// -------------------------------------------------------------------- function set_nat_caps_params( player_nat, params ) { // get the national capabilities var is_kfw = params.SCENARIO_THEATER == "Korea" ; var nat_caps = get_national_capabilities( player_nat, is_kfw ) ; if ( ! nat_caps ) return ; // initialize params.NAT_CAPS = {} ; var val ; function add_nat_cap( key, val ) { if ( val !== undefined ) params.NAT_CAPS[ key ] = val ; } function fixup_content( val ) { val = strReplaceAll( val, "1st", "1st" ) ; val = strReplaceAll( val, "2nd", "2nd" ) ; return wrapExcWithSpan( val ) ; } // set the TH# color if ( nat_caps.th_color ) { if ( $.isArray( nat_caps.th_color ) ) { var buf = [ make_time_based_comment( nat_caps.th_color[0], params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) + " TH#", " " ] ; var comment = nat_caps.th_color[ 1 ] ; if ( comment.substring( 0, 5 ) === "[EXC:" && comment[comment.length-1] === "]" ) buf.push( comment ) ; else buf.push( "(" + comment + ")" ) ; buf.push( "" ) ; add_nat_cap( "TH_COLOR", buf.join("") ) ; } else { var th_color = make_time_based_comment( nat_caps.th_color, params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ; var match = th_color.match( /\(.+\)$/ ) ; if ( match ) th_color = th_color.substring(0,match.index) + "TH# " + match[0] ; else th_color += " TH#" ; add_nat_cap( "TH_COLOR", th_color ) ; } } // set the HoB DRM if ( nat_caps.hob_drm ) { if ( $.isArray( nat_caps.hob_drm ) ) { add_nat_cap( "HOB_DRM", nat_caps.hob_drm[0] + " (" + nat_caps.hob_drm[1] + ")" ) ; } else { add_nat_cap( "HOB_DRM", nat_caps.hob_drm ) ; } } // set the type of grenades available if ( nat_caps.grenades !== undefined ) { val = (nat_caps.grenades === null) ? "No" : make_time_based_comment( nat_caps.grenades, params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ; add_nat_cap( "GRENADES", val+" grenades" ) ; } // set the OBA red/black numbers if ( nat_caps.oba ) { params.NAT_CAPS.OBA_BLACK = make_time_based_comment( nat_caps.oba[0], params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ; params.NAT_CAPS.OBA_RED = make_time_based_comment( nat_caps.oba[1], params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ; if ( nat_caps.oba.length > 2 ) { var oba_comments = [] ; for ( i=2 ; i < nat_caps.oba.length ; ++i ) { val = make_time_based_comment( nat_caps.oba[i], params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ; if ( val ) oba_comments.push( val ) ; } if ( oba_comments.length > 0 ) params.NAT_CAPS.OBA_COMMENTS = oba_comments ; } } // set the OBA access number add_nat_cap( "OBA_ACCESS", nat_caps.oba_access ) ; // add any notes function load_notes( data ) { // create a new note group var group = {} ; var groupIndex = params.NAT_CAPS.NOTE_GROUPS.length ; params.NAT_CAPS.NOTE_GROUPS.push( group ) ; // locate the notes var notes ; if ( $.isArray( data ) ) notes = data ; // nb: this is the root group (which has no caption) else { if ( data.caption ) group.CAPTION = fixup_content( data.caption ) ; notes = data.notes || [] ; } // add the notes to the new note group var notes2 = [] ; notes.forEach( function( note ) { if ( typeof note === "string" ) { // add the next note to the note group val = make_time_based_comment( note, params.SCENARIO_MONTH, params.SCENARIO_YEAR ) ; if ( val ) notes2.push( fixup_content( val ) ) ; } else { // recurse down and add the child note group load_notes( note ) ; } } ) ; if ( notes2.length > 0 ) { group.NOTES = notes2 ; if ( group.CAPTION ) group.CAPTION += ":" ; } // remove the note group if it's empty if ( ! group.NOTES && ! data.allow_empty ) params.NAT_CAPS.NOTE_GROUPS.splice( groupIndex, 1 ) ; } if ( nat_caps.notes ) { params.NAT_CAPS.NOTE_GROUPS = [] ; load_notes( nat_caps.notes ) ; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_national_capabilities( nat, is_kfw ) { // get the capabilities for the specified nationality if ( ! nat ) return null ; if ( is_kfw ) { if ( nat === "american" ) nat = "kfw-american" ; else if ( ["british","british~canadian","british~newzealand"].indexOf( nat ) !== -1 ) nat = "kfw-bcfk" ; } else if ( nat.substring(0,8) === "british~" ) nat = "british" ; var nat_caps = gTemplatePack["national-capabilities"][ nat ] ; if ( nat_caps ) return nat_caps ; if ( gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ] ) { var nat_type = gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ].type ; if ( nat_type ) return gTemplatePack["national-capabilities"][ nat_type ] ; } return null ; }