Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

160 lines
5.7 KiB

""" Webapp handlers. """
import os
import time
import base64
import logging
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
from flask import request, jsonify
from vasl_templates.webapp import app
from vasl_templates.webapp.vassal import VassalShim
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import SimpleError, TempFile
# weights for each possible roll value
"DR": { 2: 30, 3: 18, 4: 10, 5: 5, 6: 2, 7: 0, 8: -2, 9: -5, 10: -10, 11: -18, 12: -30 },
"dr": { 1: 5, 2: 2.5, 3: 1, 4: -1, 5: -2.5, 6: -5 }
# minimum number of rolls for dice hotness to be considered reasonable
"DR": 100, "dr": 50
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/analyze-vlogs", methods=["POST"] )
def analyze_vlogs(): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Analyze VASL log file(s)."""
# parse the request
start_time = time.time()
vlog_data = request.json
# initialize
logger = logging.getLogger( "analyze_vlogs" )
temp_files = []
# save each VLOG file in a temp file
if not vlog_data:
raise SimpleError( "No log files were submitted." )
for vlog_no, vlog in enumerate( vlog_data ):
fname, data = vlog
data = base64.b64decode( data ) "Analyzing VLOG (#bytes=%d): %s", len(data), fname )
temp_file = TempFile()
temp_file.write( data )
temp_file.close( delete=False )
save_fname = app.config.get( "ANALYZE_VLOG_INPUT" )
if save_fname:
if len(vlog_data) == 1:
temp_file.save_copy( save_fname, logger, "VLOG data" )
parts = os.path.splitext( save_fname )
temp_file.save_copy( "{}-{}".format(parts[0],1+vlog_no) + parts[1], logger, "VLOG data" )
temp_files.append( temp_file )
# run the VASSAL shim to analyze the VLOG file(s)
with TempFile() as report_file:
report_file.close( delete=False )
vassal_shim = VassalShim()
fnames = [ for tf in temp_files ]
fnames.append( )
vassal_shim.analyze_logfiles( *fnames )
report_file.save_copy( app.config.get("ANALYZE_VLOG_REPORT"), logger, "analysis report" )
report = parse_analysis_report(, logger )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
return VassalShim.translate_vassal_shim_exception( ex, logger )
# clean up
for tf in temp_files:
tf.close( delete=True )
# insert the filenames for each log file, as they were passed in to us
for vlog_no,vlog in enumerate( vlog_data ):
report["logFiles"][ vlog_no ]["filename"] = vlog[0]
# return the results "Analyzed the VLOG file(s) OK: elapsed=%.3fs", time.time()-start_time )
return jsonify( report )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def parse_analysis_report( fname, logger=None ):
"""Parse the analysis report generated by the VASSAL shim."""
# initialize
doc = ET.parse( fname )
# get the complete list of players across all the log files
players = {}
for elem in doc.findall( ".//diceEvent" ):
player_name = elem.attrib[ "player" ]
if player_name not in players:
# NOTE: ChartJS (in the frontend Javascript) identifies datasets using a 0-based index,
# so to avoid accidentally mixing these up with player ID's, we generate non-numeric player ID's.
player_id = "p:{}".format( len(players) + 1 )
players[ player_name ] = player_id
# generate the results for each log file
log_files = []
for logFileElem in doc.findall( ".//logFile" ):
# process the events for the next log file
events, scenario = [], {}
for elem in logFileElem.find( ".//events" ):
if elem.tag == "diceEvent":
# found a DICE ROLL event
player_id = players[ elem.attrib["player"] ]
values = [ int(v) for v in elem.text.split(",") ]
events.append( {
"eventType": "roll",
"playerId": player_id,
"rollType": elem.attrib[ "rollType" ],
"rollValue": values[0] if len(values) == 1 else values
} )
elif elem.tag == "turnTrackEvent":
# found a TURN TRACK event
events.append( {
"eventType": "turnTrack",
"side": elem.attrib[ "side" ],
"turnNo": elem.attrib[ "turnNo" ],
"phase": elem.attrib[ "phase" ]
} )
elif elem.tag == "customLabelEvent":
# found a CUSTOM label
events.append( {
"eventType": "customLabel",
"caption": elem.text
} )
if logger:
logger.warn( "Found an unknown analysis event: %s", elem.tag )
# extract the scenario details
elem = logFileElem.find( ".//scenario" )
if elem is not None:
scenario[ "scenarioName" ] = elem.text
if "id" in elem.attrib:
scenario[ "scenarioId" ] = elem.attrib["id"]
log_files.append( {
"filename": logFileElem.attrib[ "filename" ],
"scenario": scenario,
"events": events,
} )
return {
"players": { v: k for k,v in players.items() },
"logFiles": log_files