Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

976 lines
46 KiB

""" Test VASSAL integration. """
import os
import re
import json
import base64
import random
import #pylint: disable=import-error
from vasl_templates.webapp.vassal import VassalShim
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import TempFile, change_extn, compare_version_strings
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests import pytest_options
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
init_webapp, select_menu_option, get_stored_msg, set_stored_msg, set_stored_msg_marker, wait_for, \
new_scenario, set_player, find_child
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario, load_scenario_params, save_scenario, \
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_user_settings import set_user_settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_full_update( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test updating a scenario that contains the full set of snippets."""
def do_test( enable_vo_notes ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests \
.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" ) \
.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" if enable_vo_notes else None )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, no_app_config_snippet_params=1 )
# load the scenario fields
"scenario": {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "Modified scenario name (<>{}\"'\\)",
"SCENARIO_ID": "xyz123",
"SCENARIO_LOCATION": "Right here",
"SCENARIO_DATE": "12/31/1945",
"ASA_ID": "", "ROAR_ID": "",
# NOTE: We used to change both nationalities here, but since we started tagging labels
# with their owning player, the old labels would be left in-place, so we have to test
# using the same nationalities.
"PLAYER_1": "american", "PLAYER_1_ELR": "5", "PLAYER_1_SAN": "4",
"PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION": "The Americans",
"PLAYER_2": "belgian", "PLAYER_2_ELR": "3", "PLAYER_2_SAN": "2",
"PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION": "The Belgians",
{ "caption": "Modified scenario note #1", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified scenario note #2", "width": "100px" }
"SSR": [ "Modified SSR #1", "Modified SSR #2" ],
"SSR_WIDTH": "103",
"ob1": {
"OB_SETUPS_1": [
{ "caption": "Modified American setup #1", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified American setup #2", "width": "200px" },
{ "caption": "Modified American setup #3", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified American setup #4", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified American setup #5", "width": "" },
"OB_NOTES_1": [
{ "caption": "Modified American note #1", "width": "10em" },
"OB_VEHICLES_1": [ "M2A4" ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_1": [ "M19 60mm Mortar" ],
"ob2": {
"OB_SETUPS_2": [ { "caption": "Modified Belgian setup #1", "width": "" } ],
"OB_NOTES_2": [
{ "caption": "Modified Belgian note #1", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified Belgian note #2", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified Belgian note #3", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified Belgian note #4", "width": "" },
{ "caption": "Modified Belgian note #5", "width": "" },
"OB_VEHICLES_2": [ "T-15(b)" ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_2": [ "DBT" ],
if enable_vo_notes:
load_scenario_params( SCENARIO_PARAMS )
assert_scenario_params_complete( SCENARIO_PARAMS, enable_vo_notes )
# dump the original VASL scenario
# NOTE: We could arguably only do this once, but updating scenarios is the key functionality of the VASSAL shim,
# and so it's worth checking that every VASSAL+VASL combination understands its input correctly.
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/full.vsav" )
vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, fname )
_check_vsav_dump( vsav_dump, {
"scenario": "Somewhere",
"players": re.compile( r"American:.*Belgian:" ),
"victory_conditions": "Make the other guy",
"ssr": re.compile( r"SSR #1.*SSR #2.*SSR #3" ),
"scenario_note.1": "scenario note #1",
"american/ob_setup_1.1": "U.S. setup #1", "american/ob_setup_1.2": "U.S. setup #2",
"american/ob_setup_1.3": "U.S. setup #3",
"american/ob_note_1.1": "U.S. note #1", "american/ob_note_1.2": "U.S. note #2",
"american/ob_vehicles_1": re.compile( r"M4A1.*Sherman Crab" ),
"american/ob_ordnance_1": "M1 81mm Mortar",
"american/baz": "Bazooka",
"belgian/ob_setup_2.1": "Belgian setup #1", "belgian/ob_setup_2.2": "Belgian setup #2",
"belgian/ob_setup_2.3": "Belgian setup #3",
"belgian/ob_note_2.1": "Belgian note #1", "belgian/ob_note_2.2": "Belgian note #2",
"belgian/ob_vehicles_2": re.compile( r"R-35\(f\).*Medium Truck" ),
"belgian/ob_ordnance_2": re.compile( r"Bofors M34.*DBT" ),
} )
