Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

389 lines
18 KiB

""" Test HTML-related functionality. """
import os
import re
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
init_webapp, select_tab, click_dialog_button, load_trumbowyg, unload_trumbowyg, \
find_child, find_sortable_helper, wait_for_elem, wait_for_clipboard
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vassal import \
run_vassal_tests, update_vsav_and_dump, get_vsav_labels, disable_snippet_images
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario, save_scenario
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_sanitize_load_scenario( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test sanitization of HTML content in scenarios as they are loaded."""
# initialize
# NOTE: The Trumbowyg tag black-list is active, which will affect results (by removing tags *and their contents).
webapp.control_tests.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
# load a scenario with unsafe content
load_scenario( _make_scenario_params( False ) )
def check_val( name, expected ):
elem = find_child( ".param[name='{}']".format( name ) )
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == expected
def check_html_textbox( name, expected ):
elem = find_child( "div.html-textbox[name='{}']".format( name ) )
assert elem.get_attribute( "innerHTML" ) == expected
def check_trumbowyg( name, expected ):
assert unload_trumbowyg( name ) == expected
def check_sortable( sortable_sel, expected, expected_width ):
sortable = find_child( sortable_sel )
entry = find_child( "li", sortable ) # nb: we assume there's only 1 entry
assert entry.text == expected
if expected_width:
ActionChains( webdriver ).double_click( entry ).perform()
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane input[name='width']" )
assert elem.get_attribute( "value" ) == expected_width
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
def check_custom_cap( sortable_sel, expected ):
elem = find_child( "{} li".format( sortable_sel ) ) # nb: we assume there's only 1 entry
ActionChains( webdriver ).double_click( elem ).perform()
elem = find_child( ".ui-dialog.edit-vo .sortable div.html-textbox" )
assert elem.get_attribute( "innerHTML" ) == expected
click_dialog_button( "Cancel" )
# check what was loaded into the UI
# NOTE: We can't use save_scenario), since that also sanitizes HTML.
check_html_textbox( "SCENARIO_NAME", "!scenario_name:#" )
check_html_textbox( "SCENARIO_ID", "!scenario_id:@@@#" )
check_html_textbox( "SCENARIO_LOCATION", "!scenario_location:<div style=\"text-align:right;\">@@@</div>#" )
check_val( "SCENARIO_WIDTH", "!scenario_width:@@@#" )
check_html_textbox( "PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION", "!player1_description:#" )
check_html_textbox( "PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION", "!player2_description:#" )
check_val( "PLAYERS_WIDTH", "!players_width:@@@#" )
check_trumbowyg( "VICTORY_CONDITIONS", "!victory_conditions:@@@#" )
check_val( "VICTORY_CONDITIONS_WIDTH", "!victory_conditions_width:@@@#" )
check_sortable( "#scenario_notes-sortable", "!scenario_note:#", "!scenario_note_width:@@@#" )
check_sortable( "#ssr-sortable", "!ssr:#", None )
check_val( "SSR_WIDTH", "!ssr_width:@@@#" )
# check what was loaded into the UI
for player_no in (1,2):
select_tab( "ob{}".format( player_no ) )
check_sortable( "#ob_setups-sortable_{}".format( player_no ), "!ob_setup:#", "!ob_setup_width:@@@#" )
check_sortable( "#ob_notes-sortable_{}".format( player_no ), "!ob_note:#", "!ob_note_width:@@@#" )
check_val( "OB_VEHICLES_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ), "!ob_vehicles_width:@@@#" )
check_val( "OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ), "!ob_vehicles_ma_notes_width:@@@#" )
check_val( "OB_ORDNANCE_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ), "!ob_ordnance_width:@@@#" )
check_val( "OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ), "!ob_ordnance_ma_notes_width:@@@#" )
check_custom_cap( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_{}".format( player_no ), "!custom_cap:@@@#" )
check_custom_cap( "#ob_ordnance-sortable_{}".format( player_no ), "!custom_cap:@@@#" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_sanitize_save_scenario( webapp, webdriver, monkeypatch ):
"""Test sanitization of HTML content when saving scenarios."""
