Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
5.8 KiB

""" Test comment generation. """
import re
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, new_scenario, select_tab, \
find_child, wait_for_clipboard, set_scenario_date
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_time_based_comments( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test time-based comments."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
# test a "START-" time-range
_test_comments( "german", "vehicles", "SPW 251/10", [
( None, "PSK, else ATR" ),
( "12/31/1942", "| ATR |" ),
( "08/31/1943", "| ATR |" ),
( "09/01/1943", "| PSK |" ),
( "01/01/1944", "| PSK |" ),
] )
# test a "-END" time-range
_test_comments( "french", "ordnance", "Canon AC de 47 SA mle 37 APX", [
( None, "En Portee<sup>41+</sup>" ),
( "12/31/1940", "En Portee NA" ),
( "01/01/1941", "En Portee (Renault AGR2)" ),
] )
# test a "START-END" time-range
_test_comments( "british", "ordnance", "OQF 6-Pounder 7-cwt", [
( None, "En Portee<sup>41-8/43</sup>" ),
( "12/31/1940", "En Portee NA" ),
( "01/01/1941", "En Portee (3-ton lorry)" ),
( "08/01/1943", "En Portee (3-ton lorry)" ),
( "09/01/1943", "En Portee NA" ),
( "01/01/1944", "En Portee NA" ),
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_french_veh_f( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test French Vehicle Note F."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
# test an "(a)" vehicle
_test_comments( "french", "vehicles", "Ac de 40 CA(a)", [
( None, "American ESB+" ),
( None, "Black TH#" ),
( None, "Captured Use (unless Free French or US)" ),
] )
_test_comments( "french", "vehicles", "AM Dodge(a)", [
( None, "Captured Use (unless Vichy French)" ),
] )
# test a "(b)" vehicle
_test_comments( "french", "vehicles", "Valentine V(b)", [
( None, "British ESB+" ),
( None, "Black TH#" ),
( None, "Captured Use (unless Vichy French or British)" ),
] )
# test an "(f)" vehicle
_test_comments( "free-french", "vehicles", "H39(f)", [
( None, "French ESB+" ),
( None, "Red TH#" ),
( None, "Captured Use (unless Free/Vichy French)" ),
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_axis_minor_veh_e( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test Axis Minor Vehicle Note E."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
# test an "(f)" vehicle
_test_comments( "romanian", "vehicles", "R-35(f)", [
( None, "| French ESB |" ),
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
# test a "(g)" vehicle
_test_comments( "croatian", "vehicles", "LT vz 35(g)", [
( None, "| German ESB |" ),
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
_test_comments( "hungarian", "vehicles", "LT vz 35(g)", [
( None, "| German ESB |" ),
( None, "Black TH#" ),
] )
# test an "(i)" vehicle
_test_comments( "croatian", "vehicles", "L3/35(i)", [
( None, "| Italian ESB |" ),
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
# test an "(r)" vehicle
_test_comments( "croatian", "vehicles", "Komsomolet(r)", [
( None, "| Russian ESB |" ),
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
# test an "(t)" vehicle
_test_comments( "croatian", "vehicles", "LT vz 38(t)A", [
( None, "| Czech ESB |" ),
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
_test_comments( "slovakian", "vehicles", "LT vz 38(t)A", [
( None, "| Czech ESB |" ),
( None, "Black TH#" ),
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_axis_minor_ord_e( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test Axis Minor Ordnance Note E."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
# test a "(g)" gun
_test_comments( "romanian", "ordnance", "leFH 18(g)", [
( None, "Black TH#" ),
] )
_test_comments( "croatian", "ordnance", "leFH 18(g)", [
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
# test a "(t)" gun
_test_comments( "romanian", "ordnance", "Kanon PUV vz. 37(t)", [
( None, "Black TH#" ),
] )
_test_comments( "bulgarian", "ordnance", "Kanon PUV vz. 37(t)", [
( None, "! Black TH#" ),
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _test_comments( nat, vo_type, vo_name, vals ):
""" Generate and check comments for a series of dates. """
# load the specified vehicle/ordnance
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": nat,
"OB_{}_1".format( vo_type.upper() ): [ { "name": vo_name } ]
} )
# check the generated comments for each specified date
for date,expected in vals:
set_scenario_date( date )
select_tab( "ob1" )
btn = find_child( "button[data-id='ob_{}_1']".format( vo_type ) )
if expected.startswith( "!" ):
expected, contains = expected[1:].strip(), False
contains = True
wait_for_clipboard( 2, expected, transform=_extract_comments, contains=contains )
def _extract_comments( snippet ):
"""Extract comments from a snippet."""
vals = [ 1 ).strip()
for mo in re.finditer( r'<div class="comment">\s*?<nobr>\s*?(.*?)</nobr>\s*</div>', snippet )
if not vals:
return vals
return "| {} |".format( " | ".join( vals ) )