# update the VASL scenario with the new snippets
# NOTE: The expected changes are:
# - created: scenario note 2 ; american setup 4-5 ; belgian note 3-5
# - updated: scenario ; players ; VC ; SSR ; scenario note 1
# - american: setup 1-3 ; note 1 ; vehicles ; ordnance ; baz
# - belgian: setup 1 ; note 1-2 ; vehicles ; ordnance
# nb: the BAZ label wouldn't normally be updated, but the template has changed since we created the .vsav
# - deleted: american note 2 ; belgian setup 2-3
# If v/o notes are enabled, we will also see 8 new labels created (one for each of the new
# American and Belgian vehicle/ordnance added, and 4 more for the multi-applicable notes).
expected = 14 if enable_vo_notes else 6
updated_vsav_data = _update_vsav( fname, { "created": expected, "updated": 17, "deleted": 3 } )
with TempFile() as temp_file:
# check the results
temp_file.write( updated_vsav_data )
temp_file.close( delete=False )
updated_vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, )
expected = {
"scenario": "Modified scenario name (<>{}\"'\\)",
"players": re.compile( r"American:.*Belgian:" ),
"victory_conditions": "Just do it!",
"ssr": re.compile( r"Modified SSR #1.*Modified SSR #2" ),
"scenario_note.1": "Modified scenario note #1",
"scenario_note.2": "Modified scenario note #2",
"american/ob_setup_1.1": "Modified American setup #1",
"american/ob_setup_1.2": "Modified American setup #2",
"american/ob_setup_1.3": "Modified American setup #3",
"american/ob_setup_1.4": "Modified American setup #4",
"american/ob_setup_1.5": "Modified American setup #5",
"american/ob_note_1.1": "Modified American note #1",
"american/ob_vehicles_1": "M2A4",
"american/ob_ordnance_1": "M19 60mm Mortar",
"american/baz": "Bazooka",
"belgian/ob_setup_2.1": "Modified Belgian setup #1",
"belgian/ob_note_2.1": "Modified Belgian note #1",
"belgian/ob_note_2.2": "Modified Belgian note #2",
"belgian/ob_note_2.3": "Modified Belgian note #3",
"belgian/ob_note_2.4": "Modified Belgian note #4",
"belgian/ob_note_2.5": "Modified Belgian note #5",
"belgian/ob_vehicles_2": "T-15(b)",
"belgian/ob_ordnance_2": "DBT",
if enable_vo_notes:
expected[ "american/ob_vehicle_note_1.1" ] = re.compile(
r'M2A4.*<img src="http://[^/]+/vehicles/american/note/1">'
expected[ "american/ob_vehicles_ma_notes_1" ] = re.compile(
"<span class='key'>B:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
"<span class='key'>C:</span> American Multi-Applicable Vehicle Note \"C\"." + ".*" \
"<span class='key'>P:</span> Unavailable."
expected[ "american/ob_ordnance_note_1.1" ] = re.compile(
r'M19 60mm Mortar.*<img src="http://[^/]+/ordnance/american/note/2">'
expected[ "american/ob_ordnance_ma_notes_1" ] = "<span class='key'>F:</span> Unavailable."
expected[ "belgian/ob_vehicle_note_2.1" ] = re.compile(
r'T-15\(b\)..*<img src="http://[^/]+/vehicles/allied-minor/note/17">'
expected[ "belgian/ob_vehicles_ma_notes_2" ] = \
"<span class='key'>A:</span> Allied Minor Multi-Applicable Vehicle Note \"A\"."
expected[ "belgian/ob_ordnance_note_2.1" ] = re.compile(
r'DBT.*<img src="http://[^/]+/ordnance/allied-minor/note/6">'
expected[ "belgian/ob_ordnance_ma_notes_2" ] = re.compile(
r"<span class='key'>A:</span> Allied Minor Multi-Applicable Ordnance Note \"A\"." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>B:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>D:</span> Unavailable."
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, expected )
# update the VASL scenario again (nothing should change)
updated_vsav_data = _update_vsav(, {} )
assert updated_vsav_data == b"No changes."
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, lambda: do_test(True) )
# run the test again (once) with no Chapter H vehicle/ordnance notes
run_vassal_tests( webapp, lambda: do_test(False), all_combos=False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_latw_autocreate( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test auto-creation of LATW labels."""
