Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

340 lines
14 KiB

"""Test template packs."""
import os
import zipfile
import base64
import re
import random
from import By
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import TempFile
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vehicles_ordnance import add_vo
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
select_tab, select_menu_option, set_player, \
wait_for_clipboard, get_stored_msg, set_stored_msg, set_stored_msg_marker,\
add_simple_note, for_each_template, find_child, find_children, wait_for, \
get_player_nat, get_droplist_vals_index, init_webapp, get_css_classes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_individual_files( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test loading individual template files."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, template_pack_persistence=1 )
set_player( 1, "german" )
set_player( 2, "russian" )
# try uploading a customized version of each template
def test_template( template_id, orig_template_id ):
"""Test uploading a customized version of the template."""
# upload a new template
_ = upload_template_pack_file( template_id+".j2", "UPLOADED TEMPLATE", False )
# make sure generating a snippet returns the new version
_ = _generate_snippet( webdriver, template_id, orig_template_id )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "UPLOADED TEMPLATE" )
for_each_template( test_template )
# try uploading a template with an incorrect filename extension
_ = upload_template_pack_file( "", "UPLOADED TEMPLATE", True )
assert "Invalid template extension" in get_stored_msg( "_last-error_" )
# try uploading a template with an unknown filename
_ = upload_template_pack_file( "unknown.j2", "UPLOADED TEMPLATE", True )
assert "Invalid template filename" in get_stored_msg( "_last-error_" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_zip_files( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test loading ZIP'ed template packs."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, template_pack_persistence=1 )
set_player( 1, "german" )
set_player( 2, "russian" )
# upload a template pack that contains a full set of templates
zip_data = make_zip_from_files( "full" )
_, marker = upload_template_pack_zip( zip_data, False )
assert get_stored_msg( "_last-error_" ) == marker
# check that the uploaded templates are being used
_check_snippets( webdriver, lambda tid: "Customized {}.".format( tid.upper() ) )
# upload only part of template pack
_ = upload_template_pack_zip(
zip_data[ : int(len(zip_data)/2) ],
assert get_stored_msg( "_last-error_" ).startswith( "Can't unpack the ZIP:" )
# try uploading an empty template pack
_ = upload_template_pack_zip( b"", True )
assert get_stored_msg( "_last-error_" ).startswith( "Can't unpack the ZIP:" )
# NOTE: We can't test the limit on template pack size, since it happens after the browser's
# "open file" dialog has finished, but before we read the file data (i.e. we don't execute
# that bit of code since we're using the "template_pack_persistence" hack).
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_new_default_template_pack( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test changing the default template pack."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests \
.set_default_template_pack( "new-default/" ) \
.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# check that the new templates are being used
_do_test_default_template_pack( webdriver )
def test_new_default_template_pack_zip( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test changing the default template pack."""
# create a new template pack as a ZIP file
zip_data = make_zip_from_files( "new-default" )
# initialize
webapp.control_tests \
.set_default_template_pack( zip_data ) \
.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# check that the new templates are being used
_do_test_default_template_pack( webdriver )
def _do_test_default_template_pack( webdriver ):
"""Check that the default template pack is being used."""
set_player( 1, "german" )
set_player( 2, "russian" )
_check_snippets( webdriver, lambda tid: "New default {}.".format( tid.upper() ) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_nationality_data( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test a template pack with nationality data."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, template_pack_persistence=1 )
# select the British as player 1
player1_sel = set_player( 1, "british" )
tab_ob1 = find_child( "a[href='#tabs-ob1']" )
assert tab_ob1.text.strip() == "British OB"
# FUDGE! player1_sel.first_selected_option.text doesn't contain the right value
# if we're using jQuery selectmenu's :-/
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "british"
droplist_vals = get_droplist_vals_index( player1_sel )
assert droplist_vals["british"] == "British"
# upload a template pack that contains nationality data
zip_data = make_zip_from_files( "with-nationality-data" )
_, marker = upload_template_pack_zip( zip_data, False )
assert get_stored_msg( "_last-error_" ) == marker
# check that the UI was updated correctly
assert tab_ob1.text.strip() == "Poms! OB"
assert get_player_nat( 1 ) == "british"
droplist_vals2 = get_droplist_vals_index( player1_sel )
assert droplist_vals2["british"] == "Poms!"
