Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

348 lines
16 KiB

""" Main webapp handlers. """
# Pokhara, Nepal (DEC/18).
import os
import io
import re
import copy
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from flask import request, render_template, jsonify, send_file, abort, Response, url_for
from vasl_templates.webapp import app, globvars
from vasl_templates.webapp.files import FileServer
from vasl_templates.webapp.webdriver import WebDriver
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import read_text_file, resize_image_response, is_image_file, is_empty_file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/vehicles/notes" )
def get_vehicle_notes():
"""Return the Chapter H vehicle notes."""
if not globvars.vo_notes:
abort( 404 )
return jsonify( globvars.vo_notes[ "vehicles" ] )
@app.route( "/ordnance/notes" )
def get_ordnance_notes():
"""Return the Chapter H ordnance notes."""
if not globvars.vo_notes:
abort( 404 )
return jsonify( globvars.vo_notes[ "ordnance" ] )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def load_vo_notes( msg_store ): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals,too-many-branches
"""Load the Chapter H vehicle/ordnance notes."""
# locate the data directory
dname = app.config.get( "CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR" )
if dname:
# NOTE: If the Chapter H directory has been configured but is incorrect, we want to keep going,
# since this may well happen when running in a container (the directory has to be always configured,
# but the user may not have mapped it to a directory outside the container).
dname = os.path.abspath( dname )
if not os.path.isdir( dname ):
error_msg = "Missing Chapter H directory: {}".format( dname )
logging.error( "%s", error_msg )
if msg_store:
msg_store.error( error_msg )
dname = None
if not dname:
globvars.vo_notes = { "vehicles": {}, "ordnance": {} }
globvars.vo_notes_file_server = None
file_server = FileServer( dname )
# generate a list of extension ID's
extn_ids = set()
if globvars.vasl_mod:
extns = globvars.vasl_mod.get_extns()
extn_ids = set( e[1]["extensionId"] for e in extns )
extn_ids.update( [ "kfw-un", "kfw-comm" ] )
def get_ma_note_key( nat, fname ):
"""Get the key for a multi-applicable note."""
# NOTE: Windows has a case-insensitive file system, so we adopt the following convention:
# - filenames are assumed to be upper-case e.g. "a.html" holds Multi-Applicable Note "A"
# - unless it has a trailing underscore, in which it is interpreted as lower-case
# e.g. "a_.html" holds Multi-Applicable Note "a".
fname = os.path.splitext( fname )[0]
if fname.endswith( "_" ):
return fname[:-1].lower()
fname = fname.upper()
# NOTE: Allied/Axis Minor multi-applicable notes have keys like "Gr" and "Da",
# but we need to be careful we don't transform keys like "AA" and "BB".
if nat in ("allied-minor","axis-minor") and len(fname) == 2 and fname[0] != fname[1]:
fname = fname[0] + fname[1].lower()
return fname
# initialize
vo_notes = { "vehicles": defaultdict(dict), "ordnance": defaultdict(dict) }
# NOTE: We don't have any data files for these vehicles/ordnance, but they have
# multi-applicable notes, so we force them to appear in the final results.
vo_notes["vehicles"]["anzac"] = {}
vo_notes["ordnance"]["indonesian"] = {}
vo_note_layout_width = app.config.get( "VO_NOTE_LAYOUT_WIDTH", 500 )
# load the vehicle/ordnance notes
for root,_,fnames in os.walk( dname, followlinks=True ):
# initialize
dname2, vo_type2 = os.path.split( root )
if vo_type2 in extn_ids:
extn_id = vo_type2
dname2, vo_type2 = os.path.split( dname2 )
extn_id = None
if vo_type2 not in ("vehicles","ordnance","landing-craft"):
if os.path.split( dname2 )[1] == "tests":
nat = os.path.split( dname2 )[1]
if vo_type2 == "landing-craft":
vo_type2, nat2 = "vehicles", "landing-craft"
nat2 = nat
# process each file in the next directory
ma_notes = {}
for fname in fnames:
# ignore placeholder files
fname = os.path.join( root, fname )
if is_empty_file( fname ):
# figure out what kind of file we have
extn = os.path.splitext( fname )[1].lower()
if is_image_file( extn ):
# image file - check if this looks like a vehicle/ordnance note
key = os.path.splitext( os.path.split( fname )[1] )[0]
if not all( ch.isdigit() or ch == "." for ch in key ):
# nope (this could be e.g. an image that's part of an HTML vehicle/ordnance note)
# yup - save it as a vehicle/ordnance note
if extn_id:
key = "{}:{}".format( extn_id, key )
# NOTE: We only do this if we don't already have an HTML version.
if not vo_notes.get( vo_type2, {} ).get( nat2, {} ).get( key ):
rel_path = os.path.relpath( fname, dname )
vo_notes[vo_type2][nat2][key] = rel_path.replace( "\\", "/" )
elif extn == ".html":
# HTML file - read the content
fname = os.path.join( root, fname )
html_content = read_text_file( fname ).strip()
if "½" in html_content:
# NOTE: VASSAL doesn't like this, use "frac12;" :-/
logging.warning( "Found ½ in HTML: %s", fname )
# check what kind of file we have
key = get_ma_note_key( nat2, os.path.split(fname)[1] )
if r"^\d+(\.\d+)?$", key ):