# NOTE: We're only interested in what happens with the LATW labels, we ignore everything else.
ignore_labels = [ "scenario", "players", "victory_conditions" ]
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1 )
# check the VASL scenario
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/empty.vsav" )
vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, fname )
_check_vsav_dump( vsav_dump, {}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (German/Russian, no date)
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian", "SCENARIO_DATE": "" } } )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, { "created": 3 } )
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
# nb: no LATW labels should have been created
}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (German/Russian, OCT/43)
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian", "SCENARIO_DATE": "10/01/1943" }
} )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, { "created": 4 } )
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"german/pf": "Panzerfaust",
}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (German/Russian, JAN/44)
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian", "SCENARIO_DATE": "01/01/1944" }
} )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, { "created": 5 } )
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"german/pf": "Panzerfaust", "german/atmm": "ATMM check:",
}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (British/American, no date)
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "british", "PLAYER_2": "american", "SCENARIO_DATE": "" } } )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, { "created": 3 } )
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
# nb: no LATW labels should have been created
}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (British/American, DEC/45)
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "british", "PLAYER_2": "american", "SCENARIO_DATE": "12/31/1945" }
} )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, { "created": 3 } )
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
# nb: no LATW labels should have been created
}, ignore_labels )
# run the test
# NOTE: We're testing the logic in the front/back-ends that determine whether LATW labels
# get created/updated/deleted, not the interaction with VASSAL, so we don't need to test
# against every VASSAL+VASL combination (although we can, if we want, but it'll be slow!)
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test, all_combos=False )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def test_latw_update( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test updating of LATW labels."""
# NOTE: We're only interested in what happens with the LATW labels, we ignore everything else.
ignore_labels = [ "scenario", "players", "victory_conditions" ]
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1 )
# check the VASL scenario
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/latw.vsav" )
vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, fname )
_check_vsav_dump( vsav_dump, {
"german/psk": "Panzerschrek", "german/atmm": "ATMM check:", # nb: the PF label has no snippet ID
"russian/mol-p": "TH#", # nb: the MOL label has no snippet ID
"british/piat": "TH#",
"american/baz": "Bazooka",
}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (German/Russian, no date)
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian", "SCENARIO_DATE": "" } } )
# NOTE: We changed the MOL-P template (to add custom list bullets), so the snippet is different
# to when this test was originally written, and so #updated changed from 2 to 3.
# NOTE: Same thing happened when we factored out the common CSS into common.css :-/ Sigh...
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 3, "updated": 5 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"german/pf": "Panzerfaust", # nb: the PF label now has a snippet ID
"german/psk": "Panzerschrek", "german/atmm": "ATMM check:",
"russian/mol": "Kindling Attempt:", "russian/mol-p": "TH#", # nb: the MOL label now has a snippet ID
# NOTE: We used to delete the PIAT and BAZ labels, but this no longer happens with player-owned labels.
"british/piat": "TH#", "american/baz": "Bazooka",
}, ignore_labels )
# update the scenario (British/American, DEC/1943)
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "british", "PLAYER_2": "american", "SCENARIO_DATE": "12/31/1943" }
} )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 3, "updated": 2 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
# NOTE: We used to delete the PSK/ATMM/MOL-P labels, but this no longer happens with player-owned labels.
"german/psk": "Panzerschrek", "german/atmm": "ATMM check:",
"russian/mol-p": "TH#", # nb: the MOL label now has a snippet ID
"british/piat": "TH#",
"american/baz": "Bazooka ('43)", # nb: this has changed from '45
}, ignore_labels )
# run the test
# NOTE: We're testing the logic in the front/back-ends that determine whether LATW labels
# get created/updated/deleted, not the interaction with VASSAL, so we don't need to test
# against every VASSAL+VASL combination (although we can, if we want, but it'll be slow!)
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test, all_combos=False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_dump_vsav( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test dumping a scenario."""
