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628 lines
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""" Test log file analysis. """
import os
import base64
import csv
import pytest
from import Select
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, select_menu_option, \
wait_for, wait_for_elem, find_child, find_children, set_stored_msg, set_stored_msg_marker, get_stored_msg, \
get_droplist_vals, select_droplist_val, unload_table
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vassal import _run_tests
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_full( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test a full log file analysis."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1 )
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# analyze the log file
# === RPh === === PFPh === === MPh === === DFPh ===
# A1: Other 5 4 A6: IFT 3 1 B5: IFT 4 2
# A2: Rally 4 1 B3: MC 5 2 b5: sa 2
# A3: Rally 3 1 A7: IFT 5 3 A12: MC 1 2
# B1: Rally 6 2 b3: sa 4
# A4: Rally 6 4 b4: rs 6
# a1: dr 6 B4: MC 1 6
# A5: Rally 3 4 A8: TH 5 5
# B2: Rally 5 3 A9: TK 2 3
# b1: dr 2 A10: IFT 3 3
# b2: dr 2 A11: IFT 4 4
_analyze_vlogs( "full.vlog" )
# check the results
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == [
[ "Alice (6.0)", "Bob (3.2)" ],
["",""], ["","60"], ["",""], ["","20"], ["",""], ["100","20"]
assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == [
[ "Alice (6.6)", "Bob (7.2)" ],
["",""], ["8.3",""], ["16.7",""], ["16.7",""], ["8.3","20"],
["8.3","40"], ["16.7","40"], ["8.3",""], ["16.7",""], ["",""], ["",""]
# check the results
assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == [ ["Bob","5"], ["Alice","1"] ]
assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == [ ["Bob","5"], ["Alice","12"] ]
# check the results
_check_time_plot_window_sizes( [ 1, 5 ] )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (12)", "Bob (5)" ],
["","9",""], ["","5",""], ["","4",""], ["","","8"], ["","10",""],
["","7",""], ["","","8"],
[ "Axis 1 PFPh", "4", "" ],
["","","7"], ["","8",""], ["","","7"], ["","10",""], ["","5",""],
["","6",""], ["","8",""],
[ "Axis 1 DFPh", "","6" ],
_check_time_plot_values( [1,5], "5", [
[ "", "Alice (12)", "Bob (5)" ],
["","7",""], ["Axis 1 PFPh","6",""], ["","6.6",""], ["","7.8",""], ["","6.8",""],
["","6.6",""], ["","7.4",""],
[ "Axis 1 DFPh", "", "7.2" ],
] )
# check the results
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice","1.277"], ["Bob","-1.853"] ]
# switch to showing the Morale Check DR's and check the results
_select_roll_type( "MC" )
lfa = _get_chart_data()
assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == []
assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == [
[ "Alice (3.0)", "Bob (7.0)" ],
["",""], ["100",""], ["",""], ["",""], ["",""],
["","100"], ["",""], ["",""], ["",""], ["",""], ["",""]
assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == []
assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == [ ["Bob","2"], ["Alice","1"] ]
_check_time_plot_values( [1], "1", [
[ "", "Alice (1)", "Bob (2)" ],
[ "Axis 1 PFPh", "", "7" ],
[ "Axis 1 DFPh", "3", "" ],
] )
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice","255.506"], ["Bob","0.000"] ]
# switch to showing the Sniper Activation DR's and check the results
_select_roll_type( "SA" )
lfa = _get_chart_data()
assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == [
[ "Bob (3.0)" ],
[""], ["50"], [""], ["50"], [""], [""]
assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == []
assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == [ ["Bob","2"] ]
assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == []
_check_time_plot_values( [1], 1, [
[ "", "Bob (2)" ],
[ "Axis 1 PFPh", "4" ],
[ "Axis 1 DFPh", "2" ],
] )
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice",""], ["Bob",""] ]
# switch to showing the Close Combat DR's and check the results
_select_roll_type( "CC" )
lfa = _get_chart_data()
assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == []
assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == []
assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == []
assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == []
_check_time_plot_values( [1], 1, [] )
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice",""], ["Bob",""] ]
# close the analysis window
find_child( "#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).click()
# run the tests
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, not pytest.config.option.short_tests ) #pylint: disable=no-member
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_4players( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test a file log file analysis with 4 players."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1 )
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# analyze the log file
# --- ----- ------ ------
# A1: 3 C1: 4 D3: 1 C6: 2
# B1: 3 C2: 4 D4: 3 D7: 3
# A2: 6 C3: 2 D5: 1 D8: 6
# A3: 1 B5: 5 A6: 4 A11: 2
# B2: 6 B6: 5 A7: 1 D9: 1
# A4: 5 D2: 1 A8: 4 D10: 2
# B3: 2 C4: 3 A9: 1
# B4: 4 C5: 4 A10: 1
# A5: 2 B7: 6
# D1: 4 B8: 5
# D6: 6
_analyze_vlogs( "4players.vlog" )
