Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

381 lines
15 KiB

""" Test the user settings. """
import json
import re
import pytest
from import Select
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
init_webapp, find_child, find_children, find_snippet_buttons, wait_for_clipboard, \
select_tab, select_menu_option, select_droplist_val, set_player, click_dialog_button, add_simple_note
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vehicles_ordnance import add_vo
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import save_scenario, load_scenario
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_template_packs import upload_template_pack_file
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vo_notes import extract_ma_notes
# nb: these are taken from user_settings.js
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_include_vasl_images_in_snippets( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test including VASL counter images in snippets."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
set_user_settings( { "scenario-images-source": SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_THIS_PROGRAM } )
# add a vehicle
set_player( 1, "german" )
add_vo( webdriver, "vehicles", 1, "PzKpfw IB" )
# enable "show VASL images in snippets"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='include-vasl-images-in-snippets']" )
assert not elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "include-vasl-images-in-snippets", True )
# make sure that it took effect
snippet_btn = find_child( "button[data-id='ob_vehicles_1']" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/counter/2524/front", contains=True )
# disable "show VASL images in snippets"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='include-vasl-images-in-snippets']" )
assert elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "include-vasl-images-in-snippets", False )
# make sure that it took effect
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/counter/2524/front", contains=False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_include_flags_in_snippets( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test including flags in snippets."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
# prepare the scenario
set_player( 1, "german" )
select_tab( "ob1" )
sortable = find_child( "#ob_setups-sortable_1" )
add_simple_note( sortable, "OB setup note", None )
# enable "show flags in snippets"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='include-flags-in-snippets']" )
assert not elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "include-flags-in-snippets", True )
# make sure that it took effect
ob_setup_snippet_btn = find_child( "li img.snippet", sortable )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/flags/german", contains=True )
# make sure it also affects vehicle/ordnance snippets
ob_vehicles_snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='ob_vehicles_1']" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/flags/german", contains=True )
ob_ordnance_snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='ob_ordnance_1']" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/flags/german", contains=True )
# disable "show flags in snippets"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='include-flags-in-snippets']" )
assert elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "include-flags-in-snippets", False )
# make sure that it took effect
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/flags/german", contains=False )
# make sure it also affects vehicle/ordnance snippets
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/flags/german", contains=False )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "/flags/german", contains=False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_date_format( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test changing the date format."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, template_pack_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# customize the SCENARIO template
upload_template_pack_file( "scenario.j2",
scenario_date = find_child( "input[name='SCENARIO_DATE']" )
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='scenario']" )
def set_scenario_date( date_string ):
"""Set the scenario date."""
scenario_date.send_keys( date_string )
scenario_date.send_keys( Keys.TAB )
assert scenario_date.get_attribute( "value" ) == date_string
def check_scenario_date( expected ):
"""Check the scenario date is being interpreted correctly."""
assert isinstance(expected,tuple) and len(expected) == 3
assert 1 <= expected[0] <= 31 and 1 <= expected[1] <= 12 and 1940 <= expected[2] <= 1945
# check the snippet
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "{}-{}-{}".format( expected[2], expected[0], expected[1] ) )
# check the save file (should always be ISO-8601 format)
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
assert saved_scenario["SCENARIO_DATE"] == "{:04}-{:02}-{:02}".format( expected[2], expected[0], expected[1] )
# check the default format (MM/DD/YYYY)
set_scenario_date( "01/02/1940" )
check_scenario_date( (1,2,1940) )
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
# change the date format to YYYY-MM-DD
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
date_format_sel = Select( find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings select[name='date-format']" ) )
select_droplist_val( date_format_sel, "yy-mm-dd" )
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "date-format", "yy-mm-dd" )
# make sure that it took effect
assert scenario_date.get_attribute( "value" ) == "1940-01-02"
check_scenario_date( (1,2,1940) )
# clear the scenario date, set the date format to DD-MM-YYY
set_scenario_date( "" )
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
select_droplist_val( date_format_sel, "dd/mm/yy" )
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "date-format", "dd/mm/yy" )
# set the scenario date
set_scenario_date( "03/04/1945" ) # nb: this will be interpreted as DD/MM/YYYY
check_scenario_date( (4,3,1945) )
# load the scenario we saved before and check the date
load_scenario( saved_scenario )
check_scenario_date( (1,2,1940) )
assert scenario_date.get_attribute( "value" ) == "02/01/1940"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_hide_unavailable_ma_notes( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test showing/hiding unavailable multi-applicable notes."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_vo_notes_dir( dtype="test" )
# load the test vehicle
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "german",
{ "name": "missing multi-applicable note" }
} )
select_tab( "ob1" )
def test_ma_notes( ma_note_q_present ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
expected = [ ( "A", 'German Multi-Applicable Vehicle Note "A".' ) ]
if ma_note_q_present:
expected.append( ( "Q", "Unavailable." ) )
btn = find_child( "button[data-id='ob_vehicles_ma_notes_1']" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, expected, transform=extract_ma_notes )
# generate the multi-applicable notes
test_ma_notes( True )
# enable "hide unavailable multi-applicable notes"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='hide-unavailable-ma-notes']" )
assert not elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "hide-unavailable-ma-notes", True )
# generate the multi-applicable notes
test_ma_notes( False )
# disable "hide unavailable multi-applicable notes"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='hide-unavailable-ma-notes']" )
assert elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "hide-unavailable-ma-notes", False )
# generate the multi-applicable notes
test_ma_notes( True )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_vo_notes_as_images( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test showing vehicle/ordnance notes as HTML/images."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_vo_notes_dir( dtype="test" )
# load the test vehicle
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "greek",
"OB_VEHICLES_1": [ { "name": "HTML note" } ],
} )
select_tab( "ob1" )
def check_snippet( expected ):
"""Generate and check the vehicle note snippet."""
