Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

274 lines
9.6 KiB

( function() { // nb: put the entire file into its own local namespace, global stuff gets added to window.
var $gLogFilesToUpload ;
var gEventHandlers ;
var gDisableClickToAddTimestamp = new Date() ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
window.on_analyze_vlog = function()
// initialize
var $dlg ;
function onAddFile() {
// FUDGE! Files can be removed from the upload list by using the mouse (e.g. Ctrl-Click,
// or clicking on the "delete" icon), so we don't want to also trigger an "add" dialog.
var delta = (new Date()).getTime() - gDisableClickToAddTimestamp.getTime() ;
if ( delta <= 5 )
return ;
// add a file to the list of files to be analyzed
if ( getUrlParam( "vlog_persistence" ) ) {
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file upload from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we get the data from a <textarea>).
var $elem = $( "#_vlog-persistence_" ) ;
var data = $elem.val() ;
var pos = data.indexOf( "|" ) ;
var fname = data.substring( 0, pos ) ;
var vlog_data = data.substring( pos+1 ) ;
$elem.val( "" ) ; // nb: let the test suite know we've received the data
addFileToUploadList( fname, vlog_data ) ;
} else {
$("#load-vlog").trigger( "click" ) ; // nb: will call on_load_vlog_file_selected() when done
// handle drag events for items already in the upload list
var isDraggedOutside = null ;
function onSortStart( evt, ui ) {
isDraggedOutside = false ;
function onDragOutside( evt, ui ) { // nb: we get one of these even after a drag has ended :-/
if ( isDraggedOutside === null )
return ;
isDraggedOutside = true ;
ui.item.addClass( "dragOutside" ) ;
function onDragInside( evt, ui ) {
isDraggedOutside = false ;
ui.item.removeClass( "dragOutside" ) ;
function onDragEnd( evt, ui ) {
if ( isDraggedOutside )
removeFileFromUploadList( ui.item ) ;
isDraggedOutside = null ;
// handle events for files being dragged in from outside the browser
function initExternalDragDrop() {
[ $gLogFilesToUpload, $dlg.find(".hint") ].forEach( function( $elem ) {
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $elem, "dragenter", stopEvent ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $elem, "dragleave", stopEvent ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $elem, "dragover", stopEvent ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $elem, "drop", function( evt ) {
// add the files dragged in to the upload list
addFilesToUploadList( evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files ) ;
stopEvent( evt ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// NOTE: We can't use the normal mechanism for handling Ctrl-Enter, since there are no input elements.
// We do things using a document-level keydown event handler.
function onKeyDown( evt ) {
if ( $gLogFilesToUpload.find( "li" ).length === 0 ) {
evt.preventDefault() ;
return false ;
auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, "OK" ) ;
// show the dialog
gEventHandlers = new jQueryHandlers() ;
$( "#lfa-upload" ).dialog( {
title: "Analyze log files",
dialogClass: "lfa-upload",
modal: true,
width: $(window).innerWidth() / 2,
minWidth: 400,
height: $(window).innerHeight() / 2,
minHeight: 300,
position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: window },
create: function() {
// initialize the dialog
init_dialog( $(this), "OK", false ) ;
open: function() {
// initialize the dialog
$dlg = $(this) ;
on_dialog_open( $(this) ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $(document), "keydown", onKeyDown ) ;
$gLogFilesToUpload = $( "#lfa-upload .files" ) ;
$gLogFilesToUpload.sortable( {
start: onSortStart,
out: onDragOutside,
over: onDragInside,
beforeStop: onDragEnd,
} ).empty() ;
initExternalDragDrop() ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gLogFilesToUpload, "click", onAddFile ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $dlg.find(".hint"), "click", onAddFile ) ;
updateUi() ;
close: function() {
// clean up handlers
gEventHandlers.cleanUp() ;
buttons: {
OK: function() {
// unload the files to be analyzed
var vlog_data = [] ;
