Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

495 lines
20 KiB

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function add_vo( vo_type, player_no )
// load the available vehicles/ordnance
var nat = $( "select[name='PLAYER_" + player_no + "']" ).val() ;
var entries = gVehicleOrdnanceListings[ vo_type ][ nat ] ;
if ( entries === undefined ) {
showWarningMsg( "There are no " + get_nationality_display_name(nat) + " " + vo_type + " listings." ) ;
return ;
var buf = [] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < entries.length ; ++i )
buf.push( "<option value='" + i + "'>" + entries[i].name + "</option>" ) ;
function format_vo_entry( opt ) {
if ( ! )
return opt.text ;
var vo_entry = entries[] ;
var div_class = "vo-entry" ;
if ( is_small_vasl_piece( vo_entry ) )
div_class += " small-piece" ;
var extn_name ;
if (,4) === "kfw-" )
extn_name = "KFW" ;
else if ( vo_entry.extn_id ) {
extn_name = gAppConfig.VASL_EXTENSIONS[ vo_entry.extn_id ].displayNameAbbrev ;
if ( ! extn_name )
extn_name = gAppConfig.VASL_EXTENSIONS[ vo_entry.extn_id ].displayName ;
if ( ! extn_name )
extn_name = vo_entry.extn_id ;
var buf2 = [ "<div class='" + div_class + "' data-index='" + + "'>",
"<img src='" + get_vo_image_url(vo_entry,null,true,false) + "' class='vasl-image'>",
"<div class='content'><div>",,
vo_entry.type ? "&nbsp;<span class='vo-type'>("+vo_entry.type+")</span>" : "",
extn_name ? "&nbsp;<span class='vo-extn'>[" + extn_name + "]</span>" : "",
] ;
$entry = $( buf2.join("") ) ;
$entry.find( "img" ).data( "vo-image-id", null ) ;
var vo_images = get_vo_images( vo_entry ) ;
if ( vo_images.length > 1 ) {
$entry.find( "img" ).data( "vo-images", vo_images ) ;
var $btn = $( "<input type='image' class='select-vo-image' src='" + gImagesBaseUrl + "/select-vo-image.png'>" ) ;
$entry.children( ".content" ).append( $btn ) ;
$ function() {
$(this).blur() ;
function() { click_dialog_button( $("#select-vo"), "OK" ) ; }
) ;
} ) ;
return $entry ;
var $sel = $( "#select-vo select" ) ;
$sel.html( buf.join("") ).select2( {
width: "100%",
templateResult: format_vo_entry,
dropdownParent: $("#select-vo"), // FUDGE! need this for the searchbox to work :-/
closeOnSelect: false ,
} ) ;
// stop the select2 droplist from closing up
$sel.on( "select2:closing", function(evt) {
evt.preventDefault() ;
} ) ;
// let the user select a vehicle/ordnance
var $sortable2 = $( "#ob_" + vo_type + "-sortable_" + player_no ) ;
function on_resize( $dlg ) {
$( ".select2-results ul" ).height( $dlg.height() - 50 ) ;
var $dlg = $("#select-vo").dialog( {
title: "Add " + SORTABLE_DISPLAY_NAMES["ob_"+vo_type][0],
dialogClass: "select-vo",
closeOnEscape: false, // nb: this is handled by handle_escape()
modal: true,
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 350,
create: function() {
init_dialog( $(this), "OK", false ) ;
// handle ENTER and double-click
function auto_select_vo( evt ) {
if ( $( "#select-vo select" ).val() ) {
$( " button:contains('OK')" ).click() ;
evt.preventDefault() ;
$(this).keydown( function(evt) {
if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER )
auto_select_vo( evt ) ;
} ).dblclick( function(evt) {
auto_select_vo( evt ) ;
} ) ;
open: function() {
// initialize
on_dialog_open( $(this), $(this).find("select[type='search']") ) ;
add_flag_to_dialog_titlebar( $(this), get_player_no_for_element($sortable2) ) ;
$sel.select2( "open" ) ;
// set the titlebar color
var colors = get_player_colors_for_element( $sortable2 ) ;
$(" .ui-dialog-titlebar").css( {
background: colors[0],
border: "1px solid "+colors[2],
} ) ;
// update the UI
on_resize( $(this) ) ;
resize: function() { on_resize( $(this) ) ; },
buttons: {
OK: function() {
// get the selected vehicle/ordnance
// FUDGE! $"data") returns the wrong thing if the entries are filtered?!?!
