Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
5.5 KiB

"""Test ROAR integration."""
import re
from import Select
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, select_tab, select_menu_option, click_dialog_button, \
set_stored_msg_marker, get_stored_msg, set_template_params, add_simple_note, \
find_child, find_children, wait_for_elem
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_roar( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test ROAR integration."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# check the ROAR info panel
_check_roar_info( webdriver, None )
# select a ROAR scenario
_select_roar_scenario( "fighting withdrawal" )
_check_roar_info( webdriver, (
( "Fighting Withdrawal", "TEST 1" ),
( "Finnish", 200, "Russian", 300 ),
( 40, 60 )
) )
# select some other ROAR scenarios
# NOTE: The scenario name/ID are already populated, so they don't get updated with the new details.
_select_roar_scenario( "whitewash 1" )
_check_roar_info( webdriver, (
( "Fighting Withdrawal", "TEST 1" ),
( "American", 10, "Japanese", 0 ),
( 100, 0 )
) )
_select_roar_scenario( "whitewash 2" )
_check_roar_info( webdriver, (
( "Fighting Withdrawal", "TEST 1" ),
( "American", 0, "Japanese", 10 ),
( 0, 100 )
) )
# unlink from the ROAR scenario
btn = find_child( "#disconnect-roar" )
_check_roar_info( webdriver, None )
# select another ROAR scenario (that has no playings)
set_template_params( { "SCENARIO_NAME": "", "SCENARIO_ID": "" } )
_select_roar_scenario( "no playings" )
_check_roar_info( webdriver, (
( "No playings", "TEST 4" ),
( "British", 0, "French", 0 ),
) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_setting_players( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test setting players after selecting a ROAR scenario."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# select a ROAR scenario
_select_roar_scenario( "fighting withdrawal" )
_check_players( "finnish", "russian" )
# add something to the Player 1 OB
select_tab( "ob1" )
add_simple_note( find_child("#ob_setups-sortable_1"), "a setup note", None )
# select another ROAR scenario
select_tab( "scenario" )
_select_roar_scenario( "whitewash 1" )
_check_players( "finnish", "japanese" ) # nb: player 1 remains unchanged
# add something to the Player 2 OB
select_tab( "ob2" )
add_simple_note( find_child("#ob_setups-sortable_2"), "another setup note", None )
# select another ROAR scenario
select_tab( "scenario" )
_select_roar_scenario( "no playings" )
_check_players( "finnish", "japanese" ) # nb: both players remain unchanged
# reset the scenario and select a ROAR scenario with an unknown nationality
select_menu_option( "new_scenario" )
click_dialog_button( "OK" ) # nb: dismiss the "discard changes?" prompt
_ = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-warning_" )
_select_roar_scenario( "unknown nationality" )
_check_players( "american", "russian" )
last_warning = get_stored_msg( "_last-warning_" )
assert r"Unrecognized nationality.+\bMartian\b", last_warning )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _select_roar_scenario( scenario_name ):
"""Select a ROAR scenario."""
btn = find_child( "#search-roar" )
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "" )
search_field = find_child( "input", dlg )
search_field.send_keys( scenario_name )
elems = find_children( ".select2-results li", dlg )
assert len(elems) == 1
search_field.send_keys( Keys.RETURN )
def _check_roar_info( webdriver, expected ):
"""Check the state of the ROAR info panel."""
# check if the panel is displayed or hidden
panel = find_child( "#roar-info" )
if not expected:
assert not panel.is_displayed()
assert panel.is_displayed()
# check the displayed information
assert find_child( ".name.player1", panel ).text == expected[1][0]
assert find_child( ".count.player1", panel ).text == "({})".format( expected[1][1] )
assert find_child( ".name.player2", panel ).text == expected[1][2]
assert find_child( ".count.player2", panel ).text == "({})".format( expected[1][3] )
# check the progress bars
progress1 = find_child( ".progressbar.player1", panel )
progress2 = find_child( ".progressbar.player2", panel )
if expected[2]:
label1 = "{}%".format( expected[2][0] )
label2 = "{}%".format( expected[2][1] )
expected1, expected2 = 100-expected[2][0], expected[2][1]
label1 = label2 = ""
expected1, expected2 = 100, 0
assert find_child( ".label", progress1 ).text == label1
assert webdriver.execute_script( "return $(arguments[0]).progressbar('value')", progress1 ) == expected1
assert find_child( ".label", progress2 ).text == label2
assert webdriver.execute_script( "return $(arguments[0]).progressbar('value')", progress2 ) == expected2
def _check_players( expected1, expected2 ):
"""Check the selected players."""
sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='PLAYER_1']" ) )
assert sel.first_selected_option.get_attribute("value") == expected1
sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='PLAYER_2']" ) )
assert sel.first_selected_option.get_attribute("value") == expected2