$gLogFilesToUpload.children( "li" ).each( function() {
vlog_data.push( [ $(this).attr("data-filename"), $(this).attr("data-vlog") ] ) ;
} ) ;
// analyze the log files
$(this).dialog( "close" ) ;
analyzeLogFiles( vlog_data ) ;
Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; },
} ) ;
} ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
window.on_load_vlog_file_selected = function() {
// add the selected files to the upload list
addFilesToUploadList( $( "#load-vlog" ).prop( "files" ) ) ;
} ;
function addFilesToUploadList( files )
// initialize
var currFileNo = 0 ;
var fileReader = new FileReader() ;
// add each log file to the list
function loadNextFile() {
if ( currFileNo >= files.length )
return ;
var currFile = files[ currFileNo ] ;
fileReader.onload = function() {
// get the file data
vlog_data = removeBase64Prefix( fileReader.result ) ;
// add the file to the list
addFileToUploadList(, vlog_data ) ;
// read the next file
++ currFileNo ;
loadNextFile() ;
} ;
fileReader.readAsDataURL( currFile ) ;
loadNextFile() ;
function addFileToUploadList( fname, vlog_data )
// add the file to the upload list
var buf = [ "<li>",
"<img src='" + gImagesBaseUrl+"/lfa/file.png" + "' class='file'>",
"<span class='filename'>", fname, "</span>",
"<img src='" + gImagesBaseUrl+"/cross.png" + "' class='delete'>",
] ;
var $item = $( buf.join("") ) ;
$item.attr( "data-filename", fname ) ;
$item.attr( "data-vlog", vlog_data ) ;
$gLogFilesToUpload.append( $item ) ;
updateUi() ;
// add click handlers to remove the file from the list
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $item.children( ".delete" ), "click", function() {
gDisableClickToAddTimestamp = new Date() ;
removeFileFromUploadList( $(this).parent() ) ;
} ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $item, "click", function( evt ) {
if ( evt.ctrlKey ) {
gDisableClickToAddTimestamp = new Date() ;
removeFileFromUploadList( $(this) ) ;
} ) ;
function removeFileFromUploadList( $item ) {
// remove the file from the upload list
$item.remove() ;
setTimeout( updateUi, 100 ) ; // nb: we need this after a drag-out :-/
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function updateUi()
// update the UI
var nFiles = $gLogFilesToUpload.find( "li" ).length ;
var $btn = $( ".ui-dialog.lfa-upload button.ok" ) ;
var $hint = $( ".ui-dialog.lfa-upload .hint" ) ;
if ( nFiles > 0 ) {
$btn.button( "enable" ) ;
$hint.hide() ;
} else {
$btn.button( "disable" ) ;
$ ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function analyzeLogFiles( vlog_data )
// send a request to analyze the log files
var objName = pluralString( vlog_data.length, "log file", "log files" ) ;
var $pleaseWait = showPleaseWaitDialog( "Analyzing your " + objName + "...", { width: 255 } ) ;
$.ajax( {
url: gAnalyzeVlogsUrl,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify( vlog_data ),
contentType: "application/json",
} ).done( function( data ) {
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
resp = checkResponse( data, objName ) ;
if ( ! resp )
return ;
show_lfa_dialog( resp ) ;
} ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) {
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
showErrorMsg( "Can't analyze the " + objName + ":<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "</div>" ) ;
} ) ;
function checkResponse( resp, objName )
// check if there was an error
if ( resp.error ) {
// yup - report it
if ( getUrlParam( "vlog_persistence" ) ) {
$( "#_vlog-persistence_" ).val(
"ERROR: " + resp.error + "\n\n=== STDOUT ===\n" + resp.stdout + "\n=== STDERR ===\n" + resp.stderr
) ;
} else {
show_vassal_shim_error_dlg( resp, "Can't analyze the " + objName + "." ) ;
return null ;
// check if anything was extracted
if ( resp.logFiles ) {
var totalEvents = 0 ;
resp.logFiles.forEach( function( logFile ) {
totalEvents += ;
} ) ;
if ( totalEvents === 0 ) {
showWarningMsg( "Couldn't find anything in the " + objName + "." +
"<p> " + pluralString(resp.logFiles.length,"It's","They're") + " probably either not a log file, or from an old version of VASL."
) ;
return null ;
return resp ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
} )() ; // end local namespace