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# dump the VASL scenario
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/dump-vsav/labels.vsav" )
vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, fname )
# check the result
fname = change_extn( fname, ".txt" )
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
expected =
assert vsav_dump == expected
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_update_legacy_labels( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test detection and updating of legacy labels."""
def do_test( enable_vo_notes ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests \
.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" ) \
.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" if enable_vo_notes else None )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# dump the VASL scenario
# NOTE: We implemented snippet ID's in v0.5, this scenario is the "Hill 621" example from v0.4.
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/hill621-legacy.vsav" )
vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, fname )
labels = _get_vsav_labels( vsav_dump )
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 20
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" in lbl ] ) == 0 #pylint: disable=len-as-condition
# load the scenario into the UI and update the VSAV
fname2 = change_extn( fname, ".json" )
with open( fname2, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
saved_scenario = json.load( fp )
load_scenario( saved_scenario )
expected = 5 if enable_vo_notes else 1
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": expected, "updated": 20 }
# check the results
# nb: the update process should create 1 new label (the "Download from MMP" scenario note)
labels = _get_vsav_labels( updated_vsav_dump )
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 0 #pylint: disable=len-as-condition
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" in lbl ] ) == 25 if enable_vo_notes else 21
expected = {
"scenario": "Near Minsk",
"players": re.compile( r"Russian:.*German:" ),
"victory_conditions": "five Level 3 hill hexes",
"ssr": re.compile( r"no wind at start.*must take a TC" ),
"scenario_note.1": "Download the scenario card",
"russian/ob_setup_1.1": "whole hex of Board 3",
"russian/ob_setup_1.2": "Enter on Turn 2", "russian/ob_setup_1.3": "Enter on Turn 5",
"russian/ob_vehicles_1": re.compile( r"T-34 M43.*SU-152.*SU-122.*ZIS-5" ),
"german/ob_setup_2.1": "whole hex of Board 4",
"german/ob_setup_2.2": "Enter on Turn 1", "german/ob_setup_2.3": "Enter on Turn 2",
"german/ob_setup_2.4": "Enter on Turn 4", "german/ob_setup_2.5": "Enter on Turn 5",
"german/ob_setup_2.6": "Enter on Turn 8",
"german/ob_note_2.1": "80+mm Battalion Mortar",
"german/ob_note_2.2": "100+mm OBA",
"german/ob_vehicles_2": re.compile(
r"PzKpfw IVH.*PzKpfw IIIN.*StuG IIIG \(L\).*StuH 42.*SPW 250/1.*SPW 251/1.*SPW 251/sMG"
"german/ob_ordnance_2": re.compile( r"7.5cm PaK 40.*5cm PaK 38" ),
"german/pf": "Panzerfaust", "german/atmm": "Anti-Tank Magnetic Mines",
if enable_vo_notes:
expected[ "russian/ob_vehicle_note_1.1" ] = re.compile(
r'T-34 M43.*<img src="http://[^/]+/vehicles/russian/note/16">'
expected[ "german/ob_ordnance_note_2.2" ] = re.compile(
r'5cm PaK 38.*<img src="http://[^/]+/ordnance/german/note/8">'
expected[ "german/ob_vehicles_ma_notes_2" ] = re.compile(
r"<span class='key'>B:</span> German Multi-Applicable Vehicle Note \"B\"." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>C:</span> German Multi-Applicable Vehicle Note \"C\"." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>J:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>N:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>O:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>P:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>Q:</span> Unavailable." + ".*" \
r"<span class='key'>S:</span> Unavailable." + ".*"
expected["german/ob_ordnance_ma_notes_2"] = r"<span class='key'>N:</span> Unavailable."
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, expected )
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
# NOTE: VASL 6.6.3 can no longer read the .vsav file (VassalShim.loadScenario() calls
# GameState.decodeSavedGame(), which throws a java.util.NoSuchElementException).
# The stack trace suggests that it's having trouble understanding some OBA-related element,
# and Doug Rimmer tells me that he changed the names of a few things in the OBA dialog,
# so I suspect the code is trying to deserialize something it no longers knows about :-/
# The tests here are for handling legacy labels, which was an issue quite a long time ago
# in vasl-templates years, so we just ignore this problem...
run_vassal_tests( webapp, lambda: do_test(True), ignore_vasl_versions=["6.6.3"] )
# run the test again (once) with no Chapter H vehicle/ordnance notes
run_vassal_tests( webapp, lambda: do_test(False), all_combos=False, ignore_vasl_versions=["6.6.3"] )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def test_update_legacy_latw_labels( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test detection and updating of legacy LATW labels."""