# initialize
monkeypatch.setitem( webapp.config, "TRUMBOWYG_TAG_BLACKLIST", "[]" )
webapp.control_tests.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, no_sanitize_load=1, scenario_persistence=1 )
# load a scenario with unsafe content
load_scenario( _make_scenario_params( False ) )
# unload the scenario
params = save_scenario()
# NOTE: It's a bit tedious to have to list every single parameter in a save file, but this lets us detect
# the case where a new parameter has been added, and we haven't updated these sanitization tests for it.
params.pop( key )
params = { k: v for k, v in params.items() if not k[0] == "_" }
assert params == {
"PLAYER_1": "german",
"PLAYER_2": "russian",
"SCENARIO_NAME": "!scenario_name:#",
"SCENARIO_ID": "!scenario_id:@@@#",
"SCENARIO_LOCATION": "!scenario_location:<div style=\"text-align:right;\">@@@</div>#",
"SCENARIO_WIDTH": "!scenario_width:@@@#",
"PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION": "!player1_description:#",
"PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION": "!player2_description:#",
"PLAYERS_WIDTH": "!players_width:@@@#",
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS": "!victory_conditions:@@@#",
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS_WIDTH": "!victory_conditions_width:@@@#",
"SCENARIO_NOTES": [ { "id": 1,
"caption": "!scenario_note:#",
"width": "!scenario_note_width:@@@#"
} ],
"SSR": [ "!ssr:#" ],
"SSR_WIDTH": "!ssr_width:@@@#",
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "id": 1, "caption": "!ob_setup:#", "width": "!ob_setup_width:@@@#" } ],
"OB_NOTES_1": [ { "id": 1, "caption": "!ob_note:#", "width": "!ob_note_width:@@@#" } ],
"OB_VEHICLES_1": [ { "seq_id": 1,
"id": "ge/v:990", "name": "a german vehicle",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:@@@#" ]
} ],
"OB_VEHICLES_WIDTH_1": "!ob_vehicles_width:@@@#",
"OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_1": "!ob_vehicles_ma_notes_width:@@@#",
"OB_ORDNANCE_1": [ { "seq_id": 1,
"id": "ge/o:990", "name": "a german ordnance",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:@@@#" ]
} ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_WIDTH_1": "!ob_ordnance_width:@@@#",
"OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_1": "!ob_ordnance_ma_notes_width:@@@#",
"OB_SETUPS_2": [ { "id": 1, "caption": "!ob_setup:#", "width": "!ob_setup_width:@@@#" } ],
"OB_NOTES_2": [ { "id": 1, "caption": "!ob_note:#", "width": "!ob_note_width:@@@#" } ],
"OB_VEHICLES_2": [ { "seq_id": 1,
"id": "ru/v:990", "name": "a russian vehicle",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:@@@#" ]
} ],
"OB_VEHICLES_WIDTH_2": "!ob_vehicles_width:@@@#",
"OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_2": "!ob_vehicles_ma_notes_width:@@@#",
"OB_ORDNANCE_2": [ { "seq_id": 1,
"id": "ru/o:990", "name": "a russian ordnance",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:@@@#" ]
} ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_WIDTH_2": "!ob_ordnance_width:@@@#",
"OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_2": "!ob_ordnance_ma_notes_width:@@@#",
"ASA_ID": "", "ROAR_ID": "",
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_sanitize_update_vsav( webapp, webdriver, monkeypatch ):
"""Test sanitization of HTML content when updating a VASL save file."""