# check the results
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["distrib"]["dr"] == [
[ "Alice (2.7)", "Bob (4.5)", "Dave (2.8)", "Chuck (3.2)" ],
[ "36.4", "", "40", "" ],
[ "18.2", "12.5", "10", "33.3" ],
[ "9.1", "12.5", "20", "16.7" ],
[ "18.2", "12.5", "10", "50" ],
[ "9.1", "37.5", "", "" ],
[ "9.1", "25", "20", "" ]
assert lfa["distrib"]["DR"] == []
# check the results
assert lfa["pie"]["dr"] == [ ["Chuck","6"], ["Dave","10"], ["Bob","8"], ["Alice","11"] ]
assert lfa["pie"]["DR"] == []
# check the results
assert lfa["timePlot"] == []
# switch to showing the Random Selection dr's and check the results
_select_roll_type( "RS" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
_check_time_plot_window_sizes( [ 1, 5 ] )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (11)", "Bob (8)", "Dave (10)", "Chuck (6)" ],
["","3","","",""], ["","","3","",""], ["","6","","",""], ["","1","","",""], ["","","6","",""],
["","5","","",""], ["","","2","",""], ["","","4","",""], ["","2","","",""], ["","","","4",""],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "", "", "", "4" ],
["","","","","4"], ["","","","","2"], ["","","5","",""], ["","","5","",""], ["","","","1",""],
["","","","","3"], ["","","","","4"],
[ "Allied 1 MPh", "", "", "1", "" ],
["","","","3",""], ["","","","1",""], ["","4","","",""], ["","1","","",""], ["","4","","",""],
["","1","","",""], ["","1","","",""], ["","","6","",""], ["","","5","",""], ["","","","6",""],
[ "Allied 1 DFPh", "", "", "", "2" ],
["","","","3",""], ["","","","6",""], ["","2","","",""], ["","","","1",""], ["","","","2",""]
lfa = _get_chart_data( 5 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (11)", "Bob (8)", "Dave (10)", "Chuck (6)" ],
["Allied 1 PFPh","","4","",""],
["","","4.4","",""], ["","","","","3.4"],
["Allied 1 MPh","","","2",""],
["","3.6","","",""], ["","2.6","","",""], ["","3.2","","",""], ["","2.4","","",""], ["","2.2","","",""],
["","","4.4","",""], ["","","5","",""], ["","","","2.4",""],
["Allied 1 DFPh","","","","3"],
["","","","2.8",""], ["","","","3.8",""], ["","1.8","","",""], ["","","","3.4",""], ["","","","3.6",""]
# close the analysis window
find_child( "#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).click()
# run the tests
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, not pytest.config.option.short_tests ) #pylint: disable=no-member
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_multiple_files( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test analyzing multiple log files."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1 )
def check_color_pickers( expected ):
"""Check which color pickers are being presented to the user."""
find_child( "#lfa .options button.player-colors" ).click()
popup = wait_for_elem( 2, "#lfa .player-colors-popup" )
player_names = [ e.text for e in find_children( ".row .caption", popup ) if e.text ]
assert player_names.pop() == "expected results"
assert player_names == expected
def select_file( fname ):
"""Select one of the files being analyzed."""
find_child( "#lfa .banner .select-file" ).click()
popup = wait_for_elem( 2, "#lfa .select-file-popup" )
for row in find_children( ".row", popup ):
if find_child( "label", row ).text == fname:
find_child( "input[type='radio']", row ).click()
assert False, "Couldn't find file: "+fname
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# NOTE: The "1a" and "1b" log files have the same players (Alice and Bob), but the "2" log file
# has Bob and Chuck.
# multiple-1a multiple-1b multiple-2
# ----------- ----------- ----------
# A: IFT 5 2 A: IFT 3 6 B: IFT 5 5
# B: IFT 2 6 B: IFT 4 2 C: IFT 6 5
# A: rs 6 A: rs 2 B: sa 4
# A: IFT 4 1 Turn Track Turn Track
# B: IFT 4 4 A: IFT 4 3 B: IFT 2 2
# B: rs 1 B: IFT 6 4 C: IFT 5 4
# Turn Track C: rs 5
# A: IFT 2 1
# B: IFT 4 4
# A: rs 2
# B: sa 5
# load 2 log files that have the same players
_analyze_vlogs( [ "multiple-1a.vlog", "multiple-1b.vlog" ] )
# check the results
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (5)", "Bob (5)" ],
["","7",""], ["","","8"], ["","5",""], ["","","8"],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "3", "" ],
["","","8"], ["","9",""], ["","","6"],
[ "Allied 1 MPh", "7", "" ],
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice","6.821"], ["Bob","-8.984"] ]
_select_roll_type( "RS" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (3)", "Bob (1)" ],
["","6",""], ["","","1"],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "2", "" ],
_select_roll_type( "SA" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Bob (1)" ],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "5" ],
# close the analysis window
find_child( "#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).click()
# load 2 log files that have different players
_analyze_vlogs( [ "multiple-1a.vlog", "multiple-2.vlog" ] )
def check_all_files():
"""Check the results for all files."""