sortable = find_child( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_1" )
elems = find_children( "li", sortable )
assert len(elems) == 1
btn = find_child( "img.snippet", elems[0] )
contains = True if isinstance( expected, str ) else None
wait_for_clipboard( 2, expected, contains=contains )
# generate the vehicle snippet (should get the raw HTML)
check_snippet( "This is an HTML vehicle note (202)." )
# enable "show vehicle/ordnance notes as images"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='vo-notes-as-images']" )
assert not elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "vo-notes-as-images", True )
# generate the vehicle snippet (should get a link to return an image)
check_snippet( re.compile( r"http://.+?:\d+/vehicles/greek/note/202" ) )
# disable "show vehicle/ordnance notes as images"
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='vo-notes-as-images']" )
assert elem.is_selected()
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
_check_cookies( webdriver, "vo-notes-as-images", False )
# generate the vehicle snippet (should get the raw HTML)
check_snippet( "This is an HTML vehicle note (202)." )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, #pylint: disable=no-member
reason="--vasl-mods not specified"
def test_alternate_webapp_base_url( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test changing the webapp base URL."""
# initialize
def _init_webapp(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1,
reset = lambda ct:
ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" ) \
.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
control_tests = _init_webapp()
# enable images
set_user_settings( {
"scenario-images-source": SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_THIS_PROGRAM,
"include-vasl-images-in-snippets": True,
"include-flags-in-snippets": True,
"custom-list-bullets": True,
"vo-notes-as-images": True,
} )
# load the scenario
load_scenario( {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "test scenario",
"SCENARIO_DATE": "01/01/1940",
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS": "Just do it!",
"SCENARIO_NOTES": [ { "caption": "Scenario note #1" } ],
"SSR": [ "SSR #1", "SSR #2", "SSR #3" ],
"PLAYER_1": "german",
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "OB setup note 1" } ],
"OB_NOTES_1": [ { "caption": "OB note 1" } ],
"OB_VEHICLES_1": [ { "name": "PzKpfw VG" } ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_1": [ { "name": "8.8cm PaK 43" } ],
"PLAYER_2": "russian",
"OB_SETUPS_2": [ { "caption": "OB setup note 2" } ],
"OB_NOTES_2": [ { "caption": "OB note 2" } ],
"OB_VEHICLES_2": [ { "name": "T-34/85" } ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_2": [ { "name": "82mm BM obr. 37" } ],
} )
def do_test( expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# generate each snippet
snippet_btns = find_snippet_buttons()
for tab_id,btns in snippet_btns.items():
select_tab( tab_id )
for btn in btns:
snippet_id = btn.get_attribute( "data-id" )
buf = wait_for_clipboard( 2, re.compile( "<!-- vasl-templates:id (german/|russian/)?"+snippet_id ) )
# check each URL
for mo in re.finditer( r"<img .*?src=[\"'](.*?)[\"']", buf ):
url =
assert url.startswith( expected )
# test with the default base URL
do_test( webapp.base_url + "/" )
# test with a custom base URL
control_tests.set_app_config( key="ALTERNATE_WEBAPP_BASE_URL", val="http://ALT-BASE-URL" )
do_test( "http://ALT-BASE-URL/" )
control_tests.set_app_config( key="ALTERNATE_WEBAPP_BASE_URL", val=None )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_user_settings( opts ):
"""Configure the user settings."""
select_menu_option( "user_settings" )
for key,val in opts.items():
if isinstance( val, bool ):
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input[name='{}']".format( key ) )
if (val and not elem.is_selected()) or (not val and elem.is_selected()):
elif isinstance( val, int ):
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.user-settings select[name='{}']".format( key ) )
select_droplist_val( Select(elem), val )
assert False
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _check_cookies( webdriver, name, expected ):
"""Check that a user setting was stored in the cookies correctly."""
cookies = [ c for c in webdriver.get_cookies() if c["name"] == "user-settings" ]
assert len(cookies) == 1
val = cookies[0]["value"].replace( "%22", '"' ).replace( "%2C", "," )
user_settings = json.loads( val )
assert user_settings[name] == expected