def do_test():
# initialize
monkeypatch.setitem( webapp.config, "TRUMBOWYG_TAG_BLACKLIST", "[]" )
webapp.control_tests \
.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" ) \
.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, no_sanitize_load=1, scenario_persistence=1, vsav_persistence=1 )
# load a scenario with unsafe content
load_scenario( _make_scenario_params( True ) )
# update the VSAV, then dump it
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/update-vsav/empty.vsav" )
vsav_dump = update_vsav_and_dump( webapp, fname, { "created": 22 } )
labels, _ = get_vsav_labels( vsav_dump )
# remove labels we don't need to check
for player_no, nat in ( (1,"german"), (2,"russian") ):
for key in ( "{}/nat_caps_{}", "{}/ob_vehicle_note_{}.1", "{}/ob_ordnance_note_{}.1" ):
key = key.format( nat, player_no )
assert all(
tag not in labels[key]
for tag in ( "<script", "<iframe", "<object", "<applet", "<x" )
del labels[ key ]
# check the labels in the VSAV
expected = {
"scenario": [
r'width: !scenario_width:@@@# ;',
r'!scenario_location:<div style="text-align:right;">@@@</div>#'
"players": [
r'width: !players_width:@@@# ;',
"victory_conditions": [
r'width: !victory_conditions_width:@@@# ;',
"ssr": [
r'width: !ssr_width:@@@# ;',
"scenario_note.1": [
r'width: !scenario_note_width:@@@# ;',
"german/ob_setup_1.1": [
r'width: !ob_setup_width:@@@# ;',
"german/ob_note_1.1": [
r'width: !ob_note_width:@@@# ;',
"german/ob_vehicles_1": [
"width: !ob_vehicles_width:@@@# ;",
"german/ob_vehicles_ma_notes_1": [ "width: !ob_vehicles_ma_notes_width:@@@# ;" ],
"german/ob_ordnance_1": [
"width: !ob_ordnance_width:@@@# ;",
"german/ob_ordnance_ma_notes_1": [ "width: !ob_ordnance_ma_notes_width:@@@# ;" ],
"russian/ob_setup_2.1": [
r'width: !ob_setup_width:@@@# ;',
"russian/ob_note_2.1": [
r'width: !ob_note_width:@@@# ;',
"russian/ob_vehicles_2": [
"width: !ob_vehicles_width:@@@# ;",
"russian/ob_vehicles_ma_notes_2": [ "width: !ob_vehicles_ma_notes_width:@@@# ;" ],
"russian/ob_ordnance_2": [
"width: !ob_ordnance_width:@@@# ;",
"russian/ob_ordnance_ma_notes_2": [ "width: !ob_ordnance_ma_notes_width:@@@# ;" ],
for snippet_id in list( labels.keys() ):
if snippet_id in expected:
label = labels.pop( snippet_id )
regex = re.compile( ".*".join( expected.pop( snippet_id ) ) )
assert label )
assert len( labels ) == 0
# do the test
run_vassal_tests( webapp, do_test, all_combos=False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_sanitize_input( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test sanitizing HTML as it is entered in the UI."""
# initialize
# NOTE: The Trumbowyg tag black-list is active, which will affect results (by removing tags *and their contents).
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
# NOTE: We don't sanitize things like the scenario name, since it is entered into an <input> textbox,
# and so can't do any harm (these are sanitized when the scenario is unloaded from the UI).
# test sanitizing HTML in Trumbowyg controls
# NOTE: Trumbowyg only sanitizes tags, not attributes.
elem = find_child( ".param[name='VICTORY_CONDITIONS']" )
load_trumbowyg( elem, "foo <script>xyz</script> bar" )
find_child( ".trumbowyg-viewHTML-button" ).click()
