479 GPID change is still probably correct.
# He also suggests that 7124 and 7128 are incorrectly-added duplicates, and the correct ones
# are 2542 and 2544.
"7124": "11479", # FT-17 730m(f) (German)
} ]
[ row[0], { v: k for k,v in row[1].items() } ]
def get_remapped_gpid( vasl_mod, gpid ):
"""Check if a GPID has been remapped."""
if not vasl_mod:
return gpid
for remappings in GPID_REMAPPINGS:
# FUDGE! Early versions of this code (pre-6.5.0) always applied the remappings for 6.4.3,
# even for versions of VASL earlier than that. For simplicity, we preserve that behavior.
if compare_vasl_versions( remappings[0], "6.5.0" ) < 0 \
or compare_vasl_versions( vasl_mod.vasl_version, remappings[0] ) >= 0:
gpid = remappings[1].get( gpid, gpid )
return gpid
def get_reverse_remapped_gpid( vasl_mod, gpid ):
"""Check if a GPID has been remapped."""
if not vasl_mod:
return gpid
for remappings in REVERSE_GPID_REMAPPINGS:
if compare_vasl_versions( vasl_mod.vasl_version, remappings[0] ) >= 0:
gpid = remappings[1].get( gpid, gpid )
return gpid