Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
8.7 KiB

""" Test generating OB SETUP snippets. """
import re
import types
from import Select
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
get_nationalities, get_clipboard, get_stored_msg, select_tab, find_child, find_children, \
add_simple_note, edit_simple_note, get_sortable_entry_count, drag_sortable_entry_to_trash
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Handling of OB setups and OB notes is identical (the only difference
# is in the template files, where OB setups have a colored header).
def test_ob_setup( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test generating OB setup snippets."""
_do_test_ob_entries( webapp, webdriver, "ob_setups" )
def test_ob_notes( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test generating OB note snippets."""
_do_test_ob_entries( webapp, webdriver, "ob_notes" )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _do_test_ob_entries( webapp, webdriver, ob_type ):
"""Test generating OB setup/notes."""
# initialize
webdriver.get( webapp.url_for( "main" ) )
sortable1 = find_child( "#{}-sortable_1".format( ob_type ) )
sortable2 = find_child( "#{}-sortable_2".format( ob_type ) )
# generate OB setup/note snippets for both players
select_tab( "ob1" )
add_simple_note( sortable1, "{} #1".format(ob_type), None )
add_simple_note( sortable1, "{} #2".format(ob_type), "2px" )
select_tab( "ob2" )
add_simple_note( sortable2, "<i>{}</i> #3".format(ob_type), "3px" )
# check that snippets are generated correctly
def check_snippet( sortable, entry_no, expected ):
"""Generate the snippet for an OB setup/note."""
elems = find_children( "li img.snippet", sortable )
if ob_type == "ob_notes":
expected = re.sub( r" \(col=.*?\)", "", expected )
assert get_clipboard() == expected
select_tab( "ob1" )
check_snippet( sortable1, 0,
"[German] [{} #1] (col=[OBCOL:german/OBCOL2:german])".format( ob_type )
check_snippet( sortable1, 1,
"[German] [{} #2] (col=[OBCOL:german/OBCOL2:german]) (width=[2px])".format( ob_type )
select_tab( "ob2" )
check_snippet( sortable2, 0,
"[Russian] [<i>{}</i> #3] (col=[OBCOL:russian/OBCOL2:russian]) (width=[3px])".format( ob_type )
# make some changes and check the snippets again
edit_simple_note( sortable2, 0, "updated {} #3".format(ob_type), "" )
select_tab( "ob1" )
edit_simple_note( sortable1, 1, "<i>updated {} #2</i>".format(ob_type), "200px" )
edit_simple_note( sortable1, 0, None, "100px" )
select_tab( "ob2" )
check_snippet( sortable2, 0,
"[Russian] [updated {} #3] (col=[OBCOL:russian/OBCOL2:russian])".format( ob_type )
select_tab( "ob1" )
check_snippet( sortable1, 1,
"[German] [<i>updated {} #2</i>] (col=[OBCOL:german/OBCOL2:german]) (width=[200px])".format( ob_type )
check_snippet( sortable1, 0,
"[German] [{} #1] (col=[OBCOL:german/OBCOL2:german]) (width=[100px])".format( ob_type )
# delete an OB setup/note by dragging it into the trash
assert get_sortable_entry_count( sortable1 ) == 2
drag_sortable_entry_to_trash( sortable1, 1 )
assert get_sortable_entry_count( sortable1 ) == 1
# delete an OB setup/note by emptying its caption
edit_simple_note( sortable1, 0, "", None )
assert get_sortable_entry_count( sortable1 ) == 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_nationality_specific( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Check that nationality-specific buttons are shown/hidden correctly."""