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# dump the VASL scenario
# NOTE: This scenario contains LATW labels created using v0.4 i.e. they have no snippet ID's.
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/latw-legacy.vsav" )
vsav_dump = _dump_vsav( webapp, fname )
labels = _get_vsav_labels( vsav_dump )
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 8
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" in lbl ] ) == 0 #pylint: disable=len-as-condition
# NOTE: We're only interested in what happens with the LATW labels, ignore everything else
ignore_labels = [ "scenario", "players", "victory_conditions" ]
# update the VSAV (all LATW are active)
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian", "SCENARIO_DATE": "12/31/1945" }
} )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 3, "updated": 5 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"german/pf": "Panzerfaust", "german/psk": "Panzerschrek", "german/atmm": "ATMM check:",
"russian/mol": "Kindling Attempt:", "russian/mol-p": "TH#",
}, ignore_labels )
labels = _get_vsav_labels( updated_vsav_dump )
# nb: the legacy labels left in place: the scenario comment, and the PIAT/BAZ labels
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 3
# update the VSAV (all LATW are active)
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "british", "PLAYER_2": "american", "SCENARIO_DATE": "12/31/1945" }
} )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 3, "updated": 2 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"british/piat": "PIAT",
"american/baz": "Bazooka ('45)",
}, ignore_labels )
labels = _get_vsav_labels( updated_vsav_dump )
# nb: the legacy labels left in place: the scenario comment, the PF/PSK/ATMM and MOL/MOL-P labels
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 6
# update the VSAV (some LATW are active)
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian", "SCENARIO_DATE": "" } } )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 3, "updated": 5 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"german/pf": "Panzerfaust", "german/psk": "Panzerschrek", "german/atmm": "ATMM check:",
"russian/mol": "Kindling Attempt:", "russian/mol-p": "TH#",
}, ignore_labels )
labels = _get_vsav_labels( updated_vsav_dump )
# nb: the legacy labels left in place: the scenario comment, the PIAT/BAZ labels
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 3
# update the VSAV (some LATW are active)
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "british", "PLAYER_2": "american", "SCENARIO_DATE": "" } } )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 3, "updated": 2 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump, {
"british/piat": "PIAT",
"american/baz": "Bazooka",
}, ignore_labels )
labels = _get_vsav_labels( updated_vsav_dump )
# nb: the legacy labels left in place: the scenario comment, the PF/PSK/ATMM, MOL/MOL-P and BAZ labels
assert len( [ lbl for lbl in labels if "vasl-templates:id" not in lbl ] ) == 6
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_player_owned_labels( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test how we update labels owned by different player nationalities."""
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1 )
load_scenario_params( {
"scenario": {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "Player-owned labels",
"SCENARIO_DATE": "01/01/1940",
"PLAYER_1": "german",
"PLAYER_2": "american",
"ob1": { "OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "german setup #1" } ] },
"ob2": { "OB_SETUPS_2": [ { "caption": "american setup #1" } ] },
} )
# update a legacy scenario (i.e. labels have *not* been tagged with their owner player nationality)
# NOTE: We expect to see 4 labels updated:
# - the 2 OB setup labels (they will get the new-style ID's)
# - scenario (timestamp)
# - players (new American player)
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/player-owned-labels-legacy.vsav" )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "updated": 4 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump , {
"german/ob_setup_1.1": "german setup #1",
"american/ob_setup_2.1": "american setup #1",
}, ignore=["scenario","players","victory_conditions"] )
# update a new-style scenario (i.e. labels *have* been tagged with their owner player nationality)
# NOTE: We expect to see 1 label created:
# - a new American OB setup label
# and 2 labels updated:
# - scenario (timestamp)
# - players (new American player)
# The existing Russian OB setup label should be ignored and left in-place.
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/player-owned-labels.vsav" )
updated_vsav_dump = _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname,
{ "created": 1, "updated": 2 }
_check_vsav_dump( updated_vsav_dump , {
"german/ob_setup_1.1": "german setup #1",
"american/ob_setup_2.1": "american setup #1",
"russian/ob_setup_2.1": "russian setup #1",
}, ignore=["scenario","players","victory_conditions"] )
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_analyze_vsav( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test analyzing a scenario."""