var $elem = $( "#select-vo .select2-results__option--highlighted" ) ;
if ( $elem.length === 0 )
return ;
var sel_index = $elem.children( ".vo-entry" ).data( "index" ) ;
var sel_entry = entries[ sel_index ] ;
var usedVoIds = [] ;
$sortable2.children( "li" ).each( function() {
usedVoIds.push( $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ) ) ;
} ) ;
// check for duplicates
function add_sel_entry() {
var $img = $elem.find( "img[class='vasl-image']" ) ;
var vo_image_id = $ "vo-image-id" ) ;
do_add_vo( vo_type, player_no, sel_entry, vo_image_id, false, null, null, null ) ;
$dlg.dialog( "close" ) ;
if ( usedVoIds.indexOf( ) !== -1 ) {
var vo_type2 = SORTABLE_DISPLAY_NAMES[ "ob_" + vo_type ][0] ;
ask( "Add " + vo_type2,
"<p> This " + vo_type2 + " is already in the OB. <p >Do you want to add it again?", {
width: 300,
ok: add_sel_entry,
} ) ;
return ;
// add the new vehicle/ordnance
add_sel_entry() ;
Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; },
} ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function do_add_vo( vo_type, player_no, vo_entry, vo_image_id, elite, custom_capabilities, custom_comments, seq_id )
// initialize
var nat = get_player_nat( player_no ) ;
var $sortable2 = $( "#ob_" + vo_type + "-sortable_" + player_no ) ;
if ( seq_id === null ) {
// auto-assign a sequence ID
var usedSeqIds = {} ;
$sortable2.children( "li" ).each( function() {
usedSeqIds[ $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ).id ] = true ;
} ) ;
seq_id = auto_assign_id( usedSeqIds, "seq_id" ) ;
// add the specified vehicle/ordnance
// NOTE: We set a fixed height for the sortable2 entries (based on the CSS settings in tabs-ob.css),
// so that the vehicle/ordnance images won't get truncated if there are a lot of them.
var div_tag = "<div class='vo-entry" ;
var fixed_height = "3.25em" ;
if ( is_small_vasl_piece( vo_entry ) ) {
div_tag += " small-piece" ;
fixed_height = "2.25em" ;
div_tag += "'>" ;
var data = {
vo_entry: vo_entry,
vo_image_id: vo_image_id,
elite: elite,
fixed_height: fixed_height
} ;
if ( custom_capabilities )
data.custom_capabilities = custom_capabilities ;
if ( custom_comments )
data.custom_comments = custom_comments ; = seq_id ;
var buf = [ div_tag,
"<img class='vasl-image'>",
"<div class='detail'>",
"<div class='caption'></div>",
"<div class='vo-capabilities'></div>",
] ;
var vo_note_key = get_vo_note_key( vo_entry ) ;
var vo_note = get_vo_note( vo_type, nat, vo_note_key ) ;
var vo_note_image_url = null ;
if ( vo_note ) {
if ( vo_note_key.substring( 0, 3 ) === "LC " )
vo_note_image_url = make_app_url( "/" + vo_type + "/landing-craft/note/" + vo_note_key.substring(3), true ) ;
vo_note_image_url = make_app_url( "/" + vo_type + "/" + nat + "/note/" + vo_note_key, true ) ;
} else {
// NOTE: Note numbers seem to be distinct across all Allied Minor or all Axis Minor vehicles/ordnance,
// so if we don't find a note in a given nationality's normal vehicles/ordnance, we can get away with
// just checking their corresponding common vehicles/ordnance.
