Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

368 lines
16 KiB

"""Allow a remote server to be controlled during tests.
We sometimes make changes to the webapp server during tests, and while we used to do that using pytest's monkeypatch,
that will not work if we are talking to a remote (i.e. in another process) server. This module defines the things
that can be changed during the course of tests, and a simple RPC mechanism that lets them be executed remotely.
It needs to be enabled in the server via the ENABLE_REMOTE_TEST_CONTROL debug switch.
import os
import urllib.request
import json
import glob
import base64
import tempfile
import logging
import random
import pytest
from vasl_templates.webapp import app, globvars
from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import DATA_DIR
from vasl_templates.webapp.vassal import VassalShim
from vasl_templates.webapp.vasl_mod import set_vasl_mod
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import TempFile
from vasl_templates.webapp import main as webapp_main
from vasl_templates.webapp import snippets as webapp_snippets
from vasl_templates.webapp import scenarios as webapp_scenarios
from vasl_templates.webapp import vasl_mod as vasl_mod_module
from vasl_templates.webapp import vo_utils as vo_utils_module
_logger = logging.getLogger( "control_tests" )
_ORIG_CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR = app.config.get( "CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR", os.environ.get("CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR") )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class ControlTests:
"""Control a remote server during tests."""
def __init__( self, webapp ):
self.webapp = webapp
self.server_url = pytest.config.option.server_url #pylint: disable=no-member
except AttributeError:
self.server_url = None
# set up a temp directory for our test VASL extensions
self._vasl_extns_temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
def __del__( self ):
def __getattr__( self, name ):
"""Generic entry point for handling control requests."""
if name.startswith( ("get_","set_","reset_") ):
# check if we are talking to a local or remote server
if self.server_url:
# remote: return a function that will invoke the handler function on the remote server
def call_remote( **kwargs ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return self._remote_test_control( name, **kwargs )
return call_remote
# local: return the actual handler function
return getattr( self, "_"+name )
raise AttributeError( name )
def _remote_test_control( self, action, **kwargs ):
"""Invoke a handler function on the remote server."""
if "bin_data" in kwargs:
kwargs["bin_data"] = base64.b64encode( kwargs["bin_data"] )
if "gpids" in kwargs:
kwargs["gpids"] = json.dumps( kwargs["gpids"] )
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(
self.webapp.url_for( "control_tests", action=action, **kwargs )
if resp == b"ok":
return self
return json.loads( resp.decode( "utf-8" ) )
def _get_app_config( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Get the webapp config."""
return {
k: v for k,v in app.config.items()
if isinstance( v, (str,int,bool,list,dict) )
def _set_app_config( self, key=None, val=None ):
"""Set the webapp config."""
if val is None:
del app.config[ key ]
app.config[ key ] = val
return self
def _set_data_dir( self, dtype=None ):
"""Set the webapp's data directory."""
if dtype == "real":
dname = DATA_DIR
elif dtype == "test":
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/data" )
raise RuntimeError( "Unknown data dir type: {}".format( dtype ) ) "Setting data dir: %s", dname )
self.webapp.config[ "DATA_DIR" ] = dname
vo_utils_module._vo_comments = None #pylint: disable=protected-access
from vasl_templates.webapp.vo import load_vo_listings
load_vo_listings( None )
return self
def _set_default_scenario( self, fname=None ):
"""Set the default scenario."""
if fname:
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures" )
fname = os.path.join( dname, fname ) "Setting default scenario: %s", fname )
webapp_main.default_scenario = fname
return self
def _set_default_template_pack( self, dname=None ):
"""Set the default template pack."""
if dname == "real":
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "../data/default-template-pack" )
elif dname:
dname2 = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures" )
dname = os.path.join( dname2, dname ) "Setting default template pack: %s", dname )
webapp_snippets.default_template_pack = dname
return self
def _set_gpid_remappings( self, gpids=None ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Configure the GPID remappings."""