# check that there is a new Korean player
del droplist_vals2["korean"]
droplist_vals2 = {
k: "British" if v == "Poms!" else v
for k,v in droplist_vals2.items()
assert droplist_vals2 == droplist_vals
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_missing_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test UI updates for missing templates."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, template_pack_persistence=1 )
# get the files in the default template pack
files = {}
dname = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "../data/default-template-pack" ) )
for root,_,fnames in os.walk( dname ):
for fname in fnames:
if os.path.splitext( fname )[1] == ".swp":
fname = os.path.join( root, fname )
fname2 = os.path.relpath( fname, start=dname )
if fname2.startswith( "extras/" ):
if fname2 == "ob_vo":
fname2 = random.choice( [ "ob_vehicles", "ob_ordnance" ] )
elif fname2 == "ob_vo_note":
fname2 = random.choice( [ "ob_vehicles_note", "ob_ordnance_note" ] )
elif fname2 == "ob_ma_note":
fname2 = random.choice( [ "ob_vehicles_ma_note", "ob_ordnance_ma_note" ] )
files[ fname2 ] = "dummy template" # nb: we don't care about the content
def adjust_template_id( template_id ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
if r"^ob_(vehicles|ordnance)_\d$", template_id ):
return "ob_vo"
elif r"^ob_(vehicle|ordnance)_note_\d$", template_id ):
return "ob_vo_note"
elif r"^ob_(vehicles|ordnance)_ma_notes_\d$", template_id ):
return "ob_ma_notes"
return template_id
def check_buttons( fname, sel, is_snippet_control ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
for btn in find_children( sel ):
# check the UI state of the next button
template_id = adjust_template_id( btn.get_attribute( "data-id" ) )
if fname == "national-capabilities.json":
expected = False # nb: this is the JSON file, not the template file, and so doesn't effect buttons
elif fname == "nat_caps.j2":
expected = template_id.startswith( "nat_caps_" )
expected = os.path.splitext( fname )[0] == template_id
disabled = webdriver.execute_script( "return $(arguments[0]).button('option','disabled')", btn )
assert expected == disabled
# check that snippet control groups have been enabled/disabled correctly
parent = btn.find_element( By.XPATH, ".." )
parent_classes = get_css_classes( parent )
if is_snippet_control:
assert "snippet-control" in parent_classes
elem = find_child( ".ui-selectmenu-button", parent )
elem_classes = get_css_classes( elem )
if expected:
assert "ui-selectmenu-disabled" in elem_classes
assert "ui-selectmenu-disabled" not in elem_classes
assert "snippet-control" not in parent_classes
# upload the template pack, with one file missing each time
for fname in files:
# generate and upload the modified template pack
zip_data = _make_zip(
{ k: v for k,v in files.items() if k != fname }
upload_template_pack_zip( zip_data, False )
# check the state of each button (everything should be enabled, except for the one
# corresponding to the template file we excluded from the upload)
check_buttons( fname, "button.generate", True )
check_buttons( fname, "button.edit-template", False )
# NOTE: We should really check that the "generate snippet" buttons don't appear in sortable entries,
# but that's more trouble than it's worth - templates such as ob_setup and ob_vehicles are never
# going to be missing, since the program becomes kinda pointless if they're not there :-/
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _make_zip( files ):
"""Generate a ZIP file."""
with TempFile() as temp_file:
temp_file.close( delete=False )
with zipfile.ZipFile(, "w" ) as zip_file:
for fname,fdata in files.items():
zip_file.writestr( fname, fdata )
return open(, "rb" ).read()
def make_zip_from_files( dname ):
"""Generate a ZIP file from files in a directory."""
files = {}
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/template-packs/"+dname )
assert os.path.isdir( dname )
for root,_,fnames in os.walk(dname):
for fname in fnames:
fname = os.path.join( root, fname )
assert fname.startswith( dname )
fname2 = fname[len(dname)+1:]
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
files[fname2] =
return _make_zip( files )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_snippets( webdriver, expected ):
"""Check that snippets are being generated as expected."""
def test_template( template_id, orig_template_id ):
"""Test each template."""
_ = _generate_snippet( webdriver, template_id, orig_template_id )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, expected(template_id) )
for_each_template( test_template )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _generate_snippet( webdriver, template_id, orig_template_id ):
"""Generate a snippet for the specified template."""
if template_id == "scenario_note":
# create a scenario note and generate a snippet for it
sortable = find_child( "#scenario_notes-sortable" )
add_simple_note( sortable, "test scenario note", None )
elems = find_children( "li img.snippet", sortable )
elem = elems[0]
elif template_id in ("ob_setup","ob_note"):
# create a OB setup/note and generate a snippet for it
select_tab( "ob1" )
sortable = find_child( "#{}s-sortable_1".format( template_id ) )
add_simple_note( sortable, "test {}".format(template_id), None )
elems = find_children( "#{}s-sortable_1 li img.snippet".format( template_id ) )
elem = elems[0]
elif template_id in ("ob_vehicle_note","ob_ordnance_note"):
# create a vehicle/ordnance and generate a snippet for its note
mo = r"^ob_([a-z]+)_note_(\d)$", orig_template_id )
vo_type, player_no =, int(
vo_type0 = "vehicles" if vo_type == "vehicle" else vo_type
player_nat = "german" if player_no == 1 else "russian"
sortable = find_child( "#ob_{}-sortable_{}".format( vo_type0, player_no ) )
add_vo( webdriver, vo_type0, player_no, "a {} {}".format(player_nat,vo_type) )
elems = find_children( "li img.snippet", sortable )
elem = elems[0]
# generate a snippet for the specified template
elem = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='{}']".format( orig_template_id ) )
return elem
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def upload_template_pack_zip( zip_data, error_expected ):
"""Upload a template pack ZIP."""
return _do_upload_template_pack(
"{} | {}".format(
base64.b64encode( zip_data ).decode( "ascii" )
def upload_template_pack_file( fname, data, error_expected ):
"""Upload a template pack file."""
return _do_upload_template_pack(
"{} | {}".format( fname, data ),
def _do_upload_template_pack( data, error_expected ):
"""Upload a template pack."""
# upload the template pack
set_stored_msg( "_template-pack-persistence_", data )
info_marker = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-info_" )
error_marker = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-error_" )
select_menu_option( "template_pack" )
# wait for the front-end to finish
if error_expected:
func = lambda: get_stored_msg("_last-error_") != error_marker
func = lambda: "was loaded" in get_stored_msg("_last-info_")
wait_for( 2, func )
return info_marker, error_marker