# FUDGE! The HTML version of the Chapter H content contain a lot of notes
# that start with "<p> &dagger;". We detect these and add a CSS class.
# Larger blocks of content need to be wrapped in a <div>.
html_content = re.sub( r"^<(p|div)>\s*&dagger;", r"<\1 class='dagger-note'> &dagger;",
# check if the content is specifying its own layout
if "<!-- vasl-templates:manual-layout -->" not in html_content:
# nope - use the default one
html_content = "<table width='{}'><tr><td>\n{}\n</table>".format(
vo_note_layout_width, html_content
# save it as a vehicle/ordnance note
if extn_id:
key = "{}:{}".format( extn_id, key )
rel_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.split(fname)[0], dname )
vo_notes[ vo_type2 ][ nat2 ][ key ] = _fixup_urls(
"{{CHAPTER_H}}/" + rel_path.replace( "\\", "/" ) + "/"
# save it as a multi-applicable note
if extn_id:
key = "{}:{}".format( extn_id, key )
if html_content.startswith( "<p>" ):
html_content = html_content[3:].strip()
rel_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.split(fname)[0], dname )
ma_notes[ key ] = _fixup_urls(
"{{CHAPTER_H}}/" + rel_path.replace( "\\", "/" ) + "/"
if "multi-applicable" in vo_notes[ vo_type2 ][ nat2 ]:
vo_notes[ vo_type2 ][ nat2 ][ "multi-applicable" ].update( ma_notes )
vo_notes[ vo_type2 ][ nat2 ][ "multi-applicable" ] = ma_notes
# update nationality variants with the notes from their base nationality
for vo_type2 in vo_notes:
# FUDGE! Some nationalities don't have any vehicles/ordnance of their own, so we have to do this manually.
# NOTE: We do a deep copy so that these new nationalities don't get affected by changes we make
# to the base nationality later (e.g. adding K:FW counters to the British).
if "chinese" in vo_notes[vo_type2]:
vo_notes[vo_type2]["chinese~gmd"] = copy.deepcopy( vo_notes[vo_type2]["chinese"] )
if "british" in vo_notes[vo_type2]:
vo_notes[vo_type2]["british~canadian"] = copy.deepcopy( vo_notes[vo_type2]["british"] )
vo_notes[vo_type2]["british~newzealand"] = copy.deepcopy( vo_notes[vo_type2]["british"] )
def install_kfw_vo_notes( nat, vo_type, extn_id, include ):
"""Install the K:FW vehicle/ordnance notes into the specified nationality."""
target_vo_notes = vo_notes[vo_type].get( nat )
if not target_vo_notes:
kfw_vo_notes = vo_notes[vo_type].get( extn_id )
if not kfw_vo_notes:
target_vo_notes.update( {
"{}:{}".format( extn_id, key ): val
for key,val in kfw_vo_notes.items()
if not include or include( int(key) )
} )
def install_kfw_ma_notes( nat, vo_type, kfw_ma_notes, extn_id ):
"""Install the K:FW vehicle/ordnance multi-applicable notes into the specified nationality."""
