Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
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""" Test serving counter images. """
import os
import json
import re
import shutil
import urllib.request
import pytest
from vasl_templates.webapp.vassal import SUPPORTED_VASSAL_VERSIONS
from vasl_templates.webapp.vasl_mod import get_vo_gpids, SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS
from vasl_templates.webapp.vo import _kfw_listings #pylint: disable=protected-access
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import compare_version_strings
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, select_tab, find_child, find_children
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario
_EXPECTED_MISSING_GPIDS_EXCEPTIONS = [ "6.5.0", "6.5.1", "6.6.0", "6.6.1" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( pytest.config.option.short_tests, reason="--short-tests specified" ) #pylint: disable=no-member
def test_counter_images( webapp, webdriver ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Test that counter images are served correctly."""
# NOTE: This is ridiculously slow on Windows :-/
def check_images( gpids, check_front, check_back ): #pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Check getting the front and back images for each counter."""
for gpid in gpids:
for side in ("front","back"):
url = webapp.url_for( "get_counter_image", gpid=gpid, side=side )
resp = urllib.request.urlopen( url )
resp_code = resp.code
resp_data =
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
resp_code = ex.code
resp_data = None
assert locals()["check_"+side]( gpid, resp_code, resp_data )
# test counter images when no VASL module has been configured
webapp.control_tests.set_vasl_version( None, None )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# NOTE: It doesn't really matter which set of GPID's we use, since we're expecting
# a missing image for everything anyway. We just use the most recent supported version.
gpids = get_vo_gpids( None )
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "../static/images/missing-image.png" )
missing_image_data = open( fname, "rb" ).read()
check_images( gpids,
check_front = lambda gpid,code,data: code == 200 and data == missing_image_data,
check_back = lambda gpid,code,data: code == 200 and data == missing_image_data
# FUDGE! 6.5.0 introduced a lot of new counters for K:FW. The vehicle/ordnance entries for these
# will always be loaded, but if an older version of VASL has been configured, requests to get images
# for these counters will, of course, fail, since the new counters won't be in the older VASL modules.
# We figure out here what those GPID's are.
# NOTE: All of this is horrendously complicated, and the problem will re-appear if new counters
# are added to the core VASL module in the future. At that point, we should probably drop testing
# against older versions of VASL and just test against the latest version :-/
expected_missing_gpids = set()
for vo_type in ("vehicles","ordnance"):
kfw_listings = _kfw_listings[ vo_type ]
for entries in kfw_listings.values():
for entry in entries:
if isinstance( entry["gpid"], list ):
expected_missing_gpids.update( entry["gpid"] )
expected_missing_gpids.add( entry["gpid"] )
expected_missing_gpids = set( str(e) for e in expected_missing_gpids )
# NOTE: However, some of the GPID's used by the new K:FW counters use old images that are available
# even in older versions of VASL, so we figure out here what those are.
def get_gpids( fname ):
"""Extract the GPID's from the specified file."""
dname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures" )
fname = os.path.join( dname, fname )
gpids = set()
for line_buf in open(fname,"r"):
mo = "^[0-9a-z:]+", line_buf )
if mo:
gpids.add( )
return gpids
legacy_gpids = get_gpids( "vasl-pieces-legacy.txt" )
latest_gpids = get_gpids( "vasl-pieces-6.5.1.txt" )
common_gpids = legacy_gpids.intersection( latest_gpids )
expected_missing_gpids = expected_missing_gpids.difference( common_gpids )
expected_missing_gpids.remove( "1002" ) # FUDGE! this is a remapped GPID (11340)
expected_missing_gpids.remove( "1527" ) # FUDGE! this is a remapped GPID (12730)
vasl_version = None
def _do_check_front( gpid, code, data ):
if vasl_version not in _EXPECTED_MISSING_GPIDS_EXCEPTIONS and gpid in expected_missing_gpids:
return code == 404 and not data
return code == 200 and data
def _do_check_back( gpid, code, data ):
if vasl_version not in _EXPECTED_MISSING_GPIDS_EXCEPTIONS and gpid in expected_missing_gpids:
return code == 404 and not data
return (code == 200 and data) or (code == 404 and not data)
# initialize
check_dir = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures" )
save_dir = os.environ.get( "COUNTERS_SAVEDIR" ) # nb: define this to save the generated reports
if save_dir:
if os.path.isdir( save_dir ):
shutil.rmtree( save_dir )
os.makedirs( save_dir )
# test each VASL version
failed = False
vasl_versions = webapp.control_tests.get_vasl_versions()
for vasl_version in vasl_versions:
# initialize
webapp.control_tests \
.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" ) \
.set_vasl_version( vasl_version, None )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# figure out what we're expecting to see
