# To build the image: # docker build --tag vasl-templates . # Add "--build-arg ENABLE_TESTS=1" to allow the test suite to be run against a container. # # To run a container: # docker run --rm -it --name vasl-templates \ # -p 5010:5010 \ # -v .../vasl-6.4.3.vmod:/data/vasl.vmod \ # -v .../vasl-extensions:/data/vasl-extensions \ # vasl-templates # If you have Chapter H data, add the following: # -v .../chapter-h-notes:/data/chapter-h-notes FROM python:alpine3.6 # NOTE: pillow needs zlib and jpeg, lxml needs libxslt, we need build-base for gcc, etc. RUN apk add --no-cache build-base zlib-dev jpeg-dev libxslt-dev ENV LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib WORKDIR /app ARG ENABLE_TESTS # install the Python requirements COPY requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt ./ RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ; \ if [ "$ENABLE_TESTS" ]; then pip install -r requirements-dev.txt ; fi # install the application ADD vasl_templates vasl_templates COPY setup.py LICENSE.txt ./ RUN pip install -e . # copy the config files COPY docker/config/* vasl_templates/webapp/config/ RUN if [ "$ENABLE_TESTS" ]; then echo "ENABLE_REMOTE_TEST_CONTROL = 1" >>vasl_templates/webapp/config/debug.cfg ; fi EXPOSE 5010 COPY docker/run.sh . CMD ./run.sh