Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

62 lines
1.3 KiB

{ "name": "Minomet vz. 36",
"type": "MTR",
"capabilities": [ "NT", "QSU" ],
"note_number": "28",
"notes": [ "A" ],
"_id_": "sl/o:000",
"_gpid_": 3761
{ "name": "Kanon PUV vz. 36(t)",
"type": "AT",
"capabilities": [ "NT", "QSU" ],
"capabilities2": { "A": [ [5,1], [4,2] ] },
"note_number": "29",
"notes": [ "E" ],
"_id_": "sl/o:001",
"_gpid_": 3763
{ "name": "leIG 18(g)",
"type": "INF",
"capabilities": [ "NT", "QSU" ],
"capabilities2": { "H": [ ["7","3+"] ] },
"note_number": "30",
"notes": [ "A", "E" ],
"_id_": "sl/o:002",
"_gpid_": 3764
{ "name": "Skoda M37(K4)",
"type": "ART",
"capabilities": [ "NT" ],
"capabilities2": { "s": 6 },
"note_number": "31",
"_id_": "sl/o:003",
"_gpid_": 3765
{ "name": "Skoda 47L40(t)",
"type": "AA",
"capabilities": [ "T", "QSU" ],
"capabilities_other": [ "AA Fire ROF 2\u2020" ],
"note_number": "32\u2020",
"notes": [ "E" ],
"_id_": "sl/o:004",
"_gpid_": 3766
{ "name": "Skoda PL vz. 37(t)",
"type": "AA",
"capabilities": [ "T" ],
"note_number": "33",
"notes": [ "E" ],
"_id_": "sl/o:005",
"_gpid_": 3767
{ "name": "Kanon PL vz. 22/24",
"type": "AA",
"capabilities_other": [ "ST" ],
"note_number": "34\u2020",
"_id_": "sl/o:006",
"_gpid_": 3768