""" Setup the package. Install this module in development mode to get the tests to work: pip install --editable .[dev] """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name = "vasl_templates", version = "0.2", # nb: also update constants.py description = "Create HTML snippets for use in VASL.", license = "AGPLv3", url = "https://github.com/pacman-ghost/vasl-templates", packages = find_packages(), install_requires = [ # Python 3.6.5 "flask==1.0.2", # NOTE: PyQt5 requirements: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linux.html # Linux: mesa-libGL-devel ; @"C Development Tools and Libraries" # nb: WebEngine seems to be broken in 5.10.1 :-/ "PyQT5==5.10.0", "pyyaml==3.13", "click==6.7", ], extras_require = { "dev": [ "pytest==3.6.0", "tabulate==0.8.2", "selenium==3.12.0", "lxml==4.2.4", "pylint==1.9.2", "pytest-pylint==0.9.0", "cx-Freeze==5.1.1", ], }, include_package_data = True, data_files = [ ( "vasl-templates", ["LICENSE.txt"] ), ], entry_points = { "console_scripts": "vasl-templates = vasl_templates.main:main", } )