# FUDGE! We need to switch back to raw HTML mode for the <textarea> to be updated with the sanitized HTML.
find_child( ".trumbowyg-viewHTML-button" ).click()
assert unload_trumbowyg( elem ) == "foo bar"
# test sanitizing HTML in a simple note dialog that hasn't been saved yet
sortable = find_child( "#scenario_notes-sortable" )
find_sortable_helper( sortable, "add" ).click()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.edit-simple_note" )
load_trumbowyg( find_child( ".trumbowyg-editor", dlg ),
"foo <script>format_hdd();</script> bar"
find_child( "button.snippet", dlg ).click()
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "foo bar", contains=True )
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_html_textbox( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test HTML textbox's."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def transform( clipboard ):
mo = r"\[(.*?)\]", clipboard )
# enter some plain text into an HTML textbox, then check its contents
ctrl = find_child( "div.html-textbox[name='SCENARIO_NAME']" )
ctrl.send_keys( "abc" )
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='scenario']" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "abc", transform=transform )
# open the dialog to add some HTML content, then check its contents
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_down( Keys.ALT ).click( ctrl ).perform()
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_up( Keys.ALT ).perform()
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.edit-html_textbox" )
elem = find_child( ".trumbowyg-editor", dlg )
elem.send_keys( Keys.END )
elem.send_keys( " " )
find_child( "button.trumbowyg-strong-button", dlg ).click()
elem.send_keys( "bold" )
click_dialog_button( "OK" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "abc <b>bold</b>", transform=transform )
# modify the HTML textbox directly, then check its contents
ctrl.send_keys( Keys.END )
ctrl.send_keys( "!!!" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "abc <b>bold!!!</b>", transform=transform )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _make_scenario_params( real_vo ):
"""Generate scenario parameters that contain unsafe HTML."""
# generate the scenario parameters
params = {
"PLAYER_1": "german",
"PLAYER_2": "russian",
"SCENARIO_NAME": "!scenario_name:<script>@@@</script>#",
"SCENARIO_ID": "!scenario_id:<x>@@@</x>#",
"SCENARIO_LOCATION": "!scenario_location:<div foo='bar' style='text-align:right;'>@@@</div>#",
"SCENARIO_WIDTH": "!scenario_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
"PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION": "!player1_description:<iframe>@@@</iframe>#",
"PLAYER_2_DESCRIPTION": "!player2_description:<iframe>@@@</iframe>#",
"PLAYERS_WIDTH": "!players_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS": "!victory_conditions:<applet>@@@</applet>#",
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS_WIDTH": "!victory_conditions_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
{ "caption": "!scenario_note:<iframe>@@@</iframe>#", "width": "!scenario_note_width:<x>@@@</x>#" }
"SSR": [ "!ssr:<iframe>@@@</iframe>#" ],
"SSR_WIDTH": "!ssr_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
# add in player-specific parameters
params.update( {
"OB_VEHICLES_1": [ {
"name": "PzKpfw IB" if real_vo else "a german vehicle",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:<x>@@@</x>#" ]
} ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_1": [ {
"name": "5cm leGrW" if real_vo else "a german ordnance",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:<x>@@@</x>#" ]
} ],
"OB_VEHICLES_2": [ {
"name": "T-37" if real_vo else "a russian vehicle",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:<x>@@@</x>#" ]
} ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_2": [ {
"name": "50mm RM obr. 40" if real_vo else "a russian ordnance",
"custom_capabilities": [ "!custom_cap:<x>@@@</x>#" ]
} ],
} )
for player_no in (1,2):
params.update( {
"OB_SETUPS_{}".format( player_no ): [ {
"caption": "!ob_setup:<script foo='bar' style='text-align:right;'>@@@</script>#",
"width": "!ob_setup_width:<x>@@@</x>#"
} ],
"OB_NOTES_{}".format( player_no ): [ {
"caption": "!ob_note:<iframe foo='bar' style='text-align:right;'>@@@</iframe>#",
"width": "!ob_note_width:<x>@@@</x>#"
} ],
"OB_VEHICLES_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ): "!ob_vehicles_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
"OB_VEHICLES_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ): "!ob_vehicles_ma_notes_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
"OB_ORDNANCE_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ): "!ob_ordnance_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
"OB_ORDNANCE_MA_NOTES_WIDTH_{}".format( player_no ): "!ob_ordnance_ma_notes_width:<x>@@@</x>#",
} )
return params