# NOTE: The results were the same across 6.4.0-6.4.4, but 6.5.0 introduced some changes.
fname = os.path.join( check_dir, "vasl-pieces-{}.txt".format( vasl_version ) )
if not os.path.isfile( fname ):
fname = os.path.join( check_dir, "vasl-pieces-legacy.txt" )
expected_vasl_pieces = open( fname, "r" ).read()
# generate a report for the pieces loaded
report, gpids = webapp.control_tests.get_vasl_pieces( vasl_version )
if save_dir:
fname2 = os.path.join( save_dir, vasl_version+".txt" )
with open( fname2, "w" ) as fp:
fp.write( report )
# check the report
if report != expected_vasl_pieces:
if save_dir:
print( "FAILED:", vasl_version )
failed = True
assert False, "Report mismatch: {}".format( vasl_version )
# check each counter
check_images( gpids, check_front=_do_check_front, check_back=_do_check_back )
assert not failed
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_gpid_remapping( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test GPID remapping."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def check_gpid_image( gpid ):
"""Check if we can get the image for the specified GPID."""
url = webapp.url_for( "get_counter_image", gpid=gpid, side="front" )
resp = urllib.request.urlopen( url )
return resp.code
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
assert ex.code != 200
return ex.code
def check_entry( entry, url_stem, valid_image ):
"""Check a vehicle entry in the UI."""
img = find_child( "img.vasl-image", entry )
assert img.get_attribute( "src" ).endswith( url_stem )
mo = r"^/counter/(\d+)/", url_stem )
gpid =
if valid_image:
assert check_gpid_image( gpid ) == 200
assert img.get_attribute( "width" ) == "47" # nb: this value depends on the CSS settings!
assert check_gpid_image( gpid ) == 404
def do_test( vasl_version, valid_images ):
"""Do the test."""
# initialize (using the specified version of VASL)
webapp.control_tests \
.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" ) \
.set_vasl_version( vasl_version, None )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
load_scenario( scenario_data )
# check that the German vehicles loaded correctly
select_tab( "ob1" )
vehicles_sortable = find_child( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_1" )
entries = find_children( "li", vehicles_sortable )
assert len(entries) == 2
check_entry( entries[0], "/counter/2542/front", True )
check_entry( entries[1], "/counter/7124/front/0", valid_images )
# check that the American ordnance loaded correctly
select_tab( "ob2" )
vehicles_sortable = find_child( "#ob_ordnance-sortable_2" )
entries = find_children( "li", vehicles_sortable )
assert len(entries) == 1
check_entry( entries[0], "/counter/879/front", valid_images )
# load the test scenario
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/gpid-remapping.json" )
scenario_data = json.load( open( fname, "r" ) )
# run the tests using VASL 6.4.4 and 6.5.0
# NOTE: Versions of VASL prior to 6.6.0 are no longer officially supported (since they use Java 8),
# but we would still like to run these tests. See VassalShim._run_vassal_shim(), where we figure out
# which version of Java to use, and run_vassal_tests() in, where we check for invalid
# combinations of VASSAL and VASL. Sigh...
do_test( "6.4.4", True )
do_test( "6.5.0", True )
do_test( "6.5.1", True )
# disable GPID remapping and try again
webapp.control_tests.set_gpid_remappings( {} )
do_test( "6.4.4", True )
do_test( "6.5.0", False )
do_test( "6.5.1", False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_compare_version_strings():
"""Test comparing version strings."""
# test comparing VASSAL version strings
for i,vassal_version in enumerate( SUPPORTED_VASSAL_VERSIONS):
if i > 0:
assert compare_version_strings( SUPPORTED_VASSAL_VERSIONS[i-1], vassal_version ) < 0
assert compare_version_strings( SUPPORTED_VASSAL_VERSIONS[i], vassal_version ) == 0
assert compare_version_strings( vassal_version, SUPPORTED_VASSAL_VERSIONS[i+1] ) < 0
# test comparing VASL version strings
for i,vasl_version in enumerate(SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS):
if i > 0:
assert compare_version_strings( SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS[i-1], vasl_version ) < 0
assert compare_version_strings( vasl_version, vasl_version ) == 0
assert compare_version_strings( vasl_version, SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS[i+1] ) < 0