# initialize
webdriver.get( webapp.url_for( "main", store_msgs=1 ) )
nationalities = get_nationalities( webapp )
# initialize
scenario_date = find_child( "#panel-scenario input[name='SCENARIO_DATE']" )
def set_scenario_date( date ):
"""Set the scenario date."""
select_tab( "scenario" )
scenario_date.send_keys( "{:02}/01/{:04}".format( date[1], date[0] ) )
# initialize
def check_pf_snippets():
"""Check that the PF snippets are generated correctly."""
pf_btn = find_child( "button[data-id='pf']" )
def do_test( date, expected, warning ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# test snippet generation
set_scenario_date( date )
select_tab( "ob1" )
assert get_clipboard() == expected
# check if a warning was issued
last_warning = get_stored_msg( "_last-warning_" ) or ""
if warning:
assert last_warning.startswith( "PF are only available" )
assert last_warning == ""
do_test( (1942,1), "PF: range=[1] ; check=[2] (drm=[+1]) ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", True )
do_test( (1943,9), "PF: range=[1] ; check=[2] (drm=[+1]) ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", True )
do_test( (1943,10), "PF: range=[1] ; check=[3] ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", False )
do_test( (1944,5), "PF: range=[1] ; check=[3] ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", False )
do_test( (1944,6), "PF: range=[2] ; check=[3] ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", False )
do_test( (1944,12), "PF: range=[2] ; check=[3] ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", False )
do_test( (1945,1), "PF: range=[3] ; check=[4] (drm=[-1]) ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", False )
do_test( (1946,1), "PF: range=[3] ; check=[4] (drm=[-1]) ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]", False )
# initialize
def check_baz_snippets():
"""Check that the BAZ snippets are generated correctly."""
baz_btn = find_child( "button[data-id='baz']" )
def do_test( date, expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# test snippet generation
set_scenario_date( date )
select_tab( "ob1" )
assert get_clipboard() == expected
# check if a warning was issued
last_warning = get_stored_msg( "_last-warning_" ) or ""
if expected == "BAZ: none":
assert last_warning.startswith( "BAZ are only available" )
assert last_warning == ""
do_test( (1941,1), "BAZ: none" )
do_test( (1942,10), "BAZ: none" )
do_test( (1942,11), "BAZ: '43 ; range=[4] ; X#=[10] ; TK#=[13] ; col=[OBCOL:american]/[OBCOL2:american]" )
do_test( (1943,1), "BAZ: '43 ; range=[4] ; X#=[10] ; TK#=[13] ; col=[OBCOL:american]/[OBCOL2:american]" )
do_test( (1944,1), "BAZ: '44 ; range=[4] ; X#=[11] ; TK#=[16] ; col=[OBCOL:american]/[OBCOL2:american]" )
do_test( (1945,1),
"BAZ: '45 ; range=[5] ; X#=[11] ; TK#=[16] ; WP#=[6] ; col=[OBCOL:american]/[OBCOL2:american]"
do_test( (1946,1),
"BAZ: '45 ; range=[5] ; X#=[11] ; TK#=[16] ; WP#=[6] ; col=[OBCOL:american]/[OBCOL2:american]"
# initialize
nationality_specific_buttons = {
"mol": [ "russian", "Burn, baby, burn! ; col=[OBCOL:russian]/[OBCOL2:russian]" ],
"mol-p": [ "russian", "mol-p template ; col=[OBCOL:russian]/[OBCOL2:russian]" ],
"pf": [ "german", check_pf_snippets ],
"psk": [ "german", "====> whoosh! ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]" ],
"atmm": [ "german", "Kaboom!!! ; col=[OBCOL:german]/[OBCOL2:german]" ],
"baz": [ "american", check_baz_snippets ],
"piat": [ "british", "piat template ; col=[OBCOL:british]/[OBCOL2:british]" ],
btn_elems = {
btn: find_child( "button[data-id='{}']".format( btn ) )
for btn in nationality_specific_buttons
# iterate through each nationality
player1_sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='PLAYER_1']" ) )
for nat in nationalities:
# change the nationality for player 1
select_tab( "scenario" )
player1_sel.select_by_value( nat )
# check the nationality-specific buttons
select_tab( "ob1" )
for button_id,expected in nationality_specific_buttons.items():
elem = btn_elems[ button_id ]
if nat == expected[0]:
# the button should be shown for this nationality
assert elem.is_displayed()
# make sure that the template works
if isinstance( expected[1], str ):
assert get_clipboard() == expected[1]
elif isinstance( expected[1], types.FunctionType ):
expected[1]() #pylint: disable=not-callable
assert False
# it should be hidden for all other nationalities
assert not elem.is_displayed()