if isinstance( gpids, str ):
gpids = json.loads( gpids.replace( "'", '"' ) )
for row in gpids:
row[1] = { str(k): v for k,v in row[1].items() } "Setting GPID remappings: %s", gpids )
prev_gpid_mappings = vasl_mod_module.GPID_REMAPPINGS
vasl_mod_module.GPID_REMAPPINGS = gpids
return prev_gpid_mappings
def _get_vasl_mods( self ):
"""Return the available VASL modules."""
fnames = self._do_get_vasl_mods()
_logger.debug( "Returning VASL modules:\n%s",
"\n".join( "- {}".format( f ) for f in fnames )
return fnames
def _do_get_vasl_mods( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Return the available VASL modules."""
dname = pytest.config.option.vasl_mods #pylint: disable=no-member
assert dname, "--vasl-mods was not specified."
except AttributeError:
dname = app.config[ "TEST_VASL_MODS" ]
fspec = os.path.join( dname, "*.vmod" )
return glob.glob( fspec )
def _set_vasl_mod( self, vmod=None, extns_dtype=None ):
"""Install a VASL module."""
# configure the VASL extensions
if extns_dtype:
if extns_dtype == "real":
dname = pytest.config.option.vasl_extensions #pylint: disable=no-member
assert dname, "--vasl-extensions was not specified."
except AttributeError:
dname = app.config[ "TEST_VASL_EXTNS_DIR" ]
elif extns_dtype == "test":
dname =
assert False, "Unknown extensions directory type: "+extns_dtype "Enabling VASL extensions: %s", dname )
app.config[ "VASL_EXTNS_DIR" ] = dname
else: "Disabling VASL extensions." )
app.config[ "VASL_EXTNS_DIR" ] = None
# configure the VASL module
if vmod:
vmod_fnames = self._do_get_vasl_mods()
if vmod == "random":
# NOTE: Some tests require a VASL module to be loaded, and since they should all
# should behave in the same way, it doesn't matter which one we load.
vmod = random.choice( vmod_fnames )
assert vmod in vmod_fnames
app.config[ "VASL_MOD" ] = vmod
app.config[ "VASL_MOD" ] = None "Installing VASL module: %s", vmod )
# install the new VASL module
from vasl_templates.webapp.main import startup_msg_store
vasl_mod_module.warnings = []
set_vasl_mod( vmod, startup_msg_store )
from vasl_templates.webapp.vo import load_vo_listings
load_vo_listings( None )
return self
def _get_vasl_extns( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Return the loaded VASL extensions."""
extns = globvars.vasl_mod.get_extns()
_logger.debug( "Returning VASL extensions:\n%s",
"\n".join( "- {}".format( e ) for e in extns )
return extns
def _set_test_vasl_extn( self, fname=None, bin_data=None ):
"""Set the test VASL extension."""
fname = os.path.join(, fname )
with open( fname, "wb" ) as fp:
fp.write( bin_data )
return self
def _set_vasl_extn_info_dir( self, dtype=None ):
"""Set the directory containing the VASL extension info files."""
if dtype:
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/vasl-extensions" )
dname = os.path.join( dname, dtype ) "Setting the default VASL extension info directory: %s", dname )
app.config[ "_VASL_EXTN_INFO_DIR_" ] = dname
else: "Using the default VASL extension info directory." )
app.config[ "_VASL_EXTN_INFO_DIR_" ] = None
return self
def _get_vassal_engines( self ):
"""Get the available VASSAL engines."""
vassal_engines = self._do_get_vassal_engines()
_logger.debug( "Returning VASSAL engines:\n%s",
"\n".join( "- {}".format( ve ) for ve in vassal_engines )
return vassal_engines
def _do_get_vassal_engines( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Get the available VASSAL engines."""
dname = pytest.config.option.vassal #pylint: disable=no-member
assert dname, "--vassal was not specified."
except AttributeError:
dname = app.config[ "TEST_VASSAL_ENGINES" ]
vassal_engines = []
for root,_,fnames in os.walk( dname ):
if os.sep+"_disabled_"+os.sep in root:
for fname in fnames:
if fname == "Vengine.jar":
if root.endswith( "/lib" ):
root = root[:-4]
vassal_engines.append( root )
return vassal_engines
def _set_vassal_engine( self, vengine=None ):
"""Install a VASSAL engine."""