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (3)", "Bob (5)", "Chuck (2)" ],
["","7","",""], ["","","8",""], ["","5","",""], ["","","8",""],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "3", "", "" ],
["","","8",""], ["","","10",""], ["","","","11"],
[ "UN 1 PFPh", "", "4", "" ],
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice","27.322"], ["Bob","-6.672"], ["Chuck","-69.015"] ]
_select_roll_type( "RS" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (2)", "Bob (1)", "Chuck (1)" ],
["","6","",""], ["","","1",""],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "2", "", "" ],
["UN 1 PFPh","","","5"],
_select_roll_type( "SA" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Bob (2)" ],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "5" ],
check_color_pickers( [ "Alice", "Bob", "Chuck" ] )
# select a file and check the results
select_file( "multiple-1a.vlog" )
_select_roll_type( "" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (3)", "Bob (3)" ],
["","7",""], ["","","8"], ["","5",""], ["","","8"],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "3", "" ],
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Alice","27.322"], ["Bob","-21.889"] ]
_select_roll_type( "RS" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Alice (2)", "Bob (1)" ],
["","6",""], ["","","1"],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "2", "" ],
_select_roll_type( "SA" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Bob (1)" ],
[ "Allied 1 PFPh", "5" ],
check_color_pickers( [ "Alice", "Bob" ] )
# select another file and check the results
select_file( "multiple-2.vlog" )
_select_roll_type( "" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Bob (2)", "Chuck (2)" ],
["","10",""], ["","","11"],
[ "UN 1 PFPh", "4", "" ],
assert lfa["hotness"] == [ ["Bob","0.000"], ["Chuck","-69.015"] ]
_select_roll_type( "RS" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Chuck (1)" ],
[ "UN 1 PFPh", "5" ],
_select_roll_type( "SA" )
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "Bob (1)" ],
check_color_pickers( [ "Bob", "Chuck" ] )
# select all files and check the results
select_file( "All files" )
_select_roll_type( "" )
check_color_pickers( [ "Alice", "Bob", "Chuck" ] )
# close the analysis window
find_child( "#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).click()
# run the tests
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, not pytest.config.option.short_tests ) #pylint: disable=no-member
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_3d6( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test scenarios that use the 3d6 extension."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_tables=1 )
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# analyze the log file
_analyze_vlogs( "3d6.vlog" )
# check the results
# IFT 6,6
# RS 2
# 3d6 3,4,1
# IFT 6,5
# TH 6,2
# 3d6 2,4,2
lfa = _get_chart_data( 1 )
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "test (5)" ],
["","12"], ["","7"], ["","11"], ["","8"], ["","6"]
_select_roll_type( "3d6 (DR)" )
lfa = _get_chart_data()
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "test (2)" ],
["","7"], ["","6"]
_select_roll_type( "3d6 (dr)" )
lfa = _get_chart_data()
assert lfa["timePlot"] == [
[ "", "test (2)" ],
["","1"], ["","2"]
# close the analysis window
find_child( "#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).click()
# run the tests
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, not pytest.config.option.short_tests ) #pylint: disable=no-member
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_banner_updates( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test updating the banner."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1 )
def check_banner( roll_type ):
"""Check the banner."""
