// NOTE: This module manage simple notes (some text and an optional width), // which is used by OB setups and OB notes (which differ only in their templates, // the code to manage them is almost identical). // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_scenario_note() { _do_edit_simple_note( $("#scenario_notes-sortable"), null, gDefaultScenario._SCENARIO_NOTE_WIDTH ) ; } function do_add_scenario_note( $sortable2, data ) { _do_add_simple_note($sortable2,data) ; } function edit_scenario_note( $sortable2, $entry ) { _do_edit_simple_note( $sortable2, $entry, null ) ; } function add_ssr() { _do_edit_simple_note( $("#ssr-sortable"), null, null ) ; } function do_add_ssr( $sortable2, data ) { _do_add_simple_note($sortable2,data) ; } function edit_ssr( $sortable2, $entry ) { _do_edit_simple_note( $sortable2, $entry, null ) ; } function add_ob_setup( player_no ) { _do_edit_simple_note( $("#ob_setups-sortable_"+player_no), null, gDefaultScenario._OB_SETUP_WIDTH ) ; } function do_add_ob_setup( $sortable2, data ) { _do_add_simple_note($sortable2,data) ; } function edit_ob_setup( $sortable2, $entry ) { _do_edit_simple_note( $sortable2, $entry, null ) ; } function add_ob_note( player_no ) { _do_edit_simple_note( $("#ob_notes-sortable_"+player_no), null, gDefaultScenario._OB_NOTE_WIDTH ) ; } function do_add_ob_note( $sortable2, data ) { _do_add_simple_note($sortable2,data) ; } function edit_ob_note( $sortable2, $entry ) { _do_edit_simple_note( $sortable2, $entry, null ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function _do_edit_simple_note( $sortable2, $entry, default_width ) { // figure out what we're editing var note_type = _get_note_type_for_sortable( $sortable2 ) ; var note_type0 = note_type.substring( 0, note_type.length-1 ) ; // plural -> singular :-/ // let the user edit the note var $caption, $width ; $("#edit-simple_note").dialog( { dialogClass: "edit-simple_note", title: ($entry ? "Edit " : "Add ") + SORTABLE_DISPLAY_NAMES[note_type][0], modal: true, minWidth: 600, minHeight: 250, create: function() { init_dialog( $(this), "OK", true ) ; }, open: function() { // initialize on_dialog_open( $(this) ) ; add_flag_to_dialog_titlebar( $(this), get_player_no_for_element($sortable2) ) ; $caption = $(this).children( "textarea" ) ; var $btn_pane = $(".ui-dialog.edit-simple_note .ui-dialog-buttonpane") ; $width = $btn_pane.children( "input[name='width']" ) ; if ( $width.length === 0 ) { // create the width controls $btn_pane.prepend( $(" ") ) ; $width = $btn_pane.children( "input[name='width']" ) ; } // show/hide the width controls (nb: SSR's have a separate width setting that affects all of them) var show = (note_type !== "ssr") ; $btn_pane.children( "label[for='width']" ).css( "display", show?"inline":"none" ) ; $width.css( "display", show?"inline":"none" ) ; // enable auto-dismiss for the dialog var $dlg = $(this) ; $width.keydown( function(evt) { auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, "OK" ) ; } ) ; // set the titlebar color var colors = get_player_colors_for_element($sortable2) || ["#d0d0d0","#c0c0c0","#a0a0a0"] ; $(".ui-dialog.edit-simple_note .ui-dialog-titlebar").css( { background: colors[0], border: "1px solid "+colors[2] } ) ; // load the dialog var data = $entry ? $entry.data("sortable2-data") : null ; $caption.val( data ? data.caption : "" ).focus() ; $width.val( data ? data.width : default_width ) ; $(this).height( $(this).height() ) ; // fudge: force the textarea to resize }, buttons: { OK: function() { var caption = $caption.val().trim() ; var width = $width.val().trim() ; if ( $entry ) { // update the existing note if ( caption === "" ) $sortable2.sortable2( "delete", { entry: $entry } ) ; else { $entry.data("sortable2-data").caption = caption ; $entry.data("sortable2-data").width = width ; $entry.empty().append( _make_simple_note( note_type, caption ) ) ; } } else { // create a new note if ( caption !== "" ) { data = { caption: caption, width: width } ; if ( note_type === "scenario_notes" || note_type === "ob_setups" || note_type === "ob_notes" ) { var usedIds = {} ; $sortable2.find( "li" ).each( function() { usedIds[ $(this).data("sortable2-data").id ] = true ; } ) ; data.id = auto_assign_id( usedIds, "id" ) ; } _do_add_simple_note( $sortable2, data ) ; } } $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; }, Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; }, }, } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function _do_add_simple_note( $sortable2, data ) { // add a new sortable2 entry var note_type = _get_note_type_for_sortable( $sortable2 ) ; $sortable2.sortable2( "add", { content: _make_simple_note( note_type, data.caption ), data: data, } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function _make_simple_note( note_type, caption ) { // generate the sortable entry var buf = [ "
" ] ; if ( ["scenario_notes","ob_setups","ob_notes"].indexOf( note_type ) !== -1 ) { var note_type0 = note_type.substring( 0, note_type.length-1 ) ; if ( is_template_available( note_type0 ) ) { buf.push( "" ) ; } } buf.push( caption, "
" ) ; var $content = $( buf.join("") ) ; fixup_external_links( $content ) ; $content.children( "img" ).hover( function() { $(this).attr( "src", gImagesBaseUrl + "/snippet-hot.png" ) ; }, function() { $(this).attr( "src", gImagesBaseUrl + "/snippet.png" ) ; } ) ; // add a handler for the snippet button $content.children("img.snippet").click( function( evt ) { var extra_params = get_simple_note_snippet_extra_params( $(this) ) ; generate_snippet( $(this), evt, extra_params ) ; return false ; } ) ; return $content ; } function get_simple_note_snippet_extra_params( $img ) { // get the extra parameters needed to generate the simple note's snippet var extra_params = {} ; var $sortable2 = $img.closest( ".sortable" ) ; var note_type = _get_note_type_for_sortable( $sortable2 ) ; var key ; if ( note_type === "scenario_notes" ) key = "SCENARIO_NOTE" ; else if ( note_type === "ob_setups" ) key = "OB_SETUP" ; else if ( note_type == "ob_notes" ) key = "OB_NOTE" ; var data = $img.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ; extra_params[key] = data.caption ; extra_params[key+"_WIDTH"] = data.width ; return extra_params ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function _get_note_type_for_sortable( $sortable2 ) { // figure out what type of note the sortable has var id = $sortable2.prop( "id" ) ; var match = /^((scenario_notes|ssr|ob_vehicles|ob_ordnance|ob_setups|ob_notes))-sortable(_\d)?$/.exec( id ) ; return match[1] ; }