if vengine:
assert vengine in self._do_get_vassal_engines() "Installing VASSAL engine: %s", vengine )
app.config["VASSAL_DIR"] = vengine
return self
def _get_vsav_dump( self, bin_data=None ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Dump a VSAV file."""
with TempFile( mode="wb" ) as temp_file:
temp_file.write( bin_data )
temp_file.close( delete=False )
vassal_shim = VassalShim()
return vassal_shim.dump_scenario( )
def _set_vo_notes_dir( self, dtype=None ):
"""Set the vehicle/ordnance notes directory."""
if dtype == "real":
dname = pytest.config.option.vo_notes #pylint: disable=no-member
assert dname, "--vo-notes was not specified."
except AttributeError:
elif dtype == "test":
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/vo-notes" )
assert dtype is None
dname = None "Setting vehicle/ordnance notes: %s", dname )
app.config["CHAPTER_H_NOTES_DIR"] = dname
from vasl_templates.webapp.vo_notes import load_vo_notes
load_vo_notes( None )
return self
def _set_user_files_dir( self, dtype=None ):
"""Set the user files directory."""
if dtype == "test":
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/user-files" )
elif dtype and dtype.startswith( ("http://","https://") ):
dname = dtype
assert dtype is None
dname = None "Setting user files: %s", dname )
app.config["USER_FILES_DIR"] = dname
return self
def _get_last_snippet_image( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Get the last snippet image generated."""
from vasl_templates.webapp.snippets import last_snippet_image
assert last_snippet_image "Returning the last snippet image: #bytes=%d", len(last_snippet_image) )
return base64.b64encode( last_snippet_image ).decode( "utf-8" )
def _get_vasl_mod_warnings( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Get the vasl_mod startup warnings.""" "Returning the vasl_mod startup warnings: %s", vasl_mod_module.warnings )
return vasl_mod_module.warnings
def _reset_template_pack( self ):
"""Force the default template pack to be reloaded.""" "Reseting the default template pack." )
globvars.template_pack = None
return self
def _set_roar_scenario_index( self, fname=None ):
"""Set the ROAR scenario index file."""
if fname:
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures" )
fname = os.path.join( dname, fname ) "Setting the ROAR scenario index file: %s", fname )
webapp_scenarios._roar_scenarios._set_data( fname ) #pylint: disable=protected-access
assert False
return self
def _set_scenario_index( self, fname=None ):
"""Set the scenario index file."""
if fname:
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures" )
fname = os.path.join( dname, fname ) "Setting the scenario index file: %s", fname )
webapp_scenarios._asa_scenarios._set_data( fname ) #pylint: disable=protected-access
assert False
return self
def _reset_last_asa_upload( self ):
"""Reset the saved last upload to the ASL Scenario Archive.""" "Reseting the last ASA upload." )
webapp_scenarios._last_asa_upload = None #pylint: disable=protected-access
return self
def _get_last_asa_upload( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Get the last set of files uploaded to the ASL Scenario Archive."""
last_asa_upload = webapp_scenarios._last_asa_upload #pylint: disable=protected-access
if not last_asa_upload:
return {} # FUDGE! This is for the remote testing framework :-/
last_asa_upload = last_asa_upload.copy()
# FUDGE! We can't send binary data over the remote testing interface, but since the tests just check
# for the presence of a VASL save file and screenshot, we just send an indicator of that, and not
# the data itself. This will be reworked when we switch to using gRPC.
if "vasl_setup" in last_asa_upload:
assert last_asa_upload["vasl_setup"][:2] == b"PK"
last_asa_upload[ "vasl_setup" ] = "PK:{}".format( len(last_asa_upload["vasl_setup"]) )
if "screenshot" in last_asa_upload:
assert last_asa_upload["screenshot"][:2] == b"\xff\xd8" \
and last_asa_upload["screenshot"][-2:] == b"\xff\xd9" # nb: these are the magic numbers for JPEG's
last_asa_upload[ "screenshot" ] = "JPEG:{}".format( len(last_asa_upload["screenshot"]) )
_logger.debug( "Returning the last ASA upload: %s", last_asa_upload )
return last_asa_upload