assert find_child( "#lfa .banner .title" ).text == "Log File Analysis test"
assert find_child( "#lfa .banner .title2" ).text == "(LFA-1)"
assert find_child( "#lfa .banner .roll-type" ).text == roll_type
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# analyze the log file
_analyze_vlogs( "banner-updates.vlog" )
# check the banner as the roll type is changed
check_banner( "Showing all rolls." )
_select_roll_type( "MC" )
check_banner( "Showing Morale Check rolls." )
_select_roll_type( "RS" )
check_banner( "Showing Random Selection rolls." )
# close the analysis window
find_child( "#lfa button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).click()
# run the tests
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, not pytest.config.option.short_tests ) #pylint: disable=no-member
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_download_data( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test downloading the data."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_persistence=1 )
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# analyze the log file
_analyze_vlogs( "download-test.vlog" )
# download the data
marker = set_stored_msg_marker( "_lfa-download_" )
find_child( "#lfa" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_stored_msg("_lfa-download_") != marker )
data = get_stored_msg( "_lfa-download_" )
# check the results
data = data.split( "\n" )
rows = list( csv.reader( data, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC ) )
assert rows == [
[ "Log file", "Phase", "Player", "Type", "Die 1", "Die 2" ],
[ "download-test.vlog", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 4, 1 ],
[ "", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 2, 5 ],
[ "", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "RS", 2, "" ],
[ "", "UN 1 PFPh", "\u65e5\u672c Guy", "IFT", 4, 6 ],
[ "", "", "\u65e5\u672c Guy", "IFT", 2, 6 ],
[ "", "", "\u65e5\u672c Guy", "RS", 3, "" ],
[ "", "UN 1 MPh", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 2, 6 ],
[ "", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "IFT", 2, 3 ],
[ "", "", 'Joey "The Lips" Blow', "RS", 3, "" ]
# run the test
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vasl_mods, reason="--vasl-mods not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest.config.option.vassal, reason="--vassal not specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_custom_labels( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test custom labels in the log file."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vlog_persistence=1, lfa_persistence=1 )
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# analyze the log file
_analyze_vlogs( "custom-labels.vlog" )
# download the data
marker = set_stored_msg_marker( "_lfa-download_" )
find_child( "#lfa" ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_stored_msg("_lfa-download_") != marker )
data = get_stored_msg( "_lfa-download_" )
# check the results
data = data.split( "\n" )
rows = list( csv.reader( data, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC ) )
assert rows == [
[ "Log file", "Phase", "Player", "Type", "Die 1", "Die 2" ],
[ "custom-labels.vlog", "", "test", "Other", 5, 3 ],
[ "", "", "test", "Other", 3, "" ],
[ "", "Custom Label 1", "test", "Other", 6, 6 ],
[ "", "", "test", "RS", 6, "" ],
[ "", "Axis 1 PFPh", "test", "Other", 4, 4 ],
[ "", "", "test", "RS", 6, "" ],
[ "", "Custom label 2", "test", "Other", 2, 1 ],
[ "", "", "test", "RS", 1, "" ]
# run the test
_run_tests( control_tests, do_test, False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _analyze_vlogs( fnames ):
"""Analyze log file(s)."""
# initialize
if isinstance( fnames, str ):
fnames = [ fnames ]
select_menu_option( "analyze_vlog" )
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.lfa-upload" )
# add each log file
for fno,fname in enumerate(fnames):
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/analyze-vlog/"+fname )
vlog_data = open( fname, "rb" ).read()
set_stored_msg( "_vlog-persistence_", "{}|{}".format(
os.path.split( fname )[1],
base64.b64encode( vlog_data ).decode( "utf-8" )
) )
find_child( "#lfa-upload .{}".format( "hint" if fno == 0 else "files" ), dlg ).click()
wait_for( 2, lambda: get_stored_msg( "_vlog-persistence_" ) == "" )
# start the analysis
find_child( "button.ok", dlg ).click()
wait_for_elem( 30, "#lfa" )
def _get_chart_data( window_size=None ):
"""Unload the chart data from the page."""
# set the time-plot window size
if window_size is not None:
_set_time_plot_window_size( window_size )
# unload the chart data
remove_first_col = lambda data: [ row[1:] for row in data ]
remove_last_col = lambda data: [ row[:-1] for row in data ]
remove_first_row = lambda data: data[1:]
return {
"distrib": {
"dr": remove_first_col( remove_last_col( _unload_table( "distrib d6x1" ) ) ),
"DR": remove_first_col( remove_last_col( _unload_table( "distrib d6x2" ) ) ),
"pie": {
"dr": remove_first_row( _unload_table( "pie d6x1" ) ),
"DR": remove_first_row( _unload_table( "pie d6x2" ) ),
"timePlot": _unload_table( "time-plot" ),
"hotness": remove_first_row( _unload_table( "hotness" ) ),
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _select_roll_type( roll_type ):
"""Select the roll type."""
elem = find_child( "select[name='roll-type']" )
select_droplist_val( Select(elem), roll_type, isSelectMenu=True )
def _check_time_plot_window_sizes( expected ):
"""Check the available time-plot window sizes."""
elem = find_child( "select[name='moving-average']" )
vals = get_droplist_vals( Select(elem) )
assert [ int(v[0]) for v in vals ] == expected
def _set_time_plot_window_size( window_size ):
"""Select the specified time-plot moving average window size."""
elem = find_child( "select[name='moving-average']" )
select_droplist_val( Select(elem), window_size, isSelectMenu=True )
def _check_time_plot_values( expected_window_sizes, window_size, expected ):
"""Check the time-plot values."""
# set the window size
assert int(window_size) in expected_window_sizes
_set_time_plot_window_size( window_size )
# unload and check the time plot values
vals = _unload_table( "time-plot" )
assert vals == expected
def _unload_table( sel ):
"""Unload chart data from an HTML table."""
return unload_table(
"//*[@class='{}']//table[@class='chart-data']//tr".format( sel )