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# analyze a basic scenario
set_player( 1, "german" )
set_player( 2, "russian" )
analyze_vsav( "basic.vsav",
[ [ "ge/v:033", "ge/v:066" ], [ "ge/o:029" ] ],
[ [ "ru/v:064" ], [ "ru/o:002", "ru/o:006" ] ],
[ "Imported 2 German vehicles and 1 ordnance.", "Imported 1 Russian vehicle and 2 ordnance." ]
# try again with different nationalities
set_player( 1, "french" )
set_player( 2, "british" )
analyze_vsav( "basic.vsav",
[ [], [] ],
[ [], [] ],
[ "No vehicles/ordnance were imported." ]
# analyze a scenario with landing craft
set_player( 1, "american" )
set_player( 2, "japanese" )
analyze_vsav( "landing-craft.vsav",
[ [ ("sh/v:000","397/0"), ("sh/v:000","399/0"), ("sh/v:006","413/0"), ("sh/v:006","415/0") ], [] ],
[ [ "sh/v:007", "sh/v:008" ], [] ],
[ "Imported 4 American vehicles.", "Imported 2 Japanese vehicles." ]
# analyze a scenario with common vehicles/ordnance
set_player( 1, "belgian" )
set_player( 2, "romanian" )
analyze_vsav( "common-vo.vsav",
[ [ "be/v:000", "alc/v:011" ], [ "be/o:001", "alc/o:012" ] ],
[ [ "ro/v:000", "axc/v:027" ], [ "ro/o:003", "axc/o:002" ] ],
[ "Imported 2 Belgian vehicles and 2 ordnance.", "Imported 2 Romanian vehicles and 2 ordnance." ]
# try again with the Yugoslavians/Croatians
set_player( 1, "yugoslavian" )
set_player( 2, "croatian" )
analyze_vsav( "common-vo.vsav",
[ [ "alc/v:011" ], [ "alc/o:012" ] ],
[ [ "axc/v:027" ], [ "axc/o:002" ] ],
[ "Imported 1 Yugoslavian vehicle and 1 ordnance.", "Imported 1 Croatian vehicle and 1 ordnance." ]
# try again with the Germans/Russians
analyze_vsav( "common-vo.vsav",
[ [], [] ],
[ [], [] ],
[ "No vehicles/ordnance were imported." ]
# analyze a scenario using counters from an extension
set_player( 1, "american" )
set_player( 2, "japanese" )
analyze_vsav( "extensions-bfp.vsav",
[ [ "am/v:906" ], [ "am/o:900" ] ],
[ [ "ja/v:902" ], [ "ja/o:902" ] ],
[ "Imported 1 American vehicle and 1 ordnance.", "Imported 1 Japanese vehicle and 1 ordnance." ]
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test, vasl_extns_type="{REAL}" )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def test_analyze_vsav_hip_concealed( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test analyzing a scenario that contains HIP and concealed units."""
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# do the test
# NOTE: The test scenario contains hidden/concealed units belonging to the Russians and Germans,
# but because the owning user is test/password, they should be ignored (unless you configure VASSAL
# with these credentials, so don't do that :-/).
analyze_vsav( "hip-concealed.vsav",
[ [], [] ],
[ [], [] ],
[ "No vehicles/ordnance were imported." ]
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_reverse_remapped_gpids( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test reverse mapping of GPID's."""
def do_test(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# do the test
set_player( 1, "american" )
set_player( 2, "croatian" )
analyze_vsav( "reverse-remapped-gpids-650.vsav",
[ ["am/v:044"], ["am/o:002","am/o:021"] ],
[ ["cr/v:002","cr/v:003"], ["cr/o:000"] ],
[ "Imported 1 American vehicle and 2 ordnance.", "Imported 2 Croatian vehicles and 1 ordnance." ]
# run the test against all versions of VASSAL+VASL
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test, min_vasl_version="6.5.0" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_vo_entry_selection_for_theater( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test selection of vehicle/ordnance entries by theater."""