var nat_type = gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ].type ;
if ( ["allied-minor","axis-minor"].indexOf( nat_type ) !== -1 ) {
vo_note = get_vo_note( vo_type, nat_type, vo_note_key ) ;
if ( vo_note )
vo_note_image_url = make_app_url( "/" + vo_type + "/" + nat_type + "/note/" + vo_note_key, true ) ;
if ( vo_note ) {
var template_id = (vo_type === "vehicles") ? "ob_vehicle_note" : "ob_ordnance_note" ;
if ( is_template_available( template_id ) ) {
"<img src='" + gImagesBaseUrl + "/snippet.png'",
" class='snippet' data-id='" + template_id + "' title='" + GENERATE_SNIPPET_HINT + "'>"
) ;
data.vo_note = vo_note ;
data.vo_note_image_url = vo_note_image_url ;
buf.push( "</div>" ) ;
var $content = $( buf.join("") ) ;
var $entry = $sortable2.sortable2( "add", {
content: $content,
data: data,
} ) ;
update_vo_sortable2_entry( $entry, vo_type ) ;
// add a handler for the snippet button
$content.children("img.snippet").click( function( evt ) {
generate_snippet( $(this), evt.shiftKey, {} ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
function update_vo_sortable2_entry( $entry, vo_type, snippet_params )
// initialize
if ( ! snippet_params )
snippet_params = unload_snippet_params( true, null ) ;
var data = $ "sortable2-data" ) ;
var vo_entry = data.vo_entry ;
var vo_image_id = data.vo_image_id ;
var capabilities = data.custom_capabilities ;
if ( capabilities )
capabilities = capabilities.slice() ;
else {
var player_no = get_player_no_for_element( $entry ) ;
capabilities = make_capabilities(
vo_entry, vo_type,
snippet_params[ "PLAYER_"+player_no ],
snippet_params.SCENARIO_THEATER, snippet_params.SCENARIO_YEAR, snippet_params.SCENARIO_MONTH,
) ;
// update the vehicle/ordnance's sortable2 entry
var url = get_vo_image_url( vo_entry, vo_image_id, true, false ) ;
var $content = $entry.children( ".vo-entry" ) ;
$content.find( "img.vasl-image" ).attr( "src", url ) ;
var caption = "<span class='vo-name'>" + ;
if ( data.elite )
caption += " \u24ba" ;
caption += "</span>" ;
if ( vo_entry.type )
caption += " <span class='vo-type'>(" + vo_entry.type + ")</span>" ;
$content.find( "div.caption" ).html( caption ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < capabilities.length ; ++i )
capabilities[i] = "<span class='vo-capability'>" + capabilities[i] + "</span>" ;
$content.find( "div.vo-capabilities" ).html( capabilities.join("") ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function find_vo( vo_type, nat, vo_id )
// find the specificed vehicle/ordnance
var entries = gVehicleOrdnanceListings[vo_type][nat] ;
if ( ! entries )
return null ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < entries.length ; ++i ) {
if ( entries[i].id === vo_id )
return entries[i] ;
return null ;
function find_vo_by_name( vo_type, nat, name )
// find the specificed vehicle/ordnance by name
var entries = gVehicleOrdnanceListings[vo_type][nat] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < entries.length ; ++i ) {
if ( entries[i].name === name )
return entries[i] ;
return null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_vo_images( vo_entry )
// NOTE: Mapping Chapter H vehicles/ordnance to VASL images is quite messy :-/ Most map one-to-one,
// but some V/O have multiple GPID's, some GPID's have multiple images. Also, some V/O don't have
// a matching GPID (are they in a VASL extension somewhere?), so we can't show an image for them at all.
// So, we identify VASL images by a GPID plus index (if there are multiple images for that GPID).
var images = [] ;
function add_gpid_images( gpid ) {
if ( ! gpid || !(gpid in gVaslPieceInfo) )
return ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < gVaslPieceInfo[gpid].front_images ; ++i )
images.push( [gpid,i] ) ;
if ( $.isArray(vo_entry.gpid) ) {
for ( var i=0 ; i < vo_entry.gpid.length ; ++i )
add_gpid_images( vo_entry.gpid[i] ) ;
} else
add_gpid_images( vo_entry.gpid ) ;
return images ;
function on_select_vo_image( $btn, on_ok ) {
// initialize
var $img = $btn.parent().parent().find( "img.vasl-image" ) ;
var vo_images = $ "vo-images" ) ;
var vo_image_id = $ "vo-image-id" ) ;
// NOTE: We need to do this after the dialog has opened, since we need to wait for all the images
// to finish loading, so that we can figure out how big to make the dialog.