if not kfw_ma_notes:
if nat not in vo_notes[vo_type]:
vo_notes[vo_type][nat] = {}
ma_notes = vo_notes[vo_type][nat].get( "multi-applicable" )
if not ma_notes:
ma_notes = vo_notes[vo_type][nat]["multi-applicable"] = {}
ma_notes.update( {
"{}:{}".format( extn_id, key ): val
for key,val in kfw_ma_notes.items()
} )
# install the UN vehicle/ordnance notes and multi-applicable notes
kfw_ma_notes = vo_notes["vehicles"].get( "kfw-un", {} ).pop( "multi-applicable", None )
for nat in ("american","kfw-rok","kfw-ounc"):
install_kfw_ma_notes( nat, "vehicles", kfw_ma_notes, "kfw-un" )
install_kfw_vo_notes( nat, "vehicles", "kfw-un", lambda key: key <= 33 or key >= 54 )
install_kfw_ma_notes( "british", "vehicles", kfw_ma_notes, "kfw-un" )
install_kfw_vo_notes( "british", "vehicles", "kfw-un", lambda key: key >= 34 )
kfw_ma_notes = vo_notes["ordnance"].get( "kfw-un", {} ).pop( "multi-applicable", None )
for nat in ("american","kfw-rok","kfw-ounc"):
install_kfw_ma_notes( nat, "ordnance", kfw_ma_notes, "kfw-un" )
install_kfw_vo_notes( nat, "ordnance", "kfw-un", lambda key: key <= 13 or key >= 21 )
install_kfw_ma_notes( "british", "ordnance", kfw_ma_notes, "kfw-un" )
install_kfw_vo_notes( "british", "ordnance", "kfw-un", lambda key: key >= 14 )
# install the Communist vehicle/ordnance notes and multi-applicable notes
kfw_ma_notes = vo_notes["vehicles"].get( "kfw-comm", {} ).pop( "multi-applicable", None )
install_kfw_ma_notes( "kfw-kpa", "vehicles", kfw_ma_notes, "kfw-comm" )
install_kfw_vo_notes( "kfw-kpa", "vehicles", "kfw-comm", None )
kfw_ma_notes = vo_notes["ordnance"].get( "kfw-comm", {} ).pop( "multi-applicable", None )
for nat in ("kfw-kpa","kfw-cpva"):
install_kfw_ma_notes( nat, "ordnance", kfw_ma_notes, "kfw-comm" )
install_kfw_vo_notes( "kfw-kpa", "ordnance", "kfw-comm", lambda key: key <= 15 )
install_kfw_vo_notes( "kfw-cpva", "ordnance", "kfw-comm", lambda key: key >= 16 )
# install the vehicle/ordnance notes
globvars.vo_notes = { k: dict(v) for k,v in vo_notes.items() }
globvars.vo_notes_file_server = file_server
def _fixup_urls( html, url_stem ):
"""Fixup URL's to Chapter H files."""
matches = list( re.finditer( r"<img [^>]*src=(['\"])(.*?)\1", html ) )
for mo in reversed(matches):
html = html[:mo.start(2)] + url_stem+ html[mo.start(2):]
return html
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/<vo_type>/<nat>/note/<key>" )
def get_vo_note( vo_type, nat, key ):
"""Return a Chapter H vehicle/ordnance note."""
# get the vehicle/ordnance note
vo_notes = globvars.vo_notes[ vo_type ]
vo_note = vo_notes.get( nat, {} ).get( key )
if not vo_note:
abort( 404 )
if not globvars.vo_notes_file_server:
abort( 404 )
# serve the file
if is_image_file( vo_note ):
resp = globvars.vo_notes_file_server.serve_file( vo_note, ignore_empty=True )
if not resp:
abort( 404 )
default_scaling = app.config.get( "CHAPTER_H_IMAGE_SCALING", 100 )
return resize_image_response( resp, default_scaling=default_scaling )
buf = _make_vo_note_html( vo_note )
if request.args.get( "f" ) == "html":
# return the content as HTML
return Response( buf, mimetype="text/html" )
# return the content as an image
# NOTE: We offer this option since VASSAL's HTML engine is so ancient, it doesn't support
# floating images (which we really need), either via CSS "float", or the HTML "align" attribute.
# NOTE: We need our own WebDriver instance in case the user is trying to generate a snippet image,
# which will use the shared instance (thus locking it), but vehicle/ordnance notes can contain
# a link that calls us here to generate the Chapter H content as an image, and if this 2nd request
# gets handled in a different thread (which it certainly will, since the 1st request is still
# in progress), we will deadlock waiting for the shared instance to become available.
with WebDriver.get_instance( "vo_note" ) as webdriver:
img = webdriver.get_snippet_screenshot( None, buf )
buf = io.BytesIO() buf, format="PNG" ) 0 )
return send_file( buf, mimetype="image/png" )
def _make_vo_note_html( vo_note ):
"""Generate the HTML for a vehicle/ordnance note."""
# initialize
url_root = request.url_root
if url_root.endswith( "/" ):
url_root = url_root[:-1]
# inject the CSS (we do it like this since VASSAL doesn't support <link> :-/)
css = [
globvars.template_pack.get( "css", {} ).get( "common", "" ),
globvars.template_pack.get( "css", {} ).get( "ob_vo_note", "" ),
if any( css ):
vo_note = "<head>\n<style>\n{}\n</style>\n</head>\n\n{}".format( "\n".join(css), vo_note )
# update any parameters
vo_note = vo_note.replace( "{{CHAPTER_H}}", url_root+"/chapter-h" )
vo_note = vo_note.replace( "{{IMAGES_BASE_URL}}", url_root+url_for("static",filename="images") )
return vo_note
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@app.route( "/chapter-h/<path:path>" )
def get_chapter_h_file( path ):
"""Return a Chapter H file."""
if not globvars.vo_notes_file_server:
abort( 404 )
return globvars.vo_notes_file_server.serve_file( path, ignore_empty=True )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/<vo_type>/<nat>/notes" )
def get_vo_notes_report( nat, vo_type ):
"""Get a Chapter H vehicles/ordnance notes report."""
# generate the report
return render_template( "vo-notes-report.html",
VO_TYPE = vo_type