def do_test( theater, expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, vsav_persistence=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# do the test
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": {
"PLAYER_1": "american",
} } )
analyze_vsav( "vo-entry-selection-for-theater.vsav",
[ [], expected ],
[ [], [] ],
[ "Imported 4 American ordnance." ]
# do the tests
def do_tests(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# NOTE: The .vsav file contains ROK and OUNC variants of the M2 60* Mortar which, strictly speaking,
# should only be imported for ROK and OUNC players respectively. However, due to the way the data files
# are currently set up (the kfw/un-common.json file gets appended to the US, British, ROK and OUNC
# player lists, and all the GPID's become available to all the players), they are currently (incorrectly)
# imported. However, this isn't a big problem since these players will never be fighting against each other.
do_test( "ETO", [
# NOTE: The normal M2 60* Mortar gets imported as an old-style American entry (because we're in ETO).
# NOTE The other variants always get imported as K:FW counters.
("kfw-un-common/o:002","12689/0"), ("kfw-un-common/o:002","11391/0"), ("kfw-un-common/o:002","11440/0")
] )
do_test( "Korea", [
# NOTE: The normal M2 60* Mortar gets imported as new-style K:FW entry (because we're in Korea).
# NOTE The other variants always get imported as K:FW counters.
("kfw-un-common/o:002","12689/0"), ("kfw-un-common/o:002","11391/0"), ("kfw-un-common/o:002","11440/0")
] )
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_tests, min_vasl_version="6.5.0" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_vassal_tests( webapp, func, vasl_extns_type=None,
all_combos=None, min_vasl_version=None, max_vasl_version=None, ignore_vasl_versions=None
"""Run the test function for each combination of VASSAL + VASL.
This is, of course, going to be insanely slow, since we need to spin up a JVM
and initialize VASSAL/VASL each time :-/
# get the available VASSAL and VASL versions
vassal_versions = webapp.control_tests.get_vassal_versions()
assert len( vassal_versions ) > 0, "Can't find any VASSAL versions."
vasl_versions = webapp.control_tests.get_vasl_versions()
if min_vasl_version:
vasl_versions = [
v for v in vasl_versions
if compare_version_strings( v, min_vasl_version ) >= 0
if max_vasl_version:
vasl_versions = [
v for v in vasl_versions
if compare_version_strings( v, max_vasl_version ) <= 0
if ignore_vasl_versions:
assert isinstance( ignore_vasl_versions, list )
vasl_versions = [
v for v in vasl_versions
if v not in ignore_vasl_versions
assert len( vasl_versions ) > 0, "Can't find any VASL versions."
# check if we want to test all VASSAL+VASL combinations (nb: if not, we test against only one combination,
# and since they all should give the same results, it doesn't matter which one.
if all_combos is None:
all_combos = not pytest_options.short_tests
if not all_combos:
for _ in range(0,100):
vasl_version = random.choice( vasl_versions )
vassal_version = random.choice( vassal_versions )
if VassalShim.is_compatible_version( vassal_version, vasl_version ):
vasl_versions = [ vasl_version ]
vassal_versions = [ vassal_version ]
assert False, "Can't find a valid combination of VASSAL and VASL."
# run the test for each VASSAL+VASL
for vassal_version in vassal_versions:
for vasl_version in vasl_versions:
if not VassalShim.is_compatible_version( vassal_version, vasl_version ):
webapp.control_tests \
.set_vassal_version( vassal_version ) \
.set_vasl_version( vasl_version, vasl_extns_type )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _update_vsav( fname, expected ):
"""Update a VASL scenario."""
# read the VSAV data
with open( fname, "rb" ) as fp:
vsav_data =
# send the VSAV data to the front-end to be updated
set_stored_msg( "_vsav-persistence_", base64.b64encode( vsav_data ).decode( "utf-8" ) )
_ = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-info_" )
_ = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-warning_" )
select_menu_option( "update_vsav" )
# wait for the front-end to receive the data
def check_response():
# NOTE: If something is misconfigured, the error response can get stored in the persistence buffer
# really quickly i.e. before we get a chance to detect it here being cleared first.
resp = get_stored_msg( "_vsav-persistence_" )
return resp == "" or resp.startswith( "ERROR:" )
wait_for( 2, check_response )
# wait for the updated data to come back
timeout = 120 if == "nt" else 60
wait_for( timeout, lambda: get_stored_msg( "_vsav-persistence_" ) != "" )
updated_vsav_data = get_stored_msg( "_vsav-persistence_" )
if updated_vsav_data.startswith( "ERROR: " ):
raise RuntimeError( updated_vsav_data )
updated_vsav_data = base64.b64decode( updated_vsav_data )
# parse the VASSAL shim report
if expected:
report = {}
msg = get_stored_msg( "_last-warning_" if "deleted" in expected else "_last-info_" )
assert "The VASL scenario was updated:" in msg
for mo2 in re.finditer( "<li>([^<]+)", msg ):
mo3 = r"^(\d+) labels? (were|was) ([a-z]+)", )
report[ ] = int( )
assert report == expected
assert "No changes were made" in get_stored_msg( "_last-info_" )
return updated_vsav_data
def _update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, expected ):
"""Update a VASL scenario and dump the result."""