function on_open_dialog() {
// load the vehicle/ordnance images
var $images = $( "#select-vo-image .vo-images" ) ;
var n_images_loaded=0, total_width=0, max_height=0 ;
function on_image_loaded() {
total_width += $(this).width() ;
max_height = Math.max( $(this).height(), max_height ) ;
if ( ++n_images_loaded == vo_images.length ) {
// all images have loaded - resize the dialog
var width = 5 + total_width + 20*vo_images.length + 10*vo_images.length + 5 ;
var height = 5 + 10+max_height+10 + 5 ;
$( "" ).width( width ).height( height ) ;
$images.empty() ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < vo_images.length ; ++i ) {
var $elem = $( "<img data-index='" + i + "'>" )
.bind( "load", on_image_loaded )
.attr( "src", get_vo_image_url( null, vo_images[i], true, false ) ) ;
$images.append( $elem ) ;
// highlight the currently-selected image
var sel_index = _find_vo_image_id( vo_images, vo_image_id ) ;
if ( sel_index === -1 ) {
console.log( "Couldn't find V/O image ID '" + vo_image_id + "' in V/O images: " + vo_images ) ;
sel_index = 0 ;
$images.children( "img:eq("+sel_index+")" ).css( "background", "#5897fb" ) ;
// highlight images on mouse-over
var prev_bgd ;
$images.children( "img" ).on( {
"mouseenter": function() {
prev_bgd = $(this).css( "backgroundColor" ) ;
if ( $(this).data("index") != sel_index )
$(this).css( "background", "#ddd" ) ;
"mouseleave": function() { $(this).css( "backgroundColor", prev_bgd ) ; }
} ) ;
// handle image selection
$images.children( "img" ).click( function() {
vo_image_id = vo_images[ $(this).data("index") ] ;
$img.attr( "src", get_vo_image_url(null,vo_image_id,true,false) ) ;
$ "vo-image-id", vo_image_id ) ;
$dlg.dialog( "close" ) ;
if ( on_ok )
on_ok() ;
} ) ;
// show the dialog
var $dlg = $("#select-vo-image").dialog( {
dialogClass: "select-vo-image",
closeOnEscape: false, // nb: this is handled by handle_escape()
modal: true,
position: { my: "left top", at: "left-50 bottom+5", of: $btn, "collision": "fit" },
width: 1, height: 1, // nb: to avoid flicker; we set the size when the images have finished loading
minWidth: 200,
minHeight: 100,
resizable: false,
"open": on_open_dialog,
} ) ;
function _find_vo_image_id( vo_images, vo_image_id )
// find the specified V/O image ID (because indexOf() doesn't handle arrays :-/)
if ( vo_image_id === null )
return 0 ;
vo_image_id = vo_image_id.join( ":" ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < vo_images.length ; ++i ) {
if ( vo_images[i].join( ":" ) === vo_image_id )
return i ;
return -1 ;
function get_vo_image_url( vo_entry, vo_image_id, allow_missing_image, for_snippet )
// generate the image URL for the specified vehicle/ordnance
var gpid, index=null ;
if ( vo_image_id ) {
gpid = vo_image_id[0] ;
index = vo_image_id[1] ;
} else {
// no V/O image ID was provided, just use the first available image
gpid = $.isArray( vo_entry.gpid ) ? vo_entry.gpid[0] : vo_entry.gpid ;
if ( gpid ) {
if ( for_snippet && gUserSettings["scenario-images-source"] == SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_INTERNET )
return make_online_counter_image_url( gpid, index ) ;
return make_local_counter_image_url( gpid, index, for_snippet ) ;
// couldn't find an image
if ( allow_missing_image ) {
if ( for_snippet && gUserSettings["scenario-images-source"] == SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_INTERNET )
return gAppConfig.ONLINE_IMAGES_URL_BASE + "/missing-image.png" ;
return gImagesBaseUrl + "/missing-image.png" ;
return null ;
function make_local_counter_image_url( gpid, index, for_snippet )
// generate the image URL for the specified vehicle/ordnance
// NOTE: This originally generated a URL that pointed back to the local webapp server,
// but this could possibly be changed to another webapp server (hence we need for_snippet).
url = make_app_url( "/counter/" + gpid + "/front", for_snippet ) ;
if ( index !== null )
url += "/" + index ;
return url ;
function make_online_counter_image_url( gpid, index )
// check if we have a piece from the core VASL module or an extension
var url, extn_id ;
var pos = gpid.toString().indexOf( ":" ) ;
// FUDGE! K:FW was originally done as an extension, then moved into the main VASL module.
// One of the consequences of this is that a lot of the new counters have a GPID that
// looks like they come from an extension (3b5), but are actually in the main module.
if ( pos === -1 || gpid.substr(0,pos) === "3b5" )
else {
extn_id = gpid.substr( 0, pos ) ;
// generate the URL
url = strReplaceAll( url, "{{GPID}}", gpid ) ;
if ( index === null )
index = 0 ;
url = strReplaceAll( url, "{{INDEX}}", index ) ;
url = strReplaceAll( url, "{{PATH}}", gVaslPieceInfo[gpid].paths[index] ) ;
if ( extn_id )
url = strReplaceAll( url, "{{EXTN_ID}}", extn_id ) ;
return encodeURI( url ) ;
function is_small_vasl_piece( vo_entry )
var gpid = vo_entry.gpid ;
if ( $.isArray( gpid ) ) // FIXME! if > 1 image available, need to be smarter here
gpid = gpid[0] ;
if ( !( gpid in gVaslPieceInfo ) )
return false ;
return gVaslPieceInfo[gpid].is_small ;