# update the VSAV
updated_vsav_data = _update_vsav( fname, expected )
# dump the updated VSAV
with TempFile() as temp_file:
temp_file.write( updated_vsav_data )
temp_file.close( delete=False )
return _dump_vsav( webapp, )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _dump_vsav( webapp, fname ):
"""Dump a VASL scenario file."""
return webapp.control_tests.dump_vsav( fname )
def _check_vsav_dump( vsav_dump, expected, ignore=None ):
""""Check that a VASL scenario dump contains what we expect."""
# extract the information of interest from the dump
labels = {}
for label in _get_vsav_labels(vsav_dump):
mo2 = r"<!-- vasl-templates:id (.*?) -->", label, re.DOTALL )
if not mo2:
continue # nb: this is not one of ours
snippet_id = 1 )
if snippet_id.startswith( "extras/" ):
for tag in [ "b", "em" ]:
label = label.replace( "<{}>".format( tag ), "" ).replace( "</{}>".format( tag ), "" )
labels[snippet_id] = label
# compare what we extracted from the dump with what's expected
for snippet_id in expected:
if isinstance( expected[snippet_id], ):
rc = expected[snippet_id].search( labels[snippet_id] ) is not None
assert isinstance( expected[snippet_id], str )
rc = expected[snippet_id] in labels[snippet_id]
if not rc:
print( "Can't find {} in label: {}".format( expected[snippet_id], labels[snippet_id] ) )
assert False
del labels[snippet_id]
# check for unexpected extra labels in the VASL scenario
if ignore:
labels = [ lbl for lbl in labels if lbl not in ignore ]
if labels:
for snippet_id in labels:
print( "Extra label in the VASL scenario: {}".format( snippet_id ) )
assert False
def _get_vsav_labels( vsav_dump ):
"""Extract the labels from a VSAV dump."""
matches = re.finditer( r"AddPiece: DynamicProperty/User-Labeled.*?^\s*?(?=[^- ])",
labels = [ for mo in matches ]
regex = re.compile( r"<html>.*?</html>" )
matches = [ for label in labels ]
return [ if mo else "<???>" for mo in matches ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def analyze_vsav( fname, expected_ob1, expected_ob2, expected_report ):
"""Analyze a VASL scenario."""
# read the VSAV data
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/analyze-vsav/"+fname )
with open( fname, "rb" ) as fp:
vsav_data =
# send the VSAV data to the front-end to be analyzed
set_stored_msg( "_vsav-persistence_", base64.b64encode( vsav_data ).decode( "utf-8" ) )
prev_info_msg = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-info_" )
set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-warning_" )
select_menu_option( "analyze_vsav" )
# wait for the analysis to finish
wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child( "#please-wait" ).is_displayed() )
wait_for( 60, lambda: not find_child( "#please-wait" ).is_displayed() )
# check the results
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
def get_ids( key ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return set(
( v["id"], v.get("image_id") )
for v in saved_scenario.get( key, [] )
def adjust_expected( vals ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return set(
v if isinstance(v,tuple) else (v,None)
for v in vals
assert get_ids( "OB_VEHICLES_1" ) == adjust_expected( expected_ob1[0] )
assert get_ids( "OB_ORDNANCE_1" ) == adjust_expected( expected_ob1[1] )
assert get_ids( "OB_VEHICLES_2" ) == adjust_expected( expected_ob2[0] )
assert get_ids( "OB_ORDNANCE_2" ) == adjust_expected( expected_ob2[1] )
# check the report
msg = get_stored_msg( "_last-info_" )
if msg == prev_info_msg:
msg = get_stored_msg( "_last-warning_" )
assert all( e in msg for e in expected_report )
def _disable_snippet_images():
"""Disable images in snippets."""
# NOTE: These used to default to off, but we changed that to on (v1.9), and since this will cause many labels
# to update when we are not expecting them to (because they now have an image in them), we turn everything off
# before running tests.
set_user_settings( {
"include-vasl-images-in-snippets": False,
"include-flags-in-snippets": False,
"custom-list-bullets": False,
} )